by VintageBass » Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:22 pm
So it seems that the tavern is not the rendezvous point she was hoping to be but the clinic, seeing as the new stranger and the catgirl are heading in that direction. Kassy makes her way towards there, looking out at the witch to get an idea about who she is and why she is talking to the raven with her. Upon arriving at the clinic, Kassy sees the others are up and moving about, with Sharya swinging her sword about and Nighteyes going after the raven before being stopped by Kailyne. This is a certainly interesting group of travelers here, all tied by one common goal and similar markings. Even hearing that the newcomer elf also has a similar mark to the others, although the main thing that really caught her attention isn't so much the attire she's wearing, which Kassy is rather mystified in her beauty, but the fact that the raven is actually speaking. Huh.
When the moment the doctor began speaking, Kassy shook out of her trance and wonderment of the bird speaking and focuses on the man speak about Eseralda's troupe. What is getting to her the most is the mention of the description of beastmen the doctor is talking about, and how she differs from the rest of them. Sure she does sell stuff and does have her own mystical aura around her, but she has settled down in this town because she likes working out in her field and enjoying the hard work being put into it. This has her thinking about wanting to call her partner "husband" or "wife," should she ever finds one to share her love. The holstaur kept all of this to herself, listening patiently and not really disagreeing with the doctor, although she could be one of the rare exceptions to his description. The real meat lies in the matter that Esmeralda has something similar to the sniper, meaning that the mark has spread and is doing some odd magic to her being. This has Kassy petting her chest, rubbing her mark and wondering if that's how those two end up, would she be like them?
The holstaur shudders a bit, questioning to herself about how far does her holy protection go in preventing possibly some demonic magic from taking a hold of her and corrupting her much like Esmeralda, judging from the sound of the doctor's talk. She wants to grab onto Priea and hold her close, but she does want to get moving and learn a little more about what is happening. "Hopefully she is reasonable enough to talk," she explained, going off of what Sharya said. "She could be like that sniper with how her mark is, but if it's completely filled..." she pauses, trying to piece together what this could mean. "Anyway, it might be better to get moving. So who is this merchant and where are they?" Kassy throws her hellos to the witch and her companion, and she also questions about the usage of a trap done by the stranger man. She thought about it for a moment, but then shakes her head. "No, it seems a bit unlikely. It might be just them affected by the mark, but I don't know. It's best we learn what it's capable of and see if there's anything we can do to prevent it from doing the same to us."
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
- Nash Bozard