by Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:48 am
Sabrina frowns inwardly at the small amount of jobs, considering them. Dealing with wolf was out of abilities. Presuming it's a whole pack and that the pack would most likely keep together, fighting the wolfs was not an option without backup, which meant she'd have to find another way to get rid of them, or to find, and share the reward with some other people by having them help out. Unfortunately, her own knowledge on wolfs doesn't account for much, meaning she won't be able to find an alternative to dealing with the wolfs besides slaying them with the help of other people. Deciding to leave this option to consider in case she made any adventurous friends in town later on, she considered the other one issued by the actual kingdom.
While she had information on the bandits, she was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to sell the information in anyway. In fact, is she went to any official military outpost like the guards and demanded compensation for the information, they could just force her to reveal the information by threatening to brand her as a conspirer against Toural itself. She would have to keep the information to herself until the opportunity arose to use it for her own benefit. And once again, this was a mission she really wouldn't be able to take on alone. Taking out bandits usually meant doing so with more people than the bandits could muster, taking them on by oneself would be suicide.
So, this meant that none of the current jobs were something she could currently do, and that any additional sum of money she could acquire were out of her reach. She might as well see if she could acquaintance herself or get some allies in here. Perhaps this group coming for the board themselves? They were already a group, and since both quests were group missions, they most likely wouldn't refuse a temporary addition to their numbers. She casually steps a bit out of the way as they approach, politely giving them room to look at the board.