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Your sire watches your inner struggle with an amused smirk before shaking his head. "Don't worry yourself too hard about it childe. Now, there is a small event we need to attend you and I if you would perhaps feel up to heading out rather than sat here questioning everything even yourself. You'll find the experience quite educational." He explains before rising to stand and handing you back the dagger. "Here as a gift from sire to childe." He smirks and motions you to come along.
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(bloodpool 8/10)
(Thug boss firearm: 6, 7 vs 3, 4 = 2 damage)
As you turn your attention on the guard to your right the boss fires off a couple of rounds landing in your stomach and neck both hitting hard and leaving you bleeding, the wound is tiny more like a small cut but a wound is definitely there, seems even your new improved body can only take so much abuse or maybe he got lucky either way seeing you actually wounded spurs him and the others on to keep fighting and bring you down.
(unarmed combat 3 succsesses vs 0 = 12 damage = Thug killed)
(Thug 2 uses Melee 9, 7 vs 3 6 = thug wins. 2 damage)
(Second attack 9, 10, 8, 7 ,3, 6 vs 1)
As you fight the guard you land a series of blows, taking out his knee early causing it to shatter before you disable him further with strikes his his shoulders, finishing it with style as you spin kick him in the head, clearly snapping his neck as he is sent flying and slumps to the floor, as you are dealing with him however the guard behind you stabs you in the back, the blade cuts deep and causes pain to rush through your body the first time since you had been here had you felt pain like that, pulling his knife back he sees you turn on him and gulps brandishing it as blood seeps from your multiple wounds. Stalking towards him you lash out knocking his knife from his hand before kicking him in the nuts and punching him in the face, your claws ripping him apart as his face caves under your blow and he crumples to the floor screaming and gargling in agony as he chokes on his own blood.
(health 6/10)
Turning to the boss he looks at you and shakes his head. "Fuck no... it's die by you or die by them think i fucking choose to die now bitch." He pulls his gun and blows his brains out robbing you of the gloating kill as his body slumps to the floor in a heap, dropping the briefcase as you're left in what is clearly a bloody massacre with the briefcase and a looooot of bodies.
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Your sire looks at you a long moment as if contemplating something and it's requiring her to think about it thoroughly before she acts. Suddenly you find her grabbing your throat and lifting you like you weighed nothing before slamming you so hard into the ground you leave an impact site. Lowering her face to yours she hisses bearing her fangs at you. "Get this through that thick skull of yours, this i not a game I can and will kill you without a moment of hesitation if you piss me off one more time. So the only thing I want to hear from you again is 'How may I serve mistress.' AM I clear fledgling?" She growls finally releasing your neck and moves off before suddenly turning back and stamping on your crotch with bone breaking strength.
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The girl cries out as you shove her against the side, hitting it hard as she shakes, fearing you'll be something else than you did to the others. "Sweden... I'm Swedish..." she gasps out looking at you with fear before you pull her legs over your shoulders, moaning she grips your hair, grinding against you as her cries echo in your ears. Meanwhile you feel Jenny stop her tongue fucking of your cunt and resurface behind you follow shortly by a growl and a girl's scream of ecstasy as you feasts on another. before tossing the drained girl aside before moving on as you have your fun, devouring their blood before you have a chance to get to them. the pool noticeably full of less warm bodies. When you stop the girl from Sweden lets out a whine, wondering why before you bite down causing her to squeal in pleasure and shake violently against you as you over stimulate her mind, ecstasy erupting in her vision as she bucks upon your fingers. her taste fine but sweet, almost mild to you but it still brings that joyous pleasure of drinking one's blood.
With a cry of ecstasy the girl you have bitten orgasms, her cunt clenching and squeezing down on your fingers as her muscles attempt to work them to provide cum for her womb, her body trembling as you drain her until she is pale. her heart rate slowing considerably before you feel yourself yanked off by your sister, stronger than you had expected and thrown to the opposite side of the wall. With a bit of a daze you see Clara take the girl over to the bed and place her on the pile like the others, a mountain of flesh to the side before Jenny fills your vision glaring at you before grinning and swatting your nose like she would a dog. "Don't drink so much... if you kill them they can't be drunk from again." She giggles before pulling you into an incestuous kiss.
