Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:18 pm

"I have just the place" the doctor says. He leads Kassandra and any one who would follow to a small storage room inside the hut. There were no windows so there wasn't a risk of anyone peeking in from the outside. "Will this do?" he asks as he shows the Holstaur the room. " Most of the other rooms are occupied and here you can have all the privacy you need."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:46 am

"Oh! Thank you so much!" Sharya graciously accepts the ointment, opting to save it for later, but she's more appreciative of the news that they'll only be incapacitated for the night. Next, she turned her attention to Kassy's retelling of the fight. Sharya may not have been in the fight until the end, but Aria had been the one to end it and she had healed Aria so it was just as good! ..... Right?

Kassy seemed like she was getting really upset from talking about the battle though, so Sharya decides to let the subject drop even though she's still curious about the sniper who shared their mark. Would their marks start to spread too? It wasn't a pleasant thought and surely nothing good that would come from it. Soooo it was better just to stop thinking about it for now.

"Ooh, I'll help you out! I'd say I owe you for picking up the slack for me in that fight after all!" Sharya responds enthusiastically to Kassy's request for help with her milk. Partially she's curious about the strange sounding blessed breast milk, but mostly she'd do anything to not be stuck in bed any longer. Taking great care to avoid agitating her wound, she slowly rises from bed and follows Kassy and the doctor to the private room. "Fair warning, I don't really know what I'm doing here. But I've never let that stop me before!"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:56 pm

Kassy hears Sharya offering her service to help in the milking process and she smiles in delight. "Thank you," she replied, nodding in response. It is good that one of the fallen is helping out, since she said she wants to help repay for falling back and offering to get some more healing items to keep the others active does sound like a good plan. It doesn't matter who is helping, be it Sharya, Kailyne, Priea or even the doctor, as long as she has some extra hands to help get the milk out, it's all good for the holstaur. Kassy kept Sharya close, keeping an eye on her in case something goes wrong when they're venturing out into the storage room.

The holstaur pokes her head inside of the room, making sure that the two of them have some leg and breathing room and some seat for her to rest on. "Thank you, we should be out in a couple of minutes," she explained herself to the doctor. "I'll have her out and back in bed in no time!" She gives him a smile before leading Sharya into the closet and shutting the door behind them, making sure not to lock themselves out just in case. Once inside, Kassy takes whatever item she saw that could be use as a chair and props that up, sitting herself down on top of it and facing Sharya with a smile on her face, feeling rather intrigued with this situation. This is the first time she's going to allow a stranger like Sharya to milk her... or even have someone else milk her, and Kassy even has the bottles all ready to go.

The holstaur then starts undoing her top so they can get going on the milking. "So, you ever seen people milk regular cows before?" she asked, loosening her top some more before finally letting her large and heavy breasts plop from her chain armor and tunic she wore underneath. Two perky pink nipples stand erect, one on each breast and each pointing right at Sharya with a hint of milk appearing on the very tip. "It's using the same technique here, but I enjoy a softer touch. Usually I have a machine to help me, but since we're going to be traveling together, I'm going to need some help and having some extra hands isn't a bad thing. You just need to take your hand," and she reaches out to grab Sharya's hand and putting it to one of her breast, "and glide it along." Kassy feels a tingling sense of pleasure coursing through her as she feels Sharya's soft hand gliding against her breast, making her moo in response and a good load of milk to come out. Thankfully she has a bottle catching each drop leaking out, showing what kind of milk is being stored away and it filling ever so little.

"J-Just like that, now... do it for both, and let's try to fill all of these..." All of that anger she is building up is now washing away from that pleasurable stroke. If it keeps it up, Kassy isn't sure if she can hold anything back, but she'll try.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:41 pm

Kailyne nods her thanks to the doctor and rests up her eyes closing as she hugs Nighteyes close, sharing in her warmth and knowing full well the wolfess was likely to nip and pull at her bandages and clean her wound herself once she was given a chance or makes the chance herself. Once everyone leaves to help Kassy be milked the very idea seeming distasteful to the injured elf she curls up and pulls the blanket off of her, becoming too warm with nighteye's heat upon her to suffer under it. Groaning in discomfort she shifts and whines whenever she pulls at her wound. Feeling stiff and feeble.

