Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:08 pm

Bri did her best to match Bee's pace, taking a good shunt of willpower to not just sprint away in the other direction. While contemplating if she could even sprint in her current state, Bee's arm landed on her shoulders once again. Bri began debating why that was her go to. It is generally accepted as a friendly gesture so maybe she was doing to appear friendly, or to try and be comforting. Or maybe she did just because she could. This women was obviously her better and Bri wasn't about to challenge her, but she definitely wasn't about to cuddle up with her for hot cocoa and movie. While still wrapped up under Bee's arm, Bri turned to face her, gazing towards her seductively pale face. "Well if you answer to the Prince they maybe your Knight?" Started Bri desperately trying to break down the tension in her own mind. "And that would make me a squire... Or you could be a Corporal, I am a PFC after all... I know all sorts of tittles, I could help you pick one if you'd like..." Continued Bri. Thinking back on her education helped take her out of the moment, apparent in a visibly more relaxed posture, and some inviting body language. "Speaking of picking... Why did you chose me to uh, be your childe?" She asked pouting slightly as she pulled herself back into the present. "But yeah I'm ready, but uh who or what is it that I'm drinking exactly?" Concluded Bri with a hungry mischievous look about her eyes, betraying her inhibitions.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:22 pm

Gasping as Jenny pushed her body against Aretha's and began kissing around the puncture marks on her neck, Aretha could only squirm uncomfortably as her sister tried to persuade her to open her mind more to the incestuous acts before laying a firm slap on her ass, "Hey! Jenny! I'm your sister, what the hell are you doing?!" 'She's doing what she knows...' The voice echoed almost mourning it's sister, Aretha also feeling a pang of sadness if this was what her sister had been reduced to. Aretha squeaked before practically jumping out of the elevator once the doors opened after what seemed like an eternity. "Seriously, st-stop, Jenny!" Aretha whined as she was molested by her sister though Aretha suddenly stopped dead in her tracks at truly odd feeling of somehow knowing what was behind the door at the end of the hall as she felt the heat of their bodies laying across each other, the vibrations of their movements and the sounds of their chatter, "Jenny...I...I don't want to go there..." Aretha said quietly though to no avail as she was pulled down to hall by her sister, a shocked look coming across the younger sisters face at the unnatural strength Jenny was displaying by dragging her closer and closer towards the almost heavenly sound of blood pumping through veins. "I...I'm not sure I want to know what I am now..." 'You already know' it chimed again unable to let her live in the denial she was so desperately clinging to. Aretha stood frozen outside the door before the gentle kiss Jenny placed on her cheek reassured her enough to step inside.

As she stepped into the room, Aretha blushed even more at the sight of all the barely dressed women laying across the furniture and each other, though her interest was piqued at the diverse ethnicity of them all. The way they all turned their attention to focus on her and Jenny leaving Aretha unsure of how to react exactly. "I'm Aretha..." she said in reply to the question before swallowing the imaginary spit in her mouth and continuing, "So...what am I here for...exactly?" 'They are the drink our sister offers.' it spoke loudly as a very slight look of horror appears on Aretha's face at the thought of drinking straight from the source. Though from the way her sister acted and how all these other foreign women were dressed, Aretha guessed she was also about to be involved in some sort of sexual ritual. 'Not sex... drink' If clarifies before continuing 'The French one... she knows what you both are... she unlike the others wants to be here, she smells of Jenny' Aretha's eyes darting over the the french women as the voice mentions her, and swallowing again, nervous and a little scared at what was about to happen here...but with the slightest hint of longing as the sound of pumping blood continued to fill her head, making her almost drool with the sound of it.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:59 pm

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The woman just chuckles at you and waves you off, what she thought about your analyzing she didn't say or show beyond she found it amusing. Leaving around you smell Christ in the luge watching TV oddly enough you smell Emilia on him like his being was made of her in some form. Chris himself is a stocky white male at roughly 6 feet and 1 inches high and from the weight of him you'd say if you were still human he'd pound you into the dirt. He clearly looks like muscle but the way he presents himself seems more cunning than simple brawn what would a vampire need brawn for anyway? Hearing you Christ nods. "Right... must be your fault the boys and girl's aren't usually so woozy unless she's been in a fight from her feeding. Your room is upstairs opposite her study. Just word of warning... don't get anything we can't get out on the sheets or she'll make you pay for them. That means blood stains." He states with a grin before smirking and waving you off as he heads back to to Emilia.

