Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:26 pm

Nilyne's Scent Tracking Roll: (Int, Average) 17

Nilyne & Sharya
By sniffing the air, you are able to track Esmeralda's scent down the northeast path. But you also notice something peculiar. You sense a smell similar to the one in this field. So if you follow that path you'll run into more of these red flowers. Sure enough once you've moved through the bush you reach a small field of more red flowers. However the air is clear of pollen so it doesn't affect you, though you don't know what will happen if you disturb a single one. On the other side of the field you see a small group of three wolves. They seemed larger then normal ones and were panting heavily. Looking down you could see their erect canine penises. Nilyne then catches Esmeralda's scent down a path just north of you. Sneak or fight, the decision is yours. (Wolves are at Long Ranges distance to the Right Sides of the players)

Silph, Priea, Kassandra
The three of you go in the opposite direction northwest. As you move you find light footprints and broken branches along the way, you soon reach a small field containing blue flowers. While their bulbs are closed you all notices a set of trampled flowers leading north. Small bits of fur also line the path. Just as you see all this, you see the trampled and disturbed flowers are releasing some kind of blue powder:

Sleeping Powder Resist Roll: (Con, Average)
Kassandra: 11 + 4 = 15
Priea: 5 + 1 = 6
Slugcat: 11 - 1 = 10

While you feel drowsy, Kassandra manages to stand her ground and resist the effects of the mysterious powder. However she hears two thuds right behind her as she see's both Priea and Slugcat on the ground sleeping (Sleep: Evasion to 0, can't resist enemies, can be awakened with a slap or by damage, takes a full turn to awaken another character). As the two of them fall, you see what can only be described as creeping vines coming out of the treeline towards all three of you. (Creeping vines at Long Ranges at the Back of the players)

While all this is happening, Zalira finally reaches the forest. Following Stefan's instructions, she follows their tracks to the area with the fairies and red flowers

Arousing Pollen Resist Roll (Wis, Average)
Zalira: 8 + 3 = 11

While aroused, you keep your wits about you. You see footsteps going in either direction along with fairies carrying the red flowers every which way. They seemed to be ignoring her for the most part, content to just play with each other.
Last edited by Mark3000 on Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:13 pm

Zalira reached the clearing after everyone else was already gone. She eyed the fairies curiously and took in the mesmerising scent, though the willpower she cultivated as a sorceress (and the fact that she just came all over another girl) prevent her from becoming too aroused so as not to notice the footprints and the path which cut off in different directions. She recognized Kassy's and Nilyne's well enough, though there was another pair which was not known to her.. but it did not matter. After all, Nilyne is who she was looking for, so it was that trail worth following. A short while into the road, she began to sense her familiar's presence.


Ey'ala looks as if she was about to say something to Sharya, but then she stops. After a few moments, she whispers. ".. Zalira is here, she is coming towards us," she informs her companion, looking in the direction of the.. erect, canines. "If you plan to fight them, then I would suggest we wait for her. My mistress does possess superior combat abilities.. but if you plan to sneak around, then I am afraid I am going to have to remain behind and wait for her," she explained with hesitation and a sigh. Zalira wasn't the best sneak, and as much as she came to treasure Sharya's companionship, Ey'ala was still not going to leave her mistress outnumbered. If it came to a fight, she was going to be there for her.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:47 pm

Nylyne catches the scent and prowls off, looking for her target as her fellow elf and the other elven woman's bird follows along behind her. Spotting the wolves she crouches low, her teeth baring as she sees their cocks before she stops, moving forward she notices more red flowers like the fairies were holding. "Hold... that could be dangerous for us." She states before her ears perk and the sound of the bird speaking. "Oh? we'll wait for her to catch up then fight then, i'll let not a fellow elf fight alone either." She states before looking over herself. "Best I'm not a wolf while I fight." Shaking her head she moves away, stepping out of sight of the wolves as she rolls on the floor, growling quietly to herself as the forms of Nighteyes and Kailyne split dividing back up between their respective halves.

The elf sits up with a gasp her eyes wide as she looks over the wolf smiling at her and hugs her affectionately. "You little bitch..." She grins at her companion before she draws her bow and notches an arrow. "Okay just let me know when your mistress is here so we can fight. Don't enter the glade... I have an idea those flowers will burst pollen in the air as soon as they are touched." Nighteyes crouches low ready to answer any charge with her own from the wolves, the familar smell of horny wolf making her open her jaws and pant quietly. "No... don't even think about it." Kailyne states before giving Sharya a nod. "Wait on her? We could sneak once she's here and fight if we fail but might as well let her catch up."
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:20 pm

Sharya sighs in relief as they leave the field of flowers behind, though this is short lived as they happen upon another patch of flowers shortly afterwards. To make matters worse, there are three large wolves on the other side and Sharya can't help but notice how thick and erect they are. She had never even considered having sex with an animal before but now her head is filled with visions of herself on all fours, moaning in ecstasy as she's relentlessly drilled by a hard wolf cock. Can she really fight like this? Sneaking by would be better in her current condition, but that would leave Zalira and Ey'ala to fight the wolves by themselves.

With Nilyne splitting back into Kailyne and Nighteyes, if they wait for Zalira that would make it 5 versus 3. Sharya and Zalira's magic along with Kailyne's bow could help them take the wolves down before they even get close. "Um... Yeah, I think we can wait for Zalira and have a good chance of taking them down." She replied, nodding in agreement with Kailyne. Now she just needs to focus enough to conjure a flame spear and she'll be good to go.... Hopefully.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:29 pm

It doesn't take long for Zalira to catch up with Sharya, Ey'ala, Kailyne and Nighteyes. And it's not a moment to soon, the wolves begin to sniff the air. Not only are they trying to pick up the scent of new prey. But they pollen they've kicked up only seems to heighten their arousal. If you were to make a choose, now would be the time.


Players ________(Arousing Red Flowers)________Wolf Pack (Long distance)
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:54 pm

Before Kassy and her group took off on their little adventure to go find Esmeralda, there seems to be a bit of an issue with Slugcat and the holstaur goes over to chat with her about some matters. They spent the time discussing matters about hunting both her and this Ursula the ferret is looking after for, trying to come up with a good solution to the plan that brought them out here to begin with... besides gathering up food for the encampment. They spend a good couple of minutes discussing the matter, eventually settling on a deal that the both of them can work with. At least that is what Kassy hopes so. While there is the new issue of finding Esmeralda, there is also finding the bear Slugcat is looking for, which just adds on more the pile Kassy has to deal with and she really needs to find a break from all of this and head to that river to relax.

Dialogue from chat:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kassy: Fresh milk? Just give me some bottles and I'll get you set up in no time.

Slugcat: looks from you to th' Whitecloth nervously ... I cannae accept somethin' like that as payment fer my service, since I... well, I wouldnae drink it! Likely jus' keep it in th' bottles until I find a way ta use it for traps, I suppose...

Kassy: Well I could potentially offer my services as a bodyguard. looks at herself I can take a hit... just not bullets...

Slugcat: An' I could offer my services as a birthday jester, but it looks as though we both be needin' neither! I work alone, big lass, an' normally up in th' branches above us. Wouldnae ev'n be down here if I didn't have'ta talk to you an' yer kin fer information...

Kassy: Other than helping you find your bear friend and maybe offering you something to drink and a free meal... Maybe hide some bodies?

Slugcat: ...Aye? What was that, now?

Kassy: Well I got my shovel and I am pretty handy with it, so if you need to dispose of something dead, I can do that...

Slugcat: ...What 'xactly do you take me for, big lass? Nothin' I kill is worth buryin', 'specially after I'm done with it. I never murder a fuzzyfolk unless it's dire, an' if it comes to that... well, I never leave a body. muttering to herself ...what a strange offer...

Kassy: It's not like I haven't handle dead bodies before and had to bury them. I even handled some goblins that came into town and had to bury them.

Slugcat: Well, I handle the dead slightly diff'rently, it seems. Sigh If yer not goin'ta be any help towards my own search, I should leave you to yours. I'll probably jus' find another lead in camp...

Kassy: I'm still willing to help you! I can help you on the ground while you get the above in the trees! >.< I just don't know what other services I can do that might be helpful to you...

Slugcat: ...I have an idea. Th' fairest trade we could hope for, under th' circumstances. If I help you track this 'Esmerelda' girl yer all so worried about, on th' way you can tell me all you know about Ursula. Also... well... She takes an empty bottle and a waterproof leaf out of her pack. She moves so that you are between her and Preia, and speaks at a volume that she hopes is too low for the other to hear. Take this, aye? She looks you in the eye meaningfully, handing you the bottle and the leaf and backing away. If that bottle happens ta be filled, stuff th' leaf inta th' neck an' keep it safe until it's a good time to give it back, aye?

