Tainted Princess

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:38 pm

Priea grinned a bit as the old man and farmers backed off, though immediately found herself defensive as Dixie came over... hating how hard it was these days for her to trust... a part of her even was wary of the two companions she had, her recent issues with people in general all because of that bastard who... Priea pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the here and now as Arrenhan turned her gaze upon her and Aria, the idea of all those things listed making her smile just a bit as she nodded," Sounds alright... so long as we don't run into anymore unwanted attention anyways", she mused, lowering her guard for just the moment at least, though still keeping her eyes open.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:30 pm

"Ha ha! YEAH! We got em!" Sharya shouted, literally jumping for joy and waving her flaming sword in the air as the last goblin made a hasty retreat. "That'll teach nasty goblins to try to hit on us like that." ... Although a reputation for burning to a crisp anyone interested in them could be problematic later in life. Oh well! What was important was that they had won and now the townspeople could come out of their homes again. This was much nicer than the ghost town it had been when they arrived.

Sharya had missed most of the conversation between the rest of the women as she extinguished the flames on her rapier and returned it to it's sheathe, but a few key words caught her attention. "Pub... ? Drinks...?!" Her eyes lit up. Her family hadn't allowed her to go to any pubs back home or even really drink at all. "Oooh, I'd love to come with!"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:01 am

Nodding a little at her companions as she takes Kassy up on her offer. "Certainly welcome to buy. Not going to complain not moment." She states with a smile before seeing the others and nodding, her eyes examining the cat girl's tattoo though she's not about to show them where her's is not a fucking chance. "Yeah well... i'm not showing mine." She states with a nervous grin before glancing at the other elf. "Guessing you got sheltered back home?" She asks before she offers an arm to lead her along to the local tavern. Once there she pulls up a seat at an empty table and waits on her new companions to sit down with her, Nighteyes quickly making her way under the table growling softly.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:00 am

VintageBass, FragranceofMtDew, MelissaB, Cryosabre

Just as you say this, a few members of the local guard come by to help Kassy with the bodies. Together you take them to the outskirts of town away from any major roads and bury them all be it in shallow graves. The guards don't seem very talkative. Meanwhile Daisy leads the rest of the group to the pub.

MASigma, Lorielle, Alkalanna

Dixie begins to look a little saddened by the group's mistrust in her but stays firm. She tries to answer everyone's questions. "Hillsdale moved here from Irongard a few years ago, he's been buying up farms all around. People who don't sell to them, he forces out. Though I don't know why?" she says as she clears her throats. "I think we have some left over loaf from today. I'll bring them over to the Wallflower in a bit." Dixie points towards the building near the centre of town. " You should be able to find lodging there as well. I'll see you in a bit". With that Dixie ran towards the Bakery.

The Wallflower

You arrive at the pub. Over the front door you see a wooden sign that says " The Wallflower". Beside it you see a small inn about three stories high. All of you (except Kassandra and Dixie) bump in to each other near the front of the Pub. When you get near each other, the marks on you body begin to glow as your bodies become hot. It fades after a moment but it's obvious you all had the same reaction. "What's going on?" Daisy asked puzzled by your strange reaction. It then that you see Dixie come by a large bag in hand. Once she see's Daisy she runs over to give her a big hug. " Sis! what are you doing here?" Dixie asked. "I met this group of strangers outside of town. They beat a whole gang of goblins on their own." Replied Daisy. Dixie looked impressed. "What a surprise, I meet these ones being a hounded by Hillsdale. Why don't we all go in and enjoy ourselves". With that, Daisy and Dixie opened the way to the bar.

When you enter you find the place bustling with activity. Farmers, merchants, store owners and towns people all having a merry time. There were still a few tables open as well as spots at the bar. If you wanted information on Lucien or other strange occurrences, the barkeep might be the best person to talk to.

