Dead2112man Wrote:Hey Humbird0, just wondering, had a situation where I need to go back to all the past pokemon centers and use the teleport station in them at all the locations to unlock not only vermillian but the past two citys also, was that meant to be or is the code messed up?
bubba91 Wrote:Well, not so much people will notice, but once seen cannot be unseen. Feel free to do what you think is better.
Humbird0, what will come next? Saffron or Lavender? It is time to write down a plotline so I can figure future scenes. Wrote:It seems like my game partially fixed itself, The Boss is visible when I use her to fight now. Seadra however, is still invisible. I also noticed that when she uses a move, Spearow's back picture occasionally shows up very briefly, so briefly you could miss it if you blinked.
furiouspotato Wrote:I got a message that needed my permission for a save after it went over 1 MB. I pressed allow, but after trying to load it again I get the "No data to load" message. I really don't want to start a new game again.
Any suggestions? Or does anyone mind posting their save around the point where you try to find Flint?
furiouspotato Wrote:So anyone mind posting a save at least shortly after the part where you're being told to find Bill?
furiouspotato Wrote:But every time I paste a save the screen just comes up as black. I can still access the menu though. Is there a fix for this?
furiouspotato Wrote:(Also will the spearow you save be any relevant later on?) Wrote:bubba91 Wrote:Well, not so much people will notice, but once seen cannot be unseen. Feel free to do what you think is better.
Looking at them again, her front and back poses seem like they would be possible, and she just has her legs together. I will modify them to be separated near her crotch in her horny pose though, when I make her "skirt" blue in it.
uberninja25 Wrote:howdy just want to say great job on the update! also potential glitch,
in pallet town theres the house where you fight a rattata and are given a potion from the lady
but if you leave the house and go back in the rattata is back to fight all over again. and if you use fanart and win with that you win, get the pokemon but the rattata is still in the room with you
MechDragon Wrote:Yo! Sorry for the lateness of this. Combination of vacation with the family + the semester ending = very little free time.
GolbatSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As always, any criticisms is welcome!
FTKnight Wrote:Quick question here, ((hopefully it not a double post, or a repeated questions as I really don't want to dig through 225 pages to see if they have been asked before.))
Will we be able to capture Porygon? and will 'Ash' ever clue in that several Pokémorphs, and human females want to ride him?
gamefixer Wrote:at the ship jessie will need to catch a water type pokemon so she will try to catch a tentacool but shes not able to be move is there any trick behind this or is it a glitch?
humbird0 Wrote:I was in such a rush to finally upload another version of the game, that I forgot to update many of the pokemon graphics with the newly colored pictures. I also tend to not assign pictures to pokemon until I've written their pokedax lore.
By the way, I just came up with some outstanding lore for Seadra. But I'm a little worried that it might be too similar to Butterfree. Still, this lore opens up some interesting situations involving the Team Rocket mafia, and also a twist that could occur later with the loli rapist girl. What would happen to her if her Horsea evolves?
At some point, I came up with two different versions of the butterfree lore:
butterfree 1.txt
butterfree 2.txt
Bunnyav Wrote:Gyrados did not have any special powers compaired to any other level 6 creature, no new skill.
Bunnyav Wrote:I could not for the life of me find Pewter Jenny's blackmail photo. I remember it being somewhere in rocket's lair, but all I found was money, gold nuggets, etc. PS. I did not seem to find anyplace to sell gold nuggets and I remember their used to be one.
Bunnyav Wrote: Odd that Maids are "capturable" NPCs. They disappear forever when caught it seems.
Bunnyav Wrote:The event where Brock and Misty lose their swimsuits (and therefore, meet Brock's rapist) seems miss able.
sanverinho Wrote:I can't get past Gary at the beggining
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