Kassy: takes bottle and leaf, nods in response Sounds fair!

Slugcat: Shh!

Kassy: (whispers) Ooops, sorry...

Slugcat: Alright, I'll help you with yer search... What would they look like, generally? Th' tracks, I mean?

Kassy: ... I guess like the man who came in, the fox boy?

Slugcat: Anoth'r fox? Got it, tha' should be easy.

With that sorted out, Kassy and her compatriots got on moving through the forest, doing their best to look out for any signs of the two beastfolk. Kassy looks towards the ground to see if there are any tracks made by the two, picking up on some fox prints leading off in the direction. This has her smiling at the prospect of getting to meet this Esmeralda, but she isn't sure about what's to come from what she knows of her so far. Still, she is excited for a chance, plus meeting up with someone that Slugcat knows is also a good treat, too. There is so much searching going on in these woods, it's almost making her forget, again, about what is being done to her body and the liquids that are staining her clothes. Focusing hard on the path ahead, following where the paw prints lead off to and a sense of adventure has Kassy feeling younger and finally having a chance to do what the church wants her to do so long ago. It's a shame that it's more for finding this evil man that cursed her, but it is helping nonetheless!

After a while, the holstaur comes to a complete stop upon hearing two thuds. One of them was a bit softer, and Kassy looks behind to find Priea sleeping on the ground. The other one was a more harder thud, as Slugcat was up in the trees, taking advantage of her height and also got a little more ahead just to make sure she can spot her white bear. Somehow Kassy seems to be unaffected by this, surprised that Slugcat got a whiff of whatever caused this until the holstaur notices the flowers in the area and soon the vines that are creeping her way. Feeling nervous and scared by the approaching fauna, Kassy looks down at Priea and over at Slugcat, trying to figure out who she needs up at this very moment, just as the vines are slowly creeping up. Using what rational thought she has left, Kassy reaches down and gives Priea a good wake-up slap, smacking her cheeks to make sure she feels that and get back up. She also wants to do something about the vines, preferably getting her shovel and start chopping them up, but Priea seems to be more of a primary component needed in this. She may have some kind of magic spell that can scare off these vines. There is also Slugcat that Kassy can leap on over, but guessing from how far she fell, that should wake her up... but that's just being hopeful.

For know, Kassy slaps Priea awake, hopefully to get her to join her side and fend off these creeping vines.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:08 pm

Well, tha' coulda gone bet'r... Aside from th' more secretive service I requested, I basic'ly jus' traded my work fer somethin' that should belong to me anyway. Blasted cow-beast... she's a kind heart fer true, but by crispwhisker's phoenix eggnog is she lackin' in use. At least this means I don't hafta leave an' find myself a new lead, since I ain't sure if one'a those exists anymore. I've been searchin' fer months, an' this cow is th' end o'th' line, right now. It's a right bountiful an' beautiful dead end, though, aye...

Still, 'specially now tha' my business with 'er has turned... white, I very much feel like takin' my leave, doin' my job, an' earning th'... th-the, um, thing that I requested from her... I take a deep breath ta clear my head an' pull my pick from my sack, dashin' over to th' tree an' slamming it inta th' bark. It digs in, chippin' away the side of th' tree in splinters an' sinking inta th' softer stuff within'. I use it as th' perfect handhold, pulling with all my strength an' launchin' myself up to th' lowest branch. I reach down an' pull th' pick from the wood, feelin' it slip slimy-like from th' sap-leakin' wound the tree now bears, th' only trace I ever leave of my existence 'ere. I taste th' sap lightly with my tongue 'fore cleanin' th' pick off with a leaf an' placin' both carefully back in my sack. From there, I scan th' leaves above me, lookin' for handholds an' pawrests an' weakness in th' boughs, so as not to end up right back where I started. I get movin' even 'fore I've truly found my mark, pullin' myself up near th' trunk an' usin' th' thickest parts of ev'n the weakest branches to steady myself as I ascend. Branch after bough after burly wood I leave behind, until I find meself in th' treetops among nests an' leaves an' sunlight an' fresh air. Th' only glimpse I ever get of th' world beyond this little wood.

I fill my lungs. Climbin' was a nice diversion from the conflict o' these new companions, especially th' one I turned my back on to get up 'ere.

...so maybe thinkin' about 'er jus' now wasn't such a good idea...

