Final Depravity OOC

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby lilbooth » Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:10 pm

Alaena Wrote:
lilbooth Wrote:archetypes are cool right? As long as they are pazio not third party.

Sorry, we're just using the core book stuff.

well they are core but that's fine. I'm nearly done, im gonna leave it in and if it's still a no go I'll change it. It only affects 1 class ability so it's a quick fix regardless

here is the sheet:
I'll get around to a back story in a bit.
and here is the link to the archetype if perhaps you'd like to consider it... or not, let me know: ... /pack-lord
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:27 am

lilbooth Wrote:
Alaena Wrote:
lilbooth Wrote:archetypes are cool right? As long as they are pazio not third party.

Sorry, we're just using the core book stuff.

well they are core but that's fine. I'm nearly done, im gonna leave it in and if it's still a no go I'll change it. It only affects 1 class ability so it's a quick fix regardless

here is the sheet:
I'll get around to a back story in a bit.
and here is the link to the archetype if perhaps you'd like to consider it... or not, let me know: ... /pack-lord

No I mean, we're literally just using the core rulebook, and from last I saw there were no archetypes in it? But I guess I could be wrong.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby lilbooth » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:32 am

Alaena Wrote:No I mean, we're literally just using the core rulebook, and from last I saw there were no archetypes in it? But I guess I could be wrong.

Nope you're totally right. It's from a different book. I use d20pfsrd for all my source info. It doesn't mention that they are not core. I figured they were because it was for a core class but they are from the advanced combat rulebook. Ill remove it if you'd like me to
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:35 am

lilbooth Wrote:
Alaena Wrote:No I mean, we're literally just using the core rulebook, and from last I saw there were no archetypes in it? But I guess I could be wrong.

Nope you're totally right. It's from a different book. I use d20pfsrd for all my source info. It doesn't mention that they are not core. I figured they were because it was for a core class but they are from the advanced combat rulebook. Ill remove it if you'd like me to

Yeah, sorry, I just want to stick to the one book. It's nothing personal, I just want to keep things fairly simple (as simple as D&D/PF can get anyway).
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby lilbooth » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:54 am

Alaena Wrote:Yeah, sorry, I just want to stick to the one book. It's nothing personal, I just want to keep things fairly simple (as simple as D&D/PF can get anyway).

Ok I have done so. Sheet updated to reflect the change. also here my animal companion: I gave him max hp for his first hit die and then rolled for his second (receiving a 4 on a 1d8) and added his con bonus twice. Wasn't sure if I was supposed to give him max for both or roll for both so I did one each.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:56 am

lilbooth Wrote:
Alaena Wrote:Yeah, sorry, I just want to stick to the one book. It's nothing personal, I just want to keep things fairly simple (as simple as D&D/PF can get anyway).

Ok I have done so. Sheet updated to reflect the change. also here my animal companion: I gave him max hp for his first hit die and then rolled for his second (receiving a 4 on a 1d8) and added his con bonus twice. Wasn't sure if I was supposed to give him max for both or roll for both so I did one each.

That's fine, but for future HP we just use average, which for 1d8 just happens to be 4.

EDIT: We use average for all HP rolls, AFTER 1st, to clarify, and we use max at 1st. It was not in the first OOC post of the thread like I thought.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:04 am

Huh okay... may of forggoten to average mine
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby lilbooth » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:06 am

Alaena Wrote:That's fine, but for future HP we just use average, which for 1d8 just happens to be 4.

EDIT: We use average for all HP rolls, AFTER 1st, to clarify, and we use max at 1st. It was not in the first OOC post of the thread like I thought.

Cool. I'm assuming you want a bit of a backstory for the characters so do you want me to make a post here or put it in the character sheet?
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:10 am

MelissaB Wrote:Huh okay... may of forggoten to average mine

Yes. I should've put up a progression spoiler thing.