Once alone Nighteyes sits up and looks around growling a little to make sure the elven woman didn't move before the wolf began ripping and tearing her bandages away to reveal the wound, oozing a little blood from the behavior as she fights to keeps till and not cry out in pain before the rough tongue begins to bathe the cut. Gasping she is unable to stop herself from crying out in pain, her soft voice filling the air as she grabs a pillow and buries her face in it to silence herself as her companion continues to clean and tend to the wound in her own way much to the discomfort of Kailyne.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:02 am

Kassandra uses Blessed Milk

Kassandra feels the milk flow freely from her breasts. As she did, Kassandra felt a euphoric feeling come over her. It doesn't take long for the Holstaur and Elf to fill all four bottles with milk. Though Kassandra can still feel a bit of milk leak from her breast.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Get: Milk Bottle x 4, 1qts of milk remains; +1LP to Kassandra

Back in the medical room, Nighteyes cleans Kailyne's wounds with her tongue. While it stung, his saliva did a fantastic job of disinfecting her wounds while promoting the skin to heal. (+5HP)
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:18 pm

A light blush colors Sharya's cheeks as she steps into the room with Kassy and the Holstaur woman bares her breasts. They certainly looked heavy and so full that a bit of milk was already leaking out of Kassy's nipples. That must be uncomfortable, not to mention bad for her back. "It's the same as milking a regular cow? I've seen it once or twice, but I never got to try it out." Sharya replies as she allows Kassy to guide her hand to her breast. She watched with fascination as the gentle pressure of her hand sends milk from Kassy's breast and into the bottle.

Sharya is on her own after that first stroke, so she continues a bit hesitantly, though she gains confidence the more she glides her soft hands along each of Kassy's breasts. "Softer touch... Softer touch..." She mutters to herself, reminding herself to not be too rough with Kassy as she works diligently to fill the bottles. Before too long, Sharya is smiling with satisfaction as the fourth and final bottle is filled.

"That wasn't too hard! And you seemed like you enjoyed it. Hehe." She giggles teasingly, having noticed the Holstaur woman's mooing and how relieved she seemed, physically and mentally. Whatever the reason, Sharya was happy to see that whatever about the battle that had Kassy so agitated wasn't bothering her so much anymore.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:32 am

Kassy seems to be a bit lost after having her breasts milked, recalling some soft brushes against her melons and everything seeming to wash away. All of that hate, gone. What she got in return is some joyous feelings of her two milk-filled mounds getting stroked by some random stranger and... something else burning as well. It certainly was more pleasurable than when she did this before. Not to mention she was never this full before. There were the occasional moments, but she never got to the point of being this full, and now that it's all stored away in some handy bottles for their group to drink up is right in front of her. She isn't sure about what is going on, and why it's all acting up right after that battle, but if this is coming from this mark... maybe she can enjoy getting milked more often.

Keeping a blush on her cheeks, hearing Sharya talking about how much she enjoyed that experience, Kassy readjusts her top so she is properly dressed and ready to look decent for everyone else in the clinic. "R-Right... thanks," she replied, smiling softly as she holds the four bottles in hand before looking down at some notches she can attach them to. However, she hands one of the bottles to Sharya. "Here, share this with Kailyne, Nighteyes and Priea. It'll be something for the lot of you, to help get you all better, and it's safe to drink. My recommendation is to serve it warm. It helps calm the nerves!" Her smile grew bigger when she stated this, giggling as she finally ventures out of the room and makes her way out of the clinic.

