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The woman just chuckles at you and waves you off, what she thought about your analyzing she didn't say or show beyond she found it amusing. Leaving around you smell Christ in the luge watching TV oddly enough you smell Emilia on him like his being was made of her in some form. Chris himself is a stocky white male at roughly 6 feet and 1 inches high and from the weight of him you'd say if you were still human he'd pound you into the dirt. He clearly looks like muscle but the way he presents himself seems more cunning than simple brawn what would a vampire need brawn for anyway? Hearing you Christ nods. "Right... must be your fault the boys and girl's aren't usually so woozy unless she's been in a fight from her feeding. Your room is upstairs opposite her study. Just word of warning... don't get anything we can't get out on the sheets or she'll make you pay for them. That means blood stains." He states with a grin before smirking and waving you off as he heads back to to Emilia.
Back in the cellar each person stepping up to be examined before nodding as you depart them. Each woman gasping and moaning with need as your lips hover over their necks making their legs shake and they need to feel that kiss grow within them, you can feel their blood running to their erogenous zones on their body purely by your teasing and presence, apparently the memory and teasing of it happening against good enough to get them more than in the mood. The woman you choose moans, standing still as she can as she nods, mumbling her acceptance in your ear as you leave with her following briskly on your heels, her heart pounding in her chest.
Once you arrive at your room you fine is exquisitely furnished and and the kingsized bed dominates the room while t the side is a computer and desk and a small note placed on the screen. While you are busy inspecting the room the woman walks briskly over to kneel near the chair out of habit, seemingly that's how Emilia feeds from them and it's been embedded into their habits. reading the note it seems it was by Emilia to you. 'Childe - this computer is yours the password to it is my second name, if you haven't already forgotten it then you should be fine. PS: Do not ruin my bedding.'
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(rolls 4, 5, 2, 9, 4 vs DC 4=4 successes)
Despite your now monstrous claws you managed to hide them well enough and due to your pale clean easily come out as a junkie for the man on guard. The man looks you voer, staring at your tits with an obvious leer before he nods. "Yeah I got some shit, why don't you lose the clothes so I can see what I'm paying for?" He offers while also motioning you inside. "Gotta pay the rest of my boys as well he states with a cocky grin as she pulls you close and attempts to lead you inside, his blood rushing so close is it to you as he leans in to kiss you.
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(rolls 5 vs dc 4= 1 success)
The pair nod at you a little before both being caught in surprise at the way you throw yourself on your knees between them. Each man giving the other a look. "This bitch must be desperate." The one thinking you're about to suck him off speaks up, so close are you to his crotch that you can feel the heat radiating off of his body, traveling to his groin to his cock much like you felt the man downstairs except now the urge to lean forward and sink your teeth into the artery so close to his crotch as it throbs and pulses with blood, sending a rush in your mind that makes you a little dizzy. "Well I better get more than a blowjob if you want your fix bitch... I'm think we keep you for the night." He nods with a smirk to which the other guy nods and laughs before getting on his knees behind you, quickly pulling your sweatpants down over your ass before giving the cold flesh a spank. "Shit bet this bitch is homeless feel fucking frozen... maybe you should stay with us for more thna a few nights we'll warm ya right up." He offers as you hear his fishing out his own cock. Trapping between the two the one above you grunts and glares. "Well get sucking it bitch or would you prefer it in your ass dry?" He smirks and moves to grip you hair that urge that throb and drumming coming from their bodies only gets louder the more aroused they get the more open to being close to you they become each stroke and each moment they touch you brings a heighten bliss to your mind and a torturous needs to drink.
An Ying Hu
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Laughing she nods. "if I wanted a mere pawn I'd of made you a ghoul beautiful." She chimes softly her hips continuing to thrust and slam back and forth, working you over even through your orgasm dragging it on as she fucks you without pause. As you bite on her breast you draw blood that sanguine liquid filling your mouth and setting your taste buds ablaze once more that seeps into your mouth and causes your sire to arch her back and shake in pleasure. Groaning she holds you there for a moment long before allowing you to remove your mouth of her tit, blood running from the puncture wounds down her breast. Moaning into your lips Crissy holds you tightly her hips finally stopping before she pulls you down and curls up against you on the bed, resting with you and allowing you both a moment to recover. Panting their cold bodies clinging together. "Ah... want would you like to learn first Amelia?" She asks calling you by your name for the first time since your embrace as she tender strokes your hair, brushing it from your face so she can gaze upon it without interference.
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Bee gave you a look as you ran of military titles at her before smirking and shaking her head. "I don't answer to the prince doll, if you weren't so green you'd beat you for that kinda talk. No if you want a title for yourself it's childe, fledgling or new blood. I'm den mother if you need something else to call me by doll." She chuckles and lets you go as you ask why she chose you. "You're athletic, you don't take shit you when not frightened out of your little mind can be confident, I watched you run trying to get home, impressed really, Anyway needed another chick about the place, total sausage fest in this dive." She laughs and shakes her head. "Plus i knew I was going to need some more help soon. I did a little background check that crap in your first year? Not seen your dad in what four years? You were pretty much perfect to become a vampire." She states before shrugging and leading you downstairs slowly where music cna be heard getting louder and louder and cheers from various people along the lines of "chug chug chug" coming from below, just some guy, don't worry you're not killing him, woah never kill an innocent. Can't stress that enough but hell yeah drink from them." She laughs and sends you further down into the blaze of a lively pub, looking around you notice everyone but the odd one or two are vampires counting ten in total in the bar right now and as Bee said. total sausage fest each one hollering at some guy in the middle and from how it smelled past the alcohol he was human, you can see him chugging a yard of beer for the crowd much to the amusement of the vampires around him.
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The women give you a nod before glancing at Jenny though the french one tilts her head at you as if trying to recall where she heard that name before she ends up smiling and grinning at you, quickly standing up she comes over to you, the rest of the girls seeming begin doing what they were here to do and undress from what little clothing they had already, Exposing their varying forms before you see Jenny grin and clasps her hands together and pulls a small red haired girl over to the bed and begins kissing and fondling her while the french girl comes over. "You must be her sister... I'm Clara, Jenny's ghoul. She told me she was bringing a surprise to this session didn't think she meant her sister though." She giggles before she moves to take your hand and lead you towards the bed with Jenny and the red haired, the other girls make do warming themselves up with each other kissing and eating each other out, the heat radiating in the room practically melting your senses as the throbbing of quickening hearts and rushing blood fills your ears and nose the scent and sound intoxicating to you.
Clara breaks you from your primal desire with a few words and a warm smile her accent cutting through you as she speaks. "I would be honoured to be your first tonight." She tells you knowing what it is you need to do and what she is so willingly offering you, you feel like a starving woman before a banquet all this blood so readily available to you it's hard not to pounce form girl to girl.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl
"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel