Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby toanly1986 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:14 pm

AdamMar5 Wrote:Worked perfectly, thank you soo much. I appreciate it.

glad you did it
i registered an account here because i want to play game in LoK, not somewhere else, especially is FG :lol:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby powuivnpeb » Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:18 pm

It's finished, hooray! Thank you for your hard work GoRepeat
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Ayk » Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:38 pm

... Well then, If anyone is interested... Here you go.... Cumpiled some data...

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby toanly1986 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:36 pm

ouhjkbcuyewjkbdsa Wrote:the five fights at the end were hard especially for the fact that if you lose one fight you have to redo the entire thing but it was fun especially the last boss good job man this game is worth it.

you win the final battle?
i registered an account here because i want to play game in LoK, not somewhere else, especially is FG :lol:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Billykam08 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:23 am

Please help man, how do you beat the first boss???? :'(
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby JohnDoe1182025 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:38 am

The only things I can think of that would improve the game would be changing turn order so you can synchronize attacks. That and maybe an unlockable easter egg that adds the sex scenes from the first one into the game. Just a thought though.

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Zatheus » Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:24 am

Congratulations for another finished game.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Jeanioz » Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:02 am

Awesome game!

Is there any chance of a complete guide? This will sure be useful considering be usual difficult of Sakyubasu No Tatakai games.

I already completed most levels and actually I am stuck in those three skulls in Overlord's Castle. Already used search and google and found nothing.

Edit: Found the solution:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

To survive the laser eyes, hit one skull while its eyes are glowing red and stay in its line. Let the others skulls shoot them lasers.

To survive the extermination skill, stay in the line where a skull shooted its laser, behind of at least three palisades.

Survive three exermination and the battle is over.
Last edited by Jeanioz on Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby dragonborne17 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 12:58 pm

Can u guys pls tell how chanting untits works? ....i keep getting a empty list when i enter the chanting unit section..even tho i have unequiped soldiers :cry: :?:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby ouhjkbcuyewjkbdsa » Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:28 pm

toanly1986 Wrote:
ouhjkbcuyewjkbdsa Wrote:the five fights at the end were hard especially for the fact that if you lose one fight you have to redo the entire thing but it was fun especially the last boss good job man this game is worth it.

you win the final battle?

the final boss battle was funny and the easiest way to win is to use mage eva; teleport is your best friend in the boss battle. In the five fights before the final boss battle you literally need to be lucky that's basically it.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby KeDNiR » Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:36 pm

not sure if it is the right place to post about bugs or improvements requests, but I havn't found any link to some kind of bug issue tool in the head post of this thread, so I only hope that eventually you will see this.

I will try to orginize my post into topics, since my english is not very good and I hope that if I will add more words you will understand what I am talking about at last.

(1) (feature request) unobvious behaviour of units stats

As for a new player, it was not clear for me, what means phrases like "2 mana units +2" in enchant window under health or atack bars. Now, when I have read this on forum I understand, but it would be grate if tha game would tell it by itself (As for me for example, most obvious way would be just show from which source I get which numbers. I mean right now in "unit equip window" I only see Base + Item. So, at first time, I thought that the only way to change stats is either replace item (gear) or change unit on the one with another stats. Then I realize that corruption level affect stast too and it is just adds to item (which is not obvious actually, but at lest it can be seen when you remove item). And the fact that items can change their properties by ecnhanters... well, I would never figuer it out by myself... I even wanted to post a bug report when I saw that my 2 mana item is better than 3 mana ("pearl stud" is better for me now than "gold statue" but from forum readings I now understand how to fix it)
I mean, if your target auditory is peaple outside of this community too (the ones who will can play in it at NG soon without reading all 92 pages of this forum to understand how the game is work) then it would be wonderful if you could make the game to teache a player how to play in it.

Possible solution
Sory for so many words, I just wanted to say, that if in the "unit equip" window I would see something like "base + corrupt level + item + enchant" this would gave me at least a clue to where to look for increasing each of these power sources. (And I suppose it is OK to left last 2 terms as one (I mean result of summation of them) in item previews in inventory, since there are very few space.)