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The driver nods a little before he drives off leaving you alone in the warehouse. As you scout the place you notice a back door a side door and a main entrance at the front as well as various windows on all sides, a human might have trouble surviving the fall from the top floor but your certain a vampire won't be troubled given what you had seen both yourself and Bee do this night. As you find the break you managed to tear off the locked casing (1 success vs DC 6) to the point you could just reach the switch, squeezing your hand through you flip the breaker and the lights instantly cut out, leaving it pitch black, your vision however unaffected thanks to your glowing red eyes. Already you can hear complaints coming from inside as movement begins to quickly head your way. Knowing they'll likely just flip the switch back on and be alert to your presence you snap the switch off and moving quickly, entering through the side door before one rounds the corner. "What the fuck... Guys we got company keep a look out!" You hear him call before another answers. "Unlikely you we don't have glowing eyes you jackass!" He gets answered quickly making him growl as he glances about. Now inside (sneak roll: 2 successes vs DC 6) you manage to sneak about, you aren't graceful by any means but quiet enough you can move around without gaining too much attention though you had the odd close call of nearly walking right into one before you jumped out of the way to hide under the stairs. Looking around you now know one of them is outside, one is on the top floor and another is lurking around in your general area, poking his head in corners looking for you. They know you're here just not exactly where here is. They all seem about as new at this than you though the way you hear them bicker apart from the one outside none of them seem to know they are vampires. As if they were just turned and told to do a job without any explanation leaving you with a choice of taking out the ones inside or taking out the only one that can see in the dark back near the breaker as he tries to get it working.
Diran Fay
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As you head to the bar you get a couple of odd looks and various appreciative glances from men and even a few women. getting to the bar you look around everyone busily ordering drinks while the woman behind the bar looks at you and smirks before coming over motioning for you to lean in. "Hey Hun... You Eve's new thing?" She asks with a knowing smirk before motioning around. "What can i do for you tonight hun?" She asks with a smirk and leans in, displaying her cleavage for you and others watching while the rest of the bar staff go about getting everyone their drinks.
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(unarmed rolls 7, 6 vs 5, 5 = 2 success =4 damage = Thug killed)
You finally manage to kill him only tearing off the one arm and beating him until he stops moving and the blood stops leaking from his body, standing in a huge puddle of blood you make your way to the last sign of life, the smell of blood fills this place making you dizzy before you find the passed out girl. Her heart rate dangerously low as the needle sticks in her arm shaking as it appears she is overdosing as you move to feed on her your sire catches you just before your teeth sink in. "What are you doing?" He growls blood covered his body from head to toe before he gives you a smirk. "She's gonna die if you want to save her to be a ghoul feed her your blood before you bite her... otherwise she'll become a vampire." He explains with a grunt. Leaving the choice to you he turns away and seems to wait. Giving you a moment you look at her and pierce your wrist with your claws before feeding it to her lips, slowly she grabs your arm and begins drinking down your blood, moaning and gulping noisily until she pulls free groaning softly as she looks at you. "What... what did you do?" She asks with wide eyes full of confusion and fear.
An Ying Hu
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Crissy takes the towel and wraps it around herself, covering her torso and ass in the large absorbing fabric before walking back in to see the mess on her bed and your ruined dress. Laughing she smirks at you and pulls you into a kiss. "Unfortunately We have stuff that requires clothes as well otherwise it'd be a delightful idea." She giggles and kneads your backside softly. "Come you can wear something of mine until you find some new clothes you'd like." She brings you over to a large wardrobe before opening it up, allowing you to see it's contents a large selection of outfits, from long ball gowns to more slutty club clothes and business suits. Pick something you feel comfortable in and dry up, we'll go show you how to use your new found powers together." She offers with a smile before she grabs the bed sheets and pulls from off of the bed and tosses them into a hamper before going about making the bed while you pick your new clothing choice.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl
"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel