Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby kingofbrocoli » Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:22 pm

bornsinner Wrote: 1. More rewarding animations. I love how diffcult the Snt games are but I feel part 1 had wayyy better animations. I don't mind grinding to win but there's too many parts in this game where it's just mindlessly difficult and dont reward you with much.

4. Is there a reason why we don't have any animations with multiple sisters or w/e? part 1 Bridgette scene had the entire island turn out to seduce her, but here we beat difficult bosses one on one and move on.

I know we all have to be grateful and whatever but animations are in fact disappointing every time a boss is defeated I just power click until its over.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby napala » Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:05 pm

And what exactly is a "good" animation?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:53 pm

Apalapan Wrote:And what exactly is a "good" animation?

Well, I know that one thing I'm underwhelmed with is the close-up view that you're stuck with during the boss and four-star animations. I'd rather see *all* the action, rather than a zoomed-in shot centered on demon genitals. :P Being able to see Eva during those animations would be a big plus. The four-star gorger animation is a perfect example; you can't see Beezelba at ALL, which is a damn shame. Watching her face while she has to hump a gorger into submission would be a treat. :) Also the four-star Mechiza animation. And the four-star hive animation... Hmm. There's a theme developing here.

Other than that... a lot of them seem short and flat. Obviously, the Bridgette scene from the first game is awesome, but even setting that aside... Maybe I should talk about the good ones in this game. The three-star Illosa animation is good, in my opinion; she's obviously being forcibly converted, and I love the expression when the gorger sticks it in. The one-star Mechiza animation is a good one, 'cause it's a decent length and has some humor to it--but their three-star animation is boring, since you can't really see enough going on. It looks almost like Eva and the Illosa are riding on a very tiny robot teeter-totter. The one-star Esurien animation is probably my favorite, since it's got an awesome concept--Beezy taking advantage of the whole slimegirl thing to force the Esurien to diddle herself.

And some of the dialogue is a little wanting. It'd be nice if the sisters retained a little more of their personalities, especially when they're performing in the four-star animations. Beezy doesn't have any problem saying how she hopes Eva's dead, or sassing Eva to her face (heck, the game starts with a rather rude wake-up call!), but when she's humping the gorger, she just sounds like a dominatrix-in-training. The sisters have to obey Eva, not like her or want to do things her way. Might be nice if some of those four-star animations were as much about breaking the sisters as the monsters--Eva could use that as an opportunity to remind EVERYBODY who's boss.

My very long 2¢. :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Desolution » Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:07 pm

I had an odd bug where, after Chef Jurassa, all the animations showed up as pink squares. Clicking one caused the game to crash, not clicking one caused "No-name" units to be added to my army. I can add them to my squad, but trying to play them does nothing.

[Edit: Leaving the bug report here, though I'll move all QoL and detailed feedback into its own post.]
Last edited by Desolution on Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby piolif » Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:08 pm

bornsinner Wrote:3. I get that the lucky/ vlad interaction was too powerful but lucky has really fallen off. Easily the worst of the heroes by a mile, with Ioshia also being pretty bad at anything other than busting tanks.

Any Assassin+lucky+Vlad is still a good combination imo. Considering he's the first hero you recruit, it's only natural for him being the weakest.
Still, it would be nice if the heroes could be upgraded (Missions and Hunting in the Tavern is still locked).
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby lbour6 » Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:16 am

Is there a way to get more of the special low-tier armor?

BTW, I spent an hour trying to beat the bovine hero while getting 5 captured so I could have one for each class. Was much harder than I thought.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby XaldonAjide » Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:30 am

VintageBass Wrote:Yeah, what is the best result to get through the Break?

Even army of Hivelings and Gorgers, make sure you've farmed a few water runes from the previous fight and plenty of Wind runes from the Hive fight. The wind runes help increase your units attack by 1 when equipped to a Male unit like Gorger, Phasmos, or Machiza. it's a good counter against the Faries also you'll want to fully level the units in your army before the fight. I'm not talking about chant, but that 1/2 addition to your units attack and health is the little extra bit that can help you win the fight.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby ExtraHachse » Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:02 am

I find it a bit underwhelming that every enemy has Thunderstorm since the Esurien. I think it's kinda cheap tbh. Gotta clear the Eye so far, still haven't found the right strategy yet.

Edit: Made it^^ even getting all animations! Dunno how though... All the strategy I have is to wait and use my ult after she has used her ability. It's still difficult. Whenever I have a scout at the front line she always spawns a tank who has 10/30. He kills me instantly while I cannot kill him in one round. My Mages go down instantly with Thunderstorm. Getting the animations and winning is tough task to say the least...
Last edited by ExtraHachse on Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VintageBass » Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:07 am

XaldonAjide Wrote:
VintageBass Wrote:Yeah, what is the best result to get through the Break?

Even army of Hivelings and Gorgers, make sure you've farmed a few water runes from the previous fight and plenty of Wind runes from the Hive fight. The wind runes help increase your units attack by 1 when equipped to a Male unit like Gorger, Phasmos, or Machiza. it's a good counter against the Faries also you'll want to fully level the units in your army before the fight. I'm not talking about chant, but that 1/2 addition to your units attack and health is the little extra bit that can help you win the fight.

Thank you, I figure the grind is going to be it, and that sounds good. All right, I'll try this out...

