Whore of Nightmare(Finished)

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Whore of Nightmare(Finished)

Postby Narzghoul77 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:39 pm

Click on the purple portal device to select a level. Clear rooms to be able to move on to the next one.

Game Mechanics:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

At the top left of your screen, you have your health (green), energy(yellow) and mana(blue):
When you attack or jump, you use up energy. Without enough energy you will not be able to jump or attack
You need mana to use spells, like Abyssal Reach.

At the top right of your screen, you have your adrenaline bar(red bar with the skull):
As you deal damage, your adrenaline bar will go up. Adrenaline grants a bonus to damage dealt, up
a 30% bonus, and grants a bonus to energy regen. Taking damage will cause adrenaline to drop to 0.

Just below your adrenaline bar, you have the boss progression bar(lime green):
As you clear rooms, it will go up. If it becomes full, you will then face the boss.

At the bottom of your screen, you have experience bar(purple):
As you kill, you will gain exp based on the monster's health. If your exp bar becomes full,
you will level up, which adds to your health and attack. Dying will cause a lose of 30% of your max exp.

Monster randomization:
All monsters attributes are randomly rolled and will cause them to vary in power. The largest determining factor in their power
is their rarity.

-Magic(blue monsters) are more powerful then normal ones.
Rare(yellow monsters) are even more powerful then magic monsters.
Boss(Orange monsters) are the most powerful and can not be killed by normal means. They must have their life force drained.
-Rarity also determines the number of mods they can have.

-Savage(Minotaur face) grants a bonus to monster damage.
-Haste(Winged foot) grants a bonus to monster speed.
-Undying(Green skull) grants a a bonus to monster health.
-Blood Lust(Vampire fangs) grants the monster life leech.
-Blades of Chaos(Crossed Blades) grant cri and cri muilti bonus to monster
-Armored(Shield) grants damage reduction to monster

Monsters will drop loot depending on their rarity. Equipping loot will grant a bonus to your character's attributes. These bonuses are randomize
and draw from the monster's level to determine their power.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Arrows keys to move and jump

"A" to melee attack

"S" for Abyssal Reach: Stuns the the target(s) for 3 secs. Using it on monsters below 30%(10% for bosses) health will began the siphoning ritual.
You will be healed for 30% of your max health after the ritual ends.

"D" for Life Tap: Sacrifice 20% of your max health to gain 20% max mana. Adrenaline increases the mana bonus.

>>>>.Once you unlock more spells from bosses<<<<<
Press "1" "2" etc to cycle through them and press "W" to use the spell.

>>>>>Looting/Inventory controls<<<<<

-If loot drops, then click on it to add it your inventory.

-"I" for inventory menu
While in inventory menu:
-Click on items to equip them. Will be swap items if one is already there
-Clicking on equipped items will cause them to be pushed into your inventory.

-At the top right of the screen it the exit menu button.

-At the bottom right, is the trash button. Clicking on it will cause you to be trash mode and it will become highlighted in yellow.
Clicking on items in your inventory will cause them to throw out into the world.
Click on the button again, to to deactivate this mode.
Warning: Leaving a room while loot is on the ground, will cause them to be permanently deleted.

-Press "T" to view talent menu

During the siphoning ritual:
You need to press the space bar to get pass the scene. You can also click to skip pass.

Latest Update Note:
-City in Chaos, now in game.
-Violator, now in game.
-Blood Hound, now in game.
-4th boss, Mistress of the Hunt, now in game.

-Temple of the Eternal Fire, now in game.
-Paladin, now in game.
-Harbinger, now in game.
-Final boss, High Templar, now in game.

-Infinity Dimensions Mode, now in game.
Defeat the High Templar to unlock.

-Tier 4 and 5 talents, now in game.

Balance Changes:
-Shadow Bolt's damage greatly increased.
-Abbyssal Reach cast speed increased.
-Bezerk damage bonus nerfed.
-Bezerk mana cost increased.
-Life tap now generates 20 adrenaline.

Older Updates Notes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

-Major rework of the loot and attribute mechanics. Did this to make it easier to balance and to make
it easier to understand.
-Attributes have been simplified into strength, endurance and intelligent.
-Loot attributes bonuses now scale off item level, rather then enemy attributes.
-In game instructions.
- Tier 3 talents are now in game
-Gore Fest Arena now in game
-Third boss, Blade Dancer, now in game
-Gladiator, now in game
-Cockatrice, now in game
-Blood Lust mod has been buffed. It now heals enemies for 50% damage dealt, up from from 25%.

-Made adjustments to hit boxes
-Can now click pass non-boss fight siphon rituals.
-Made diffuclity changes to Mourning Wood monsters The Mourning Wood has become harder. ;)
-Bosses will become stunned upon reaching 0 health and have projectiles cleared
-berserk balance changes

-Can now save and load game
-Morning Wood level now in game. Defeat the Lord
of the Labyrinth to unlock.
-2nd boss, Crone of the Morning wood, now in game
-Dryad now in game.
-Ghoul is no longer a navive monster of the laybrith. Its new
home is in the Morning Wood.
-T2 talents in game
-Warden art and animations redone
-Cut sences in game

-Talent tree now in game. Every 5 levels you will gain
one talent point. Press "T" to view the menu.
-More animations/art improvments

- Another major rework of art with a alot of help from GoRepeat's Tahako model.
- Added the Blades of Chaos and Armored Mod.
- Increased mana cost of Abyssal Reach from 50 to 75.
- Life Tap(spell) now in game. Press "D" to trade life for mana.

-inventory and loot drops now in game
-melee attacks will cause a stun if they deal more then 20% of the target's max health.
-melee attacks will cause damage at the point of impact, rather then at the end of the animation.

-First boss now in game,Lord of the Labyrinth, clear rooms to reach him
-Warden now in game
-Enemies can now cri
-Made changes to resource replenishment
-Added title screen

-Adrenaline now give a bonus to energy regeneration
-The Labyrinth has recessive a visual upgrade
-Minotaurs now in game

- Have done a rework on the art:
PC has had limbs redone
attack animations changed
Tentacles have been redone
-Mods have been moved around so they are more viewable on the monsters.
-Ghoul encounter redone
-Ghoul hit box has been increased
-There is now damage display for PC
-You can now cri
-Adrenaline mechanic added to game:
Give a damage and cri bonus based percentage of adrenaline obtained but it lose over time and on taking damage
Is gained by dealing damage
Knockback mechanic now in game:
The monster it push backed based on a percentage of total damage done to it , compared to its max health.
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

WoN.swf [ 4.21 MiB | Viewed 6111 times ]

Last edited by Narzghoul77 on Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:39 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:43 pm

So quite frankly I like a lot of things about this.
And uh...
A lot of other things are just really really bad.

Now the concept is cool.
I like that you get healed by fucking the enemies.
I like the character: sexy chicks with big swords are neat.
I like that you can double-jump.
And I like action-games and beat-em-ups, whether 3D or 2D.

The uh ...
Pretty much the REST is all negatives.

The art's pretty bad.
I mean I've seen worse, believe me, and I can't even do as well as this myself, but this is ... pretty fuckin' bad.
I don't know what you're going to do about that.

But you should probably do something.

The animation... isn't great either.
Neither on the sex scenes nor on the PC's walk cycle - nor even her idle.
No orgasm animations either, which is always a terrible negative in any sex game.
... Though in this case I think you've got more things to worry about than animating splooge.
Even the PC's attack animation looks quite weird - though the attack animations from the enemies are honestly kinda okay, and that's a start.

The controls sometimes work but sometimes don't; I've gotten stuck running to the right inexplicably a couple times.

And while you CAN dodge the enemies, which is cool, the best route is often just to walk straight through them.

Uh ... DOES this have potential?
I certainly like a whole lot of the ideas in it, like with Sakyu 1.
But uh... I dunno, maybe take like a year and work on fundamentals?
I mean, there are projects that started rougher than this and still came out pretty decent, so don't get discouraged.
But ... y'know.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:11 am

What specifically did you not like about the art?
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:43 am

It could be better. I'm a big fan of beat 'em up games and I've made a few in my day, so I'd like to give you some pointers.

