Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:14 pm

Amelia lets out a low grunt when the dildo is pulled out of her. She had been getting used to the thing being inside her like that. Some more juices come out of her nethers once her tunnel was uncorked, and she spreads out on the bed, her arms as wide as she could bring them to relax, a very pleased smile brightening her face. "Mm.. well, if all Tremere look as pretty as yourself, I will not have to worry," she giggles softly, giving her a sexy wink before lifting herself off the bed as she listens to her mother debunking most of the myths about vampire weaknesses.. but her mood dies quickly once she hears of the sun, a pang of sorrow darkening her features as the realization came upon her. "I.. will never see a sunrise again?" she mutters with a sigh, heading over to the window and peeking behind the drapes into the night beyond. She should have figured that there would be drawbacks to this otherwise wonderful state at least by all appearances, but she did not expect the news to hit her the way they did. It wasn't that she preferred daylight to darkness as much as the thought that one single mistake past the morning hours could lead to an instant death. She bit her lip, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I.. need to get used to all of this," she says to her mistress, swallowing drily before covering the glass again and heading to the bathroom.

Once there, she hugged Crissy again, letting the shower wash away her worries as she focused only on the sound of water trickling on their skins, and the comfort of her lover's body tightly against her own.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:44 pm

Bri curled her lips inwards and let out a big "Mmmhhhmm." as she nodded towards Dave. "I just need to know where the warehouse is and the uhh best way to deal with the Sabbat thugs. Not really sure if I'm supposed to kill them or not..." Asked Bri, as she rolled up her sleeves and started stretching a bit more. "Oh, and I'm Bri, but you probably already knew that..."
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:49 pm

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Your sire watches you as you gulp greedily from the goblet, spilling it over your face and clothes marring your features in a blood giving you a monstrous appearance. Chuckling he continues to watch as you down his drink, the feeling that washes over you as you drink it is one of untold ecstasy and euphoria but hidden behind it is an urge to please and obey your sire, make him happy anyway you can, it's hard to point but he just feels right to you like he fills a gap you never knew you had.

Watching you clean what you can of yourself up she chuckles and shakes his head. "Blood is your food, should you attempt to drink or eat anything else your body will vomit it back up and expel it from your body. You are dead in a sense and the way to preserve your life is blood." He states beckoning you closer to him and patting his lap with a wink. "take a seat, no point you spending your time all the way over there is there?"

An Ying Hu
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As you cuddle her int he shadow she turns and washes the blood and sticky fluids from your body, rubbing you up and down with soap, making sure she cleans each and every inch of your flawless pale skin. "I'm afraid you can not see it again, there was rumors of some capable of withstanding it for moments but you? You would die quickly but it won't feel quick of that I am certain. it will leave like every fiber of you is on fire." She kisses your cheeks just below the eyes as if she was devouring your tears and stealing them before they could mar your face. "Don't weep for a life lost rejoice in a life gained and unending, beautiful and intelligence free of withering of the body and mind." She states with a before pouring shampoo and rubbing it into your hair, seemingly enjoying cleaning you in this manner as she tends to you, cleaning you thoroughly before pulling you back under to rinse and wash the suds away.

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Dave nodded with a smirk. "Cut their heads off, keep stabbing until they turn ash?" He tells you with a smirk before shrugging. "Your claws, blades or teeth are the most effective outside of fire and sunlight I hear against you vamps so try those. Otherwise it's the same with most things keep beating on it until it stops moving in your case you get a dramatic flash to signal you won." He smirks at you before nodding. "yeah it's in Santa Monica the old bakery warehouse down that way, just get a cab to take you, don't worry the cabbie is a ghoul he won't charge you." He explains with a smirk before looking you up and down. "Anything else you need?"
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:40 am

I Grinned at the Man Savagely and Lunged at him my hands Carving down into his Body as I sank my teeth into him, Fully intent on drinking him dry as I Ripped him limb from limb, After he Died Then I Would Race off to find More to Kill, Pouncing, Biting, Clawing, ripping tearing, Feasting, Truly losing myself in the madness of the beast that I had kept hidden for years inside of my mind, It was fully intent on Coming out to play, And it wanted the Blood of everyone in this place, I Couldn't help but agree with it, it felt great better than being Drunk or high and I wanted More and more and MORE~!

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Requesting Beast-mode Roll thanks to my character embracing it so much.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:28 am

"Aaaahhh, Nope, thank you." Said Bri while scratching her chin. She was pretty strong but not tear someone's head off strong, hopefully there was some impromptu stakes in the warehouse, either that or some big planks of wood that she could break down to use as one. Some kind of knife or baton would also be useful, but she could throw a wicked punch, and these news claws were ever so tempting. She went for a hug, and then a handshake, but settle instead for an awkward bow, not really sure what was an appropriate gesture. Having alienated herself once again, she took off outside.

The cool thick air of a California night stuck to her skin as she glanced and sniffed about the outside world. To her surprise it was bright as... well day. She could see everything around her with near 20/20 precision. She did her best to mark down some important imagery so she could make it back here easily. She also gazed around at the street signs nearby to figure out how far she was from both work and home. Fuck, work... Bri thought to herself quickly pulling out her phone to check the time. It was still before midnight but she figured it was too late to call her boss, hopefully the old coot still read text messages.

Hey George, It's Bri, I'm not sure how it slipped my mind but I have PT tomorrow, so I won't be able to come in until 7 or 8. Really sorry about this, I can help close the next time I'm in if you'd like.

She quickly typed away, hopefully that was enough to hold him over. She'd either need to put in her notice or majorly change her schedule next time she was there. With her ass covered for tomorrow she waved down a taxi and quickly flopped down into the back seat. "Warehouse on 12th& Wilshire please." she instructed as she pulled her pistol free and began inspecting it for damage, careful to make the action as non-threatening as possibly.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:57 am

(1 Blood points to activate Celerity and gain an extra physical turn)
"Keeping saying it and eventually you might kill me. Then you'll actually feel bad!" Katherine said with obvious mock disappointment. Like they even stood a chance of taking her down. These gangsters probably would have stood the smallest of chances against her before her 'change' but now they were simply taking a few extra breaths. She could sense the man who had some shattered ribs breathing, a bit more rapidly signalling he was still conscious. She had to give it to him, Kat had assumed he'd probably would have passed out from the shock by then but here he was, defiant as fuck and pointing a damn gun at her. "You'd think after that you'd just play dead." Grunting as she grabbed him by the head and slammed it against the floor. She did her best to try holding back a little bit so his skull wouldn't receive the same treatment as the man she had uppercutted earlier. "But then again you'll all be actually dead anyways soon enough." Shrugging as she ran towards towards the lined up goons. Her bat was at the ready, aiming to knock the Boss's clock right off his block and make him wish he hadn't been such a cock. In other words, hit him square in the face with the bat to keep him from running off with the briefcase and make him regret ever joining a gang. "You two are next, start writing your wills on each other's backs." Stating it as a fact that once she finished them, they would be done in next.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:37 am

Aretha marveled at the Asian girls sudden change in manner as soon as she bit down on her neck and started consuming her sweet yet slightly spiced blood, the way she had so quickly changed from fighting for freedom to clinging to Aretha's body as she brought them back above the surface of the pool, letting the girls moans echo across the room for the other girls to hear. Aretha had to admit she found the Asian girl particularly attractive...or at least her blood tasted almost addictively good as she made a mental note to ask Jenny how to make somebody become her ghoul, Clara had seemed extremely eager to give herself over to Aretha and Aretha wanted nothing more right now than to be able to have her little oriental cuisine available whenever she wanted it, and right now she was content to keep sucking the girls delicious blood, savoring every drop as if it was an expensive spiced wine.

As she suddenly felt her own lower folds assaulted so ravenously, Aretha let out a loud, lewd more of ecstacy as her clit was sucked moments before a strong tongue forced it's way inside her and began lapping at her innermost reaches, a tongue Aretha could only assume belonged to her sister. Letting a hand fall from her Oriental prey, Aretha pushed whoever was eating her out so expertly further into her cunt, her hand pushing on the back of their head as her hips bucked slightly against the tongue, trying to push it in further as she continued sucking blood from her quarry, the dual sensations of pure pleasure quickly Aretha to a powerful orgasm as her body began to shudder at the intense electric pleasure arcing across her body as her knees struggled to hold her up and the new vampire began howling in pleasure as she finally released her mouth from the girls neck to allow her tongue to lap up any remaining drops on her lips, "O~Oh fuck! D-Don't you fucking dare st-stop!" Aretha begged her pleasure giver as she set her sights on another girl and beckoned for her to come closer, "Don't be afraid of me, you've seen how much the other girl's have enjoyed this...come, give heaven a try~!" already eager for the blood of another to further heighten the pure sexual bliss she was feeling.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:13 am

