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Re: Pokkaloh v0.7.2

Postby hagya229 » Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:24 pm

musical74 Wrote:EDIT: it seems that this only happens if I'm not playing it here. This is odd, because the previous versions I could play in my *flashes* folder, but not the latest version...
I had another player who could only play on this forum, but that was for a precedent version and now he can play it on newgrounds just fine. I don't really like this kind of problem because I can't do anything about it.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.7.2

Postby musical74 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:05 am

wonder why that happens? All the previous versions I could play elsewhere, but not this one

Unrelated note, when the latest gal makes clothes for the other women, think she should make new clothes for the guy too
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.7.2

Postby hagya229 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:50 am

Yep, I thought about clothes for the guy. I thought about clothes that unlock special scenes and clothes that give special abilities. But my to-do list is so long :o
So I doubt you'll see that in the near future :s
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.7.2

Postby Kurushimi » Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:11 am

I like this game. Only thing that bugs me is that a significant portion of the map seems to be blocked off (WIP?). I have trouble keeping track of all the current areas.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby thatoneshotguy » Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:30 am

Wow, this game shows so much potential to me, I felt the NEED to post my thoughts, hence my username. Granted, it's possible no one will give a damn, I'll leave my opinion for the sake of those who do, but it's lengthy.
First off, I think the concept of the game is amazing. The person you control owns an island and, over time, females from all over claim interest in living on the island alongside you. Not all of them do, but the interaction between them creates a feeling of social interaction to avoid the loneliness one might feel on an island alone. Each girl (Most at least) seems to act like an upgrade in the experience, where you gain a new base item for a new miniactivity to partake in during your stay (The fishing pole, plant seeds, pickaxe etc...). After playing the game up to the ending prompt from the developer, here's a list of what I liked and what I thought needed improvement.
-Overall concept is interesting and well-put together
-Minigames that can be played as you survive which correspond to the leveling system
-Upgrading things, referring to the addition of more girls, adds to the enjoyment
-Music in the game changes with the time of the day (ALWAYS a gem in any game)
-Periodically, you'll find that each girl has a sidequest for you to embark on helping her to achieve (Finding lost items, fixing things, etc.)
However, coming to the primary reason for the review/comment, there are a few things about the gameplay experience I had that was not so enjoyable to have.
-The game needs more girls, more activities, needs to be expanded on in terms of gameplay (Obviously, it's in alpha)
-The map, although this is subjective, falls just a bit short of areas and needs more variation between regions (A lot seemed to blend in as clones of grassy plains)
-The dialogue shared between each girl is just a bit dull. I say dull lightly because I did enjoy speaking to them, but there should be a bit more, along with more variation in personalities
-The game had me stressed CONSTANTLY due to the lack of time to do much anything. Hard to claim true at the beginning, but near the end, you're rushing to water plants, finish requests, talk to all girls, deliver gifts, collect resources, etc.
-The last con I felt needed to be addressed, though this may only be a temporary problem, is the art style. I know for a fact there are others out there who may not say it, but the artwork of the girls when naked or during intercourse is on the shallow side. Don't get me wrong, I like the core idea behind each character, and the pixelated forms I have no quarrel with. However, due to the demographic aiming toward sexual relations is present, the artwork does not exactly fit the "tickle my pickle it's so hot" criteria.
These, keep in mind, are all just my own personal claims, and I know there will be disagreement between myself and other players of the game. I just feel, due to this being an alpha/demo, it's too early to judge so harshly. Overall, I REALLY enjoy your game, and I hope you continue to improve on it, as I think it's got boatloads of potential.
Literally. ;)
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby hagya229 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:31 pm

Thanks for your interesting review :). I think most "Cons" will be addressed. Kurushimi complained about his trouble to keep track of all areas but I think the reason is that the map lacks variations.
To have more time, you should hire both fairies, they will collect resources for you saving you a lot of time.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby musical74 » Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:09 am

Still won't let me save and play outside of here...have no clue why this one file is the only one that acts this way. More so since up to 6 I could DL and play later... GRRRRRR At least I can play here though

I do have an important question regarding the fairies: can you kiss them/do something to thank them for all their hard work? I think they would be happy to have some sort of appreciation! Also, do you have some sort of orgy planned with all the women, or is it simply *every woman separate*? I don't mind either way, just be interesting to see how the various women would react to *orgy*
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby KnightOf1 » Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:35 am

Game is awesome!! But it of course heavily lacks graphics. It motivated me to make and revamp as much as the title screen to give you an idea of what i can do. I do a bunch of small HUD and other things too if you're interested. 8-)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby hagya229 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:09 pm

KnightOf1 Wrote:Game is awesome!! But it of course heavily lacks graphics. It motivated me to make and revamp as much as the title screen to give you an idea of what i can do. I do a bunch of small HUD and other things too if you're interested. 8-)
I like your style, mail me at : pokkaloh(_at_)mail.com. What font did you use?
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby KnightOf1 » Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:47 am

hagya229 Wrote:I like your style, mail me at : pokkaloh(_at_)mail.com. What font did you use?

Thank you. The font was drawn from scratch using the SAI Paint Tool and converted over to PSD. ;) Making the actual font took about 5 minutes. Filtering it out and giving color and design took about 10. I'll email you more details.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby Darthamius » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:41 am

When I'm playing and reach the sex scene for the first girl Bellamere at the end it freezes and I cant click out of it
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby Spartacus » Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:17 pm

Just finished the game again.