Seeing that things are getting late, it might be better to head on back to her home, spend the night in bed and sleep off the day. However, she is interested in the party that is going on at the inn, perhaps get to talk to Dixie and Daisy about Kassy's own home since the holstaur is going to be leaving with these warriors to find the man that put this curse on them. Plus she was rather turned on from the stroking, and the sisters are not bad looking women... Kassy shakes her head. She needs to set herself a good example, especially to Priea! Steeling herself, Kassy said her goodbye to her compatriots and ventures on to the inn, wanting to get some partying out of her system before crashing for the evening.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:07 pm

Priea found herself pretty much being left to herself, given both she'd been trying to heal seemed to be busy with other matters... making her feel a bit out of place and awkward, something she didn't quite like. She took the time to slip off back to the main area of the inn, figuring she should look into getting herself a room so she could rest up. As she arrived, she looked over the party a bit enviously... having never really partied much herself as the closest things she'd experienced like this had been when her family still lived and those had been for merely her Birthday or Holidays... the cleric sighed, now feeling a tad depressed as she pushed such thoughts aside, moving to locate the Innkeeper or whomever she needed to speak to about getting a room... she really hoped they weren't all booked up already.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:45 pm

Cocking an eyebrow at the geezers stories of days gone by, Shayde momentarily allowed Gregory to keep feeling her up while doing her very best to keep her own body from tensing up at his vile touch. She could not, however, keep herself from jumping from the bed when his hand began squeezing at her upper thigh though her eyes were still attached to the damn amulet, "Sorry, I thought I... Heard someone at the door!" Coughing and crossing her arms under her ample chest while she brought her tail around to rub lightly at Gregory's chin, "Look you seem like a wise and brave adventurer, but how about this...its pretty evident what you want from me in exchange for that pretty amulet you have there. Unfortunately I'm in a bit of a rush and have other things to do so how about a deal? We simply flip a coin. Heads I get the amulet, Tails you give me the amulet but you get me plus this in compensation..." Bringing out the pocket watch from her pocket to show Gregory the timepiece she had picked off one of the corpses, "...so what do you think? We have a deal? I mean Im pretty sure I don't have to tell someone as... Heroic as you that a real man takes bets?" Doing her best to strike his ego and coax him into accepting the deal.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:17 pm

"I'll take that wager missy" the old bounty hunter says without a moment's hesitation. Giving Shayde's pocket watch a once over, he smiles. "This trinket would make a fine addition to my collection. And to make things fair I won't use my amulet" He says as he puts the prized treasure on the night stand. The old man then pulls out a coin and shows you both sides to ensure it's legit. With a quick flip he tosses it into the air and lets it fall into his palm. In one quick motion he slaps it onto the back of his hand:

Coin Flip d6 (1-3 = Head, 4-6 Tails): 3

The coin comes up as Heads, he looks at you and then at coin and gives you a hearty laugh. "HA HA! You got some luck there kitty. Well I'm not a sore loser so here take your prize" He says as he hands you the amulet. You look at the jewel contained in the centre. The Cat's Eye was as beautiful as you last saw it. "Hopefully that amulet is as good for you as well as it's been for me." He says with a giant smile. You do remember him saying something about the it being lucky.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Shayde has obtained the Cat's Eye Amulet (Twice per day, turn a failed roll(Combat or Non Combat) into a success or Turn a successful roll against you (Combat or Non Combat) into a miss)


As Kassandra reach the inn you find that all the bodies have been moved including Hillsdale's. You also notice all the mercenaries under his employment have already been arrested. As you enter the in you receive a cheer from all the locals. They had gathered in the lobby to share a few drinks. In the crowd you see Dixie & Daisy talking to a few of the other farm hands. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. As people began to filter out of the inn either to head home or continue the party at the pub, Dixie walks towards you and pats you one the shoulder. "This was some party. I was talking with some of the other townsfolk and if you need any help at home or on the farm just let us know. It's the least we can do." She says with a smile. She then leaves you to crash for the night.

Once Priea reaches the innkeeper, she finds to her good fortune that they still have rooms available. With the day winding down, you retire for the night.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:44 am

Sharya accepts the bottle of Kassy's milk with a smile, examining the bottle curiously as she does so. "Thanks! I'll make sure everyone gets some. If you need help with this in the future, let me know and I'll be happy to help you out again! Good night!" She bids Kassy farewell as they go their separate ways. "Wait... This means I have to go back to bed, doesn't it?" Sharya sighs as she realizes this and reluctantly heads back to their room in the clinic.

