Corta's Flash Edits - Exclusive Supporter Bootleg [25/Oct]

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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Teaser (Trist&Riven) [9/1]

Postby alasad » Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:46 am

thanks corta for still working on FYC. This is by far my favorite edit of yours. Really hyped about that :D

I have a request ( i hope its not much work ) : can you make an option to change the mouth like you did with the eyebrows?
on certain characters i try to 'roleplay' where i want her to look angry / rape face/ disgust /unwated sex face, know what i mean? Brows work well but the mouth kinda ruins it imho.

is it much work to change the mouth/ make an option for angry/disgust mouth for it?
If its not, could you do that if you have some free time? :mrgreen:
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Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:57 pm

we're back up, yhey!

Only one new chara this time, leona. (that's her fully stripped bodysuit. ..and I guess I'll give her some boots some time..)
working on some fun stuff and I guess here's a look at what the new mess is gonna be like for feetsies.

FYC 1.6 Leona.jpg
FYC 1.6 Leona.jpg (122.32 KiB) Viewed 4108 times

alasad Wrote: have a request ( i hope its not much work ) : can you make an option to change the mouth like you did with the eyebrows?

you ask much. SO MUCH.

but, I've actually been working towards pretty much this for the last week. ;)
I've just got my 'autopilot' button fully working, and along with that there was going to be a 'rape' option that makes tough girls angry and makes nice girls.. less happy, along with having 'him' choose mostly rougher options.
eyebrows and selector are already a go, but there's a lot of mouths left for me to change.
I'm gonna work on getting this done before I dive into the totally new anims, so yeah. it's comin' up! :mrgreen:

palandus Wrote:How much better is your HK5 now with the changes?

funny thing, most of the lag was actually caused by a 'tinted' jpg in the background.. I found that out after de-tinting and re-colouring a couple thousand duplicated tentacle-sprites.
..and then it stopped compiling for some reason and I got real sad.

so.. *shrug*

palandus Wrote:Is Splatformer officially canned

pretty much.

palandus Wrote:so that you can work on SWARM

I've gone through so many design changes on swarm, it's bananas.
basically, I've had a few ideas that were 'good' but didnt feel quite like a good game/porn mix to be worth caring about.
so, I settled on fixing up the template to open up my options instead of just diving into things far too soon.

palandus Wrote:Is it likely that you will update your mod for Darkest Dungeon with the release date of the full game to occur soon?

when it goes full-time I'll probably play it again, so yeah.
plus, I think I already promised that somewhere..
so I've got to, now.
thems the rules.

hopefully, I can add in new sounds/graphics like I always wanted to.
that'd be nice. ;)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Teaser (Leona) [12/1]

Postby palandus » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:30 pm

If the lag is caused by the tinted jpg, then just remove it...?
And by not compiling, do you mean because its HK5 and Zone had trouble compiling it, or it refuses to compile after you made changes?
If it refuses to compile after you made changes do you think its a syntax error with the Actionscript or did the compiler make your source file corrupted?

Had potential, but shame. I especially liked the Gallery Mode for viewing all the individual sex scenes. You could, if you wanted, do something similar for SWARM. In that, while you figure out how you want the game to work, you could add the sex scenes to your template and get suggestions/advice/bug fixes related to the sex scenes.

I hope for your sake, those design changes were on paper and not in code. I'm designing my own game, a commercially sold one, and I do the majority of my design on paper so that if I need to change something I don't have to go and remove code to do it in an actual program. Eventually I will have to do this, but the thing with design is that although you can't plan for all the problems, you can plan for the stupid and obvious problems, and figure out a solution to them beforehand. (ie how you want the interface to look is a good example)

Sounds like you need a testing ground for those ideas then. You could put these ideas into a relatively smaller flash, with stripped down features, and get specific people on the forum to test them out for you... ie a throwaway prototype. That way you could see if something might work out or not. If it doesn't, then you throw away the prototype, rather than having to rip out code from the actual program. Create some throwaway prototypes to test things out. If it works great, keep it and add it to the actual program.