So average of 1d6 is 3, 1d8 is 4, 1d10 is 5, 1d12 is 6.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby lilbooth » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:11 am

MelissaB Wrote:Huh okay... may of forggoten to average mine

Your hp should be 17
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:13 am

I know!

btw Alaena remember to put the new link on the front page please
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:20 am

MelissaB Wrote:I know!

btw Alaena remember to put the new link on the front page please

I did. But you have a longsword instead of a bastard sword on your equipment :P
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:26 am

that's because i was given a masterwork longsword not a bastard sword
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby lilbooth » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:36 am

gonna go back and try to spend the rest of my money ( i took the average) . Just out of curiosity does a guard dog act independently, or do you have to issue it commands every turn? An animal companion has a mental link so commanding it is a free action. What action slot does it use if it's not linked?
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:31 am

Name:Saskia Lowell
Age: 118
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Biography: Saskia from a child knew that she was something quite different, she and her mother lived alone on the border of Vaalniya keeping their existence a secret as their blood was some of the most precious to grace the world. Ages ago before the human kingdoms and the dwarven kingdoms, when Vaalniya was just establishing it's first cities her ancestors were touched by the gods and by keeping that line strong she and her family have watched over the safety of all elves from their tower. Saskia grew up with her lovely and voluptuous mother, her father sorely out of the picture, but as a child she inherited her mother's will and magic talent showing great promise combined with her celestian blood she dreamed of being a driving force for good, watching all those who wish to live happier lives. The two of them lived happily for decades, but then the orc invasion started and her home was one of the first to fall. Saskia was returning from one of the rare trips into town for supplies and when she returned to the tower her and her mother resided she found the door broken open, loud moans and flesh slapping against flesh, she watched as 8 orcs brutalized her mother and saw the blissful expression her mother made as she was ravaged by them. Knowing the great dangers that would follow if she stayed Saskia ran off, running as fast as she could to the capital.

It'd be weeks before she arrived, but she managed to convince the concil that she would a valuable envoy with her past lineage. though she does this in the hopes of one day rescuing her mother, the sights and sounds of that fateful day still ringing in her mind.

Personality: Extremely light-hearted and polite, someone who gives every being the benefit of the doubt(even if they shouldnt) Naiive of the world, Soft spoken and submissive to authority, though will stand against injustice at every turn. Holds on the surface a resentment for orcs, but subconsciously lusts for them.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:52 am

MelissaB Wrote:that's because i was given a masterwork longsword not a bastard sword

You are correct, sorry about that. Hm.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby lilbooth » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:58 am

Name: Bell Knotwise
Character:, (Mosco her animal companion
Race: Hafling
Age: 20
Height: 2' 8"
Weight: 30 lb
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Bell is short, even for a hafling, and about average weight. She lacks muscle tone or definition but is still relatively thin. She has a cute but mature face with a rosy complexion. Her eyes mostly green with a touch of brown. Her face is clean, dotted with freckles, and has no scars or other blemishes. She has a playful ring piercing in her left nostril. Her hair is Auburn in color and rather short, but is healthy and thick. She has small A-cup breasts, a thin waist, and a slightly bubbly rear. She has two matching tattoos of a dog's paw placed just above her hips.

Biography: Bell was born and raised in a small human village. Her family were the only halfling members of the village but that did not mean their numbers matched their stature. Her household consisted of over 20 individuals, including her parents, a sleuth of brothers and sister, her uncle, and a handful of cousins. According to her father they were the only hafling family for miles. He didn't care to specify how many miles that was, but her uncle always seemed inclined to back him up. Living with so many people in home designed for haflings meant that privacy was not a luxury Bell was used to. Her family was known, at least locally, for their dog breeding expertise. Bell has spent nearly her whole life caring for others, people and beasts alike. And like all the female members of her family, Bell is expected to do her part and bring forth more hounds into the world.

Her interaction with nature, though prevalent throughout her early life, has peaked recently. She began spending long periods of time communing with nature and studying a variety of wildlife. Her new found powers have led to much excitement amongst herself and her family. Her family held a celebration in honor of her new found abilities and gifted her with some necessary adventuring gear. Her uncle gifted her Kazan, a loyal guard dog, and the forest gifted her Mosco, her faithful companion. She has since been ushered to leave the roost and seek out more knowledge.

