Name: Bell Knotwise
Character:, (Mosco her animal companion
Race: Hafling
Age: 20
Height: 2' 8"
Weight: 30 lb
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Bell is short, even for a hafling, and about average weight. She lacks muscle tone or definition but is still relatively thin. She has a cute but mature face with a rosy complexion. Her eyes mostly green with a touch of brown. Her face is clean, dotted with freckles, and has no scars or other blemishes. She has a playful ring piercing in her left nostril. Her hair is Auburn in color and rather short, but is healthy and thick. She has small A-cup breasts, a thin waist, and a slightly bubbly rear. She has two matching tattoos of a dog's paw placed just above her hips.
Biography: Bell was born and raised in a small human village. Her family were the only halfling members of the village but that did not mean their numbers matched their stature. Her household consisted of over 20 individuals, including her parents, a sleuth of brothers and sister, her uncle, and a handful of cousins. According to her father they were the only hafling family for miles. He didn't care to specify how many miles that was, but her uncle always seemed inclined to back him up. Living with so many people in home designed for haflings meant that privacy was not a luxury Bell was used to. Her family was known, at least locally, for their dog breeding expertise. Bell has spent nearly her whole life caring for others, people and beasts alike. And like all the female members of her family, Bell is expected to do her part and bring forth more hounds into the world.
Her interaction with nature, though prevalent throughout her early life, has peaked recently. She began spending long periods of time communing with nature and studying a variety of wildlife. Her new found powers have led to much excitement amongst herself and her family. Her family held a celebration in honor of her new found abilities and gifted her with some necessary adventuring gear. Her uncle gifted her Kazan, a loyal guard dog, and the forest gifted her Mosco, her faithful companion. She has since been ushered to leave the roost and seek out more knowledge.
Personality:- Bell favors company and companionship to being alone. She is always much more friendly and relaxed in large groups. She quickly becomes agitated and scared if left alone.
- Bell was raised in, and prefers to live in, unhygienic spaces. She rarely baths or cleans herself, doesnt change her clothing often, and has never even touched a comb or makeup.
-Bell prefers animals to humans, and most humanoids. She respects and better understand animalistic emotions and instincts. Many of civilizations quirks are lost on her, such as etiquette and humor
-Bell does a lot of hugging, petting, and scratching to show affection, regardless of the target of her affection.
-She is extremely outgoing and comfortable with her body, often to a fault. She is rather selfless and insists on caring for other before caring for herself.
-She considered herself an authority on all matters of breeding, knotts involved or otherwise.