Just don't burn yourself out trying to fulfill a promise you can't keep. I did that once, and learned my lesson; only promise what you can actually deliver and keep it realistic. If you can't fulfill the promise, come clean about it; you'll feel less guilty that way. Anyway enough preaching :P

Your darkest dungeon mod did look promising and would add some great things to the "grim dark" world.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby alasad » Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:13 am

corta Wrote:but, I've actually been working towards pretty much this for the last week. ;)
I've just got my 'autopilot' button fully working, and along with that there was going to be a 'rape' option that makes tough girls angry and makes nice girls.. less happy, along with having 'him' choose mostly rougher options.
eyebrows and selector are already a go, but there's a lot of mouths left for me to change.
I'm gonna work on getting this done before I dive into the totally new anims, so yeah. it's comin' up! :mrgreen:

Thanks man this is gonna be awesome!
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Teaser (Leona) [12/1]

Postby alphabeta » Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:09 am

I've just felt the need to say thanks for all that you do, Corta. Been checking in every now and then since I first found V1.5 of FYC. Since then, I've played all of your other games as well and I'm really happy to see that you're working on this stuff again. Anyways, I want to shake your hand. Feel that strong grip? You did that.
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Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:11 pm

Been a little too busy to check in, but .. new stuff!

FYC 1.6 EveMorg.jpg

seeing as there's so much new stuff, I'll call 1.6 done when I've got the auto and rape done.
1.7 can be the feetsies version. :)

alphabeta Wrote:I've just felt the need to say thanks for all that you do, Corta. Been checking in every now and then since I first found V1.5 of FYC. Since then, I've played all of your other games as well and I'm really happy to see that you're working on this stuff again. Anyways, I want to shake your hand. Feel that strong grip? You did that.


palandus Wrote:If the lag is caused by the tinted jpg, then just remove it...?
And by not compiling, do you mean because its HK5 and Zone had trouble compiling it, or it refuses to compile after you made changes?
If it refuses to compile after you made changes do you think its a syntax error with the Actionscript or did the compiler make your source file corrupted?

it aint that simple. ..probably..
cant remember exactly where everything broke, but when a project stops being fun (by crashing and save-corrupting -far- too often) eventually, you have to put it down and walk away for a bit. :roll:

palandus Wrote:I especially liked the Gallery Mode for viewing all the individual sex scenes. You could, if you wanted, do something similar for SWARM.

meaning you didn't like the game itself.
that's the real problem.

palandus Wrote:I hope for your sake, those design changes were on paper and not in code.

well.. yeah.
when I'm making such wild changes (as far as leaping genres) of course it stays at the planning stage until things are solid.

palandus Wrote:throwaway prototype

I've made a few proof-of-concepts, but having the two parts of the game (gameplay and xxx) fit together seamlessly -and still being good- has been my biggest bugbear.

palandus Wrote:only promise what you can actually deliver and keep it realistic.

I plan on playing the full version of DD, and I'll be making the mod for my own playthrough.
well, I've already made it.. I just need to update it for the new build.
I think you read too much into that, it's not a problem. really. ;)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Teaser (Eve & Morg) [16/1]

Postby billiglob » Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:48 pm

Oh snap I see different mouths, keep up the great work ^.^
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Teaser (Eve & Morg) [16/1]

Postby palandus » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:44 am


1) "lag" = Fair enough

2) "gallery mode" = If you look at most of the games you've done flash edits for, you'll notice that they don't force the player to jump through huge hoops to get at the action. The gallery mode allowed players to get at the action without requiring them to jump through hoops to get it, namely playing the game. There is a reason why people universally hate the games that forces the player to jump through hoops to get at the part that they want to see. When I player is fapping, nothing kills a boner faster than having to focus on anything else except fapping... and as the whole point of fapping is to orgasm, anything that detracts you from that, is negative for fapping. The platforming aspects was good; it was a good platformer and was interesting. However failure states for sex, which is what people wants to see doesn't make sense. Its like playing a first person shooter where the purpose is to be killed rather than the one to do the killing and all the best bits happen only when you die. Most successful porn games are simple, allow the fapper to get to the nice juicy action with limited hoops to jump through and don't expect much of the player/user/fapper.

That's why I liked the Gallery Mode; it allowed me to get to the stuff I wanted to see while fapping. However, when I wasn't in a fapping mood, I would play the platformer and try not to get defeated. Complexity and Porn do not mix well. When you are fapping you want as little distractions as possible, as few frustrations as possible and avoid being confused as much as possible. And well, for a game to be fun, there needs to be some frustration, some confusion, (creates challenge) and different things will distract you. Your game splatformer is great when it is either exclusively porn (gallery mode) or exclusively platforming not both.