First up: Did you get a new artist? The new art on Bella is amazing :o If it is you, kudos man :)
The only minor gripe I got is the cum. Dicks are not shotguns and thus do not spray like that :)
But other then that, the new body: great. the shower peep: very nice. The sex: nice, especially the facial animations.

Will you be upgrading the other girls as well? because the difference is big ...

On that front, really like the different personalities of the girls. Makes them feel unique. Keep it up.

On the feedback you have received, I too would like to see more clothing variety for the protagonist.
I did not feel pressured by the game at all. Unlocked everything by day 26 and enjoyed every minuted of it.
Will definitely check out your patreon to trow you a couple off bucks later :)
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby KnightOf1 » Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:41 pm

Spartacus Wrote:Just finished the game again.

First up: Did you get a new artist? The new art on Bella is amazing :o If it is you, kudos man :)
The only minor gripe I got is the cum. Dicks are not shotguns and thus do not spray like that :)
But other then that, the new body: great. the shower peep: very nice. The sex: nice, especially the facial animations.

Will you be upgrading the other girls as well? because the difference is big ...

On that front, really like the different personalities of the girls. Makes them feel unique. Keep it up.

On the feedback you have received, I too would like to see more clothing variety for the protagonist.
I did not feel pressured by the game at all. Unlocked everything by day 26 and enjoyed every minuted of it.
Will definitely check out your patreon to trow you a couple off bucks later :)

I'm redesigning Sierra, stay tuned for her new appearance! :D
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby hagya229 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:43 pm

@Darthamius : Can you please try this version : http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/851 ... 0b2d922d38 (just skip the dialogues then press "L" to go directly to the sex scene). I changed some stuff but I don't know why some people have this problem so it's hard to solve.

@Spartacus : Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Yep, I got a new artist. He is upgrading Svetlana right now. The game will be a lot better once every drawing I made will be remplaced.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby Spartacus » Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:10 am

hagya229 Wrote:@Spartacus : Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Yep, I got a new artist. He is upgrading Svetlana right now. The game will be a lot better once every drawing I made will be remplaced.

Like it? I love it :) It is not that the old drawings where bad (except for the sex scene with the miner girl, that was laughably bad). It is just day and night difference now.
I liked the story and mechanics before (except for those deathwish needlefish), and with the upgraded graphics this is fast becoming one of my favorite games on this site.

Keep up the good work
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:33 pm

I really like this game. It's fun as a game even without the sex scenes.

I noticed that the fairies do not show up for work unless the delivery girl is at least topless.

Some harem scenes would make a cool finale.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby Renara » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:45 pm

So, following up on a query from musical74 about this game not playing correctly offline, I've managed to reproduce the same issue on my own machine. It seems like something about being played offline is causing the game to get stuck when opening a new game.

I can however get it to run by adding it to a Trusted Location in my Flash settings (I'm not sure how to access this on Windows, but it's in the Flash System Preferences on Mac).

This seems to me like the game must be trying to load a file, possibly somewhere on the LoK site, that it can't load offline because it no longer "belongs" to the same domain name, i.e- only files hosted on the LoK site can access other stuff on the LoK site by default, but files on your computer belong to the 'localhost' domain. Adding it as a Trusted Location allows it to load resources from anywhere. The other possibility is that a requested file doesn't exist, but when hosted on the LoK site the web-server still returns a page (describing the error) whereas a local file may be throwing an exception instead, except when run from a Trusted Location.

Just thought I'd let you know in case it helps with figuring out what the game might be trying to load that could be causing this issue. In short though, it doesn't appear to be a web-site issue, as other files run fine offline.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby hagya229 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:09 pm

AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:I noticed that the fairies do not show up for work unless the delivery girl is at least topless.
The problem is something else. It will be solved in a future version. If a fairy doesn't show up, load your savegame, it should solve the problem;)

@Renara : Thanks, it helps a lot to be able to reproduce the problem. I'll remove everything from trusted location and tweak the code until it works. It's weird though, as I am only using shared object to save (unless haxeflixel is doing weird stuff I'm not aware of). Or maybe it's some old code that I forgot to delete.
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby NoUser » Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:30 pm

Concerning the trouble related by musical74 (can't play it locally)...

** EDIT ** Correction

An HTML request is fired for the beginning of the game (anyway, there are several other such requests in the game).

The request (i.e. sendKeenEvent call in C) for the beginning is done by the init function in Reg: for "lancement" , with ["type"] = "load".

The sendKeenEvent function is then sending an HTML request to "http://pokkaloh.uboxi.com/scr.php" through com.player03.analytics.jb (see JBTrackingEventAPI) .

Note: this problem is absent in the test version http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/851 ... 0b2d922d38 (so, the flash file can be played locally).

Possibly (??) because there is no initialization of the queue event in PlayState.as, function update for the test version:
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Re: Pokkaloh v0.8

Postby hagya229 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:26 pm

Actually I already solved this problem for the next version thanks to renara and musical74. Thanks anyway.
It's crazy how you can read the code from the swf file :o I didn't know it was possible

BTW, if you can solve the problem of spartacus too, it would be great. I still don't know if my fix worked because neither him or others on newgrounds answered me.
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