Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:38 am

I Snorted "No, If I Want blood I'll go hunting myself Lovely one, No I Just want you to be someone for me to hold cuddle and love, Maybe help keep this damn Place Clean, and I want you to stay off drugs, I'll feed you My blood Every now and then to help you, but, You look like my dead sister and I could have been in your situation, So I want to hold you Close and Keep you as mine," Thinking she better no Now I Said "By the way, I'm a shemale."
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:43 am

Oh fuck no that hurted but wait I look at the knife wound feeling it heal... ok I can heal that is very good to know knife man flinched eighter I rush knife man or gunman fuck it knife man has to go down first I commence to strike him with claws go down please aiming for the head
Last edited by reaperfrost8 on Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:04 am

Amelia appears impressed at Crissy's description of Tremere ability. "You really must teach me how to do that one day.. and I do mean soon," she grins, whispering into her sire's ear before giving it a discreet yet very sensual flicking of the tongue. "I will not ask your age as it's not polite," she smirks, squeezing the other woman's hand as she continues to look about, spotting certain people as they went. The man, Nord, looked impressive though his childe seemed like she was forced to be here, or at the very least was uncomfortable with either herself or those around her.. or both. "Abandoned houses and bridges? It does sound fitting, I might go to explore the clan's homes later," she chuckles, her eyes wandering to the beautiful scantily-clad woman. "A stripper.. she is gorgeous," Amelia whispered, feeling a hint of arousal forming between her legs as if that vampire could turn-on just by looking at you. "Is her establishment close by?" she asks Crissy mostly to tease her though she was also serious in visiting it later. As for Bee.. "I noticed these kind of people, they do not fit in with the Camarilla much but they are clearly not Sabbat or else they wouldn't be here," she mutters mostly to herself, being the first time Crissy told her about the Anarchs. They were a different kind of wild than the Gangrel, as if a burden pressed on their shoulders.. most of them, anyway.

Amelia continued to gossip with Crissy, finding herself lose her anxiety and growing to enjoy this new world as much as she did the woman who brought her in its midst.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:07 am

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Nodding she smiles at your wants of her seemingly happy with them until you mention your blood and she blushes and says nothing before burying her head in your lap. Explaining her likeness to your dead sibling she nods a little before gulping at your gender. "You have a cock then?" She asks looking at your crotch with a hum. "I can help out around this place. Erm... is there anything you'd like to me to wear, the rags I have now aren't great." She comments with a shrug before curling up against you, snuggling you gently.

An Ying Hu(Reaver read this too)
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"When you're powerful enough sure." She giggles and squeezes your hand before you offer to go visit a clan's home. "In another's home remember to be respectful at all times. And under no circumstances you your powers within them. It's forbidden." She states before looking around and biting her lip. "Oh no it's in Hollywood. Most of her clan hang around that place for obvious reason so many fresh artists and stars to come flocking in their mists so they are more likely to fine or inspire the next big thing. It's their passion. Personally I think there are more worthwhile goals to have with immortality than pop culture." She comments looking slightly jealous about your desire to visit the place. They fight the leadership that protects them like children but they aren't idiots they know the way of the Sabbat is far worse." She explains before looking about. "Oh the mad one is missing." She comments idly before looking about and pointing at a truly hideous figure. "That's a Nosferatu. Their vamprism changes them into horrid monstrous forms... they stick to the sewers mainly. Eyes and ears everywhere. Never trust one he'll sell your secret to the highest bidder. Get one as a true ally and you'll find them invaluable." She explains with a happy smile.

Before he can continue however a vampire, male in a fine suit and blonde hair steps up onto the stage and brought with him are two vampires with a stake in their hearts, the female breath takingly beautiful clad in a cheerleader's uniform with long blonde hair and huge breasts while the man dressed in a shirt and dress pants is handsome. Both seem unable to move and are being positioned at the front of the stage by two Nosferatu. behind them wielding a massive sword is a man that looksmore monster than human. Crissy leans in to whisper. "That's the sheriff Prince's enforcer, cross the prince deal with him." She explains before the stakes are removed from the pair. The man fighting against the two while the girl looks lost and frightened. Clearing his throat the Prince grabs everyone's attention. "I have called you here tonight with some sorrowful news. A person I once thought an up standing member of our society sired this childe without permission unlike so many of you this night. In fact I wasn't even consulted." Crissy makes a face and shakes her head motioning you to watch closely. "A show of authority." She whispers to you deathly quiet you have trouble making our the words before the prince continues. "As you all know the punishment for this crime is death." The prince nods and with that the hulking figure of the sheriff draws his sword and slices the head off of the man his body crumbling and burning to ash on stage. Turning to the girl who looks as lost as a kitten in a box in and alley the prince continues. "Now what to do about the ill be gotten progeny, tradition dictates she die with her sire but In stead I ask you all for your voice in this." He spreads his arms outwards gesturing to the vampire's gathered for their opinion. Crissy visibly darkens beside you. "She's dead..." She comments with a hiss remaining motionless while the theater erupts into bickering..
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:45 am