Back in the cellar each person stepping up to be examined before nodding as you depart them. Each woman gasping and moaning with need as your lips hover over their necks making their legs shake and they need to feel that kiss grow within them, you can feel their blood running to their erogenous zones on their body purely by your teasing and presence, apparently the memory and teasing of it happening against good enough to get them more than in the mood. The woman you choose moans, standing still as she can as she nods, mumbling her acceptance in your ear as you leave with her following briskly on your heels, her heart pounding in her chest.

Once you arrive at your room you fine is exquisitely furnished and and the kingsized bed dominates the room while t the side is a computer and desk and a small note placed on the screen. While you are busy inspecting the room the woman walks briskly over to kneel near the chair out of habit, seemingly that's how Emilia feeds from them and it's been embedded into their habits. reading the note it seems it was by Emilia to you. 'Childe - this computer is yours the password to it is my second name, if you haven't already forgotten it then you should be fine. PS: Do not ruin my bedding.'

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(rolls 4, 5, 2, 9, 4 vs DC 4=4 successes)

Despite your now monstrous claws you managed to hide them well enough and due to your pale clean easily come out as a junkie for the man on guard. The man looks you voer, staring at your tits with an obvious leer before he nods. "Yeah I got some shit, why don't you lose the clothes so I can see what I'm paying for?" He offers while also motioning you inside. "Gotta pay the rest of my boys as well he states with a cocky grin as she pulls you close and attempts to lead you inside, his blood rushing so close is it to you as he leans in to kiss you.

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(rolls 5 vs dc 4= 1 success)
The pair nod at you a little before both being caught in surprise at the way you throw yourself on your knees between them. Each man giving the other a look. "This bitch must be desperate." The one thinking you're about to suck him off speaks up, so close are you to his crotch that you can feel the heat radiating off of his body, traveling to his groin to his cock much like you felt the man downstairs except now the urge to lean forward and sink your teeth into the artery so close to his crotch as it throbs and pulses with blood, sending a rush in your mind that makes you a little dizzy. "Well I better get more than a blowjob if you want your fix bitch... I'm think we keep you for the night." He nods with a smirk to which the other guy nods and laughs before getting on his knees behind you, quickly pulling your sweatpants down over your ass before giving the cold flesh a spank. "Shit bet this bitch is homeless feel fucking frozen... maybe you should stay with us for more thna a few nights we'll warm ya right up." He offers as you hear his fishing out his own cock. Trapping between the two the one above you grunts and glares. "Well get sucking it bitch or would you prefer it in your ass dry?" He smirks and moves to grip you hair that urge that throb and drumming coming from their bodies only gets louder the more aroused they get the more open to being close to you they become each stroke and each moment they touch you brings a heighten bliss to your mind and a torturous needs to drink.

An Ying Hu
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Laughing she nods. "if I wanted a mere pawn I'd of made you a ghoul beautiful." She chimes softly her hips continuing to thrust and slam back and forth, working you over even through your orgasm dragging it on as she fucks you without pause. As you bite on her breast you draw blood that sanguine liquid filling your mouth and setting your taste buds ablaze once more that seeps into your mouth and causes your sire to arch her back and shake in pleasure. Groaning she holds you there for a moment long before allowing you to remove your mouth of her tit, blood running from the puncture wounds down her breast. Moaning into your lips Crissy holds you tightly her hips finally stopping before she pulls you down and curls up against you on the bed, resting with you and allowing you both a moment to recover. Panting their cold bodies clinging together. "Ah... want would you like to learn first Amelia?" She asks calling you by your name for the first time since your embrace as she tender strokes your hair, brushing it from your face so she can gaze upon it without interference.

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Bee gave you a look as you ran of military titles at her before smirking and shaking her head. "I don't answer to the prince doll, if you weren't so green you'd beat you for that kinda talk. No if you want a title for yourself it's childe, fledgling or new blood. I'm den mother if you need something else to call me by doll." She chuckles and lets you go as you ask why she chose you. "You're athletic, you don't take shit you when not frightened out of your little mind can be confident, I watched you run trying to get home, impressed really, Anyway needed another chick about the place, total sausage fest in this dive." She laughs and shakes her head. "Plus i knew I was going to need some more help soon. I did a little background check that crap in your first year? Not seen your dad in what four years? You were pretty much perfect to become a vampire." She states before shrugging and leading you downstairs slowly where music cna be heard getting louder and louder and cheers from various people along the lines of "chug chug chug" coming from below, just some guy, don't worry you're not killing him, woah never kill an innocent. Can't stress that enough but hell yeah drink from them." She laughs and sends you further down into the blaze of a lively pub, looking around you notice everyone but the odd one or two are vampires counting ten in total in the bar right now and as Bee said. total sausage fest each one hollering at some guy in the middle and from how it smelled past the alcohol he was human, you can see him chugging a yard of beer for the crowd much to the amusement of the vampires around him.