For Shayde, there were marks a plenty. Any of the drunken patrons could make for some easy coin (Pickpocket Roll (Dex), Easy). You could also see some out of tonwers who had heavier then usual pockets (Pickpocket Roll (Dex), Average). On the other side of the tavern you could see a Baron accompanied by a guard. He seemed to have an important document sticking out of his satchel (Pickpocket Roll (Dex), Hard). The last mark you noticed was an old codger with a long beard siting by the bar He looked half asleep but was still drinking. You could see he had something in his pocket. You don't know what it is but it feels like it's calling to you... (Pickpocket Roll (Dex), Impossible).
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:23 am

Seeing the other group Kailyne goes to offer a greeting before the mark on her ass glows beneath her leather armor making her moan softly and bite her lip, looking at each woman in turn with a frightened look she nods. "I think we all need to talk a little don't you?" She asks them with a gulp before heading inside after Dixie and Daisy. Taking a look around she makes her way to a seat by an empty table, Nighteyes on her heels who crawls under the table at her feet and lays down, growling softly, clearly unhappy with the amount of people around her as the elf waves at the others to join her. "So... who wants to start?" She ask with a gulp and a hint of nerves in her voice.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:10 am

The holstaur helps out the fellow milita members in getting rid of the bodies, even helping out digging out the graves so they don't have to. The guards weren't interested in a little chit-chat, which she doesn't mind all that much. It just leaves her to her own thoughts and quickly bury the goblins in their shallow graves and to possibly help fertilize the land. Before she could bury her own, Kassy takes her shovel and gives a good few chops, cutting away at one of the legs before dropping the rest into the grave. Might as well get something in return, as a small trophy for the battle. Once everything is finished, Kassy pats the dirt and returns her shovel to its proper place on her body, while saying her thanks and goodbyes to the guards before heading on to the pub.

Kassy knows exactly where to go and got there in no time, seeing the group out in front with some other girls, She attempts to get close, but the tattoo on her chest burns for a moment, stopping her in her tracks and getting a soft moo out. That was certainly new, and her breasts feel a bit heavier from that. Hopefully that was a one time occurrence, as she isn't sure on what will happen if that burns more often. Although admittedly there was a brush of pleasure coursing through her and it certainty wasn't all that bad. She also hopes that it doesn't go to her head, too. Something like this feels like she needs to keep in line and not give in to that hot temptation.

Instead, the holstaur heads on in behind the others, noticing the others having a merry time while the group does their own thing. A couple of things stick out to her, with the first being the ranger and her wolf companion getting seated at a table. The next thing being a familiar face, one that she has met some time ago and now fully grown up. That brought a smile to her face as she heads on over to meet up this girl first, even giving her a hug. "Well hello there, this is a bit of a surprise," she said, giving the cleric a light smile. "Do you remember me? I helped you some time ago..."

She waits on the cleric to see if anything is jogging her memory before looking over at the ranger. "Mind joining me? I'm paying and I'm curious about... a few things." The holstaur rubs her chest, mostly on her tattoo and remembering the hot feeling it gave off when she got close to the group.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:25 am

Shayde whistled tunelessly as they finally reached the wallflower and were met with even more adventurers! With a smile on her face and her tail swishing behind her playfully, Shayde went up to the new arrivals with a smile, "Hey there! I'm Shay~hah~ Nope alright, maybe not!" Her tattoo sending a hot flush through her body as she gets close to the others, quickly deterring her from introducing herself and instead making the neko enter the Wallflower, maybe some alcohol would help the numb the lust! As everyone gets to sitting down, Shayde goes to take a seat at the round table before her ears twitch and she looks around the bar curiously at the multitude of potential "Donations" to the bank of Shayde. The cat woman could not, however, take her eyes off the old man sitting in the corner, there was just something about whatever was in his pocket that made him seem simply irresistible as a target to Shayde, he had something she wanted and that was the end of it. "Uhm, I'll be back in a sec I just need to go and...uhm...do a thing!" she grinned to the group before sauntering off towards the old man half asleep in his pint. "Hey buddy, you having a good drink?" Shayde asked in a cheery tone as she patted the shoulder on the opposite side of the man to the pocket where the item resided, trying to draw his attention away from her other hand that was attempting to dart into his pocket and procure whatever it was that seemed to have captured Shayde's attention so entirely.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:13 am

The sight of the pub earns a frown from her, it being the sort of place she tended to avoid giving the bad sort of people that went to such places. With a sigh she entered… only to blink at the other group they ran into, biting back a gasp as she felt the mark on her inner right thigh burn in a arousing manner, recalling a similar sensation when she got close to the other two she was with… though snapped out of it as she heard a mooing sound, blushing a bit even as she focused on the source with a tinge of hope.

The sight of the Holstaur made her instantly flash back quite a few year back, recalling the face of the Holstaur whom had saved her all those years ago… to think she’d run into her here of all places and that she too had been marked like Priea herself had,” Y-yes, how could I forget you”, She replied with the largest smile she’d had since the incident, blushing a bit more as she’s pulled into the tight embrace, though looked curious at the following comment… before noticing how she rubbed her chest gave her an idea of what it was about,” That sounds good to me, I’d like to tell you what I’ve done since you helped me to the Monastery too”, she noted, a part of her eager to impress the woman whom had been her inspiration for so long.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:07 am


Pickpocket Roll: 7 + 5 = 12, Fail

As you reach for the item in the man's pocket you notice that only one hand is on his mug. You suddenly feel something clamp onto your arm. "Someone's been a very bad kitty" The man says with a drunken laugh. "You want this don't ya" He then pulled out what ever was in hit pocket. It was an amulet with a Cat's Eye in the centre. Not only does it look like it would fetch a pretty coin, you could still feel a bit of energy radiate from it. "My lucks been golden ever since I got it. Now what should I do with this thieving kitty." It seemed the noise was covering up the commotion the man was making. If you don't resolve this fast you would be in trouble.
Last edited by Mark3000 on Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:10 am

"I guess you could say I was sheltered. I snuck out a lot but I never went to the pub since they would just send me back home..." Sharya answered her fellow elf, taking her arm when offered and following along to the pub. They bump into another group of women but before Sharya can say anything she gasps as she feels a sudden surge of warmth from the mark, about a third of which was visible just below her navel. She goes quiet after that, confused about what she just felt and silently follows everyone inside.

She takes a seat at the table with the other elf, the woman seeming to want to talk about the marks they all shared but not wanting to share her own experience first. Sharya could hardly be considered shy but she can still understand the sentiment so she decides to speak up. "Well... I'm Sharya. Sharya Rosimor. I was out in the forest one day when I met a strange... man? I don't know what he was I guess but everything about him just seemed wrong to me. We... fought? I think? I don't remember it so I must not have put up much of a fight though... I didn't wake up until nightfall and I was completely naked with this strange mark. I heard the man had come this way so I went after him and then I met all of you."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Lorielle » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:53 am

Aria's body shudders a bit a small bit of arousal coursing through her mark spreading especially fast to her breasts. "Hell-hello.. My name is Aria..I'm a simple knight." The blonde gives the other women a smile knowing she was among good company.

Its nice to meet you all. Though it seems we're all bound by some horrid fate. I'll see what information we can get from the bartender. If no one accompanied her or no one continues to speak to her she heads off to the barkeep. "Hello, Sir. What are the latest rumors around town? would you happen to know anything about the legend of the demon King Lucien?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:08 am

Now that she has the girl she helped some years ago, Kassy brought her over to join the other girls who bare similar marks and how they seem to be connected. Everything about this seems rather odd, and the mention of a mysterious stranger coming on through that gave the mark does sound familiar. "Odd, that sounds familiar," she replied, her hand to her bosom. "I know of a strange man myself, as he came by my farm not too long ago and offered me a night out. I don't remember much myself after that, which left me wondering what I had that made me so light-headed and dizzy, but it sounds like he was the same man you encountered. Although I guess you girls don't have the same mark as I do..."

As she was explaining herself, Kassy takes the goblin leg that she chopped off and dangles it down below the table for the wolf to come snatch it. She went through the trouble to bring this piece of meat in, and she might as well reward the dog for her hard work in the battle. It might as well help earn her a potential ally if all of these girls bear something similar in between. "By the way, my name is Kassandra Honeydew. I'm one of the farmers here, and also will be paying for some drinks," and using her other hand grabs a bag full of money to afford all of what everyone wants to drink. "I'm a nice gal, I'll be willing to help out whenever I can..." She stops for the moment, remembering that she didn't do anything with the goblins, "so if there's something, I'll be here to offer something."
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:54 am

... So it seemed her hero had met the man and had instead been seduced into the act that left her marked? Priea felt some disappointment at this, the fact Kassy had apparently been duped by the same man whom had forced herself onto Priea... what kind of manipulative and sick man was this monster? The mention of different markings made her blink curiously," I was unaware there were different ones", she noted with surprise apparent on her face, wondering just what the different marks meant. Hearing the Paladin then offer to pay for drinks and call herself a farmer was certainly surprising in turn," A Farmer? Did you retire from adventuring or something?", she asked, curious about what had gone on with the woman since all those years ago,"... and I'll have something light if that's alright"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby cryosabre » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:38 am

almost there...just a little...FUCK! Shayde shouted in her head as she felt a vicelike grip on her arm and the old man began causing a commotion for the rest of the bar to see. Thinking quickly, Shayde drapped her body over his to try and conceal the situation from any on lookers ss she began whispering in his hear in a smooth sultry voice, " I think you may be mistaken in your assumptions, buddy. While your trinket is pretty that wasn't why I had my hand in your pocket, I was trying to see if I could make you a little bit..."happier" to see me, hmmm?" giving his ear a small lick just to accentuate her point, Shayde had to almost fight back the small shiver desperatly wanting to run over her body, she had no intention of sleeping with the old coffin dodger but now that she had actually seen the amulet, felt the mysterious power within, she knew she had to have it! "So how about you let my hand go and I'll show you, you don't need some mass produced amulet to get "lucky" right now?" using her free hand to try and gently take the amulet from the mans hand as if she was trying to prove a point while her trapped hand begins moving about in his pocket trying to rub at his privates, hoping that the alcohol in his system as well as her own actions would make him think a little less clearly about the situation and give Shayde a chance to make off with her bounty.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:29 pm

Kailyne nodded at each women as they explained if vaguely how they got their own tattoos. Humming a little she nods before it appears it's her turn. "Well I'm Kailyne and the wolf under the table is Nighteyes." She introduces her animal companion just in time for her to grab the goblin leg and begin noisily ripping it up and devouring it causing Kailyne to glance under the table. "Did you just feed her a goblin leg?" She asks in surprise before shaking her head and trying to wash that image away from her mind. "As for how I got mine. Well I was more willing that I'd like to admit. He knew everything to say and do and I could help myself I gave myself to him on the forest floor and when I awoke I was alone, I didn't notice the mark thanks to where it was placed on my body until I got back home and cleaned up. We've been hunting him since, our hunt led us here." She explains looking embarrassed she gave herself to this man where all the others seemed to of been forced echoed by a growl from the wolf as if on cue to mock her. "Quiet you. You liked him too ,rolled over and showed you belly for scratches, some wolf." She grumbles at her wolf before leaning down and stroking her head and glances at the others. "If you're buying I think I'll have a glass of wine." She states and looks to the others before taking the needed coin from Kassy's pouch on the table and moving to the bar to stand with Aria.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Alkalannar » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:11 pm

Arrenhan joined the others, and the flash of the mark between her breasts like an amulet resting there makes her shudder with warmth that flows to her breasts and belly before fading. After going inside and settling down with the others. she says, "I appear to be in similar circumstances. Too much revelry after being under discipline for a long time. A bit of alcohol, and he was...I thought he was a druid, the way he kept....." She trails off, flushing deeply. "Still and all, we are now here, together, and looking to find and defeat our foe...and hopefully have some fun along the way. I don't want this to be all doom and gloom. Anyhow, I am Arrenhan, and I would certanly enjoy some wine and a hot meal."

She stretches out slightly, "I wonder why he came here, if he was traveling somewhere, or maybe looking for something...Or..." She lifts her head and looks over at the commotion caused by the potential pickpocket., and rises to walk over by them. "Is there anything you need help with?"
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby VintageBass » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:12 pm

The holstaur couldn't help but smile at what is going on with Kailyne and Nighteyes. Even if they did ended up meeting up with the stranger mentioned before, it is oddly cute watching the elf interacting with her pet and Kassy adores it. Although hearing that Kailyne willing submitted herself to the man brought on a blush on her cheeks and made her feel a little heavy. She won't admit it outright, but the holstaur actually went out on her own free will, swept up by the man's charm and want to have a good time, only curious about what kind of fun she might have.

That didn't turn out for the better.

Instead, Kassy focuses on the cleric and hopefully answer some questions. "Actually I've been a farmer for a very long time, it's just I got my paladin training in-between. It certainly wasn't what my caretakers wanted, but I made the best of it and I get to help out a lot of people this way. Feeding the needy, protecting the innocent, keeping evil at bay... it's all to uphold peace and everyone is happy in some way." The holstaur smiles lightly, watching her pouch getting lighter and lighter from the others getting their drinks and she sits there listening to the others' tales. She is even curious on getting Nighteyes over and petting her on the head, wanting to show some affection, even after giving her that goblin leg to chew on. Kassy puts a hand down and motions for the wolf to come on over, so she is in reaching range to scratch the wolf's head.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MASigma » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:43 pm

Priea watched Kassy's reactions curiously, only to focus as her questions were being answered, smiling lightly as it was better explained," Y-yes I... well I didn't become a Paladin but I've been doing the same every since I was prepared enough... I figured I'd try to follow your example", Priea noted with a sheepish smile, a bit embarrassed to admit such a thing as she didn't want to come off too "Hero worship-y" or anything, pausing to sip from her own drink... she hadn't had much alcohol but she enjoyed the light drinks that didn't affect her too much as the heavy stuff quickly... well, made her into a giggling fool as she been told the morning after she'd tried such a heavy drink," So um... how'd you and the rest of your group end up traveling together? Mine just kind of bumped into one another", she noted, wondering if the marks had some way of pulling other marked ones to eachother.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:05 am

The bartender turns to Aria after serving another customer. "I've heard plenty of rumors regarding the Demon King. Last I heard some beast folk mentioning see a stranger around their camp. If you travel north you'll reach their encampment. It's about a day's trip. You'll want to talk to a woman named Esmeralda". He continues to clean the bar counter and turns back to you. "I did hear this other rumor. You know how women have been getting attacked across the land. Well apparently, these women's attackers revisits them twice. Once when the tattoo on their body is half full and covers half their body. Then again when the tattoo covers their entire body. What ever happens to them, I don't know. Hope that helps miss." He said as the bartender returned to work.


Shayde attempts to trick the old man out of his amulet:

Deception Roll (Wis, Average): 4

Just as you reach out for the amulet the man pulls it away from her. Then he wags his finger. "Oh! your a sly one aren't ya. Well if you want it then you'll have to do something for me." Just as he says this Arrenhan comes and interrupts the two of you. "Oh it's nothing, I was just going to be on my way." He says as he stands up. Not before leaning into Shayde ear to whisper "First floor of the inn, look for a scarf on the handle. Come if you still want the amulet" and walked off out of the bar.

Back at the round table, Dixie and Daisy were listening to the conversation intently. "Wow, I've only heard stories but I didn't know people were being attacked. Scary" Daisy said. As you talk, a young man in brown trousers and a well designed tunic approaches the group. "Are you Dixie and the group Mr. Hillsdale met earlier today? He wants to offer you an apology for his demeanor earlier. He's just outside and would like to speak with you. You bring your friends as well." He gives you a quick bow and leaves. The two red heads look at each other with a worried expression on their face.
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Re: Tainted Princess

Postby MelissaB » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:16 am

As Kailyne left the table to head over to Aria Nighteyes perked up, wondering what the beastwoman wanted as she sniffed and began licking her slimy tongue over her fingers to taste her before moving up and in to stare, resting her head on her crotch with no care for personal space. Growling softly up at her with her eyes peering up at her as it in some kind of internal thought.

Humming at the rumor she becomes a little concerned at meeting him again although it is a sure way of drawing him to them. But she had no idea how the tattoo grew just that if it did he visits her again, twice in fact. deep in thought she nods to Aria and motions back to the table. "Should probably tell the others this." She comments before walking off arriving just in time to catch the man's words to the group. Looking at Dixie and Daisy she tilts her head. "Mind catching me up? Who is this Hillsdale and exactly who sends someone to tell you to come outside to apologize?" She asks with a frown clearly not liking the impersonal nature of this apology if it was one. Glancing at Nighteyes she smirks. "She's not food... You're not a mutt stop begging." She hisses with amusement.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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