I Sighed "Yes I have a Cock still, As For Clothes my Sire might let you take some of his Ghoul's, We'll have to wait for tomorrow, for now, I'm going to sleep." I told her, kiss her gently before Saying "Make sure to stay quite, I don't want my sire mad at you." before letting myself drift off to blissful sleep.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:48 am

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(bloodpool 8/10 HP: 6/10) Channeling the blood into the wound you see it close up a little but not completely while you lunge forth with your claws, desperate to inflict some meaningful damage and lasting pain.(Att 7 Vs Def 1 =hit 2 damage) Striking at his head the thug is unable to stop your slash as you cut a series of claw marks over his face, blood seeping over his face to drip over his body.(Att vs Def 2, 7, 4 Vs 4, 5 = 1 hit - soaked )His lashes out with his knife slashing it over your arm slicing it open with a superficial wound that quickly closes on it's own. (Single Shot: 1, 8,6 =1 success=2 dam) Your ally fires off a last round before moving to reload his gun his shot killing the thug he had already shot twice as it lands in his chest dropping him to the floor while his allies return fire. Fortunately both of them miss him as he dives around the side of the truck the bullets bouncing off. Glancing at the battle you can tell the knife guy is on his last legs while the two people firing one shrouded in his shadow are uninjured while you ally isn't too bad considering.

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Your ghoul nods and snuggles up beside you on the couch as you drift off to rest for the night Her murmurings of affection following you in your rest as you sleep away the rest of the night.(Will do your continuation when the night's events have ended.0
(Nightly Gains: +1 point to be spent anywhere(stat ability and discipline progression applies). max hp. -2 blood pool when next awoken. Underground Haven. Ghoul (1 blood donation))
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:15 am

"Why, Crissy are you jealous?" Amelia says once again in a teasing tone of voice, leaning to kiss the other's lips comfortingly. A few moments later she was looking in the direction her mistress was pointing to - the hideous visage of a Nosferatu, a deeply disturbing clan by all appearances, though if they were as useful spies as they were ugly then she might make use of them someday. Besdies, they wouldn't be a clan if they were powerless..

Her trail of thought was quelled by a veil of deep silence as everyone saw the Prince rise on the stage with two prisoners. Pretty things they were, but Amelia assumed that they were traitors of some kind, or victims of some political machination.. until she heard the true reason of their trial from the lips of the man himself. "They can't be serious.." she whispers to Crissy but there it was, the monstrous and huge second-in-command swinging his blade and bringing final death to the male. It was the first time Amelia saw a vampire pulverize in a pile of ash, and she covered her mouth with a palm to surpress any sound.

But none of that was as disturbing as what came next - hearing of a 'tradition' that apparently allowed for the execution of a childe sired without proper authority. Amelia's expression remained still but her mind was repulsed by the idea. She looked towards the frightened childe, it would be a great shame for such a beauty to die like that.. she sighed, and even though Crissy seemed convinced of the final outcome of this, she herself was not. Yes, this was more than likely a show of authority and had nothing to do with a real trial, but still.. there were many hear who seemed against it as well, at least judging by the arguments and bickering coming from the crowd all around them. No one yet had dared to speak up, even though the Prince asked for opinions explicitly so no authority could consider it out of line if she would..

.. rise from her seat, her melodious voice strengthened by the echo that the theatre's architecture was designed to bring. She caught herself thinking only after she uttered the words, "I wish to speak in her defence."
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:06 am

Bri grinded back against Jack for a few moments as she listened to his proposal. She crept forward slightly and then rammed her rear back hard and spinning around to face him. "What is it that you need?" She asked in most innocent voice she could muster, giving the male vampire a slightly longer lived crotch grab than before.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:15 am

Knife man needs to go down but those wait but those might as well knock knife man down one more strike and gunmen are next specifically the guy who shot the dealer and then after questions I prepare my claws for another strike.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:39 am

"Is she your bitch or something?" Noting the woman who blew a kiss at Nord. "Because she looks like she's into rugs not hotdogs if you get my drift." Sitting down as the prince took the stage. He looked like the standard mark on the streets or as Katherine would say, a fuckboi but that wasn't any of her business since apparently he ran the show. She wasn't in any rush to see if he could hold his own or was just the chief because of daddy's bank account and muscle. Then she watched as two vampires with stakes in them were dragge on stage. So yea these guys were stuck in the medieval age with public executions, not they Katherine didn't consider them effective against preventing more rebellion and rule-breaking, just slightly archaic. Then she saw the sheriff and knew what Nord had meant by him being dangerous. Even though Katherine knew he was human it was hard to say that after looking at him. He was a hulking thing, dripping with animalistic characteristics and mannerisms as he wielded a massive sword. Katherine leaned forward in excitement, anticipating a riveting execution. She was quite pleased to see the first man's head get chopped off cleanly, respecting the technique and the professionalism of the blow. "Oh boy I could get used to shows like this!" Whispering to Nord as she waited eagerly to see what would become of the childe. Of course she was basically innocent, probably having had no say in her turning, but the world wasn't fair and she would have to deal.

When the Prince posed the question to the audience what should happen to the childe, Katherine already knew what her response would be but knew the crowd would do her job for her and condemn her to death, there wasn't a need for anymore possible competition for blood and such in this new world. But someone, stupidly and quite loudly disagreed with the general consensus, standing up to voice her concerns. "Fucking dumbass!" She growled as she stood up after the lady, not willing to let anyone ruin the show or go against her own personal opinion.

"Your Prince! I am Katherine, childe of Nord. I was reborn today and have already spilt Kine blood in your name." Giving a deep bow while struggling to keep her voice as civil and light as possible. Theatrics and manners weren't her strong point but this was rather necessary to see for personal reasons. She spared a moment to stare and grin at the opposer of the execution before focusing all of her attentions back to the prince. "There would nothing more that would please me to see this false and unwanted childe be dealt with as it is, I would humbly ask for you to grant me the utmost privilege and honor of delivering it myself. If you do find this whelp of a childe's concerns substantial then I would furthermore ask for the chance of defending of choice through combat, if it pleases you. After all what good are words when they go against the very fabric of tradition? Her words sound like the talk of Sabbat scum to me!" Grinning widely at her offensive declaration. She had put too much into that little stupid speech of hers to back down now. At worse she'd be fighting for her life. at best she'd be cutting a bitches head off with the blessing of a vampire prince. Either way she would be leaving quite the impact on a lot of people tonight and be getting a show to remember.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Diran Fay » Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:27 am

"I'm Paige." I said, smiling "nice to meet you." I couldn't help but grin at the girls' reaction to me. If they really saw me as that much of a threat then maybe I'd steal their boyfriends just for the hell of it. Maybe I could try stealing them from their boyfriends... Brushing aside the thought for now, I responded to Mike's question. "Not too long, but this place just isn't as nice if you're not sharing it with anyone." I paused a second before adding, just to see their reaction "Shame really, the chick I was here with was really quite something. Real hottie too."
I raised an eyebrow when Mike started talking about the woman they thought was crazy. Well, I might have time to have a little fun with this lot if I get the information this quickly. I laughed along with the rest of the group before adding "Oh really? Do tell more." before smirking a little, feeling his hand touching me.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby VintageBass » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:14 pm

My nose catch a whiff of something. I can't really put on what it is, but feeling that I haven't eaten or drank anything for a while now and a little amazed by having gone for a while just so, I need something in my stomach. With all of this blood coming out of the fucker's neck, shimmering in the light and giving off that delicious smell, my tongue slowly roll across my lips before I just went to town. I couldn't care less about my etiquette during this, the fucker's dead and the woman who helped me is off in her own little world. Here I am, ripping away at the flesh of the bastard who just beaten me with my own tool, the thing I was going to bash his fucking skull in with, feeling those hits aching in my bones. It's a shame that he isn't going to be alive for much longer, I would've wanted him to stay around so he can feel every last ounce of pain I'm inflicting, drinking up every last of this blood and feeling its nutrients rolling down my sore throat. It is almost orgasmsic with the taste and just this wonderful feeling flowing through me that I managed to deal such a nasty blow to this fuckwad.