Good beat 'em ups should involve a lot of movement so that the player is constantly reassessing the situation and is always on the edge of their seat. Attacking should lunge forward a little, attacks should push things backwards or upwards or whatever, player should be able to jump out of the way, etc. I find this a lot easier to do with a 2.5D style than a linear style as you have an extra dimension of movement with which to spice things up. There should also be some risk involved. When you attack, you need to wait for the attack motion to complete before you input other actions. If you've misjudged the distance or timing, you are vulnerable to being attacked yourself. This creates an element of strategy, which again keeps the player involved and prevents combat from getting boring. Choice is also a great weapon against boredom, the classic choice being a quick but low impact attack vs a slow but powerful attack. Another useful choice is an attack that creates a lot of movement, like the attacker lunges a great deal or the target of the attack is flung a great deal.

Animation needs some work. You do not want to use a constant timing for the sword swing. There should be a slight motion for the wind-up, a fast large motion for the sword swing, a short pause on impact (this is theatrical, you shouldn't do this in actual combat) and then some kind of recovery motion, quick or slow depending on the balance of the gameplay or the nature of the attack. When I made these kinds of animations, I always felt it very helpful to grab a broom or pipe and swing it around in the yard for a bit to better understand the motions. For more advanced animations, it's also important to take note of small motions like a nudge of the foot or a twist in the hip, as these tend to become larger motions farther down the body.

It is also helpful to study videos of martial arts. One of my favorite sources is this collection of the 4 "grandfathers" of weapons of kungfu, the staff/cudgel, spear, jianand dao. Large clobbering weapons such as buster swords, hammers or great axes are generally based on the motions of the staff/cudgel, so I find the gunshu curriculum and similar to be the most helpful. In this glorious age, there are also plenty of videos of people using every sort of martial art and even fantasy larping, but modern kungfu tends to be designed with theatrics in mind, so a touch of kungfu is useful for any sort of combat animation. You could also find footage of games like Soul Caliber or Dynasty Warriors or BlazBlue, but in general you don't want to abandon reality when making animations. I like a touch of Thunderbolt Puppets now and then myself. Fail videos are a great resource for a sense of physics and impact animations, and of course there's plenty of sex videos out there.

The bugs and sword look as good as they need to, but the lady is a bit weird. I would suggest working from references with her. Find some pictures of real ladies or hentai babes or barbie dolls and try to measure out the proportions. A lot of artists like to use ratios, for example a person might be 7 heads tall, distance from floor to grundle is equal the distance from grundle to forehead, face is 5 eyes wide, width of shoulders is equal to width of hips, etc. Some art sources will preach there there are correct ratios that you should always follow, but as a cartoonist, I'll preach that different ratios just have different meanings. Like an 8 heads tall character tends to look heroic while 6 heads tall looks meek or childish, shoulders wider than hips looks more masculine, hips wider than shoulders looks more feminine, and so on. Try to find ratios that look sexy or strong or whatever you're going for with this character.

Would also help to try and recreate some muscle shapes in the limbs, instead of making them look like blobs as they are now. Especially for this character with a giant sword, one expects her to show some muscle tone. You've done a good job with the shape of the torso, it's just the limbs that look a bit off. Again, references are your friend, try image searching terms like fit female or athletic girl. Searching Muscular woman or the like will probably get you super ripped body builders, which can be useful for understanding where the muscles are and what they look like, but probably not what you want as the final product for a porn game. Looking up anatomy for artists will also get you a lot of pictures of naked ladies, but I'm not a fan of these sorts of lessons, as long as you are capable of understanding by observation, image search is the most direct way to learn what you need.

I hope you find some of this advice helpful. I am eager to see how this project unfolds.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:04 am

AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:It could be better. I'm a big fan of beat 'em up games and I've made a few in my day, so I'd like to give you some pointers.

Good beat 'em ups should involve a lot of movement so that the player is constantly reassessing the situation and is always on the edge of their seat. Attacking should lunge forward a little, attacks should push things backwards or upwards or whatever, player should be able to jump out of the way, etc. I find this a lot easier to do with a 2.5D style than a linear style as you have an extra dimension of movement with which to spice things up. There should also be some risk involved. When you attack, you need to wait for the attack motion to complete before you input other actions. If you've misjudged the distance or timing, you are vulnerable to being attacked yourself. This creates an element of strategy, which again keeps the player involved and prevents combat from getting boring. Choice is also a great weapon against boredom, the classic choice being a quick but low impact attack vs a slow but powerful attack. Another useful choice is an attack that creates a lot of movement, like the attacker lunges a great deal or the target of the attack is flung a great deal.