3) designing = fair enough

4) throwaway prototype = again read above. xxx and gameplay do not mesh well which is why you are having problems fitting it seamlessly together. Its the mindset of the player you have to remember. When playing a game, most of the time you are there to have fun or seek a challenge. Fun and challenging are NOT on the mind of a fapper as they kill the boner.

5) realistic = I was more referring to that some things may not be possible in the current state of the game, like having an animation play during camp time or visiting the brothel. I know that from personally modding the game, there is a lot of things unavailable, such as editing how torch level works and how quickly it goes and the benefits/penalties of each level of light level.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:38 pm

quick little drop-in.
mouths are drawn, just tweens and colours to go -- should be good tomorrow.

FYC 1.6 Mouth.jpg

drawing these took much longer than I thought it would..
all of my trace-sources were pretty realistic, but FYC's style of lips are.. so much different.
I spent so long tweaking the 'clown lips' when what I needed was a full tear-down..

still, it's done and it works. (..will work?)

billiglob Wrote:Oh snap I see different mouths

~now ya do!

palandus Wrote:The gallery mode allowed players to get at the action without requiring them to jump through hoops to get it, namely playing the game.

"the game is a hoop you have to jump through" in short, the game is getting in the way, like I said.
the balance is always gonna be a subjective thing, but the solutions I've been planning out were either:

1) have smatterings of sexy-bits here-and-there to create the atmosphere, and have an area/event (glorified galleries) that are purely for gooey-fun-times.
problem is, that leaves me having to make a decent game to tack things onto, along with having the 'game' and 'wha-hey' being able to flow together.

2) have sex be the 'main gameplay' and throw in some RPG/story elements to make it actually interesting.
I'm leaning towards this, these days. I wish I could be happy enough to just animate, but I feel the need to go further, for ..some reason.. *shrug*

palandus Wrote:Complexity and Porn do not mix well.

yeah.. that's something that took me a little while to actually learn.
recently, I've been taking my cues from mobile games - particularly how they do interfaces, simple and mostly hands-free is the way to go, it seems.

palandus Wrote:I was more referring to that some things may not be possible in the current state of the game, like having an animation play during camp time or visiting the brothel. I know that from personally modding the game, there is a lot of things unavailable, such as editing how torch level works and how quickly it goes and the benefits/penalties of each level of light level.

I'm waiting to see what happens when 1.0 goes live.
sounds were a big thing that their forums were asking for, so that's a solid, possible maybe. :?
at the very least, there should be a way to remove the error pop-up for using a skill that doesn't have a sound.

anims might actually be do-able, too -- if I remember correctly, whenever you used a skill, your character would strike a pose.
I know we've already cracked how to change (and add new) stances to combat skills, so it -might- be possible to extend that to camping, eventually.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Teaser (Eve & Morg) [16/1]

Postby billiglob » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:14 am

Neat, thanks for the lips. Earlier I was referencing how the Morg and Eve looked different. It's pretty cool. Also I don't think it's annoying to play a game to unlock a gallery. Hope I'm not a weirdy ^>^
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:04 pm

Fuck your champion1.6.jpg
Fuck your champion1.6.jpg (82.1 KiB) Viewed 3897 times

"Fuck Your Champion" by Gowa-san
Changes: v1.6 -- Auto & rape modes, loads of new champs and more buttons that do things (..might need another UI cleanup soon..)

It's technically on-time..

I'll be posting 1.7 updates as they happen, but expect a short delay for DD going live. :mrgreen:

billiglob Wrote:Neat, thanks for the lips. Earlier I was referencing how the Morg and Eve looked different.

speaking of different, does kalista look alright, guys?
I went a little off-style with the glowing eyes, I think it looks fine on her, but I couldnt get the pink version to look right on morgana. :(
..maybe next patch, huh? :lol:

billiglob Wrote:Also I don't think it's annoying to play a game to unlock a gallery.

two words to change your mind:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

RPG maker.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby astromormy » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:54 pm