Back in their room, Kailyne and Nighteyes are more or less right where she left them, but Priea seems to have left. Oh well, more for the rest of them. The idea of drinking another woman's breast milk is a bit... strange to Sharya, though her curiosity eventually outweighs her hesitation. She takes a small sip from the bottle, which is followed by a big gulp once she finds that she really likes the taste. She leaves plenty for her other companions, setting the bottle on a nearby table for them to drink at their leisure, and crawls back into her bed. "Kassy gave some of that milk to us. It's pretty good, and she says it'll help us recover so go ahead and help yourselves!"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:35 am

Grinning widely and letting out a silent sigh of relief that her luck at held together, Shayde quickly pocketed her watch and slid her new trophy around her neck before lightly running her fingers over it and purring slightly, "mmhmhmhm, you are a pretty little thing aren't you~" her feline eyes entirely fixed on the dazzling stone set into the centre of the amulet. "hey, you win some and you lose some, right?" Shayde chuckled at the old bounty hunter before leaning down to kiss him on the cheek, "pleasure doing business with you Gregory!" Shayde said with a wink before slipping out the door and going in search of her party members or if none if them were about simply heading towards the bar to revel in her victory for the rest of the night, celebrating both the won battle and her newfound amulet by getting happily smashed with the rest of the townsfolk, who needed sleep anyway?
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:38 am

The holstaur got herself comfortable at the party, finding herself in the midst of the partygoers and drinking up her choice in beverage, skipping out on the alcohol mostly to be one of the sober members of the party when they finally head out to explore. Still, Kassy is enjoying herself, feeling relieved that her town is going back to being a town of farmers growing crops for everyone without some shady businessman controlling over them. Her body grooves to the melody and joins in on some of the drunken cheers and laughter, smiling to see so many people free from his rule. It's too bad she's not going to be helping them out in the fields, but she has a much bigger role to take on by stopping that man who cursed her and everyone she met, even that sniper. Maybe the two could run into each other and Kassy can strike up a conversation instead of fighting such a deadly adversary.

Before she can make her leave, the holstaur notices the catgirl making her entrance and celebrating with the remaining patrons wanting to keep the party going through the night. There is also Priea heading off to a room on her own and this got Kassy questioning to invite her over to her house, but shakes it off. They'll be on the road together, so they have plenty of time to be together, even sleep together if needed, depending on where things go off. Dixie walks up to Kassy and mentions about helping out with the farm, which got the holstaur happy that the town is going to take care of her place while she is gone. She explains everything to the redhead about what to do, potentially boring her with every last detail the holstaur does to tend to her crops and home, but gives Dixie a reassuring pat, knowing that the sisters and the town can do their best to take care of everything while she and the others are hunting the man.

A yawn escapes Kassy's lips. She looks over at the time, figuring it's best to get moving. She makes her way home, wanting to spend one more night there before rejoining with everyone at the tavern to get on their way. This also provides a chance to gather up some additional supplies, just to help them survive out in the wild. Kassy passes out on her bed, stripped of everything and carefully placed to the side so that she can easily get them back on and looking ready for an adventure.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:28 am

Night passes and a new day rises on Glassmill. For Kailyne & Sharya, they find most of their wounds have healed and your ready to face the day (Full HP to both Kailyne & Sharya). Priea and Kassandra are also able to get a good's night rest.(Full HP to both Priea & Kassandra). Finally, Shayde spends the night celebrating, her new amulet in hand. When the next morning comes, you find yourself on the pub floor surrounded by other drunkards. It hard to remember what happened the previous night. You remember drinking, dancing, fighting and a misplaced hand here or there. (No HP Recovery). The only one unaccounted for was Aria, but you can assume she was able able to find a place to sleep at the inn (Full HP for Aria)

As the sun rises, Zalira comes in through the eastern gate of Glassmill. The town is a bit of a mess with blood and signs of a fight near the centre of time. What Zalira and the others in town would notice near the towns northern gate is a small caravan.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Dec 25, 2015 11:42 am