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She looks at you and recoils a little before letting out a groan. "I sired an idiot..." She mutters. "i am a vampire you bloody idiot, the cold really doesn't effect me." She comments before moving away from you with a shake of her head. Humming as if pondering a thought. "Yes.... there is in fact a small task if you can manage it I might not just kill you and find a more intelligent childe to serve me on my rise. Think you could manage that fledgling?" She asks with a glare before motioning you over to her. "Do try to think a little before you talk." she comments as if she was expecting you to say something stupid in reply and was giving you warning.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(resist the beast roll passed by 3 successes. please don't request rolls on something I decide when it tries to take over... killing is a vampire's nature it doesn't inherently draw out the beast. Now I know what you were doing with your character but please don't ask for a mechanic designed to punish you to just be turned on because it suits how you want your character to move. turning feral gives you stat boosts. this is why you may not request it for further notice)
The beast raging on inside fighting at your senses but your mind just won't give in to it, refuses to let it take hold and give up control of your actions, you're enjoying this yes but you also wanted to feel it not be drowned out by a snarling creature so much you couldn't experience what it was like to let loose.
(attack rolls 2, 5 vs 4 = success(3 damage)
Your claws bite into his flesh, carving up the man's body and rending a huge gash in his side as he fights back, struggling to keep you off of him as you go into a blind fury, slicing and slashing at him as he tries desperately to get you off of him so he can try and fight back, your inhuman strength and speed making it difficult for him to get enough of a position to shoot you with his gun. You hear mores sounds of the thugs running around shooting and screaming at the top of their lungs as your sire joins in the bloody hunt, though having an evidently more effective time at it.

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Dave nods and sends you off with a wave, chuckling a little before he goes back to beating vampires at darts mocking the super humans for failing to outplay him at the game to which he gets glares and threats, mostly harmless fun from the sounds of it. Once outside and you notice how gloomy the night no longer feels now the lack of cold in the air as well, it's not that you don't feel the wind it's that you don't feel cold you notice before you start texting your boss about work. As you pull out your phone you notice all your contacts are deleted and you're left with a text message. 'Doll do me a favour and yourself one, your old life is gone, everyone will think you dead and you shouldn't try and stop that, there's no way you can tell them what you are even if you managed to lie all their lives you'll have to watch each die of age as you live endlessly. Move on for your own sake - Bee'. Having no way to contact your boss unless you know his number by heart you angrily get in the cab and have it take you to where you need to go, the driver seeming not to care about the drawn gun as you take the trip left with your thoughts about Bee's message.

Once there The driver stops and speaks up. "We're here, have fun." He chuckles before letting you get out before driving off leaving you in front of the warehouse gates. Looking at the place it seems mostly abandoned maybe the Sabbat are only just moving in or are scouting the place to be worthwhile to move their goods in before they send a whole bunch of them, regardless the gate is open and from where the lights are on it's clear where they are held up only a matter of getting to them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(first attack rolls 7, 7, 3 ,4 ,8 ,10 vs 5 =5 successes)
As you grab his head and slam it forward you're surprised by your own strength once more as the skull gives way under the floor and you render his brain matter mush in your hands spraying gore over the floor and your feat before his friends open fire at you once more.
(thugs aim roll 2, 4 ,5 3 vs DC 6=no hits)
The three at the door open fire the door firing twice as the bullets all miss, hitting the wall and floor around you as you rush them, charging them down as you strike out intent on smashing the leader#s face in with the bat.
(Melee roll 7, 1 ,1 , 1=botched)
As the bat swings the blood on your hand causes it to slip from your grasp and go flying over their heads through a window to the street below, no longer holding a weapon your momentum causes you to spin and crash into the boss just now it looks like he is carrying you bridal style. With a moment of confusion all three look at you before the boss drops you on your ass and backs off reloading his gun and taking aim to fire at you again.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The head of whoever you grabbed seems encouraged by your worlds and tongue fuckers your eager slit more feverishly, working over your quim expertly and gulping down your orgasm with clear enjoyment. As you push the Asian girl away Clara comes up and grabs her body as it floats in the pool and takes her to the bed and dumps her on the pile of moaning bodies, The girl you grab next gasp and nods, moving to kiss you, her lips covered in blood that leaks into the kiss, allowing you to drink just by kissing her, heightening the erotic moment as her wraps her body around you, You also notice including this you're down to four more girls, Jenny must feed quickly for her to drain four in the time you drained one. So caught up in your bliss you didn't notice them leaving the pool either as you continue to bask in pleasure of feasting and sex. The girl trembles in your arms, shaking with obvious fear and a little excitement as she pushes against you, pressing your tits together and rubbing her nipples over your sensitive flesh.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Nobudi » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:22 am

Belladonna looked dubiously at the lap. A part of her saw the lap as nothing more than a paternal gesture.
Another part of her wanted to see it as more. And that kind of scared her a bit.
She fidgeted a bit... well, more than a bit, and she tried her best to resist. She wanted to force her tongue to refuse, but her tongue seemed greatly burdened with other matters like staying still.
She wanted to resist, but she wasn't sure if she was still strong enough.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:53 am

(ANOOOOOOOOTHER! Point in Celerity for double attack >;{3)
Gah! Fuck! There's goes his head and blood. Completely worthless now. Shame. Knowing that his skull had hit the floor way too hard to stay intact. Like before, her speed aided her in dodging all of the bullets, although Katherine contributed to the shite aiming of her enemies. Like she didn't even consider herself a crackshot but she was pretty sure the analogy 'couldn't hit the side of a barn' applied to them. Well it wasn't like she had bigger issues as her bat went sailing out the window and she went sailing into the boss's arms. "Look at that, the most effective thing you guys have done is get me so wet I can't hold onto my bat." Stalking them slowly as they were backing up to reload. Normally Katherine wasn't one to gloat or play with her prey since she had seen enough people fall to hubris and arrogance, but they were just so out-matched here she actually wanted to see them do something substantial against her. She flexed her fingers, cracking her knuckles as she looked them all in the eyes. "The bat was supposed to make it easier for you guys but I guess I could just get hands on with you fucking twats." A sadistic grin spreading across her face as she lunged forward at the guard on the right.

She started with a boot to his knee, certain that it would shatter under the pressure before following up a double tap to both of his shoulders. Honestly she wasn't if her punches would simply dislocate them, break them or somehow make them explode off of his torso but she wasn't waiting to find out. Her fists and body were moving at such an incredible speed, only a few seconds passing by the time she was finished with him by spinning and kicking him upside his head to knock him to the ground. Her spinning kick had Katherine now facing the other guard. Winking at him right as she kicked him in the nuts before punching him square in the face. She couldn't even imagine what her kicks could do to his balls but she assumed he wouldn't be able to ever masturbate again, some easily solvable by her promptly murdering him if her attacks hadn't immediately killed him.

"Better make those last shots count, fella. Because they are your last chance." Chuckling as she turned to face the boss, savoring every moment of fear as she cleaned her bloodied hands with her tongue. "Me and you are about to get very very personal. Tell me what's in the briefcase and I might, might, might, MIGHT let you live."
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:23 am

I smirked at the the groan and smile at the "idiot" part sorry but your not scary miss vampire witch of the night now just annoyed manager... or assistant not only that but now I am guessing she wants me to succeed more now no wait judgeing by how she says that our clan is the leader of the sabbat she want me to succeed don't want to be the vampire who "sired an idiot ""sorry if i annoyed you kind of new to the whole.... vampire master childe relationship" I walked towards her looking around checking the room were in with a happy smile full of optimism the kind you give on a tour "I dont think you know my name its shaun ready do any task you demand with efficiency by the way whats your name?" I lift my hand up before adding something really checky"for the record you should really put on some clothes you are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen but you might want to leave men with some imagination don't you agree?" I say in an almost conspiratorial but sincere tone she'll eighter take this as a compliment or treat this as an insult and to be fare she did want me to think and I thoughg of her I do mean it really she the most beautiful women and I do pay attention to women the digital kind more then the physical but I she is hotter than both and besides that groan was cute.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:25 am