Animation needs some work. You do not want to use a constant timing for the sword swing. There should be a slight motion for the wind-up, a fast large motion for the sword swing, a short pause on impact (this is theatrical, you shouldn't do this in actual combat) and then some kind of recovery motion, quick or slow depending on the balance of the gameplay or the nature of the attack. When I made these kinds of animations, I always felt it very helpful to grab a broom or pipe and swing it around in the yard for a bit to better understand the motions. For more advanced animations, it's also important to take note of small motions like a nudge of the foot or a twist in the hip, as these tend to become larger motions farther down the body.

It is also helpful to study videos of martial arts. One of my favorite sources is this collection of the 4 "grandfathers" of weapons of kungfu, the staff/cudgel, spear, jianand dao. Large clobbering weapons such as buster swords, hammers or great axes are generally based on the motions of the staff/cudgel, so I find the gunshu curriculum and similar to be the most helpful. In this glorious age, there are also plenty of videos of people using every sort of martial art and even fantasy larping, but modern kungfu tends to be designed with theatrics in mind, so a touch of kungfu is useful for any sort of combat animation. You could also find footage of games like Soul Caliber or Dynasty Warriors or BlazBlue, but in general you don't want to abandon reality when making animations. I like a touch of Thunderbolt Puppets now and then myself. Fail videos are a great resource for a sense of physics and impact animations, and of course there's plenty of sex videos out there.

The bugs and sword look as good as they need to, but the lady is a bit weird. I would suggest working from references with her. Find some pictures of real ladies or hentai babes or barbie dolls and try to measure out the proportions. A lot of artists like to use ratios, for example a person might be 7 heads tall, distance from floor to grundle is equal the distance from grundle to forehead, face is 5 eyes wide, width of shoulders is equal to width of hips, etc. Some art sources will preach there there are correct ratios that you should always follow, but as a cartoonist, I'll preach that different ratios just have different meanings. Like an 8 heads tall character tends to look heroic while 6 heads tall looks meek or childish, shoulders wider than hips looks more masculine, hips wider than shoulders looks more feminine, and so on. Try to find ratios that look sexy or strong or whatever you're going for with this character.

Would also help to try and recreate some muscle shapes in the limbs, instead of making them look like blobs as they are now. Especially for this character with a giant sword, one expects her to show some muscle tone. You've done a good job with the shape of the torso, it's just the limbs that look a bit off. Again, references are your friend, try image searching terms like fit female or athletic girl. Searching Muscular woman or the like will probably get you super ripped body builders, which can be useful for understanding where the muscles are and what they look like, but probably not what you want as the final product for a porn game. Looking up anatomy for artists will also get you a lot of pictures of naked ladies, but I'm not a fan of these sorts of lessons, as long as you are capable of understanding by observation, image search is the most direct way to learn what you need.

I hope you find some of this advice helpful. I am eager to see how this project unfolds.

Thank you for all of this advice :D
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:30 am

Narzghoul77 Wrote:What specifically did you not like about the art?

I'm a bit late with the response, since Ace has given you some pretty good shit, but to put it in one sentence:

Check out some really hot anime chicks or some really hot IRL chicks, and get your PC to look more like those, than what she currently resembles.

I literally couldn't draw good art to save my life, so I can't give you specific pointers - but if you see what you're aiming for, you'll see where you've fallen short.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:38 am

Lucky777 Wrote:
Narzghoul77 Wrote:What specifically did you not like about the art?

I'm a bit late with the response, since Ace has given you some pretty good shit, but to put it in one sentence:

Check out some really hot anime chicks or some really hot IRL chicks, and get your PC to look more like those, than what she currently resembles.

I literally couldn't draw good art to save my life, so I can't give you specific pointers - but if you see what you're aiming for, you'll see where you've fallen short.

Alright, thank you.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby FMC » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:41 am

Course, 'Really hot" is all subjective as well. Perhaps the better term would be the 'most commonly thought of as hot.' I mean, I'm a flat-chested girl myself, so I tend to like games that feature similar protagonists -- I'll be honest, it makes me feel a better connection to the character, which I like for... multiple reasons.

In any case, the game might have potential, but even I have to say the art's a little strange. The way the girl kinda has a permanent back arch and looks like a zombie, rather than a goth (which I'm not sure what your angle was trying to get at). The bugs are, indeed, somewhat decent. The HUD could use a little improvement, too -- while the female down below feels stretched, the face feels... flattened. However, the purple thing on the bomb has a neat design, an there's no use talking about background in its current state -- it's just a generic one, I assume, and a placeholder for more interesting backgrounds later.

Gameplay... doesn't feel finished, so I can't say what direction to go in that aspect, and you've already got some pointers there, too. I'm a fan of 'rape on defeat / loss', so something to that effect might be interesting -- have two animations, a 'top' and 'bottom' animation for when you stun and get defeated, respectively. This doesn't have to turn into a game over -- rather, it could be just a more damaging attack, or turn it into a struggle mechanic where the longer you let them fuck you, the more health you lose. And if they fuck you long enough, the orgasm for even more damage. Or, you could go the Demon Girl route and have them fuck you for a predetermined length you can't really control.

Just some ideas to throw out there to maybe give the game a little more substance.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:52 am

No problem mang.
Criticism is like a punch in the chin, or a slap in the face; I think there's really no 100% gentle, enjoyable and pleasant way to receive or dole out something like that.
Best course I can see is to dish it out straight when necessary, take it full on the chin when warranted, and keep tryin' one's best.

I already think the game's better than it was.
Still gonna benefit from a lot of work, but that's why it's a work in progress.
I like the limbs somewhat more, and the attack animation certainly seems to look more believable now than it did before.

Next time you work on art assets, I'd take a look at the flattish face and the featureless vagina that she currently has.
You could probably look at "perspective" as well; trying to get a natural-looking body position for that camera angle.
Another thing you can keep in mind is ways to minimise lag and maximise performance - but that's coding wizardry, something else I can't help you with.

I won't call their names, in case the artists get distressed, but like I said, I can think of at least 2 projects that started rougher than this and still came out decent.

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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:40 am

Okay, this is good. Now I'm starting to feel like there is a game to play.

Two things, when I land an attack, I expect the attack to stun the enemy a little bit or disrupt their attack. It's confusing to me to press one button for stun and one button for damage. When you do knockback, you shouldn't do an instant translation, have the attack impart some kind of speed. So when I used to do this, I'd have an enterframe event that looked like
stuntime -=1;
GotoAndStop("hitframe"); //or however you indicate that the target is hit

And when it gets hit, xspeed = attack.force; stuntime = attack.stun; or something like that. xspeed, yspeed, friction and stuntime are not built-in MovieClip variables, you'll have to define them in your class or something. (I'm assuming AS3, I forget if AS2 has classes) You also want to code something to happen if the character collides with the edge of the screen, bounce off or mush into it or something.

The animation is better. The wind-up portion still feels a little too slow and a little too small of a motion for me. Some kind of visual effect on impact would be helpful too, like sparks shoot or blood flies out. Walking cycle is too slow.

It occurs to me that I am expecting you to know about the kinds of fighting games and brawler games that I play and gravitate toward that, but I have no idea if you've ever played or seen them. So I have dug up some youtube videos of gameplay for some of my favorite fighting and brawler games. (you will notice my commitment by the fact that I even distinguish between fighting games and brawler games) I have tried to select videos of characters that have weapons similar to yours so that you can analyze the animation movements as well.

Fighting Games:
Guilty Gear Xrd (my favorite): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVzu6yP8Lic
BlazBlue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXMPxcIa1h4
Undernight Inbirth EXE:Late (best name award): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89Ki40ziLU4 (Gordeau) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEN1cTE7tVA (Hyde) (Undernight Inbirth EXE:Late doesn't have a good giant sword character, but Gordeau has a large weapon and Hyde has a sword)

Brawler Games:
Golden Axe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQHlCEfwMTQ (No giant swords, but there's a hot chick)
River City Ransom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4iI4gdX6d0 (No swords of any kind, but a lot of physics)
Samurai Warriors: https://youtu.be/iqx1UEbzal8?t=2m40s (Because Sakon has almost exactly the same weapon as your girl)

And something inbetween, Smash Bros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcYytT714P8
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:48 pm

Thank you for all the feed back guys.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:29 pm

Are you guys able to load and save your game?
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:14 am

I seem to be able to save and load successfully.