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The women give you a nod before glancing at Jenny though the french one tilts her head at you as if trying to recall where she heard that name before she ends up smiling and grinning at you, quickly standing up she comes over to you, the rest of the girls seeming begin doing what they were here to do and undress from what little clothing they had already, Exposing their varying forms before you see Jenny grin and clasps her hands together and pulls a small red haired girl over to the bed and begins kissing and fondling her while the french girl comes over. "You must be her sister... I'm Clara, Jenny's ghoul. She told me she was bringing a surprise to this session didn't think she meant her sister though." She giggles before she moves to take your hand and lead you towards the bed with Jenny and the red haired, the other girls make do warming themselves up with each other kissing and eating each other out, the heat radiating in the room practically melting your senses as the throbbing of quickening hearts and rushing blood fills your ears and nose the scent and sound intoxicating to you.

Clara breaks you from your primal desire with a few words and a warm smile her accent cutting through you as she speaks. "I would be honoured to be your first tonight." She tells you knowing what it is you need to do and what she is so willingly offering you, you feel like a starving woman before a banquet all this blood so readily available to you it's hard not to pounce form girl to girl.
Last edited by MelissaB on Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Nobudi » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:12 pm

Belladonna wasn't quite as angry or afraid as she should have been... as a human. The more she gave thought to the vampire's words, the more she realized how reckless she had been. Her flailing about must have drawn quite the attention, probably from other monsters. She clenched her teeth and sucked in a deep breath. Calming herself down, she looked at him and walked right to him.

"Care to help separate fact from fiction about vampires than?" she asked, casually drawing the dagger from the sheathe, looking at the naked blade she was given.
Perhaps she could just stake him and be done with that.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:17 pm

I smiled at the man as I leaned in to kiss him, teasingly moving so he would kiss my neck and I could get to his, gently I kissed his neck and bit into the vein hidden just below the skin. I couldn't help but moan in pleasure as I tasted his life blood as I gouged myself on his blood I ground my body against his only stopping after he was near death. Smirking at him I clawed his throat and stepped away not letting him bleed on me turning to my sire I smirked "Can you get the back sire~?" I questioned with a blood-soaked grin.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:22 pm

SO the whole title thing didn't go over well and Bee really dislikes the Prince, good things to keep in her mind. It had been a few years since she had been anywhere as seedy as this, but according to Bee her confidence was key. She turned to Bee and continued her barrage of questions. "So I'm supposed to drink from the big drunk guy?" She asked coyly pointing at her apparent target. "And uhh where should I do it? I'm guessing the 'doing' part will come naturally... just bite and suck right?" She continued with a nervous chuckle. "Ohh and does it matter where I drink from... I mean like on the body, is the neck a favorite part for any reason?" Bri's voice actually sounded rather chipper as she asked the last question, pondering it herself as she awaited the answer. It's definitely not home to the largest artery, and it seemed rather dangerous to deprive the brain of oxygen, even for a short time. It may be because it was so close to the surface of the skin. Bri began biting her lower lip while she pondered, scraping her fangs over her soft flesh.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:46 pm

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"Certainly, running water does nothing, the same for holy symbols garlic and silver. Sunlight does kill a vampire though it has been known for an exceptionally strong one to withstand it for a few moments before perishing." He states with a smirk before eyeing you as you draw the dagger. "A wooden stake to the heart doesn't kill a vampire merely paralyzes it until it is removed. once such as myself would still be able to use my powers that required no movement from me however for example." He states looking you in the eye. "And there is no cure. Also it's not age though of course the older the vampire the more time they have had to hone their skills but the generation of vampire that determines the limits of a vampire's abilities. The closer we are in generation to Caine the more powerful we are." He explains with a smile before stopping giving you a moment to let it sink in and come up with any more questions.

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As you bite into his neck the man lets out a groan, dropping his weapon and going near limp in your arms, your surprised at one now easy you hold his weight but more important is how tasty his blood is, how much it sets your senses on fire, heightens your vision and deepens that carving thirst, so intense is the feeling of pleasure and euphoria that the diea fo stopping seems so alien to you, latching on you and sense your master watching you feed, each mouthful making you feel stronger and more powerful before you stop and snuff out the man's life with your claws. Collapsing in a hemp the body twitches and shakes as the last impulses of a dying brain shoot off. Blood dripping from your claws and down your chin over your heavy cleavage as you speak to your sire. "Impressive kill... Sure I got the back new blood. Impress me." He orders you before disappearing out of sight quicker than you could follow. You can feel life deeper inside the question remains of how you proceed, no one knows of your presence yet and with blood covering you the idea of seducing the next kine would be more difficult you could barge in and taste the limits of your vampire form or find a more cunning approach perhaps, does seem to be an open window you could sneak in through.

