Kevinspear1 Wrote:I've been playing Humbird0's Pokémon for a while when I suddenly ran into a problem. Whenever I try to sleep until the night on the St Anne I get a black screen. I hear noises in the Bg like something is happening but the screen stays blank. Is this a glitch? Or have I simply progressed as far as the game has advanced for the moment? And I hate asking these types of questions on the forum, but I did not know where else to turn. Thanks and sorry
Dead2112man Wrote:Hey Humbird0, just wondering, had a situation where I need to go back to all the past pokemon centers and use the teleport station in them at all the locations to unlock not only vermillian but the past two citys also, was that meant to be or is the code messed up?
surothedeath Wrote:i have a problem my swf player dont working can somone help me it only be vlack screen i have windows 10 and my save file is on it Wrote:So uh... is nobody going to give thoughts on what I said about Seadra? Wrote:So uh... is nobody going to give thoughts on what I said about Seadra?
bubba91 Wrote:I think it could be fixed by just painting the "skirt" blue in the horny one.
bubba91 Wrote:Well, not so much people will notice, but once seen cannot be unseen. Feel free to do what you think is better.
furiouspotato Wrote:I got a message that needed my permission for a save after it went over 1 MB. I pressed allow, but after trying to load it again I get the "No data to load" message. I really don't want to start a new game again.
Dead2112man Wrote:furiouspotato Wrote:I got a message that needed my permission for a save after it went over 1 MB. I pressed allow, but after trying to load it again I get the "No data to load" message. I really don't want to start a new game again.
What? how are you saving the game, via cookie or clipboard, for if it is via cookie, then you computer some how ate the cookie so to it not being chocolate chip.
But if you are saving via clipboard, it says right there, on the screen above the save data, that you must open a text document like notepad, and paste in that text document.
If you computer did eat your cookie, I would suggest not saving that way and do the clipboard way to be safe.
furiouspotato Wrote:So anyone mind posting a save at least shortly after the part where you're being told to find Bill?
Dead2112man Wrote:furiouspotato Wrote:So anyone mind posting a save at least shortly after the part where you're being told to find Bill?
Why not just restart, who knows, you might find that you missed something?
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