(2) (bug probably) too litle inventory
when I have a lot of items in my inventory I can see only first N of them (the value of N is unknown... around 50-100 probably) after this threshold I see top of picture f next item and then just emptiness (like someone just cut it away) (I would add picture but I am not good at forum posting and do not know how to do this... sorry)

Prossible solution
It would be really cool if you would show just total number of items (like you did in "enchant room" with enchanters). And it would safe a lot of clicking to just roll through all my staff

(3) (feature request) (unfriendly gameplay) Easier way to move enchanters from one type into another
May be I just didn't found this option if it already exists... But the problem is: If I want to change my type before boss buttle for example (from tank to healer) (while I have only 50 enchanters) I have to first return them all from "enchant room" window. Then go to "army info" window and for each 50 click on "send to chant" and then choose needed type. it is 50*2 clicks at least. It is very annoying...
I understand that recoding it may be very more boring, but I just wanted to point you on things which can reduce the great impression of such a cool game of yours.

Possible solution
Right in "enchant room" add some button which allow just get desired quantity of enchanters from one type and (if you have enough items of needed type) move them in desired type (some kind of GUI with buttons like +-1; +-5; +-10 to change quantity of enchanters player want to move, would be great)

(4) (feature request) (unobvious interface) unit sorting
In the "army" window, there are 4 buttons in the left upper corner which allow player to sort his units. I spent plenty of time before I realized how they work (again, my english is not very good, so first letter of words is not of much help)

Possible solution
If there would be some way to show player the hole words to explain what do which button it would be great. For example you can add "?" (question mark) near them, and if player click on it then the hole words will be shown (if after this player click somewhere else, then they collapse back. Also at the time while they are "full" all other GUI elements could be blocked to reduce probability of some kind of bug...)

(5) (feature request) add sorting by unit corruption level
When I am choosing whom to send to "enchanting room" I usually send there only new units. I prefer to keep the ones in my squad and the ones who do missions in tavern (and so increase their corruption level) in my army for daily routing. But it is hard to choose only ones with the least ammount of corruption. (I am not sure how works the last sorting button after second clicking on it. I assue that it sorts my reserve troops in the order in which they were added to mu army. But it is not always the order of decreasing of expereance)

Possible solution
If you would add sorting by corruption level it would be cool

I also wanted to thank you for finishing this project. It is great (as always!! )))) ) I am deffinitely fan of the story. You maked all dialogues fan and the subject is very interesting. The desire to know "what will be next" can be felt during the hole game (actually I am not finished the second game yet I am just invade in The Blight but so far the game expirience is cool))) ). I am reallly regreting that I read your "spoiler post" with subject of 2'nd game a year ago...
Thank you.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby kobold » Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:43 pm

For chanting, you send equipped soldiers to chant and after you have so many of that specific class, you get bonuses.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Lapino01 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:07 pm

Hi everyone, Finally i beat the game!, and maybe there's a few bugs to share, so here we go :D

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- The items tab in the info section is corrupted again ! (too many mision rewards, i think)

- The bobaksuez skill still working on one of the red units *at the final levels

- When you play any level after have passed the last one (Guardians level), the 'End of act ii' still appearing at the end of them

- Apparently the switch function of the enemy is bugged...

The purple esurian could attack my last points and my units could pass over the esurian image cause she has stayed in the first position and make no moves. The image describes when i clicked on the first square position of the esurian and the real position where she was, and the moves of the striker cause that happened at the same time as the bug.

i think that's all, hope this can help you guys :D
Last edited by Lapino01 on Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Sarah-Visari-Nafage » Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:14 pm

GoRepeat Wrote:
Speedy Z5 Wrote:Hey Gorepete, did you ever see my post at the bottom of page 88? :?:

The third game

This Sounds Awesome as shit, I bet this game wont come out for 2 or more years, :( But its absolutly worth the wait, You've created one of the best Flash games ive ever seen, An Adult game that's actually interesting and not some stupid shit that someone made in a day that has a story that Rivals that of Titanic III.