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Bee nods at your question "Yeah you are... the buzz you are gonna get, no only is so much alcohol in his blood now you'll get a buzz from it but your first time? popping your cherry is gonna feel so good. Better than any drug on this planet." She grins before giving you a smirk. "It's easiest to get at... you can drink it from any artery or major vein sure also the least obvious to anyone in passing if you're biting some guy's or girl's neck they don't think anything of it. especially the way their face's light up from it." Bee explains to you before shooing you forward with sharp push until you come crashing into the side of the circle yelling chug before they all cheer as he downs the full yard. The man screaming his masculinity for his achievement as he starts high fiving the vampires around him and ordering another beer much tot heir amusement before he notices you. "Oh you guys finally got a girl in this place about time! Hey! names John!" He yells over the music and also because he is so insanely drunk, just from looking at him and feeling the heat from the blood in his body you can tell he finds you attractive as it throbs at his groin
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby eaenidu » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:57 pm

Licking my lips I hummed in thought, I wasn't really a fighter so what I would try to do was going in through the window and sneak attack the kine rather than face them all together using all of my new instincts to hunt my prey feeding if I had time just killing if I didn't, Quieting myself Down I Sneaked into the Open window and made my Way to the Door, Keeping my eyes and ears open for any Kine, Peeking through Locks or Whatever as I Made my way around, Fortifying my body with Blood on Instinct, If I Found Some Kine alone I Would try and Stealthily kill them, But if I Found a Group I'd Just Rush them and Try and kill them all Quickly With my Claws.
Last edited by eaenidu on Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:08 am

Katherine's fake smile twitched as one of them slapped her ass. Just a few more seconds until she was going to break their bodies. She couldn't deny it though her supposed situation sounded like a decent erotica, a homeless junkie taken advantage of by two gang members whole fuck her over and over again until she gets addicted to their cocks, morbid and full of humor just how she liked them. The heat though.... Their bodies felt like two warm blankets right next to her, so close to caressing her from front and back. She almost wanted to let them have their way with her just so she could truly savor the warmth but there could be time for that later if they survived her initial onslaught.

"Oh sorry! I'll get right to it!" Katherine said in her falsetto voice, almost eagerly jacking his length off just inches from her mouth as she shifted onto the balls of her feet. She loudly smacked her lips, finally looking up at the man with a glint in her eyes. "Damn shame about you dying though right?" Using the moment of confusion to shoot up from her feet and deliver an uppercut to the fucker's chin. She'd done it enough times to enough people to know with pro[per force there was a good chance of instantly knocking him out from the head snapping back, but she couldn't savor the blow as she rotated midway to deal with the other guard. "Fucking fuckboy fucker!" She growled, lunging to wrap a hand around his mouth and slam his head against the opposing wall. Keeping his screams and yells to a minimal was integral to her plan of blitzing the room. Using her other arm, she focused on disarming the knife-wielding gentleman if he hadn't put it down before trying to slap her ass like an asshole otherwise punching him in the gut to knock the wind out of him. Her blood was pulsing or maybe theirs was but Katherine found herself hissing, barring her teeth as she neared the second guard.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:13 am

Holy shit this feels awsome! theirs no way to describe this it feels incredible like candy when I was kid in halloween as I hear my roomate moan I realize that hes enjoying to "wait a second I can think straight now" I realize and also I realize I am drinking a large amount of blood I maybe I can - before I finish that thought I push him realizing one I am drinking way to much blood to the point where I can tell he is dieing and two what I describe in my head was addiction the kind that was told by me by merly a dozen auditorium talks about cocaine and smokes I check down to see if he is still alive hopefully still alive.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:16 am

"Umm Hi, I'm Bri." She replied trying to hide the hesitation in her voice. "Maybe you could help me... blow off some steam? In another room, the bar really ain't my thing." She offered still rather unsure of how to proceed. He didn't look practically delicious but beggars can't be choosers. Without really waiting for a reply Bri reached down to John's hand and begging gently tugging him towards the stairs. She gave Bee a wave and a quizzical glance, not quite asking for help but awaiting approval.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:32 am