I'm not sure if this is something of an easter egg, but in FYC V1.6(that's at least where I observed first), right beneath an above the gauge in the bottom right, there ore some togglable options. They seem to add a bunch of small cosmetic effects. You'll know you've found them when your cursor changes.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby astromormy » Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:58 pm

One thing that could make the game better is adding dynamic emotions to the girls that change depending on the current action. For instance, you could have one that shows strain when starting penetration, shock when penetration succeeds, etc. As it is now, the facial stays the same even when changing the speed. Another thing you may be able to change, I don't know if it's practical though, is the blowjob animation. As it is, it looks odd with the girl just laying there like a 2D picture(Yes, I know it's 2D), would it be possible to give that act the illusion of being 3D so the it doesn't look like the penis is going up her face.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby someguy55 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:19 am

First I'd want to say:
I like all the great work you've put into FYC, corta.

But, there's always been one thing missing for me;
the girls' need to be able to cum/orgasm.
If you could add that, it'd be awesome.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby dalamar Aaefe » Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:03 am

Great work on kalista, as someone who has personally been fucked by kalista many times, i throughly enjoy the rape feature.
dalamar Aaefe
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby Dotatan123 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:10 pm

only can play in online? (sign)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby Mystogan55 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:10 pm

Corta I love your games..Maybe 1.7 patch more position would be nice ..
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:15 am

Q&A time, I guess.

What else do you plan to add to FYC before it is complete?

I'm working on 'rubbing' and 'footjob' scenes now, (stopping once DD is done downloading)
after that.. if I wanted to expand further, I'd need to remove a few of my limitations..

namely, having backgrounds (and her pose in them) and the dudes be consistent.
IF I wanted to expand, I'd make an invite a party button that swaps out for custom partners (so I dont have to re-skin 10+ times (or bother about the size differences)) and give a unique background (to let positions be more dynamic)

..I could go on, but, that's for another day. :)

Mystogan55 Wrote:Maybe 1.7 patch more position would be nice ..

yup. ;)

someguy55 Wrote:the girls' need to be able to cum/orgasm.

first thought would be having the healthbar drain as the action goes on, that's easy enough.
but, what am I going to do when it happens? ..I cant interrupt the scene that's going on with an animation, or I'd need to make a transition for everything.
could maybe have her make an O face along with some anime-style water-works..

dont know if it'll work or not, but I might give it a try. promises or anything, though. :|

astromormy Wrote:dynamic emotions to the girls that change depending on the current action. For instance, you could have one that shows strain when starting penetration, shock when penetration succeeds, etc. As it is now, the facial stays the same even when changing the speed.

gets really same-ey after a while, I'd need to make a whole new suite of emotions for it to not be extremely annoying.
for example, look at how the blowjob scene starts.. as he draws near, her mouth changes..
it's subtle there, but if I did that on a bigger scale for EVERYTHING, it'd really stick out.
and also, I'd need to make several versions for nice/tough/nasty/rape/angry-rape etc.

I'm happy to leave well enough alone.

astromormy Wrote:the blowjob animation. Would it be possible to give that act the illusion of being 3D so the it doesn't look like the penis is going up her face.

there's no way I'm re-animating 3000+ frames, but what do you really mean?
are you talking about how the shlong doesn't actually bend and how that makes things look weird?

astromormy Wrote:an easter egg, but in FYC V1.6(that's at least where I observed first), right beneath an above the gauge in the bottom right, there ore some togglable options. They seem to add a bunch of small cosmetic effects. You'll know you've found them when your cursor changes.

a lot of people dont notice the 'hidden' stats that I track, like sweat, wetness and the like.. figured I'd make it a bit more obvious. (and quick-toggle-able)
also, works for mess on the lower layers. ;)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby astromormy » Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:44 am

What I meant by the blowjob looking odd is, yes, the penis doesn't give any illusion of bending nor does the girls throat stretch to show it. What I meant by the 3D bit was just making it an illusion just for the blowjob scene. Imagine drawing a square on a piece of paper, it's a 2D square, now if you draw a cube, it looks 3D, but it really isn't. The main part of this is just making it look like it's going down her throat. As for the dynamic emotions, maybe you could take some ideas from the linda davis flash, it had pretty good facial emotions.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6 Release [18/1]

Postby stz223 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:19 am

FYC is awesome, can't wait for footjobs.
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