Maybe I was too harsh on 'er in my thinkin' before. Tis not tha' she's useless, jus' that she's got a very particular set o' skills, which happen to be quite unlike anythin' I might be needin' from her, for now, at least. An'... well, she did off'r me somethin' very intimate at first, somethin' that's not usually a common share, ev'n fer beastmen. She took to my plot like a wolf takes to th' scent of heat, an' ev'n if it's helpin' 'er in th' process... it's a very kind thing to do to offer yer produce to a stranger, ev'n fer a job. Maybe... it wouldn't be so bad to continue workin' fer this sort of pay?

Maybe you should earn yer first paybottle first, leadhead!

I curse myself internally, workin' my scope off of my rifle an' lookin' down at th' forest floor for tracks an' bushwhacking. I don't see much of th' latter, an' thus I c'n only think tha' this Esmer lass is nearly as careful toward th' grasses as I be, but th' soft peat an' soil betrays plenty of th' former headin' off inta th' brush. Fortune found, I wave down at th' big lass an' motion th' way the tracks are movin' 'fore I begin tha' way myself, workin' quickly from branch ta branch, tree to tree, an'... 'old on, what's that smell? It's sort of sweet, an rather... lovely... sort of makes me feel like havin' a lie down, aye...

Next thing I'm aware of, I'm on th' grass with a splittin' ache in th' back o' my 'ead an' surrounded by blue sleepin' flowers. I'm quick ta my feet, growl-cursin' both the weald an' myself fer gettin' me inta these situations as I hear a rather jarring SMACK from behind me. Hastily, I turn about an' see a slowly 'wakenin' whitecloth an' the big lass who roused 'er, preparin' ta fight 'xactly what I expected they would be. Bloody rape-vines... we don't have time for this, nor do I partic'lerly 'ave th' urge ta be filled at th' moment! Last time I encountered these dicks, I barely 'scaped with my entrances intact an' lost one o' my bottles. Though, after what they did to it, I'm not so sure I want it back anyhow...

"Ugh..." I groan, rubbing the back of my head as I focus on th' vines. They're still rather far away fer now, since th' host plant is likely somewhere safe underground somethin' approaching a thousand meters away... Kill th' vines an' th' plant should leave us alone. I take my rifle off o' my back, clickin' the scope back in an' takin' aim at th' vines. I grit my teeth as I aim ov'r th' big lass an' 'er girl, wishin' they were out of th' way fer this shot... but there's nothin' ta be done about it now, so I focus, clear my mind, an' take aim...


*Shot using 10 AP with Perch[hidden?] and Gun Proficiency = +[3 or ]4 To-Hit.
*Pardon, by the way... indents are not working at the moment...
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:12 pm

Kailyne nods one Zalira catches up to them. Giving her a smile. "Nice of you to join us. hope you're ready for a fight." She comments ad notches an arrow upon her bow. Standing she draws it back taking a deep breath as she does, her body tightening to draw the string back before letting the arrow loose. sending it flying towards the closest wolf, a hand quickly snapping to NIghteyes to stop her from charging the wolves, for whatever end she'd rush them anyway.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:47 pm

Zalira steps into the clearing swiftly, panting lightly as she was not used to running for so long. She locks gazes with Kailyne, and returns her smile. "No longer Nilyne?" she asks teasingly, and holds an arm forward so Ey'ala lets go of Sharya's shoulder and sits herself on it. "What did you find?" she asks. "I will tell you later, there isn't time. Can you sneak past those wolves?" the raven inquires, causing a look of confusion on Zalira's face before she finally notices them. "Wolves? Wh- ah!" she yells, cocking back her arm so she can sent a felbolt flying towards the nearest wolf, just at the same time Kailyne did.

Ey'ala sighs, a fight being inevitable now. Considering the flowers had no effect on her, she decided to soar ahead and try to claw the eyes of one of the wolves, one that had not yet been attacked by either elf, her hope being that it would cause momentary blindness, delaying him so the other two can be taken down easier by her companions.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:37 am

Sharya smiles and sighs in relief as Zalira enters the clearing. Though she was going to miss Ey'ala riding on her shoulder, at least now they could deal with the tantalizing horny wolves and get away from these flowers. Zalira and Kailyne waste no time in launching their attack and Sharya isn't far behind them. With a deep breath and a grunt of exertion, she conjures a flame spear and hurls it at the same wolf her fellow elves were attacking. Surely between the three of them they would make short work of the wolf.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:38 am

Silph, Priea, Kassandra

With a quick smack, Kassandra is able to shake Priea awake. As more vines crawl out of the tree line, you begin to get a good at it's main body. It looks to be a large tree trunk with legs. It's vine's wiggle as it moves closer to your party (10 AP used to move to Striking distance)

Meanwhile Slugcat takes aim at the shambling creature.

Slugcat Normal Attack:
Hit Roll: 8 + 4 (+2 AP, +1 Perch, +1 Proficiency)= 12, Hit!
Damage:6 + 4 (Dex Bonus) - 4 (Enemy Defense) = 6

As the bullet whizzes past Kassandra it hits the creature causing many of it's tendrils to explode as the remaining stumps leak a green ooze. Though it remains standing.

Sharya, Zalira, Kailyne

Player Combat Rolls
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kailyne Attacks Wolf A: (8 AP)
Hit Roll: 3 + 4 + 1(Racial Bonus) + 2 (Skills) = 10, Miss!

Nighteyes reached Striking Distance from the wolves (10 AP)

Zalira Uses Felbolt Vs Wolf A (4 AP due to Fast Casting)
Spellcasting (Hit) Roll: 13 + 4 + 1(Racial Bonus) = 18, Hit
Damage: 5 - 1 (Enemy Wisdom) = 4

Ey'ala closes distance on Wolf B (10 AP)
Ey'ala Uses Pluck against Wolf B: (9 AP)
Hit Roll: Natural 1
Wolf B Counter Attack Roll: 10 + 2 = 12, Hit!
Damage: 6 + 2 = 8 Ey'ala Defeated!

Sharya uses Flame Spear vs Wolf A
Spellcasting (Hit) Roll: 10 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 16
Sharya Misfortune Roll (d20, need>4):5
Damage: 5 - 1(Enemy Wisdom) = 4

The three elves launch a simultaneous attack. While Kailyne misses, Sharya's &
Zalira set the closest wolf ablaze in red and green flame. It yelps in pain as Ey'ala charge in. Ey'ala goes the extra distance and tries to attack one of the other wolves. As she tries to pluck at their eyes, she misses completely. Still flying low, the wolf pouches onto Ey'ala tearing into her wings. The familiar falls to the ground motionless.

Enemy Combat Roll:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Wolf A, Wolf B and Wolf C Move forward (10 AP)

All three wolves charge towards the group, spreading the arousing spores. They stop right in front of you, their coats covered in these dangerous spores. The cloud rushes over you:

Arousing Pollen Resist Roll (Wis, Average)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sharya: 10 + 2 = 12
Kailyne: 12 + 1 = 13
Zalira: 13 + 3 = 16

Sharya Misfortune Roll (d20, need>4): 14

Luckily you keep you wits about you and are ready to make your move.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:38 am

There is a sigh of relief escaping her lips upon getting Priea back up and awake for the fight that is ensuing. Kassy really doesn't want to fight this all by herself, especially with trying to protect two fallen allies from a series of perverted plant tentacles slivering their way up and coping a feel on both of their sleeping bodies. Not that Kassy doesn't mind dealing with a being of... whatever this thing is, a spriggan or a dryad perhaps, but just by herself is not going to be a fair fight... or at least fair to her in this case. Plus in her current state, falling prey to this monster is going to eat away at the time and leave her just as helpless as her compatriots when they were sleeping on the ground. No, Kassy is going to make sure that her friends are going to be protected, even if it means risking her heated body to some perverted vines.

Although, she's not going to step right up to the creature and then let it attack. Instead she's going to wait until it gets closer, just so that it is within her attacking range so she can begin chopping it down with her shovel. This can allow her a chance to guard Priea and allow her to safely perform a spell if needed, all while stepping out of the way of Slugcat's attack if needed. That last attack she did was close to hitting her, it scared Kassy and having her recall the attack the rival sniper did to the group yesterday. Hopefully that's not going to be the case this time around. The holstaur's in the mood to do some weed-killing and she's going to cut this tree down a peg, but right now she's going to hold her ground and wait until the tree comes closer or it gets knocked down from Slugcat's sharpshooting.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:59 am

Sharya and Zalira's attacks both connect, causing the wolf a great deal of pain, but it still has the strength to keep going. Jeez these things were tough... A fact that become unfortunately apparent as Ey'ala was taken down shortly after she took flight. "Ey'ala! No...." It was hard to see a friend get hurt, but going into that field after her would be suicide in Sharya's condition. Even as the wolves stand before them, the pollen from their fur washes over the elves and Sharya can feel her body heating up again as she still hadn't recovered from the last dose.