Personality:- Bell favors company and companionship to being alone. She is always much more friendly and relaxed in large groups. She quickly becomes agitated and scared if left alone.
- Bell was raised in, and prefers to live in, unhygienic spaces. She rarely baths or cleans herself, doesnt change her clothing often, and has never even touched a comb or makeup.
-Bell prefers animals to humans, and most humanoids. She respects and better understand animalistic emotions and instincts. Many of civilizations quirks are lost on her, such as etiquette and humor
-Bell does a lot of hugging, petting, and scratching to show affection, regardless of the target of her affection.
-She is extremely outgoing and comfortable with her body, often to a fault. She is rather selfless and insists on caring for other before caring for herself.
-She considered herself an authority on all matters of breeding, knotts involved or otherwise.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:45 am

There's something about D&D character sheets that just make my brain stop working right. Hopefully I got everything right but if not please let me know and I'll make changes.

Name: Ezra Blackthorne
Race: Human
Age: 24
Height: 5'10
Weight: 152 lbs
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Biography: Though the details remain largely unknown to her, Ezra was essentially born a slave and taken from her family before she even knew them to be put to work. She didn't have any particular aptitude for any of the tasks given to her unfortunately as was frequently subject to punishment. Eventually her masters lost hope of making her a productive worker and so at the age of 8 she was sold to the fighting pits where she would at least make a quick buck as an underdog for people to bet on. Or that was the plan at least. Ezra had grown used to taking beatings and, faced with the life or death situation, showed an incredible natural talent for bare knuckle brawling. Her victory over a boy nearly twice her age was a huge upset and she went on to hone her fist fighting abilities and win bout after bout, quickly becoming a crowd favorite. As a slave her spirit was broken but now she could take immense pride in her fighting prowess.

By the time she turned 16 she had made the pit masters enough money to earn her own freedom, but she quickly found there were few places for her in the outside world. She could barely read or write and her people skills were woefully inept. With her combat experience limited strictly to one on one fights, she would never be more than a mere town guard or rank and file soldiers. With few other options she became a travelling mercenary. She earned some small fame for her fighting prowess and her willingness to take on any job so long as the coin was decent and there was a good fight involved. These traits led the Vaalniyan High Council to call upon her in their time of need and she was more than happy to answer.

-Ezra is a rather free spirit. She's perfectly happy as long as she's not bored. She enjoys doing what she wants, when she wants. As a result, her attitude towards authority tends to range from disdainful to downright hostile.

-Ezra is a rather boisterous individual and her love of alcohol only enhances this quality. Most people tend to either love or hate her.

- Ezra is incredibly uneducated which makes her fairly easy to deceive and also leads her to make rash or uninformed decisions.

- Ezra has complete confidence in her abilities as a fighter. This often borders on arrogance and tends to get her in over her head.

- On the rare occasions that Ezra is forced into submission she reverts back to her old self and becomes uncharacteristically shy and submissive.
Last edited by FragranceofMtDew on Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:57 am

I will get to your sheets tonight or early tomorrow. I appreciate all the work. I know D&D and PF can be confusing.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Diran Fay » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:20 pm

I'm new to Pathfinder, so I did what I could. If I missed anything out or did anything wrong just point it out and I'll correct it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Lenna Oakenheel
Race: Elf
Age: 120
Height: 5’9’’
Biography: Lenna was raised in a monastery after her father brought her there as a child a fully century ago. For a while she followed with all of the beliefs of the monastery, keeping close to the teachings of pacifism and care for the world. However decades of only pursuing spiritual development left her unable to defend herself when one day, while out on a journey to the nearest village to trade for supplies with some of the other monks, Lenna was caught up in an Orc raid. The monks she travelled with where all killed and Lenna was nearly raped, where it not for the intervention of a local warrior, who gave her chance to escape back to the monastery. When she returned, she no longer accepted the Monk’s teachings of pacifism, finding her focus moving instead to improving herself on a physical level. She distanced herself from the other monks, adding to the level of seclusion she was already in, honing her body and martial skills. While the monks did not approve, by that point she was family to them, so they allowed her to stay at the monastery, if only as a long term guest. One day she struck out on her own, desiring to aid in the crisis, both wishing to save as many as she could as follow her vendetta against the Orcs and prove she was now strong enough to look after herself.

Personality: She harbours a hatred for orcs which only builds the longer she hears of their actions, although a part of her still fears them due to her experience. Often struggles when communicating with others, she is not inherently anti-social, however never honed her social skills and often comes off as rude or ignorant in conversation. She desires to protect as many people as she can and even though she discarded pacifism, she still upholds many of the morals taught to her at the monastery, believing there are lines that can never be crossed.
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