I like how the game has evolved.

The knockback mechanics seem particularly cool; are those based on how much of the monster's max hp you do per hit, like they stagger FURTHER back the more it is?

Everything continues to need work, though.

- First and foremost, the hitboxes: in an action game,(especially one as punishing as this), they can't be out of whack.
Minotaurs habitually hit me when they're nowhere close to my feet.
That's not going to work.

- Secondly, you can't seem to kill boss monsters with ordinary damage.
If that's intentional it's the kind of thing to put in the gameplay mechanics notes.
If it's not intentional, it's the kind of thing to fix.
Granted that bosses have unique cutscenes, it may be intentional.
Even so, if they get dropped to 0 hp they should probably fall to their knees or something until you cast Abyssal Reach on them, I don't know.

- Art... well, that's as before, just keep banging away at it.

As to suggestions:

1. Cumshots

2. An optional way to skip the ordinary scenes or make them pass by faster would be cool, for when you're replaying stages and you just want to heal and move on.

3. Level 5 seems like a lowish cap for the first stage; might want to raise that a bit when the boss can twoshot you with any attack.

(Also, the minotaur boss and stage strike me as being about 20 times harder than the forest, yo.
It took me like 20 tries to beat the Minotaur, and more than that to reach him reliably.
But only 3 to beat the forest stage and 1 to beat the boss.

The Minotaur boss's axes are fucking off the chain, man.
It'd be nice to be able to knock them out of the air or something.
He's actually on an unofficial time limit 'cause soon there are so many axes you can't... DO ANYTHING.

Same potentially goes for the witch and her ground-summons.
Bosses cluttering the arena is fine, but I wouldn't mind if the player could unclutter it too.
Anyway, good luck.)
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby scolexxx » Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:31 am

If I may, I have another art suggestion that might help you out, specifically when drawing in Flash. It looks like after you made some of the graphics, you stretched the movieclips to fit your desired dimensions. For example, you shrunk the protagonist's body height in the side scrolling part, but used the same clip of her head and stretched the height for the status bar graphic. You could improve the girl's proportions by returning her to the dimensions you drew her in. If you find that a graphic is too large or small for the space you intended it to go, resize it with the height and width locked.

Other small details like the stat bars being out of line might not seem like a big deal, but they all add up and are quickly noticed by the player. If you're going for a 2001 Newgrounds vibe you're doing great. If you're trying to improve your artistic skills, take the time to consider what you can do to improve the aesthetics.

Tumblr devblog: scolexxxgames.tumblr.com
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:36 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:I seem to be able to save and load successfully.

I like how the game has evolved.

The knockback mechanics seem particularly cool; are those based on how much of the monster's max hp you do per hit, like they stagger FURTHER back the more it is?

Everything continues to need work, though.

- First and foremost, the hitboxes: in an action game,(especially one as punishing as this), they can't be out of whack.
Minotaurs habitually hit me when they're nowhere close to my feet.
That's not going to work.

- Secondly, you can't seem to kill boss monsters with ordinary damage.
If that's intentional it's the kind of thing to put in the gameplay mechanics notes.
If it's not intentional, it's the kind of thing to fix.
Granted that bosses have unique cutscenes, it may be intentional.
Even so, if they get dropped to 0 hp they should probably fall to their knees or something until you cast Abyssal Reach on them, I don't know.

- Art... well, that's as before, just keep banging away at it.

As to suggestions:

1. Cumshots

2. An optional way to skip the ordinary scenes or make them pass by faster would be cool, for when you're replaying stages and you just want to heal and move on.

3. Level 5 seems like a lowish cap for the first stage; might want to raise that a bit when the boss can twoshot you with any attack.

(Also, the minotaur boss and stage strike me as being about 20 times harder than the forest, yo.
It took me like 20 tries to beat the Minotaur, and more than that to reach him reliably.
But only 3 to beat the forest stage and 1 to beat the boss.