As the women in the room started to get undressed and Jenny suddenly pulls one of the girls towards the bed, Aretha looks at Clara with a hungry expression as she introduces herself, the almost deafening sound of blood pumping through veins and arteries just waiting to be feasted upon making it hard for Aretha to even make out what she's saying. "Ah...hi Clara, It's nice to, uhm, what do you mean...ghoul?" 'she drank jenny like Jenny drinks people' Her thoughts confused as she tries to control the urge to simply jump her sister's ghoul and suck every drop of blood from her delicious body though she manages to hold off long enough, at least until Clara leads her to the bed and offers herself up. "I...I don't...I mean I've never..." Aretha's stutters for a few moments before she can no longer control her almost animalistic hunger any longer, the sounds of rushing blood in her ears, the hot feeling in the room on her skin and the sweet scent of blood filling her nostrils sends Aretha over the edge as she finally gives in to her desires.

Pulling Clara close, Aretha planted a forceful, dominant kiss on the girls lips, her clawed hands running down her back to leaving red lines as she grips Clara's body tight for a moment before pushing the french girl backwards onto the bed and following along shortly after as she lay on top of the girl and continued passionately kissing the woman who so readily offered herself, the warmth of Clara's body pressing against her own as well as practically being able to taste the sweet nectar flowing through the french girl's veins was entirely too much for Aretha. Breaking the kiss, the vampire began planting small kisses along Clara's collarbone then starting to travel back up her neck before using a hand to move the girls head over to the side slightly, exposing even more of the woman's neck to Aretha as she stopped kissing her and brought her newly grown fangs to Clara's neck where she stopped mere millimeters away, her entire body trembling at the thought of what she was about to do...and then she did it. Sinking her fangs into Clara's neck, Aretha got her very first taste of human blood and it was amazing, truly unlike any pleasure she had ever felt before as her eyes began rolling back into her head as she suckled at the bite marks on Clara's neck, finally beginning to sate the ravenous hunger she had been feeling since she woke up not long ago.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:07 am

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(Surprise attack rolls: 8, 9, 6 ,2 ,10, 7 vs DC 5=5 successes vs no defenses)
(Standard attack rolls: 10, 4, 6, 1 ,2 9 vs DC 6=2 successes vs return roll of 3 DC 6 no protection)

The man above you lets out a moan loving the feel of your fingers on his cock. "Damn this bitch is cold." He gasps before your words make him look down. "What you say bitch?" He asks before you spring up and run your fist rough up at his jaw. Only your fist isn't stopped by his jaw, it keeps going causing you rip it clean free of his head, tearing skin and half of his face off in the process. Blood fills the air in a visceral spray that drenches hallway and covers your arms. So fast you discover you've become that the fact your vision blurs when you find out what smells so good is their blood, your mouth waters at the sight and the urge is there right there to start lapping it up and sating that desire the thought doesn't give the other man enough time to save himself as you spin on him who still thanks to what was happening before you just murdered his friend still has his pants down. Stumbling he tries to move out of the way only for you to slam him into the wall with a crack, groaning he grasps at your arm trying to pry you off of him even as you punch him in the gut and leave him staggered, you can smell blood all around you and it's driving your wild the way his heart beats faster and faster you think it'd explode and his neck so inviting you can almost feel the blood rushing through it and all you wanted was to lean in and sink your teeth in. His desperate muffled cries and attempts to rip and tear your arm off of him, his attempts feeling like a child was doing it and that's when you notice you've pinned him off of the floor.

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As you release your roommate they collapse onto the floor with a thud, groaning in obvious pain but the shallow breathing it seems you took just enough he'll need to rest before he goes anywhere or gets off of the floor, so weak is he his heart is so slowed you'd say it stops before you hear it beat off again and his chest rises and falls but otherwise he remains perfectly still his body trying desperately to conserve energy. As if on cue the shadowy woman comes out from hiding and grabs you by the back of your neck and leads you away from this shadows consuming your path blocking where you are going from your vision as she takes you along, so disorientating is your journey you stop remembering when you made turns and when you went up or down stairs before the shadows finally disperse you are in a room with her once more but it's grand and she is sat on a stone altar staring at you. "You are apart of the Sabbat now... you will obey those above you or you will be shown why you should. failure to obey will have you given a final death... am i clear fledgling?" She asks you her tone commanding and without any mercy within it.

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The guy nods and lets you lead him alone not one to argue with a pretty lady when he's this drunk. Bee smiles at you before smirking. "What don't wanna pop your cherry in public?" She asks with a tease before nodding and motioning you upstairs. "Have fun." The guys call after you before they go back to doing whatever it is they were doing before leaving you to take your prey upstairs, the more alone you got the closer her got to you the more you felt his heart beat and hear his blood rushing through him, promising pleasure from it's devouring if you were to only take a bite and drain it from him. Your mind telling you what to do and fangs already aching to pierce his skin and you aren't even half way up the stairs with how he stumbles you do notice however you are almsot entirely holding him up and you aren't even straining yourself doing so.