Then a thought occurred to me. Shit! I should've fucked him! Yes, I'll let him know just what it felt like having my own dick shoved far up his fat ass, me beating away at his flesh like his fuck-sticks of "friends" when I was locked away. There was nothing he could've done here, and he would've died either way. I let out a sigh. It's a bit of a shame, but I can get my revenge through a good fuck some other time. All of this has really gotten me in the mood and I would rather not fuck some corpse without it realizing what I am doing to it. Plus now that I think about it, none of the fucks that fucked me aren't really the type I would go for.

Maybe if I can get the woman's attention instead of having her sing that flowery prose she is going on about, then I could take care of that. No name, though, but from a quick understanding of what she had done to saved me, and this new love for blood, I can gather what has occurred to me. My smile grew even bigger, making me just want to howl out in excitement. Oh fuck, this is just the game changer that I need! Finally, someone has looked down at me and granted me this unholy gift, forever cursed to drink blood from any living creature with a beating heart, locked away in the shadows to escape the burning rays of the sun and anything else that comes to kill vamps. Of course, there is the chance to live an immortal life, spend my time awake without worrying about food too much, and I can get to meet fine people such as my singing knight. It's a bit of a cruel twist of fate, but I'll gladly take this over the hell that I've endured for my life. My chance to shine has only begun and I can't wait to get started on that!

Wait, what's with the bag, and her keep referring to me as "princess?" I looked into the bag to find out what's jiggling inside, only to pull out some different make up applicants and different shades. What the fuck, is she really... I stare down at the kit before me, not even sure what is up anymore. At first I was given this beautiful curse, and now this vamp wants me to look beautiful? "Um... I'm sorry, but your princess... well, I'm more of a tomboy than some frilly girly girl,"which undoubtedly deserves a good slap from the woman, but I explained myself while putting away the make-up. Seriously, I know I have the body that makes me the walking target that I am, but is this girl fucking serious? If she is, then there's no way I'm getting out of this without satisfying her. It probably will take me bending over, showing off my pasty girly ass to her and getting fucked while I feed on someone in the process... and that just made my cock jump at the thought. My face isn't on and I'm not going to like it. However, I am reminded of the cheerleader outfit and while that was humiliating, when I got back it certainly wasn't a bad fit. I could've made the girls on the team jealous of how damn well I pulled that off. If I wasn't the bicycle that I am, I could easily gotten the football team to fuck me.

In fact, I'm pretty sure they have. The same could be said with new encounters down the line. All creatures of the night, equally as beautiful as my knight, each taking their turn on me while I stand there pretty and take it all in. Nothing new for me, but perhaps it won't be as bad as it was before...

I shake my head, sighing in the process. "Look, this shit isn't my thing, but seeing you know what you're going at, I'll like some help applying this," I added, getting some shadow out. "Just... pick what looks good and make me the beautiful princess in the land. Make me your princess~" I give her a sly wink, getting my smile back as I check out the lipsticks and see which colors there are. It got me picturing what kind of dress fits me best, what goes perfectly with the colors picked for me, and then having a nice shiny tiara right on top of where my cap sits, resting up against my knight like I'm some trophy for her to display. How do girls deal with this? At least there is a mirror so I know what I look like, along with applying this on, plus I do have a model so I have an idea of what to go for... actually, that's not too bad of an idea...
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:13 pm

Amelia waited for the other childe to finish her rather crude speech. "We were asked for words, not fists," she tells her and simply shrugs, turning her gaze back to the stage, not wishing to give Katherine more space than she already did. It seemed very unlikely to her than anything violent would emerge out of this - she was no expert on Camarilla procedures of course, but more than likely this theatre was considered sanctuary, being a gathering of clans that would otherwise be at each other's throats in moments. She also doubted that the Prince would allow such a thing to take place here simply because it would compromise his position, and whilst the Ventrue surely would favor the display of authority brought by an execution according to tradition, they might be given pause by Katherine's uncouth looks and manner. With any luck, the girl may have actually helped her.

"Kindred prey on kine indiscriminately, it is the way of our nature and it goes unquestioned," she proceeds to speak, not wasting any time. "But this girl.." she gestures to the frightened woman on the stage, ".. is kine no longer. The moment she was turned she became one of us, and is as much a victim of her sire's unlawfulness as any one of us would be if we were attacked without knowledge or provocation," her eyes moved swiftly to gauge reactions from the crowd, "Turning without permission is a crime punishable by death and its perpetrator has been justly executed, showing once more that the laws of the Camarilla guide our society.. but there is nothing to be gained by punishing the victim, as well. It neither betters us nor protects us from the outside world as our organization is sworn to do - after all, if we were to turn on one another, how would we be better than the Sabbat preying on their young and frenzying in the streets?" she felt her claws sink into her palm, basing the last affirmation on common sense more than any kind of knowledge. She hoped that given the nature of the Sabbat, such kind of things do happen. "If tradition goes against the fabric of the Camarilla, then I believe tradition should be questioned. This is the opinion I was given leave to utter and it is my hope that this court takes it into consideration."

