Name: Clarissa Widow
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Race: Drider/Human hybrid
Age: 22
Perks and skills:
Chitin Armor - The hard carapace protects her from slashing and piercing weapons, making her more resistance to the blows. (+2 to Slashing and piercing defense)
Heightened Senses - Due to the fuzzy hairs covering her chitin she is able to sense dangers before they appear more easily. (+2 to sensing hidden foes in her proximity)
Six Arms: Due to the amount of limbs available to her she is able to strike out twice in the time she otherwise would without them(double the attacks around otherwise able to make)
Spider Silk - Clarissa is able to spin a web to act as rope, a bed and a trap. The strong silk allows her to use it in a multitude of ways from restraining a monster for capture to getting her out of danger by making a bed in a tree so she can't be caught in her sleep.
Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
Sensory Overload - Have a higher than normal senses she is more often suffering when faced with overpowering smells or sounds. (-2 to defense when particularly heavy scents and sounds surround her)
Inflammable - The large about of hair on her carapace means she is more likely to catch on fire and suffer further damage than she otherwise would before being able to put it out. (+50% damage from fire)
Co dependent - Clarissa needs approval constantly and hates being alone. Her desire to please boarders on madness, Constantly seeking approval from those around her her lack of self worth and needing it from others makes her unlikely to resist any request made of her unless she has already earned approval in the last hour. (-2 resolve unless already being showered with approval for fulfilling a request in the last hour. -1 to Resolve and Composure when alone)
Needs to Fuck - Clarissa needs to lay eggs every day in a person, willing or not. When she hasn't laid her eggs that day she will be vulnerable to sexual advances (-1 to composure until she has been able to lay her eggs. And -1 to movement as her abdomen bloats with the excess eggs making her uncomfortable.)
Appearance: Knight
Stamina +2
Dexterity +2
Intelligence +2
Presence +2
Manipulation +1
Composure +1
Resolve +1
Wits +1
Clarissa grew up with her mother, a human hunter that wasn't as quick as she needed to be when dealing with a drider. After being implanted in her Clarissa was nurtured and grown in her womb until she was born. The eight limbed child was quickly adored by her mother. Growing up Clarissa found human life difficult, she felt constantly unworthy despite her obvious strength and arguable superior form. She never fought back against attackers when she was bullied, accepting their words until they almost seemed true to her.
As Clarissa got older her sexual need grew and grew as did her size and strength, constantly finding herself eyeing up men and women alike the urge to mate nearly overpowering her until she bound a girl up in a web high in the air and laid her eggs inside her fucking her for hours on end before she was finally sated. Spending the next hour cuddling the bloated girl she was much to her dismay pulled off of the egg filled girl. Scared and unsure of what she did wrong she fought back, injuring a friend in the process before she was subdued. Fortunately the eggs were never fertilized and while the girl wasn't expecting to be tied to bound up in the air she didn't press an issue over the incident. However Clarissa was removed from such a setting so it could never happen again. Taken away from the possibility of raping them and schooled by her mother. Original believing it to be a punishment for her nature and behavior around others Clarissa tried her hardest to please her mother working until she collapsed and putting her mother's happiness leagues before her own. Under her mother's tutelage Clarissa honed her body to fight and deal with threats she may face, seeking to become like her mother and hunt monsters as an outlet for her aggression and sexual need.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl
"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel