Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Seraphic » Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:20 pm

I've just come to ask, i haven't played this in a while and wondering what sort of changes have been happening, aside from new art content?
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Seraphic » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:21 am

Sorry for the double post but i've been using the editor and have finished a few levels and it tests just fine, im just wondering how to make it playable via the game.exe as I load it as a new game but the screen stays black. I've made the maps and set the position to where I want it and saved the levels. Do you actually need a program like Flash Professional to use this properly?
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dead2112man » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:43 am

I have no idea what you are doing, it is a self running game in the download.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby MechDragon » Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:27 pm

Hows this?
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

cubone b.png
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby loshi1505 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:35 pm

MechDragon Wrote:Hows this?
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

cubone b.png

better? still feels like the one cheek is a little flat compared to the other though.... but progress. :P ;)
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:22 pm

Seraphic Wrote:Sorry for the double post but i've been using the editor and have finished a few levels and it tests just fine, im just wondering how to make it playable via the game.exe as I load it as a new game but the screen stays black. I've made the maps and set the position to where I want it and saved the levels. Do you actually need a program like Flash Professional to use this properly?

Are you creating rooms from the original game and editor or did you just copy a few files into a new folder? Also, check the starting room in the database portion of the editor. If it's not set, or set to send you to a room that doesn't exist, you'll get that black screen.

You may or may not be aware of this but I've been coding for the project Pokemon Pink (also on these forums) for months now, and I have zero knowledge of Flash Pro (nor do I want to pay a monthly fee to use it), so it IS possible to make extensive use of this editor without Flash Pro. However, it does mean you're stuck with currently developed .swf code files. Which can be a frustration unto itself, especially if you can't figure out what variables to set to make a graphic appear in the right place (like the cut foliage appearing over a cut tree).
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby フランク » Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:57 pm

loshi1505 Wrote:
MechDragon Wrote:Hows this?
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

cubone b.png

better? still feels like the one cheek is a little flat compared to the other though.... but progress. :P ;)

It just needs a bit of fairy dust (aka shading)
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Risuld » Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:24 am

Hello there. I have been tinkering around with the game editor but I seem to be having issues making any equipment show up in shops or inventory. Does anyone know any tips or how they are treated differently then normal items?
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:20 am

Equipment uses an entirely different (but very similar) set of coding. In scripts, for instance, you can set a variable to the function RAM_F.items.addItem(item), but equipment requires RAM_F.equipment.addItem(equip). Because items and equipment are not handled by the same handler and cannot be shuffled into the same lists, presumably shopkeepers are unable to carry it (being limited to items). Hope that's helpful.

The only way I've found to add equipment in game is via picked-up items, and I've even had to modify the _common room's item_ball and rock_item to potentially contain equipment. I hope that at some point Humbird decides to make equipment handling a little more...hmm...intuitive. Especially considering that berries, a huge part of many pokemon games, are considered equipment.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Risuld » Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:20 pm

Thank you for the help. I have noticed that seems to have made the items vanish to what I assume would be the equipment menu but that seems to not unlock when you pick up equipment. I don't know when that normally shows up so I guess I will tinker around and see if I can find out what triggers it.
*Edit* Well I made a programming mistake. Had the closing brackets on the end of the line but no opening brackets. Equipment menu shows up when you get your first Equipment item. Maybe its a bad idea to try and program while tired. :D
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:13 pm

hehe...I've had missteps like that myself. A bunch. :oops: I once tried to handle an animal scaling on a short integer...so it would flip flop 1 to 0 and I'd have an invisible horse. Had no idea wth I did wrong for days. Important thing is to learn from your mistakes...right? :roll:
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby killer834 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:24 am

I made an account for the simple question, where does the WaterGym music come from? I've been going crazy trying to figure it out.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby malaco115 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:24 am

Is there anyway i could download the game without the site? I've been trying to get it but its down
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby フランク » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:33 am

malaco115 Wrote:Is there anyway i could download the game without the site? I've been trying to get it but its down

Here, I uploaded it on Mediafire. (Pokemon_03-18-2014)
Have fun!

PS: I hope it is not against any rules to create a mirror-link.
If that is problem, just tell me and I delete it.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:09 pm

malaco115 Wrote:Is there anyway i could download the game without the site? I've been trying to get it but its down

Do you mean without this forum or without Humbird's site? Because if you go to the very first post in this thread, you'll find a download link. Not sure if it's connected to his site or not but I don't think it is.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby malaco115 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:56 am

フランク Wrote:
malaco115 Wrote:Is there anyway i could download the game without the site? I've been trying to get it but its down

Here, I uploaded it on Mediafire. (Pokemon_03-18-2014)
Have fun!

PS: I hope it is not against any rules to create a mirror-link.
If that is problem, just tell me and I delete it.

Ah thank you! i couldnt download it because the site is down
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby hat973 » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:10 am

I wonder how long its been down I hope humbird0 is alright
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Thee Pie Man » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:47 am

Hey everyone, it's been awhile since I've even been on this forum but disregarding that I just thought I'd throw an idea that I had while playing Soul Silver.

I can't offer any art because I've got no talent but for my idea I was thinking there could be a Sudowoodo in which that you get a water bottle for, well you know. Soaking her?

I thought it would be a fun idea so I thought I'd throw it out there. The Pokemon; I'd imagine would look like a person holding branches, giving the artificial vibe of Sudowoodo in the first place, and that it's a rock Pokemon I thought she might have Abs. ;o

Hope everyone is staying safe this holiday season and is snug and happy! Take care LoK community ^_^~
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dead2112man » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:36 pm

Thee Pie Man Wrote:I thought it would be a fun idea so I thought I'd throw it out there. The Pokemon; I'd imagine would look like a person holding branches, giving the artificial vibe of Sudowoodo in the first place, and that it's a rock Pokemon I thought she might have Abs.

(sigh) Hello Pie Man, while yes that all make sense but, you forget that this is a gen 1 pokemon game, and while yes we would all love to see gen 2- gen 6 pokemon also, but lets try and not overload Humbird0. If things start to speed up with Humbird0's game creating and personal life (I don't know what his personal life is), who knows, he might do gen 2 and then so on and so forth, but in till then lets just be great full that we even have this game and all it's fans to help this project thrive even during these long down times that Humbird0 has every now and then. And to those out there who always ask, when is the next chapter going to be released, I understand, it has been over a year, but if any of you recall the episode for the SS.Anne, a lot of work needs to go into this part, and the part after it. (If none of you remember, the part after the SS.Anne if pokemon island where Ash and the gang gets seperated from the pokemon, yea that is going to go smooth)
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby fotwhat » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:06 pm

Gahhhh I just found out this game exists but I can't find any working links. :(
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