But this time she held fast, her anger at the wolves for hurting Ey'ala outweighing anything else she felt. Moving up to join Nighteyes on the front line, Sharya draws her sword and runs her hand over the blade to imbue it with fire. She then delivers a quick thrust to the wolf they had been focusing on in hopes of finishing it off.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:17 am

"Shit.." Zalira cursed under her breath as she saw Ey'ala fall to the damn wolves. She cared more about the danger she was in than that of her familar's, and as such her strong instinct of self-preservation kicked in and made her act on time. As the two wolves sprint right towards her, she channels the strongest spell she knew, an inferno of fel and fire which she usually employed to counter large groups, but this time range was not needed, so she focused the heat and dark energies into one very powerful burst and with her hands unleashed them against the pair that was so close to her now. With the corner of her eye, she spotted Sharya fighting the wolf who they both wounded; she hoped that by now its wounds would finally cause it to fall.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Just to make it clearer this time, Zalira used Dark Inferno (9AP) in combination with Compression (1AP) to attack Wolf B and Wolf C that were right in front of her.

10 - 9 - 1 = 0 AP left
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:16 pm

Seeing her arrow miss Kailyne lets out a hiss before seeing the bird go down. Frowning she pulls another arrow and notches it looking at the charging wolves before pulling out a second and drawing the first. Taking a deep breath she lets it fly. Her body tense as her training kicks it her eyes focused as she nods to her wolf while drawing the second. "Attack!" She hisses in anger sending Nighteyes into the two that ran towards them, only to see Zalira blast them with an explosion of magic as her arrows fly towards wolf B Nighteyes dashing towards wolf C and attacking it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kailyne, uses double shot on Wolf C= 9AP leaving 1AP left.

Nighteyes uses standard attack on Wolf C
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Nanospliccer » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:27 pm

I bear my teeth in a grin an' raise one eyebrow in a sort of 'tha's what yew asked fer, aye?' gesture as a whole mess o' th' creature's tentacles 'splode inta goo an' plant matter from th' impact o' my shot. An' I even missed th' big lass! Wasn't my most impressive shot ta be honest, but it got the job done, aye? O'course, I should prob'ly avoid findin' marks on th' other side o' th' big lass in the future anyways. Th' way she flinched when she heard th' shot gave me a hint o' some dark past involvin' bullets... I c'n only imagine. Opposin' snipers are trouble fer a sharpshooter such as myself, I can't imagine one as slow and... well-formed as the big lass would be able to take one without finding 'erself with a few new lead piercings... n' probably a few other piercings afterwards when the sniper has her at their mercy. Fuzzfolk snipers tend to learn their trade outta a longstandin' fascination with jabbin' bits o' metal inta interestin' bodies... Or out of a need ta get away from it all, an' make sure that the rest of th' fuckwads in yer life never hurt you again... Sometimes it's both.

Speakin' o' gettin' away from it all, however: What the hell is this thing? I've been traipsin' through these trees fer longer than I c'n remember, and I would think I could remember it if I saw one o' these rape plants bloody walk. Though, then again, I suppose I wouldn't really know, since unlike some hairy individuals I tend not to get caught by these sorts o' flower traps... I peer at it through my scope fer a second as I start reloadin' my weapon, pullin' a satchet o' powder and a bullet out o' my pack with one paw an' pullin' back th' hammer with the thumb o' anoth'r. It's not their fault, I suppose. I should've caught th' thing an' told them off 'fore we got to this spot, but... Well, this is why I work alone! Ev'n now th' thing was advancin' on a big lass who's just stood there like a milkboulder or somethin' with a brain full o' its own cum, an' I'm torn between shoutin' at 'er ta move an' firin' through one o'er knees jus' to learn 'er a lesson! Why, I ought to...

"Grrah..." I growl under my breath, decidin' tha' a good mix o' th' two would be ta get myself ta higher ground an' leave th' big lass an' tha' whitecloth girl to do what they offered: Guard my body, potent'ly at the expense of their own... I suppose if they c'n hold it off 'till I get to a safe distance, I'll consider killin' it fer them, oth'rwise I may be content to jus' watch the lesson in progress 'till the teacher I shot is finished lecturin'...

