Bomberman2010 Wrote:i have 2 bugs.
1. after healing your pokemon by joy (if you meet widdow first time), joy show you her boobs and if you afk her the phone, she is invisible.
2. i can't load my game by using clipboard... i don't now why... here my safegame (at start)
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hpfan123 Wrote:Bomberman2010 Wrote:if either of u 2 last poster had bothered to read the last couple pages, as i had already posted this problem and received an answer, you would know that the clipboard save file ability isnt working bc of a glitch in the game making program
elisabeth Wrote:There guide this game?
after completing Moon Moon, i find a Machoke and an idiot not let me. How I can spend?
elisabeth Wrote:it's ok, but... after completing Moon Moon, what to do?
hpfan123 Wrote:elisabeth Wrote:it's ok, but... after completing Moon Moon, what to do?
train your pokemon and wait for the next update
elisabeth Wrote:hpfan123 Wrote:elisabeth Wrote:it's ok, but... after completing Moon Moon, what to do?
train your pokemon and wait for the next update
Next update? oh...fuck me!! I thought I was silly. I wait anxiously. eevee is so adorable...
Rocky Balboa Wrote:Its good but i think you should increase the speed in which the word come up when talking its just way to slow or at least make it skippable
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