With her body still hyper sensitive from the orgasm, Aretha barely acknowledges Clara moving her latest feast from the pool to the bed though she does make sure to remember the girl, so far she had been the favorite and Aretha had a feeling she would never be able to tire of the Asian girls sweet, spiced blood. Looking around the pool for her sister and assuming she was the one currently under the blood giving her so much delicious pleasure if she couldn't find her in plain sight, Aretha chuckles as she addresses her Sire, "Jeez Jenny, slow down and leave some for me!" 'She did... smell the pool she isn't drinking' The voice sounds... grateful though Aretha does as it suggests and, after a moment, she realized that it was right, was Jenny not feeding at all to make sure the blood concentration in the pool increased all for Aretha's benefit? Aretha couldn't help but feel a pang of gratefulness herself towards her sister before she pulls the new girl into a kiss, Always looking out for me... Aretha said to herself in her head as she almost growls out of pure primal lust as the blood coating the girls lips quickly makes it's way down Aretha's throat before she roughly throws the woman's back against the side of the pool and looks into her eyes with an almost predatory look, "Tell me quickly, where are you from?" 'Sweden' The voice chimes with a smug sounding voice, once again leaving Aretha wondering just how exactly it could know that, another question for Jenny later. Aretha wanting to be able to identify the taste of blood to their origins as she listens to the girls answer before grinning and putting the girls knees over her shoulders before diving straight into her eager snatch, using her powerful oral muscle to take long, languid licks of her labia, tasting the girl's liquid arousal mixing with the constantly darkening liquid of the pool as she occasionally nips her rose bud with her teeth and plunges her tongue deep inside her cunt to lick at her sensitive inner walls before pulling away for a second to look into her eyes, "Mhmmmm gods you do taste divine, girl..." Aretha compliments the woman as her clawed hands come up to pull her legs even further apart before continuing, "...But I wonder how your most important fluids taste...hmmm?" grinning up at the woman for a second before Aretha sinks her fangs into the girl's upper thigh and begins the process of sucking her current lover dry once again as she brings a hand up to begin relentlessly fingering the girl, driving 3 fingers in straight to the knuckle before pulling out and pushing back in with a rapid pace, intent on driving the girl to a quick orgasm to further increase the rapid pace of her heart which will, in turn, pump more blood straight into Aretha's waiting mouth.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:55 am

Bri sits in silence for the duration of the cab ride, with a terrible pout across her face. Being a vampire went from scary, to ecstasy, and now just sort disappointing. Her phone was probably on a new number as well so no one from her 'old life' could reach her. There better be a ton of fun shit to do tomorrow night. thought Bri to herself as she stepped free of cab. "Thanks for the ride, you mind swinging back around in an hour or two?" she asked the cab driver as she began sauntering towards the warehouse, not really caring what the answer was, she could most definitely run back to the bar before sun up but free is free so she wouldn't turn down the ride.

Bri quickly began circling the warehouse, careful to avoid direct lines of sight with any windows or doors, and marked down all the possible places of entry or exit. As she circled she began looking for a breaker on the outside of the building, hoping to cut the power to the lights. Once the lights were cut she would enter via the most tactically advantageous door or window, going as far as a skylight if one was available. She would hopefully enter in the shroud of darkness and take advantage of chaos to evaluate her targets. Once she had picked out her targets she would move quickly and quietly in an attempt to subdue her targets, busting out her new strength and speed to ease along the process.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Gonna pop 1 celerity and 1 potence, already activated Protean back outside the bar. I also don't want to attack anyone till they're all checked out, gonna hit them in order based on dangerousness or positioning
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Diran Fay » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:44 pm

Being led into Hell cat, I couldn't help but feel in awe at the atmosphere. I had never been in a place like this before... it was somewhat overwhelming. But what struck me most was how my mouth began to water, surrounded by all these people. Being a vampire... I now need to drink blood... that explains my thirst. I figured it probably wasn't a good idea to start biting people here and now, although finding ways to drink blood definitely needed to become a priority.
I nodded when she told me it was up to me now, but turned to ask her some more questions. "Wait, I don't know anything about the person who..." although I fell silent, seeing she was already gone. Sighing, I began to look around, trying to focus. This was some kind of test, I needed to both figure out who this person was and find them... perhaps I had some cool vampire ability to help with that... or then again maybe not. I tried to remember what Eve had said about the target... she mentioned a "her" and how they were threatening to reveal secrets... it wasn't much to go on but it was a start.
I moved around, trying to find somewhere good to start my search. I figured I'd head to the bar first. Even if I didn't learn anything, I might still find something to help quench my "thirst".
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:57 pm