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Clara moans into the kiss, her naked body pushing up and pressing against yours, responding in a willing manner to your every touch and caress, her breathing getting faster as your lips play over her collar only to move onto her neck, you can tell she is anticipating it with a longing from the way her heart flutters and her body heats up as if experiencing pleasure. Waiting with baited breath for you to bite her Clara finally when you grant both of your desires moans in clear pleasure, ecstasy causing her body to writhe and shake beneath you as the girls look over and watch wondering how was feeling so good that she was screaming while she was. You can feel their stares but you don't care each mouthful brings a heightened pleasure like first love, your first time drunk everything about this felt right felt good and made you feel powerful untouchable against the world before a simialr cry to Clara's snaps your eyes open as you see Jenny sink her teeth into the red head's neck and begin draining her. As you drink you notice despite Clara's pleasure her body slows down the more blood you take.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:38 am

Moaning into Clara's neck as each mouthful of the invigorating blood makes her feel stronger, better...invulnerable to just about everything the world could throw at her, Aretha was suddenly drawn back into reality as she hears the redhead letting out the same pleasure filled scream Clara had just moments before. "You're blood tastes...amazing, Clara, thank you..." Aretha sighed happily before noticing Clara's slowed heartbeat after draining so much blood from the girl, "Oh shit...shit shit shit, Clara! I'm sorry!" 'She's fine... this happens to her a lot.' The voice echoes with annoyance at you. Even though the voice in her head is clearly annoyed at her, it's words help to calm Aretha down, knowing that Clara was ok.

Once she made sure that Clara was still alright, Aretha remained to be fully aware of her hunger inside her that still hadn't been fully sated as she turned to one of the other girls in the room gestured for the woman to join her on the bed, 'She is scared of you but curious'. The words making Aretha feel slightly unhappy at how she was almost forcing the girl to come to her as she gives her a gentle look, "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Clara's blood had opened Aretha to a whole new world of pleasure and she intended to drain as much of that pure bliss as she possibly could as she pulled the new girl close and turned her around before bringing her hands up under the woman's arms to grope at her breasts while she turned the woman's head to bring her into another kiss, wanting to pass one the few remaining drops of Clara's blood on to this new girl before Aretha started draining her, idly wondering if all bloods tasted the same. 'it does not.' It tells you with a smile you can almost see, it even bring a small smile to Aretha's lips as she was suddenly even more eager to partake in as many of these girls as she could simply to see what each one tasted like.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby An Ying Hu » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:52 am

"Are ghouls your.. our servants?" Amelia asks upon hearing the term for the first time, getting used to the idea of reffering herself as a vampire now that she had become one. She licks her lips again with pleasure, not resisting Criss as she pulls her up. She cuddles up against the other woman, her rich bust now rubbing against Crissy's own and her mouth goes to her shoulder to lick it softly and playfully. She slides her hand into her mistress' and squeezes as she considers the question. "Hm. I am not sure what to say.. there are many things I do not know, but then I already learned some," she smiles sweetly. "I know that we drink blood, and I no longer feel the appetite for any other food so I assume I no longer need it. I also presume that this is some kind of blood container?" she brings both of their hands to Amelia's chest just above her tight breasts, where the blood amulet lay hanging on the necklace, the only accesory adorning her otherwise naked slender form. "I know that I am stronger and faster, and my senses are sharp like they've never been before.. if I focus I can hear what's going on in any of the rooms around us," she giggles a bit chidlishly before clearing her throat and resuming, ".. and I know that there are clans of people like us, but no more than that. Maybe we can start there?" she said, as after all knowing about vampire society was very important in learning how to navigate through it.
Last edited by An Ying Hu on Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby reaperfrost8 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:53 am

"Yes mam" I calmly stared at her hoping that I made a neutral calm face thinking yup this is going to suck let me think about this sabbat: pagan worshippers or witches and judgeing by the altar and power that brought me here I am guessing both and just to top it off not only part of some group that seems to have MAGIC but also wait "permission to ask a couple of questions?"
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby Reaver » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:55 am