She gives a bow towards the stage meant to be respectful then waited. The following moments would seem like an eternity to her.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:49 pm

As Aretha spent the next hour in a lust filled haze she lost count of how many potent orgasms Jenny's fantastical skills in pleasure pushed her body through as distant and muffled sounds of passion came from above the sealed doors while the couple continued their waterborne dance of raw lust and sexual need, gorging on each other fluids and the blood thickening the water around their bodies as Aretha did her best to reciprocate the pleasure being given to her. Cupping Jenny's ass firmly, she spread her Sire's plump cheeks to reveal her tight pucker before, slowly, pushing the middle finger from each of her hands into Jenny's ass, the natural wetness surrounding their bodies likely allowing her fingers to slide in with ease as she renewed her oral ministrations on Jenny's own cunt. Pushing her tongue as far into her sister's baby shoot as she could before wriggling her tongue to massage her sensitive walls as she brought a hand around from Jenny's ass to begin flicking and rubbing at her lover's pleasure button.

As the fun finally seemed to be coming to a close, Aretha couldn't help the feeling of true exhaustion spreading across her body and It was all she could do to cry out weakly as Jenny finally stopped her ravenous sexual assault on her aching cunt, the other woman's superior stamina and skill in the art of pleasure being more than evident. As she felt herself embraced by her sister, Aretha let out a contented hum and returned Jenny's smile before she happily rested her head in Jenny's lap, giving the woman who had turned her into a vampire a loving stare as if she was Aretha's mother rather than sister and giggling when Jenny started to swim around in circles, enjoying her Sire's close observation of her body. The voice whispering in your head. "She can't remain still for long. She must always act.", the thought making Aretha's brow furrow for a moment in thought as she realized it was right, Jenny had constantly been moving about since Aretha had first laid eyes on her early in the night, I wonder why... she idly though before she noticed Jenny quickly swimming towards her.

When Jenny suddenly came crashing into her and playfully bite down on Aretha's arm, Aretha's pondering was suddenly forgotten as she squealed and giggled, allowing herself to once again float down to the bottom of the pool, where she stroked Jenny's hair while only idly realizing the sounds of passion from above them had ceased, not that she cared too much right now, she was with her Sire and loving every moment of it as their naked bodies rubbed against each other, making Aretha wrap her free arm around her Sire's body, wanting to hold to woman as close as she could as she nuzzled Jenny's shoulder affectionately. "She would keep us here like a fish tank." the voice warns, making Aretha's eyes widen for a breif moment before she regains her composure and tries to swim out from under Jenny, That...That can't be right...can it? Jenny wouldn't keep us locked up here like a pet, would she?... no, surely not, she wouldn't do that to me... Aretha thought in her head with a slightly more worrisome tone than she had intended as she motioned with her head towards the closed floor, hoping that Jenny would get the message and open it again, as much as she wanted to believe Jenny couldn't be capable of trapping her in here for her own personal use, Aretha was also slowly coming to terms that this wasn't the same Jenny she had grown up with and she didn't want to take any chances of becoming a perpetual sex pet.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:46 pm

Lemmy grit her teeth and huffed as Candice firmly hit the nail on the head. Of course it pissed her off, that's what drove her to make her list in the first place. When she was sat down, she was tempted to ask, now what? But before she could she was suddenly being poked and prodded by dozens of her 'pack'. She was still shaken up earlier so she figured it was just adrenaline or something, but now that she was calmed down she realized she could pretty much see in the dark. Thanks to this she was able to see the girl from before come up and press up against her. As for sniffing and poking back, her sense of smell seemed several times keener then before, and when she took the time to really sniff the air, she gagged a bit, not ready for the sensory overload to her brain. "I-I don't think I can right now..." To be honest, after she got over the stench of this, wherever this was, all she could smell was the girl pressing against her. It made her jeans feel tighter and damper, and her heart wouldn't stop thumping. Once she got her's and soon after the others, she sighed and rubbed her neck. "I guess I should tell you my name then I guess..." She says softly, a light blush crossing her cheeks. "I'm Victoria...." She says, not quite willing to share the rest of her name with everyone present yet. When Candice urges her to reciprocate their personal space invasion, she pauses a bit. "I think I wanna take things slow, I am Dumb after all." She says with a playful smile.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:04 pm

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Jack moaned into your ear before he let out a grunt in surprise staggering back a little as you turn on him and grabbed his cock. "Oh... I guess it could wait." He offers with a smirk before his hands grab your rear and lifting you up into his lap. "I mean there's no real rush. Just something that I want collecting and brought back here." He comments with a smirk while his hands grip and knead your backside, pushing the flesh together before delivering a sharp slap to your ass. "So wanna deal with this problem first before you go run me an errand?" He asks with a grin and even as he asks he walks over and pins you to a wall his lips kisses at your neck while his teeth nip and graze your skin.

An Ying hu & Reaver
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As you rise from your positions both of your sires move to stop you just a little too late before you start speaking, all eyes snapping to you and the face of the prince is one of unknown emotion as he hears you both out. He in fact seems calm enough to let you both debate each other, childe of sanctioned authority to exist unlike the one who has death looming over her. The prince turns to Katherina giving her a tilt of his head as her rather violent approach to this before it's rebuttal comes from Amelia. Crissy gives Amelia a soft smile hearing her argument and nods encouragingly as she steps up beside her before leaning in to whisper. "You're lucky you are beautiful. You have any idea what you are doing?" She hisses her face one of anger before it turns calm and sweet and motions with a nod she is standing with you to the Prince. Where as Nord seems to groan and lumber up to his childe his arms crossing over the other as he just grunts as he is taking responsibility of what is occurring. Both him and Crissy sharing a stare at one another before the prince clears his throat one more time to look around and remind everyone the floor is now closed. Glancing between the pair of you he hums in thought before proceeding.

(Debate resisted roll Amelia vs Katherine: 1, 8, 7 vs 6 = tie DC 6) "The words of childer will not sway tradition, that said your sires have stood with you adding their voice to your own. But the Childe of Miss Crissy is right I asked for words not fist. We are not barbarians or savages, we reach our decision based on merit not violence." He states before regarding the frightened girl. "That said it is tradition to protect our society that demands her death, not for cruelty but for the sake of fairness, her life was already lost we would simply be finishing it." He explained regarding Amelia closely before turning to Katherine. "You unfortunately seem to throw names around without understanding their meaning as well as fling accusations at kindred without merit." He warns her voice icy upon which Nord nudges and whispers in. "Don't accuse others like that... It's mine and your head on the line. That said he hasn't disagreed with your sentiment but Crissy's Childe has given him pause on the blade. He is still weighing both sides." He warns with a growl before he goes silent.

Crissy taking the time to whisper to Amelia. "He is unswayed one way of the other. You will need more to convince him and perhaps the others. The Brujah either don't care or will be on your side. The Toreador likely would see her alive as death is often a waste to them." She explains with a small nod before the prince once more is motioning for you both to take the floor of this debate. "Lets keep the accusation and insults to a minimal" he warns Katherine with a hard stare. The girl meanwhile has her gaze snapping between the two of you her cold face of confusion and horror at what she is seeing before her.
(Amelia +1 Humanity. Katherine -1 Humanity.)

Diran Fay
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That comment gets you a few looks the girls giving you a hard stare before looking at each other, their grip on their respective boyfriends loosening while mike grins at you. "Oh? Shame would of been nice to meet her."Nah we stopped listening after that came down here to get away from her ranting, was funny for the first few minutes but after that it just got on your nerves." He comment his hand gripping and giving your ass a squeeze. meanwhile the girls turn to the guys and speak up. "We're going to head into the bathroom and freshen up. Buy us another drink yeah?" Jess asks before giving you a look as if to tell you to come along before they depart, her hips swaying which all three men stare at.