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Spazmok » Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:34 pm

Very difficult game.

Any tips for Sand Gate? I failed like 20 times... no matter what tactic I had tried.
Even if I manage to save and boost one minion after Jealous Rage, enemy spawns 3 high dmg units that rekt him immediately. So I guess boosting ur survivor is not the key to win this fight. Any tips?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby JohnDoe1182025 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:46 pm

This isn't necessarily a bug, as more something you overlooked. When an enemy died from Master Ioshia's ABILITY, meaning she died a turn later. I had Eva's ability(Penetration in this case) active, but when the enemy died, she didn't count as corrupted. Could you fix this?

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby bornsinner » Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:26 pm

Spazmok Wrote:Very difficult game.

Any tips for Sand Gate? I failed like 20 times... no matter what tactic I had tried.
Even if I manage to save and boost one minion after Jealous Rage, enemy spawns 3 high dmg units that rekt him immediately. So I guess boosting ur survivor is not the key to win this fight. Any tips?

In general I find all the Beezy fights really hard. The best way around Beezy special is to not use it- finish the fight before you have to use it.

Someone posted this strategy called "bumblee blitz" on these forums where you summon a red unit with protect, summon a scout with boost right behind, and then a tank with warcry. With good items and some chanting units you can deal around 20-30 dmg with the scout and berserker. Really handy strategy for later on too.

I'll just patiently wait and twiddle my thumbs until someone posts how they beat the final stage.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Johnno1 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:16 am

There is still that spellerror at Blindgate, when you have won.
"I don't think there is anything i can do to combat her illusions. I thought the barrier I erected at the Blind gate was srong enough to protect it."

its just i mentioned the error about page 30 i think ;)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby Spazmok » Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:37 am

bornsinner Wrote:
Spazmok Wrote:Very difficult game.

Any tips for Sand Gate? I failed like 20 times... no matter what tactic I had tried.
Even if I manage to save and boost one minion after Jealous Rage, enemy spawns 3 high dmg units that rekt him immediately. So I guess boosting ur survivor is not the key to win this fight. Any tips?

In general I find all the Beezy fights really hard. The best way around Beezy special is to not use it- finish the fight before you have to use it.

Someone posted this strategy called "bumblee blitz" on these forums where you summon a red unit with protect, summon a scout with boost right behind, and then a tank with warcry. With good items and some chanting units you can deal around 20-30 dmg with the scout and berserker. Really handy strategy for later on too.

I'll just patiently wait and twiddle my thumbs until someone posts how they beat the final stage.

Thanks! I used blitz build and won it in the second try!
Now i'm stuck at 3rd stage of Pecunia boss fight. How can I prevent dmg from whirlwind?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Postby JohnDoe1182025 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:26 am

Spazmok Wrote:
bornsinner Wrote:
Spazmok Wrote:Very difficult game.

Any tips for Sand Gate? I failed like 20 times... no matter what tactic I had tried.
Even if I manage to save and boost one minion after Jealous Rage, enemy spawns 3 high dmg units that rekt him immediately. So I guess boosting ur survivor is not the key to win this fight. Any tips?

In general I find all the Beezy fights really hard. The best way around Beezy special is to not use it- finish the fight before you have to use it.

Someone posted this strategy called "bumblee blitz" on these forums where you summon a red unit with protect, summon a scout with boost right behind, and then a tank with warcry. With good items and some chanting units you can deal around 20-30 dmg with the scout and berserker. Really handy strategy for later on too.

I'll just patiently wait and twiddle my thumbs until someone posts how they beat the final stage.

Thanks! I used blitz build and won it in the second try!
Now i'm stuck at 3rd stage of Pecunia boss fight. How can I prevent dmg from whirlwind?

Easy. You don't. I got to Pecunia today and it took me about six tries to get it right. I will give you a guide for Fighter Eva, but it can be adapted easily for other classes.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1. First and foremost, you need to max out your chosen class type all the way to 70. In this case, I maxed out Fighter Eva. If you don't do this, victory will be nigh impossible.

2. When you start the fight with Pecunia, it will go into a dialog sequence where Tiki is revealed to be a robot and Pecunia to be Tiki's former mistress. This part is easy to get past. All you need to do is walk up to Tiki and talk to her four times while avoiding the guns that will start to fire when you start talking to Tiki. The guns start firing from the top and work there way down. Just be sure not to stand in front of a firing turret.

3. After the talking to Tiki and getting her to return to her senses, the real problems start.Immediately when you regain control of your character, start walking forward. After your first turn, Pecunia will come out in a robot suit to fight you. Continue walking forward until you are directly in front of her(Stay on the middle tile set). When she attacks, her first attack will be to fire bullets along the top and bottom tile sets. If you are in the middle tile set, you will avoid all damage. Her next attack will be a giant laser that is unavoidable UNLESS you are in the tile directly diagonal to her. In other words, if you were right up against Pecunia when she fired the bullets, all you need to do is move down one block. After she fires the laser you have to move back up again to directly in front of her, BUT move one step back from there for the first time. This is so Pecinia takes a step forward instead of blasting you back. If you do not do this then you will not be able to get to the proper places fast enough to avoid her laser attack, unless you have at least three movement points. When Pecunia takes a step forward and should now be directly in front of you again. She will repeat this pattern starting from her bullets and moving onward. When you move back up AFTER she shoots her laser a second time and onward, DO NOT take a step backwards. This time block her attack with what ever technique you have. She will blow you back to your start point and if you blocked, you will receive no damage. You can attack her with each classes 8 mana cost attack since there the most efficient when you are between attacks and safe. Repeat these steps to take down Pecunia in her robot suit. Also, you do not need to use "Suppression Field," prior to killing her in the robot suit.

4. Finally, and this is BY FAR the hardest part, you have to face Pecunia herself. Unfortunately there aren't many complete guides to help with this part, but I hope this guide will help those people that need it. To start, if you got here and DON'T have 70 people chanting for you chosen class. Unfortunately, the best you can do is pray. She has three attacks in this form. Her first attack is a whirlwind attack that is UNAVOIDABLE. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO AVOID IT; END OF STORY. This is why you need the upgrades form chanting because without them, you will won't have enough health. Her second attack is a simple running dash that can be blocked. Finally, her last attack, and by far her most troublesome, is Dagger in the Dark. With it, she will turn invisible and attack the next turn with a devastating blow that does over a hundred damage I believe and can not be blocked. There is a way to beat it though. When she turns invisible you have to go to the middle of the field and use you 8 mana cost attack to deal damage and reveal her to you. If you can't use you 8 mana cost attack then she will always be in the red squares at the far right of the field while invisible so you can use a different attack if you have to. When she turns visible from your attack, you HAVE to block. She will attack with "Dagger in the Dark," the next turn, but if she is visible, then you can block it. At the start of the battle, Pecunia will take three steps towards you and do nothing. For the most part you can just stay in one place for this bit. Her next turn, she will attack with her whirlwind, which is, again, UNAVOIDABLE. Her next turn, she will attack with her dash attack. You can block this easily. After both of these attacks, she will start to use "Dagger in the Dark," by turning invisible. Just follow the before mentioned steps to defend against it. If you are playing as a fighter like I was, the best way, in my opinion, is to block her first and second dash attacks and allow the third to hit you to conserve mana for you 8 mana cost attack. This will leave you with 25 health left if you started from 200 and have been attacked by the whirlwind three times. This is just a note of advice to those using the fighter class, but other clas users should be sure to plan ahead and make sure they will have enough mana to execute their attacks. REMEMBER, YOU HAVE TO USE SUPPRESSION FIELD BEFORE THE FINAL BLOW OR ELSE YOU WLL LOSE. Obviously, this bit of information was learned through experience, so try not to repeat my mistake. I was so focused on bringing her health to zero that I completely forgot it. Just know that I didn't make the mistake twice.

This guide should hopefully help those people that have had no luck against Percunia.


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