Katherine didn't even know how to respond to what she had just done. "Holy shit did you see that!" Excitedly talking to the guard who was dangling off the ground and had his mouth covered by her hand. "First time that has ever happened! I was like 'Rawrrrrr!' and then half his face gone!" Leaning closer to the man as she felt the craving getting stronger with every passing second. "Bet you thought you'd be fucking some of this tonight huh?" Her voice growing huskier as she patted her mound right above the cute triangle hair patch for emphasis, enjoying the few moments of gloating. "I'll be frank, and I pride myself on frankness by the way. I almost wanted you guys to plow me! You're just..... So warm right now." Almost predatorily purring in his ear as she pressed her body against his, squishing her breasts against his frame. Her lips were right next to his ear and neck, where all of his warmth and heat seemed to be pulsing from. "You say I'm cold and I say you're warm. I wonder what would happen if we mingled these two things?" Tilting his head to the side while holding him steady with a hand on his shoulder. Her mind was already made up on what she was about do, at peace with any personal moral and ethical lines she was going cross but she hesitated for a second right before taking the plunge. "Just don't judge me for what I'm about to do okay? You were dead the second I stepped out of that elevator." Taking a deep breath before biting down on his neck.

It wasn't she had never bitten anyone in a fight before or drunk blood either accidental or to psych someone out but this time it felt incredibly different. If felt like she had finally taken a leap into a warm pool, an injection of vitality and that was only putting it lightly. The man, her 'father' had hinted that he hadn't hopped her up on drugs and to be honest she couldn't even think of any drugs that could do this to a human. To a human? If she was being honest with herself she hadn't been feeling completely human since encountering him. Not feeling the cold, feeling heartbeats from a distance, superhuman strength and the craving, oh the craving! There was so much to process while she bit, chewed and feasted on this man's neck and blood but she would get definite answers out of this man after she was done here.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby MelissaB » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:17 am

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Clara doesn't respond other than to roll and moan softly on the bed the red hair is soon dumped on top of her, just as passive and quiet as she too moans and shakes softly, feeling suddenly cold as her blood was drained from her by your sister. with moaning flesh lost as the pounding of more to partake from lies a head of you. Though Clara gives you a weak smile from under the red hair but otherwise says nothing. The girl you picked out gulps and nods, moving towards you with a slow cautious steps before you spin her around, gasping simply from your touch as you feel ehr flesh so hot in your hands as she leans back against you, moaning softly and craning her neck to the side as you litter blood over her shoulder, her neck throbbing for you with a precious delight inside before you feel hands on you, not hot ones so it's obvious it's Jenny as she soon begins stripping you as you toy with your food, slowly working you out of her clothing even as you note she no longer is wearing any of her head except of the hat as it knocks against the back of your head. "So ivory sister... ready for your christening?" She asks with a cheerful voice and you can smell the blood on her breath as she licks and laps at your ear. The girls in front of you have their hearts speed up and their fear grow but none of them leave, jsut seeing the first two moaning and rolling about nearly unconscious on the bed in obvious pleasure has them morbidly curious of you both.

An Ying Hu
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nodding Crissy squeezes your hand as you take it within yours before she leans back and gives you a giggling smile as you lick at her shoulder, the act making her shiver a little in clear delight. "A ghoul is a human... kine that has drank the blood of a vampire before being drained first. They gain small vampiric benifits, agelessly, faster healing, stronger, quicker better senses but not to the extent of a vampire even a newly born one such as yourself neonate." She grins and nods, listening to you as you touch the amulet making her smile and nods. "Yes it's a container. You can keep blood in it for those times you ever need a drink and are unable to find a human to sate your thirst on. Not many vampires will willingly let you drink of them as I would let you." She smirks at you and smiles before her face becomes a little serious. "Be cautious of any vampire that does drinking a vampire's blood is a ritual in of itself, you become bond to them the more you drink and the effect is stronger on our bloodline than the others similar to a ghoul you become bound to the vampire you drink from. my advise it never drink more than once unless your wish is to submit your soul to them childe of mine." She states with a affection gaze before hugging you closer and stroking your hair slowly. "There are threeteen bloodlines in total each stemming from the third generation of vampires, our ancestors. The ventrue we are allied the most with as we serve the same cause the others it's more often than not a case by case basis, our reputation is enough for most not to desire to anger us lightly but those of the Sabbath... a vampire sect or organisation that deals with a way of life just not achievable, desiring a vampire overlord dictatorship despite how obviously flawed a dictatorship against a race that so vastly outnumbers you is. They throw away their humanity what it was to be them and gave in to being a monster and beast, little more than a wild animal." She explains with a shake of her head. "So my beautful childe. What else can i tell you?"