The Minotaur boss's axes are fucking off the chain, man.
It'd be nice to be able to knock them out of the air or something.
He's actually on an unofficial time limit 'cause soon there are so many axes you can't... DO ANYTHING.

Same potentially goes for the witch and her ground-summons.
Bosses cluttering the arena is fine, but I wouldn't mind if the player could unclutter it too.
Anyway, good luck.)

Ya the knock back is based on the percent of damage dealt compared to max health. I realized that I sized the PC hit box based on the standing position and not her jumping one, ill fix this in the next patch. You can't kill the bosses with normal means and have to use Abyssal Reach on them. I will have bosses become stunned and clear out all their projectiles, when they reach 0 hp, next patch.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:41 pm

scolexxx Wrote:If I may, I have another art suggestion that might help you out, specifically when drawing in Flash. It looks like after you made some of the graphics, you stretched the movieclips to fit your desired dimensions. For example, you shrunk the protagonist's body height in the side scrolling part, but used the same clip of her head and stretched the height for the status bar graphic. You could improve the girl's proportions by returning her to the dimensions you drew her in. If you find that a graphic is too large or small for the space you intended it to go, resize it with the height and width locked.

Other small details like the stat bars being out of line might not seem like a big deal, but they all add up and are quickly noticed by the player. If you're going for a 2001 Newgrounds vibe you're doing great. If you're trying to improve your artistic skills, take the time to consider what you can do to improve the aesthetics.

How do I lock the height and width, when I resize, in Flash? Will that fact that I scale all the objects on the stage based on a % of stage.stageWidth/stage.stageHeight, in the document class, cause a problem?
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:57 am

Sweet. I'll check out how the changes affected the gameplay later, but they SOUND pretty good thus far. ... Too bad it sounds like the wood enemies got STRONGER.
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby musical74 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:45 am

UGH I'm lucky if I get to the first boss and knocking him out is impossible... The minotaur charging is just too hard, if I fail to stop the charge, forget it... while I like the energy bar, make it a little less hard so that if I'm trapped with 3 knights and a mino I don't have to wait for the bar to refill while they wail on me...

The controls are fine, but I'd get rid of the *life leech* bit, or at least wait until you know magic to make it work.

I think the other thing might be *make it to when you can recharge life with potions* as well... the summon is OK, but when there's 4 knights and two minos I'm less likely to remember the summon. Also... if there's a way to make the boss *normal* instead of *normal and then have a bunch of perks which makes him next to impossible*...UGH

Good idea, just way too hard the way it is set right now
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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby scolexxx » Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:07 am

Narzghoul77 Wrote:How do I lock the height and width, when I resize, in Flash? Will that fact that I scale all the objects on the stage based on a % of stage.stageWidth/stage.stageHeight, in the document class, cause a problem?

To lock width and height while scaling manually, click the chain icon next to the width and height values under the properties window. As for using classes, I have very limited knowledge. However, I would imagine that defining sizes for each object based on the % of the stage occupied is cumbersome. There must be a simpler way.

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Re: Whore of Nightmare

Postby Narzghoul77 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:55 pm

musical74 Wrote:UGH I'm lucky if I get to the first boss and knocking him out is impossible... The minotaur charging is just too hard, if I fail to stop the charge, forget it... while I like the energy bar, make it a little less hard so that if I'm trapped with 3 knights and a mino I don't have to wait for the bar to refill while they wail on me...

The controls are fine, but I'd get rid of the *life leech* bit, or at least wait until you know magic to make it work.

I think the other thing might be *make it to when you can recharge life with potions* as well... the summon is OK, but when there's 4 knights and two minos I'm less likely to remember the summon. Also... if there's a way to make the boss *normal* instead of *normal and then have a bunch of perks which makes him next to impossible*...UGH

Good idea, just way too hard the way it is set right now

More the I think about it, I realize that life leech won't help the monsters a lot, with the way I set the game up. I was thinking of replacing it with something more powerful. I think the new mod will be called "Iron Will" and will increase the stun threshold for melee attacks to stun the monster, from 30% of max life, to 60% of max life.
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