by VintageBass » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:47 am
So where do we begin with this side of the tale? There are quite a few questions to ask about the situation at hand, some minor little details that needs to be address...
But I guess I could start in learning just what the fuck happened to me. Seeing as my head is buzzing with ideas and questions, not to mention a little sticky from the spider shit skewed about the place, it feels like I was possibly drugged and dragged into this place to, once again, be some bicycle for some fuck-sticks. It wouldn't be anything new, and I'm amazed that my body hasn't built any resistance to the shit put into me. Being knocked out isn't one of the funner things I've done, and the flow of memories is not really helping out too much with the headache, but it's grateful nonetheless. It's a shame that I didn't get my revenge out fully with the bastard lying on the ground, but judging by what is going on around me, oh does it feel more than satisfying.
In fact, there's a dead body on the ground in front of me. Well, from what I've heard he's mostly dead, with a very faint trace of someone's face flashing across his horrified own. It was familiar, but distant... Still, something like this should be a total shock, a sudden horrific surprise that one of the people who has constantly torture, harass and abused you for a good portion of your life, even to beat you with the same tool that I was hoping to extract revenge on, lying there on the ground with a gaping hole in his chest, pants down and blood pouring out. It is a ghastly sight, a bit nauseating from the awful smell coming from him and that the red icky liquid is being pumped out from the non-existing heart. It's a miracle that the boy is still alive after this, barely holding on by a thread of life...
Yet that shit doesn't faze me a bit. I am simply smiling at the prospect. Grinning ear to ear, finally standing tall above one of my abusers, weaken and beaten by someone with unnaturally, perhaps supernatural, strength. Speaking of, really though, someone actually came to my rescue and it happens to be a lovely dame dressed in red? How could a boy not fall for her? That glistering gleaming stare of those heterochromia eyes looking directly at me, that flowing batch of glowing blonde hair draping down her front and back, an attire made and ripped out of a lingerie catalog, fangs slightly covered by her cherry lips, and the blood adding more splash of color to her grey skin. If I'm not turned on by the sight of my aggressor mutilated before me, then my "knight" certainly has. What a beautiful monster, such aggression and horrors behind a well-crafted face. It should be worrying having to see such sharp fangs on a pretty face, but I'm not against a feature.
The kisses are certainly a strange feeling. Never have I ever felt something that soft on me before... it felt... odd. Warming. Calming, too. Those fangs, too, being shown off and adding another strange, yet wonderful feeling being pressed against my flesh. However, there seems to be something else flowing through me, and that the woman addressing me as a princess is offering this one chance to finally end this pathetic pile of puke's life once and for all. Keeping that grin on my face, I draw the knife that I kept hidden on my body, in case things went south (and they always do) and to prevent him from getting his fat fucking fingers on it, brought it up to the fucker's throat and I proceed to etch out a little smile. I drove the blade in deep, slowly to make sure he feels that cool blade sinking in, and in three blows I got the smile that I wanted and a nice red blade. It is simply delicious.
This possibly isn't the end of things, but I just want to get something out, to make it feel like I have done some damage and to make the fucker bleed by my own hands. All of that blood, oozing out and making him as pale as my "knight." It's just a stepping stone on this long and winding path, and it feels so good to be taking this journey. Although I do have some things to ask. Might as well play along with her. "Thank you, my gallant knight in crimson armor," I replied, bowing before her in a curtsy manner. "Your service is greatly appreciated and I welcome you for coming to my rescue. Also for allowing me this opportunity to execute this criminal for his crimes over the years. You have no fucking idea how good it is to finally waste this sack of shit!" I feel a shudder crawling along my spine. "Oh it's so fucking good~"
My body shudders again, although not for good. It is remembering, recalling the tale of the days before where I was locked away, trapped in that room with vicious creatures wanting to take advantage of the weakling that I was. That pain, the feeling of not being able to walk, the bruising, the soreness felt all over including my throat from crying out for someone, something to help me out of that situation... and I got was more misery...
I stop for the moment, just to catch my breath. The excitement is nice and all, but still I have some questions. "So, do you mind telling me who you are and why are you so kind to me to perform such a crime? I'm nowhere appalled by this, it does seem a little random that some random stranger such as yourself would come in and potentially kill him for me. Still, I am thankful for your service and would gratefully appreciate that you help me understand what has happened." Maybe I should say something about the princess business, but the woman did save me from another beating and I gotta take what is given to me. It's not like I'm some asshole who sits in front of his computer and ignores a barely naked chick who comes in and asks you to murder your roommate. This is a sweet golden opportunity and I'll be damned to let this go! Ready to fall off the tallest building, all the way to the ground and splatter across the pavement...
I am ready to begin.
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
- Nash Bozard