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Your sire wastes on time in popping you back in your seat and spinning you to face the broken mirror. "Does the princess know I feel pretty? princess should sing it." She chimes happily while humming the tune to herself as if to encourage you. Looking at your face you see a pale reflection, nothing like it once was as if all the blood had been taken away and left only the cold of snow to color your flesh. Humming your sire quickly changes that applying a healthy dose of light foundation, applying it in a smooth layer to give you skin new life and remove any flaws it may hold. Humming as she works sets out apply a dark tint to your cheeks, defining your cheekbones and blending them the blush into your skin to give it a more natural appeal if gothic. Finishing by applying your eyeshadow and mascara making your eyes seem bigger and pop out more as she shadows them in a touch of black. "Oooh you look so pretty." She giggles and looks at you closely in the mirror humming a little as if in thought before she pulls out three shades of lipstick, pink, red and black. "Princess which one would you like?" She asks handing you the three and allowing you to apply it yourself before she puts your make up back away and hums. "Oh... throw that down the pit to your left... the castle dogs are hungry and could use feed." She offers motioning to the huge body sized hole in the far corner. Meanwhile she disappears while you attend to that, singing and dancing out of the room and down a long hall. a dull draft flowing behind her to wash over you in the wake of her departure. "Princess come when your face is on!" She calls back stopping her song before a loud slam of a door shutting can be heard.

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Your sister enjoys the time in the pool with you snuggling and laying her body against yours, though always moving she never rests for more than a few seconds whether it be by fidgeting or out right swimming about altogether she is constantly active as if stopping scares her to the point she always moves. Swimming about she has a bright smile on her face repeatedly does she swim into you and playful bite a part of your body though more often that not it's one of your tits or your ass.

As you grab her attention and motion to leave she pouts at you and swim up to you pinning you against the side of the tank before she turns around and sits in your lap, huffing and crossing her arms as if she didn't want to leave just yet. She waits like that for a few moments, constantly shifting and shaking before she pushes off of you and bangs on the tank roof twice. the dull thudding echoing in your ears, magnified by the bloodied water before you start to see the lid open and light shine in. Jenny backs away instantly before sticking her hand in the light realizing it's not the sun she comes out and lets out a Huff was she resurfaces. "Sister didn't want to stay and sleep in the pool." She states looking upset and hurt at you before she advances on your quickly pushing you against the side of the pool her face one of anger before it flashes back into a smile and she hugs your body, pressing your naked blood soaked tits together as she nuzzles your neck. "Which girl do you want to keep?" She asks you suddenly before looking over the pile of writhing unconscious flesh Clara meaning is sat on the top of the pile wearing a strap on that's gleaming with love juices. "I love these parties." She giggles and blows a kiss to your sister and yourself. As your sister continue to kiss and nuzzle your neck Clara moves off of the mountain pile of flesh. "So which one of you two am I fucking first?" She asks to which Jenny sticks her ass out backwards as if begging to be fucked by her ghoul.

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(Att vs Def: 8 vs 3= 2 damage) Lunging forth you strike at the knife man and bring him down spilling his throat open as in a spray of gore and crimson mist as he gargles his last breath, clutching his throat as he slumps to the floor writhing about while the others around you fire off bullets at each other all missing(none hit waste of time writing out the rolls) as bullets pinged off of the truck and went zipping past into the night leaving the odds now even with two vs two.

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Candice seems to giggle at your response before nodding. "If you want... I'd at least get to one the little slut so desperate for your affection." She offers with a slight growl as the girl called Jenifer smiles at this as if it was encouragement and presses her body against yours. "Wanna fuck in human, wolf or hybrid?" She asks you with a whisper while Candice moves to shield you from the others growling at them. "No joining in... you'll scare her... let her get acclimatized first. It's all new." She comments with a shake of the head most of the pack now leaving you alone though some remain circling away from Candice as if to get a view of you and Jen. Meanwhile you hear a growl and Candice visible shakes before she rolls onto the growl and spreads her legs. her face showing desire rather than fear as the Alpha once more comes into view Soon even the girl grinding on you rolls onto her belly as do all the females, each one spreading their legs before Candice hisses at you. "Lay down and spread your legs cub." She growls with a demand as the alpha moves around them, huffing to himself with a sense of smugness abut him before his eyes lock onto you then Candice.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Diran Fay » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:59 pm

"Hmm, pity. I'm kind of curious about what exactly she must have said. Maybe you could tell me what she looked like so I could go talk to her myself." I said. I felt him squeeze my ass, both enjoying the fact that he found me attractive as well as feeling a little alarmed by how hands on he was being. I watch the girls as they seemed to relax, and I became curious as to what they were up to, getting up to go to the bathroom. The look that the one called Jess gave me seemed like they wanted me to come along. With the state I was in and the way everyone had been acting that night I felt inclined to go with them. "Sounds like a good idea." I said, getting up as well. "I'll come with." I followed them out and walked with them.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:01 pm