I Growled Why the hell was this so hard?! Honestly! Humans are Weak he Should be lying almost Dead from Blood loss! I'm Aiming for important Veins and Arteries! He Should be weakening and dying soon! This is Bullshit! I Killed a Man by Punching his Neck before! Claws cutting into a human's chest, neck and arms like this should have them Dead Already! Feeling Frustrated and annoyed I Ripped his arms off and beat him with them, Using my Claws to dig into his Shoulders and rip them off, After Brutally killing the man I huffed, I hated this, I wanted to just Seduce my way through them, Following the last life Sign on this Floor I Found a Past out girl with a needle in her arm, looking at her I Couldn't help but feel bad, she looked Barely eighteen, Following my instincts I pull the needle out of her arm and Gently Fed on her, Cutting my Vein on my Wrist open I fed her my Blood, Hoping that my new Powers would help her get off the shit she was on.
Last edited by eaenidu on Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:22 pm

Amelia offers no resistance to her vampiric mother's ministrations, relaxing into her embrace with a light "Mm~.." whispered longingly. Crissy could feel Amelia's muscles softening under her touch, and after a while every bit of blood or juice that covered the young childe's body was gone. She says nothing all along, but finishes the shower with another kiss on Criss' lips, her long tongue tickling the inside of her mistress' mouth as she tried with closed eyes to live in the moment and forget her past.

Once she was clean she would extend an arm to take two towels, giving one to Crissy and covering herself with the other. "I think I need a new dress," she says with a chuckle once she steps back into the main room and sees her former gown dirtier beyond recovery. "Not that I'd mind if we were naked all the time," she says flirtily turning around to face Crissy again.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:39 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Your sire watches your inner struggle with an amused smirk before shaking his head. "Don't worry yourself too hard about it childe. Now, there is a small event we need to attend you and I if you would perhaps feel up to heading out rather than sat here questioning everything even yourself. You'll find the experience quite educational." He explains before rising to stand and handing you back the dagger. "Here as a gift from sire to childe." He smirks and motions you to come along.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(bloodpool 8/10)
(Thug boss firearm: 6, 7 vs 3, 4 = 2 damage)
As you turn your attention on the guard to your right the boss fires off a couple of rounds landing in your stomach and neck both hitting hard and leaving you bleeding, the wound is tiny more like a small cut but a wound is definitely there, seems even your new improved body can only take so much abuse or maybe he got lucky either way seeing you actually wounded spurs him and the others on to keep fighting and bring you down.
(unarmed combat 3 succsesses vs 0 = 12 damage = Thug killed)
(Thug 2 uses Melee 9, 7 vs 3 6 = thug wins. 2 damage)
(Second attack 9, 10, 8, 7 ,3, 6 vs 1)
As you fight the guard you land a series of blows, taking out his knee early causing it to shatter before you disable him further with strikes his his shoulders, finishing it with style as you spin kick him in the head, clearly snapping his neck as he is sent flying and slumps to the floor, as you are dealing with him however the guard behind you stabs you in the back, the blade cuts deep and causes pain to rush through your body the first time since you had been here had you felt pain like that, pulling his knife back he sees you turn on him and gulps brandishing it as blood seeps from your multiple wounds. Stalking towards him you lash out knocking his knife from his hand before kicking him in the nuts and punching him in the face, your claws ripping him apart as his face caves under your blow and he crumples to the floor screaming and gargling in agony as he chokes on his own blood.
(health 6/10)

Turning to the boss he looks at you and shakes his head. "Fuck no... it's die by you or die by them think i fucking choose to die now bitch." He pulls his gun and blows his brains out robbing you of the gloating kill as his body slumps to the floor in a heap, dropping the briefcase as you're left in what is clearly a bloody massacre with the briefcase and a looooot of bodies.

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Your sire looks at you a long moment as if contemplating something and it's requiring her to think about it thoroughly before she acts. Suddenly you find her grabbing your throat and lifting you like you weighed nothing before slamming you so hard into the ground you leave an impact site. Lowering her face to yours she hisses bearing her fangs at you. "Get this through that thick skull of yours, this i not a game I can and will kill you without a moment of hesitation if you piss me off one more time. So the only thing I want to hear from you again is 'How may I serve mistress.' AM I clear fledgling?" She growls finally releasing your neck and moves off before suddenly turning back and stamping on your crotch with bone breaking strength.