As th' flint clicks in under th' hammer, I take my paw away n' slide the rifle inta its sheath again 'fore I take th' pick outta my pack an' get climbin, with sights set on a big tree a little ways away. From there, with my precious lit'l information packages outta th' way, I c'n be much more confident in my shot...

Slugcat is moving into Long Range.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:25 am

Priea snapped awake," W-WHA!?", she cried out, sitting up straight from the smacking her cheek had received, only to notice the situation with wide eyed shock. Jumping to her feet, she began to prepare the first spell that came to mind, keeping close to Kassy as she prepared it. The moment the Fireball spell had enough time to charge up, she moved to stand beside Kassy, wanting to make sure she didn't accidentally hit her companion after all as she unleashed the spell," Burn!", she cried forth as the fireball sailed towards the incoming vines.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:32 am

Silph, Priea, Kassandra

Combat Roll
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Silph Moves to Long Range (10 AP)

Kassandra is guarding Priea

Priea Uses Fireball against Creeping Vine
Spellcasting Roll: 15 + 4 = 19
Damage: (12 - 1 (Enemy Wisdom)) *1.5 (Elemental Weakness)= 17, Creeping Vine Defeated.
+5 XP to each player

With Kassandra and Slugcat preparing for battle, Priea unleashes a powerful fireball. It's flames burn the vines to a crisp as it falls leaving only a crisp corpses. With the way clear, you can head back to the previous clearing or proceed down the north path to see what you can find.

Sharya, Zalira, Kailyne

Combat Roll:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sharya uses Endowment (+1 Damage)
Sharya Attacks Wolf A
Hit Roll: 11 + 1(Racial Bonus) = 12 Hit!
Sharya Misfortune Roll (d20, need>4): 11
Damage: 4 + 4(Dex) + 1 (Endowment) - 3 (Enemy Defense) = 6 Wolf A Defeated!

Zalira Uses Compression (Reduce range to Striking Distance, Increase Power by 1.5)
Zalira Uses Dark Inferno
Spellcasting Roll: 9 + 3 + 1 (Racial Bonus) = 13, Hit!
Damage: 4 Damage (5 - 1) to Wolf B & Wolf C
Burn Resist Roll: (Wis, Average)
Wolf B: 19 + 1 = 20
Wolf C: 8 + 1 = 9

Kailyne uses Double Shot against Wolf C:
Hit Roll:
18 + 4 + 1(Racial Bonus) + 2 (Skills) = 25
Natural 20
Arrow 1 :( 6 + 4(Dex) - 3(Enemy Defense))*0.75= 5
Arrow 2: (18 + 4(Dex) - 3(Enemy Defense))*0.75= 14, Wolf C Defeated

Nighteyes Attacks Wolf B
Hit Roll: 12 + 2, Hit!
Damage: 4 + 2(Str) - 3(Enemy Defense) = 3

As Sharya's blade glows with a fiery energy, she strikes down the first wolf. Meanwhile Zalira produces a field of green fire that engulfs the two other wolves as only the third one being lit aflame. The fire act almost like a target as they both land home. One hit's the third wolf's neck while the other pierces it's throat as it falls to the ground. Finally Nighteyes confronts the final wolf and claws at his body.

Enemy Combat Roll
Wolf B Attacks Nighteyes
Hit Roll: 3, Miss

When the enemy wolf tried to retaliate, Nighteyes just jumps back as the wolf misses completely. Even though he's burned and his companions are down, the final wolf shows no signs of retreating.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:25 am

Sharya grins triumphantly as her fiery strike takes the wolf down at last. Now that her blood is really pumping, she moves over to her next target, the last wolf remaining now that Zalira and Kailyne had taken another one down together. And this wolf was the one that had hurt her friend... This attack was for Ey'ala! Sharya unleashed a flurry of swift, precise strikes upon the last wolf. Surely there was no way it could withstand this furious assault!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Light attack X2 6ap + combo attack 4 ap on wolf B
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:15 pm

Zalira grins wickedly as two of the wolves fall, and she wastes no time in focusing her magical attentions on the last remaining one. She felt a bit tired after that intense blast, so she decided to let Sharya unleash her flurry of attacks before she channelled a breeze of the coldest wind she could muster into the body of the wolf, hoping to render it incapable of moving, dodging or counter-attacking.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Zalira uses Paralyzing Chill (6AP) on Wolf B
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