i expiriance the same problemqetuoadgjlzc Wrote:Thanks for fixing the bugs but i found an other bugs After catch a tentacool i go to the secret room but i spawn right at the table and im unable to move
assShapedBoggart Wrote:bug: it seems that when i sleep in the salon in brocks town pikachu becomes invisible and i cant get it undone.
Xantia Wrote:Awesome work.
Love the new chapter, especially the magic show.
I'm also getting spawned on the table, I assumed this was the end of the current content though.
One issue that really upset me. When I recovered my lvl 8 pikachu at the end of the party (right after the captain ran in saying that we were definitely not sinking), I got her back as lvl 2.
humbird0 Wrote:!?
That's weird. I'd better look into that.
Also, were you continuing from an older saved game?
Okay, I'm pretty sure I've fixed it now.
When you go to sleep on the St Anne, the game is supposed to make a backup of Pikachu's data. And then restore it later when you get Pikachu back. It wasn't backing up the data properly at that part. That's fixed now.
Bahnarnar Wrote:Just wondering if it is possible when we finish the demo, we can spawn back at the starting house again with all our pokemon?? I havent completly unlocked all the pictures when the demo ended.
Bahnarnar Wrote:Just wondering if it is possible when we finish the demo, we can spawn back at the starting house again with all our pokemon?? I havent completly unlocked all the pictures when the demo ended.
Xantia Wrote:I'm betting I'll still have a lvl 2 pika pal when I load the fix version but i'm sure it wont kill me
It's awesome that your so on top of these issues. Love your work.
Poati Wrote:I recently get very bad freezing problems. Every 2 minutes the game just freezes with an error about the flash player is it a known problem?
Xantia Wrote:It's awesome that your so on top of these issues. Love your work.
Dark_Onix Wrote:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
ztztzt39 Wrote:...but I am worried since his site is down. I hope he is alright.
rebelseal Wrote:he gets busy irl for a while and "Quits" then comes back with a lot of progress suddenly done he's awesome like that
ValturNaa Wrote:I don't think it's at all that he "quits." He's probably just like me. Gets carried away in what he's doing and forgets to stay connected. I haven't done that as much lately but I've been known to be off facebook, unresponsive to emails, and living almost entirely offline for months at a time. Also been known to stay locked in my room for sixteen hours straight, except for a few minutes a couple times a day to grab a bite to eat or go to the bathroom, just sitting at my computer writing.
humbird0 Wrote:Also, the reason my website went down was because money has been tight lately.
loshi1505 Wrote:Is the website still down? no wait... others are playing it so it obviously isn't....
ugh not sure how or what's causing the problem if it's on my end... but I can't even access your page TO download the game again.... >_<
is the error it give me EVERY time....
humbird0 Wrote:Hopefully you can access dropbox's servers.
フランク Wrote:Humbird0 asked for the porygon line-art for coloring, and here it is ...Spoiler (click to show/hide):
I also sent him an email some days ago, most likely without success.
And I guess posting it here is the better option.
If someone else wanna try his/her luck, feel free to do so ...
The porygon.zip contains the photoshop-file and three picture-files
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