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The girl cries out as you shove her against the side, hitting it hard as she shakes, fearing you'll be something else than you did to the others. "Sweden... I'm Swedish..." she gasps out looking at you with fear before you pull her legs over your shoulders, moaning she grips your hair, grinding against you as her cries echo in your ears. Meanwhile you feel Jenny stop her tongue fucking of your cunt and resurface behind you follow shortly by a growl and a girl's scream of ecstasy as you feasts on another. before tossing the drained girl aside before moving on as you have your fun, devouring their blood before you have a chance to get to them. the pool noticeably full of less warm bodies. When you stop the girl from Sweden lets out a whine, wondering why before you bite down causing her to squeal in pleasure and shake violently against you as you over stimulate her mind, ecstasy erupting in her vision as she bucks upon your fingers. her taste fine but sweet, almost mild to you but it still brings that joyous pleasure of drinking one's blood.

With a cry of ecstasy the girl you have bitten orgasms, her cunt clenching and squeezing down on your fingers as her muscles attempt to work them to provide cum for her womb, her body trembling as you drain her until she is pale. her heart rate slowing considerably before you feel yourself yanked off by your sister, stronger than you had expected and thrown to the opposite side of the wall. With a bit of a daze you see Clara take the girl over to the bed and place her on the pile like the others, a mountain of flesh to the side before Jenny fills your vision glaring at you before grinning and swatting your nose like she would a dog. "Don't drink so much... if you kill them they can't be drunk from again." She giggles before pulling you into an incestuous kiss.

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The driver nods a little before he drives off leaving you alone in the warehouse. As you scout the place you notice a back door a side door and a main entrance at the front as well as various windows on all sides, a human might have trouble surviving the fall from the top floor but your certain a vampire won't be troubled given what you had seen both yourself and Bee do this night. As you find the break you managed to tear off the locked casing (1 success vs DC 6) to the point you could just reach the switch, squeezing your hand through you flip the breaker and the lights instantly cut out, leaving it pitch black, your vision however unaffected thanks to your glowing red eyes. Already you can hear complaints coming from inside as movement begins to quickly head your way. Knowing they'll likely just flip the switch back on and be alert to your presence you snap the switch off and moving quickly, entering through the side door before one rounds the corner. "What the fuck... Guys we got company keep a look out!" You hear him call before another answers. "Unlikely you we don't have glowing eyes you jackass!" He gets answered quickly making him growl as he glances about. Now inside (sneak roll: 2 successes vs DC 6) you manage to sneak about, you aren't graceful by any means but quiet enough you can move around without gaining too much attention though you had the odd close call of nearly walking right into one before you jumped out of the way to hide under the stairs. Looking around you now know one of them is outside, one is on the top floor and another is lurking around in your general area, poking his head in corners looking for you. They know you're here just not exactly where here is. They all seem about as new at this than you though the way you hear them bicker apart from the one outside none of them seem to know they are vampires. As if they were just turned and told to do a job without any explanation leaving you with a choice of taking out the ones inside or taking out the only one that can see in the dark back near the breaker as he tries to get it working.

Diran Fay
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As you head to the bar you get a couple of odd looks and various appreciative glances from men and even a few women. getting to the bar you look around everyone busily ordering drinks while the woman behind the bar looks at you and smirks before coming over motioning for you to lean in. "Hey Hun... You Eve's new thing?" She asks with a knowing smirk before motioning around. "What can i do for you tonight hun?" She asks with a smirk and leans in, displaying her cleavage for you and others watching while the rest of the bar staff go about getting everyone their drinks.

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(unarmed rolls 7, 6 vs 5, 5 = 2 success =4 damage = Thug killed)
You finally manage to kill him only tearing off the one arm and beating him until he stops moving and the blood stops leaking from his body, standing in a huge puddle of blood you make your way to the last sign of life, the smell of blood fills this place making you dizzy before you find the passed out girl. Her heart rate dangerously low as the needle sticks in her arm shaking as it appears she is overdosing as you move to feed on her your sire catches you just before your teeth sink in. "What are you doing?" He growls blood covered his body from head to toe before he gives you a smirk. "She's gonna die if you want to save her to be a ghoul feed her your blood before you bite her... otherwise she'll become a vampire." He explains with a grunt. Leaving the choice to you he turns away and seems to wait. Giving you a moment you look at her and pierce your wrist with your claws before feeding it to her lips, slowly she grabs your arm and begins drinking down your blood, moaning and gulping noisily until she pulls free groaning softly as she looks at you. "What... what did you do?" She asks with wide eyes full of confusion and fear.