"Are you certain?" Zalira asked again as she crossed the eastern gate, restraining her eagerness upon the sight of past combat and blood that had not yet dried, eerily lit by the rays of morning sun. "Yes, I am. This is it," Ey'ala confirmed with a resounding sigh ringing unnaturally from her sharp beak. She had caught the sight of struggle earlier in the day, when she had soared to scout ahead distances that Zalira could not have reached that soon. Not that there was anything she could have done but return and report. The information itself had been worth it. "If there are indeed other ones with the same goal as me then we need to find them, they might know the meaning behind all this," assuming she had not already arrived too late and they were gone, at which point she was alone again. ".. or they could be just as clueless as us," the familiar squawked, as they reached the centre of town. Zalira looked around at the buildings, people, as well as the caravan some ways distance. "Do you have any ideas where we ought to look first?" she asked the raven perched on her shoulder, who removed herself from her place with a few movements of her wings to hover in front of her mistress and look her in the eye as she spoke. "Well.. the battle looked very intense. It's unlikely that everyone got out without any injury, so I suggest we speak to the local medic. Either that or the watering hole but we would have a more difficult time singling out the people we are looking for."

.. more so since they never really knew the specifics. Ey'ala couldn't have gotten that close and besides, it wasn't as if strolling in and asking about peculiar markings is going to win them any favor. The people here were already suspicious, and Zalira couldn't really blame them. If she had been less trusting, she would not have been in this position to begin with.

"I agree," she conceded, and turned around to search for the hospital building.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:39 pm

"oh...gods..." Shayde groaned as she sat up from the sticky bar floor, visions of the previous nights festivities piecing together in her head as she slowly recalled the rambunctious celebrations. "Can't just have a few can you?..." The catlady scolded herself as she shakily got to her feet and winches at the still present pain in her arm where the bullet had cut deep...as well as the cacophony of new small cuts and bruises she had received from the other bar patrons whose inflated drunken egos made them think Shayde couldn't give them a good old fashioned ass whoopin'. She had made sure to swiftly correct them before forcing them to buy the next round, she hadn't spent a penny all night! "Heh, good bunch of people for a farmer town" she thought to herself as she made her way to the door of the bar, stepping over the prone forms of the other patrons, smiling and whispering goodbye to each of them as her cheeks took on a slight glow as other...more lewd memories of the night before came to mind, no doubt in Shayde's mind she had created some pretty fun memories for a some of the men and women she had shared more than just drinks with last night.

"right then...best be seeing where the others got to and see I I can do something about this big friggin' hole in my arm before we leave!" Shayde grumbled, trying and failing to recall if she had seen any of them last night before deciding to head for the infirmary, surely those who had been overwhelmed in the battle would be there, right? With a shrug of her shoulders and a wag of her tail, Shayde headed towards her destination as she cocked her head at the sight of a Scantily clad elven woman with a pretty damge huge raven sitting on her shoulder heading in the same direction, trouble maybe?
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:12 am

Kassy slept rather pleasantly, really savoring her remaining time at home before getting herself ready for the day ahead. She is going to miss it all, working out in the field, sweating hard while growing delicious crops. It was a nice life, but now she has a much bigger task ahead of her. Working herself out of bed, Kassy goes through the motions of her regular morning ritual to prepare herself for the day ahead, mainly getting all cleaned up in her bath, dressing herself in her armor, and getting some food in her belly. This time around, however, she grabs a few extra things, mostly to be making sure to bring that homely feeling with her to make the others feel comfortable out in the wild. Mostly cooking supplies, but she does have a spare bed rolls lying around in her closet for the couple wanting to sleep on something that isn't the ground. Once Kassy got her meal cooked and eaten, she makes sure that she has everything on her before packing it up and venturing out of the front door to head on over to the tavern.

Along the way, Kassy said her goodbyes to the farmers she grew up with and helped out while living here. It is sad to be saying all of this to them, but she hopes that, with her compatriots, she can give them more than her own share of crops but a greater reward. With her mind wandering off thinking about the glory of beating the villain of this story, there is the sound of footsteps that catches the holstaur's attention, making her wonder who this new person is. From the looks of it, she's some sort of warlock... or witch, she isn't sure. She can hear a bit of a conversation happening between the elf and the bird, not really understanding what is being talked about between the two. Seeing them made her remind herself that she needs to head on over, find the others and get all grouped up so the lot of them can head on out and finally get on with their adventure!
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:49 pm

Priea woke up feeling absolutely ready and refreshed, inwardly patting herself on the back for going to bed before things had gotten too strange with all the drinking and partying. The young Cleric got up and gave herself a bath while she could, from there she slipped her clothing on and made her way outside... only to gawk at the mess of the place, realizing people had REALLY partied hard last night. With a shrug he moved to get herself something to eat before heading outside as she spotted Kassy doing the same, curious at to what the Paladin might have gotten up to the night before... only to link as she ended up outside to watch a woman, an elf woman at that, talking to a bird. She instantly frowned, figuring she was a kind of with most likely as she recalled the matron of the orphanage offering quite a bit of information on such people... still, at the same time she wasn't going to judge the woman on what she'd heard of witches, but she'd be keeping an eye on her for sure.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Lorielle » Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:07 pm

Aria awakens from her stupor. The drinking from yesterday obviously affecting her as she had trouble rising to her feet. Though thankfully she was able to avoid any more confrontations with the townsfolk. Killing hillsdale felt good but also disconcerting. She hoped that someone else wouldn't try to take advantage of the town now that it's evil has been removed, but the town is better off for now that it's cancer has been removed. Aria redresses in her armor though remembers she needs to find the time to repair her gauntlet after Julia shot it to bits. She takes a moment to make sure she has feeling in her hand again as well wincing a bit at the pain that's left over but is happy her left arm isn't completely limp.

Once she's outside she greets the party glad to see everyone back on their feet, Walking up to Kailyne and Sharya making sure the two of them were okay as they took the brunt of the blows.

"Are you two doing well enough to move? We're headed north to a camp that will no doubt be filled with its dangers. I believe we're looking for some sort of bandit queen or something."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:23 am

Zalira has no trouble finding the local medic. Partially because of the large red cross on the front of the building but also because of the large amount of people heading there.You all arrive at the doctor's at around the same time. There he greets you at the door, only to gasp once he sees Shayde's shoulder and Aria's hand. "Come in quickly you two" He says practically pulling the Nekomata and knight into his medical office while letting the rest of the group in. There he proceeded to clean and dress both their wounds, taking care to remove the bullet.

While listening to Aria speak the doctor raises an eyebrow. "If your talking about a camp north of here, I assume your talking about the Esmeralda Encampment. I wouldn't really call them bandits. They've never caused trouble whenever they come through town. They're more like nomads. It's just how those beast folk are" He says while bandaging Aria's hand. "They come to town for a few weeks. Sell their wares, do odd jobs around the town. Some of them are even performers and mystics. Then they leave to there next destination. Esmeralda supposedly leads their little troupe with her husband Stefan or do beast folk call their significant other mate? Anyway, they don't pose any real danger ..." The doctor finished treating Shayde and Aria then pauses for a moment. " Though the last time they came to town something was off. There were some shadier looking beast folk with them. You know, the kind that don't work well with humans or other races in general. Second, Esmeralda herself looked different. For one thing, she had this tattoo that looked just like the one that elf over there had. Just on her left shoulder" He said pointing to Sharya. "Though it looked completely filled in and her body was covered in these weird marking. Plus I heard from a patient that he saw Esmeralda wondering around town at night during their last visit. Why she would is anyone's guess. So the Encampment isn't really a bandit's den but it's not as safe as it was before." He finishes bandaging Aria and Shayde (+2HP) and goes to return his supplies. "If your interested in heading to their camp, there is a traveling merchant heading that way. I'm sure they would appreciate the additional help. He should be by the northern gate." The doctor says as he puts away the last of his supplies.
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