Lemmy smirks and watches as Candice's sudden approval of the small one's advances seems to spur her on to crawl all over her even more. "Well, I guess I will then." She says with a smirk. It was funny how the rest of them made space for her when Candice give's a growl. Some of them backed off but didn't leave, circling around to get a good view. She was even keeping guard and explaining shit to her new pack. Figures her enemy would turn out to be a semi decent, umm, person? Whatever, it urked her but she felt she didn't have much say in the matter. The whispering from Jen caught her a bit off guard though. "U-umm, human?" She asked as an answer. Could she really transform already? How long was she fucking out for? She didn't have much time to ponder it as another loud growl from the Alpha puts all the women in the pack on their backs all spread eagle and shit. He then starts coming along, looming over everyone all smug and shit. "Well damn...." She says, just before Candice looks back and demands that she lays down and spreads em. Seriously? Considering how everything has turned out thus far, she reaaaally didn't wanna get her teeth kicked in again. Clenching her teeth and swallowing what little pride she has left, she complies and lays back, spreading her legs as far as her jeans allowed. It sort of made her male parts all the more visible, her ten inch erection painfully straining against her pant leg. Lemmy had an overwhelming urge to voice how stupid she found this bit to be but managed to wisely decide not to. She'd say something later and get a bit more of a deeper explanation from Candice later, for now she decided to just play along.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:09 pm

"Of course, whatever you need..." She said while pulling her jeans and simple panties down past her rear. She returned to her grinding motion from before, wrapping her firm bum around the bulge in his pants. She turned and locked eyes with Dave, beckoning him over with a seductive wave. Quickly pulling the ghoul's cock free if he did approach, tenderly stroking it while giving him a hungry look.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby VintageBass » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:28 pm

My body shudder a bit. Make me remember some old time number, why don't you? I wouldn't call myself pretty with just the make-up alone, but at least it is doing its trick. I certainly wasn't going to sing it, my voice is terribly built to belt anything out no matter the range. I would probably be singing a different tune, like the many, many times those bastards got me cornered, including the fucktard that lies dead by my hands. They all want me to sing? When I can find my song, I'll sing it while I swing my baseball bat and add my beat to the tune. Although, thinking about it, I could make a nice single and I could always use some guest appearances to add their own voice to my songs. To hear them sing their lovely tunes as I belt out hit after hit, it's going to make this far more pleasurable.

Checking over the damage done to my face, I stare at myself for a while while I hear my sire head off to do her own business. I am left with the three choices, each going to compliment what I have going for me. My hand hover over the red and black, figuring I could use the same color as my knight or go for a more gothic look, but the pink... oh it's such a bitch's color. What am I saying? I've been treated like a bitch far too often that it hurts thinking about that word. I hover my hand over the color, contemplating actually going through with it, but another look into the mirror reveals that I am already turning into more of a girly bitch than I was.

A smile curls up. Yes, maybe this can work. If the world sees me as a bitch, then maybe I'll give it what it wants. It can get me further than looking like some psycho, and now I can be a girly psycho with a desire to fuck back. I take the pink lipstick and I apply it on, getting it all nice and coated before blowing a kiss to myself. Damn, I really do look good. I should stop bashing myself. I got such kissable lips, perfect to suckle on my knight and also kissing the finest greatsword, right before me to polish up, eyes as sharp as my blade that I hold, and cheeks showing off my cheekbones, all around off to make a pretty face ready to hit the town and hide a murderous intent, wanting to get back and fuck over all that wrong me before.

Once I am looking pretty for my sire, I recall her mentioning about disposing of the body. Looking over at it, I scowl at him, not pleased that he is still around stinking up the place. With a place to dispose of the body, it makes me happy to know that if I am to rack up a body count, there is somewhere that all of these fuckers can go. Not wasting any time, I picked up the body and dragged his lazy ass on over to the hole, thinking about cutting it up further to let the dogs get easier meals, but I thought they're better off fighting each other to get all the meat off his bones. It'll teach them something, plus there should be enough meat on him to feed all of them, so down the body goes and one less asshole I had to be fucked by. There are plenty more left in this city, and I shudder again thinking about who I have left to encounter. So many awful beings, doing all these horrible things... like I'm some hunk of meat that is getting examined by the highest of people, making sure that I'm top grade before auctioned off to the highest bidder.

No more. The beginning of the end starts tonight, and my knight awaits me on the other side. For a moment, I felt cold. Something pierced me dead in my heart, like those old movies, and I can't move at all. It didn't last that long as I have a bit of a spring in my step now, venturing out of the room and following after the woman to learn a little more about what my new life as a princess entails. "My knight, your princess has her face. Now how about my dress?"
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