An Ying Hu
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Crissy takes the towel and wraps it around herself, covering her torso and ass in the large absorbing fabric before walking back in to see the mess on her bed and your ruined dress. Laughing she smirks at you and pulls you into a kiss. "Unfortunately We have stuff that requires clothes as well otherwise it'd be a delightful idea." She giggles and kneads your backside softly. "Come you can wear something of mine until you find some new clothes you'd like." She brings you over to a large wardrobe before opening it up, allowing you to see it's contents a large selection of outfits, from long ball gowns to more slutty club clothes and business suits. Pick something you feel comfortable in and dry up, we'll go show you how to use your new found powers together." She offers with a smile before she grabs the bed sheets and pulls from off of the bed and tosses them into a hamper before going about making the bed while you pick your new clothing choice.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:52 pm

I Huffed after turning her into a ghoul she Questioned me, Huffing again I Smiled at her "I Saved you, You were dying and I stop it, clean yourself up then come Find me, A Beautiful thing such as you shouldn't be wasted in a Place like this." I Ordered her before Standing and Moving after my sire "Thank you for letting me do that, She looks like my youngest sister." I Murmured Following him out to wherever he would lead, Wondering what he would do next, "Where to next Sire?" I asked as we left the building, Looking at the Blood covering us with distaste.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:24 pm

Bri would remain and silent and carefully track her prey as they moved about. Taking out the one outside seemed promising, considering the other's couldn't see, but it also left her vulnerable to the one inside. Bri tried to figure out the best way to take down the vamps. Most of her silent takedowns are designed to cut off oxygen to the brain and incapacitate a target. There is always the good ole' neck snap but that just cuts off communication to the heart, lungs, nervous system. Something that might render a vampire immobile but most likely not kill them. The staking might work but if she missed then the vamp would most definitely scream and that would make the rest of her night much harder. She could always just shoot him in the head, but that was louder than a scream and sure to alert the other vamps.

With all her optioned weighed, Bri would remain stealthed and allow the closest vampire to wander within her reach, pursuing if necessary. Once he was close enough Bri would sweep out his legs and slam his skull into the floor. If he still appeared to be moving or conscience in any way she would deliver another punch to the base of his skull. If she successfully managed to subdue her target she would quickly move his body and attempt to stay hidden. Unless the lights were back on, then she would run full speed towards her next target, and attempt a similar maneuver.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:36 pm

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The woman looks confused and merely nods before she goes to sleep, her bod processing your blood but you can tell just by the look of her she is more healthy(+1 humanity). Going back to your sire he grunts. "If you want a doll to cuddle that is your business provide you can still do your job I don't care what you use to sleep at night." He states moving along expecting you to walk with him. "I will be honest I was impressed at how bloodthirsty you got." He comments and gives with a fanged smile as he leads you back to where you were when you woke up however unlike last time he opens up a hatch and drops down. presuming you keep following him he leads you through a bunch of tunnels. "We got to my haven I will need to report the job was done. your... ghoul will seek you out have no worry about that." He comments taking you on a long journey through the dark.

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As you debate which method is the best to take him down he passes you twice nearly spotting you once before he seems to be moving on to another area causing you to have to creep up on him. (silent takedown 4 successes vs DC 6) As you got you you manage to pull his legs out from under him sending him to the floor where upon you leap on top of her and sent his head crushing into the concrete causes his head to turn into mush followed by his body turning into ash in your hands signalling his death. "Huh?" The sudden embers of the ash grab the attention fo the man on the upper floor as he begins moving in your direction grabbing a torch in the process and shines it about.(Sneaking 1 success vs DC 6) Fortunately you narrowly manage to dart out of the light's path under some crates though in the process knock the boxes over giving him a clear signal as to where you were. "I think they're in here! Get in here would you I can't see that other guy! Think they got him!" He calls out allowing the One outside to know you are in here too coming through the door you did he glances around. "Where?" He asks the other giving you a short time before you are likely found.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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