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The woman glares at you before eventually nodding giving you leave to ask your questions. "Very well I won't have some childe of mine be known as an ignorant buffoon." She comments dryly before nodding her head once more allowing you time to speak up and ask your questions though from the looks of her her patience is thin and her gaze is one that glares at you with anger. "Ask your questions but do so quickly." she hisses in anger.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The man nods in fear gulping and struggling to get free as she watches you with eyes so wide and his fear, oh his fear is just makes it sweeter for you. As you lean in ready to sink in your teeth he looks and out and lets out a quiet scream before your fangs puncture into his flesh and blood squirts out into your mouth. Crying out above you you barely hear him as your own senses are overfilled with ecstasy and a feeling of invigorating passion and desire that gets stronger and stronger with each gulps of his blood. Your world condensed purely in this binding moment and had you hooked and bound to the life of a predator and the world your prey. Slowly you feel the man before you go limp until he stops altogether and you realize you've drank him dry. Dropping his body you're left alone in the hall her mind racing as you feel invincible ad your feat of ripping a jaw off just child's play the sounds of life and the drumming of more waiting inside for you to feast upon. You can feel and hear them five maybe? possibly more their meld together when they are close and the smell of drugs and alcohol drowns out their individual scents. The carving for blood you notice is gone but with it's departure left a feeling and high unlike anything else and despite not needing to feed you still want to do it again and get that same rush back, your body felt molten as you drank down his blood exchanging your cold for his heat as you stole it from the man. Looking around you can see the blood lining the hall from the man you so brutally murdered but it's not the same he is already turning cold, his lifeless body while still drinkable is less appealing to you as it was before your drink.
Last edited by MelissaB on Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby cryosabre » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:35 am

Aretha doesn't even attempt to stop her sister from stripping her cloths as her body shivers slightly from Jenny licking her ear, the euphoric feeling of feeding made her uncaring to whether she was dressed or not, though she did raise and eyebrow at Jenny's question, "This...wasn't the christening? What else can we do...?" Aretha asked, having fully expected to be her first feed be the christening her sister had mentioned before. 'Don't they dunk you in water on your christening?' the voice whispers with a haunting laugh, making Aretha once again confused, surely Jenny wasn't going to slaughter one of these girls just so Aretha could bathe in her blood...right?. At the same time, Aretha was finding it harder and harder to just play with the girls breasts, the feeling of her hot body against Aretha's own now naked and cold one making Aretha want to just sink her teeth into this girl aswell, Aretha not caring that the others were watching in morbid fascination, the speed at which their hearts were racing doing nothing to help Aretha's blood hunger as she pinches the girls nipples lightly between her claws before letting a handrun down to idly play with the girls lower folds while Aretha began slowly licking her neck, searching out and quickly finding a blood vessel that would certainly provide her with a decent amount of blood, not enough to sate her completely but still a good enough amount as she turned back to jenny, not stopping what her hands were doing to the girl in front, "So what exactly is this christening then? I mean I trust you and I guess I'm ready...byt euat is it?" she asked curiously even if she was starting to think that the voice I her head was right and that at least one of the girls here likely wouldn't ever be seeing the outside of this room again.
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Re: Vampire The Masquerade: New Bloods

Postby lilbooth » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:00 am

Bri steadies her mark back onto his feet and continues triumphantly up the stairs, pulling him along with her. She practically throws the door open to the bedroom and gently pushes him towards the bed. There was a brief break in motion as the situation caught up with Bri. She would have preferred a consenting partner for her first time but with so little options and so little time this brute would have to do. She slowly straddled John, softly caressing his body and eyeing his neck. She shifted her bottom over his groin and began grinding back in forth in rhythm with his heart beat. She pressed her face against his chest it felt his warmth bask over her skin. She started delivering powerful kisses just above his heart and worked her up to his neck. Her whole body began to shiver with anticipation as she placed her porcelain fangs against his skin, and just when she thought the sensation could get any better she plunged herself in...

Time had all but stopped, Bri pulled herself into John as hard as she could awaiting the bliss that was her first drink. The shallow thudding of his human heart echo's through her as the first wave of blood crossed into her mouth. Bri couldn't move, she was paralyzed by the thick red plasma. She took a powerful gulp, followed by another, and another, before pulling herself free. "FUUUUUUUCK!" shouted as she was filled with bliss. She stepped away from John and wiped her mouth quickly on her sleeve. She jumped up in down with a renewed vigor, and proceeded to squat up and down, before running full tilt at the wall, attempting to run up and do a flip-dismount. Something she had be capable of doing before but hadn't really practiced in a while. After her wall flip, whether successful or not she would make her way back over to John, give him a rather patronizing kiss on the forehead and then take off for the stairs. Intent on finding either Bee or her ghoul.
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