by Sundance » Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:43 am
Coria eyes were glowing with interest as she looked as the felid. So many nights had she spend reading books about other races and there ways, and now she could talk with one. "So you are not a crossbreed, but a pureblood?" Again her curiosity took the best of her. "Cu..Cuddle? Why yes. I used to have a cat, but then we were stuck on sea for a month and we had to cook her, i kinda miss Fluffy." The rumble at the inn seemed to ease up a little and again Coria was looking at the woman and the half-orc. There were so many interesting things about these brutish creatures. "Excuse me for a moment, i will be right back." She shortly bowed down then run over. "Sombody called for a doctor?" The outcast asked, knowing that she wasnt really a doctor, but again, she had read a book about basic medicine, and was ready to learn more about it. "Coria del Lunario, at your service."