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby blackcore11 » Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:06 am

GoRepeat I think you made the bovos a tad bit impossible, might want to pull them back just a little bit.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:19 am

Desolution Wrote:Also you really should do something about Chanting. Given that you need to send a good 350-odd units over to the Isle, having to scroll down, select equip, select equipment, scroll down again, click unit, click send to chant, repeat, over 350 times is extremely tedious. Possibly add a quick-equip-cheapest-armour-and-chant button? Preferably with that exact, beautifully succint, label.

Yeah, I have been trying to come up with a better solution. I am thinking I might end up clustering them by equipment, so you would have a max of 20 (5 classes * (3 ranks + 1 special) tokens on the left to scroll through... there is no reason you would need 20 different icons for the same hive assassin. Problem though is that the units would still potentially have different corruption levels, so I might have to just have the caveat that when you send a unit to chant it resets the corruption level to 0. Something.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:29 am

Thunderstorm isn't too overpowered; Pecunia's buff completely negates it, especially if you use it just before Thunderstorm goes off.

And re: chanting, why not have different pages for each class? That way, you wouldn't have to reset corruption levels, or have one token representing a variety of troops. Aside from corruption levels, what would happen with their equipment? I know I don't buy much from Pecunia, so I usually just throw whatever equipment I've got on chanters, regardless of its power level.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Desolution » Sun Oct 25, 2015 4:27 am

Okay, I've got to the end of current content, so here's my complete list of thoughts on the game so far. Before I start on the criticisms though, I'd like to say how incredibly interesting and varied this game manages to be, and how much I've enjoyed the journey so far. Even having beaten everything so far, I still don't feel like I'm even remotely good at the game, and that there are loads of strategies that nobody has even tried yet. Not to mention the meteoric pace of development. Plus it's refreshing to find a game where a hard encounter is beaten be playing smarter, instead of luckier or faster. Either way, here are all my collected thoughts so far. I'll put them in a spoiler tag since there's a lot of them.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Apologies for the shitty formatting. List tags within spoiler tags doesn't appear to work, and I'd rather have the spoiler tag than the list)

The Thunderstorm rune is genuinely overpowered for most strategies, especially at lower levels. Level 1 is a strictly better flare, and equipping all of my females with Dark Runes makes most levels massively easier. I think the damage should be 1/2/3 in order to balance the rune rather than 2/3/4. Royal Way's difficulty could be maintained by simply using level 2 runes. The Eye would be made easier, but it wouldn't make much of a difference given that the main strategy for that level only involves taking 2-3 hits from them.

The difficulty is currently really spiky, with some levels being extremely tough, and some levels being almost trivial. The hardest levels (off the top of my head) are probably Royal Way and The Hand, and Photovol's recruitment mission, while most of the phasmos levels felt pretty trivial. I think one of the main issues is that in a strategy game like this, once you find a level particularly hard, you spend a while developing better strategies and building a better team, which means the levels post-spike become much easier, since you're now better at the game but the levels aren't as hard. This means that one extremely hard level can have a ripple effect on the difficulty of the whole game. Personally I really enjoy the super-hard levels, but the difficulty should be more consistent, whether that involves making the easier levels harder or the harder levels easier.

As others have mentioned, special attacks should have some kind of tooltip or descriptor telling you what they do. As it is, you just have to go by trial and error. That said, in later levels I just treat all specials as if they say "Kill all enemy units" - which some of them might as well do.

The Pecunia fight should have an option to skip the first 'cutscene' phase. Especially given that the third phase has an attack which instantly kills you without explaining what you've done wrong (which isn't that bad by itself), the player shouldn't be forced to repeat the long cutscene and trivial cutscene battle every attempt.

Vinara gets pretty tedious at 750HP. While Pecunia can get away with it since it's a very varied fight, Vinara only really has 1 (or 3 if you count diffierently), which just becomes a grind if stretched out too long. It would be a much more interesting fight at 500HP or less (possiblywith more damage dealt to compensate).

Somma is just... there are no words to describe that ridiculous difficulty. Without the stars aligning, absolutely flawless play, and a few miracles from several deities all on the same day, no mortal could possibly defeat this boss. Personally I'd reduce the damage of all her attacks tenfold at least, but something has to be done about this unbalanced monstrosity of a boss.

Photovol's current design feels somewhat unhealthy. She's utterly won me some fights (both of my successful attempts on The Hand have been from getting a lucky Photovol and just rushing units past the sleeping enemies), and is completely useless other times, entirely based on a coin flip. I'm a strong believer that "Roll a dice, if it lands on 6 you win" isn't healthy for a game. I'm not sure how you'd change it though, maybe just "Photovol puts enemies she attacks into a trance." - sounds overpowered but she's still weak to being counter-killed or just taken out via Flare/Thunderstorm.

Esurian solo animation lacks any text. I know it's a small thing, but all the others have some so it feels out of place.
The 10-1 ratio for converting runes and in the shop feels a bit off, especially since going up a tier only takes a few levels. 5-1 seems more reasonable for both. I've also mentioned elsewhere how the numbers on chanting feel a bit high. By the end of the game, I averaged only 25 of each unit type.

Not really a balance issue, but at some point I'd really like to see an Eva-Vs-An-Army mission. Her abilities look really interesting, especially in AoE situations, but so far we've almost never had more than one target to hit. On the topic of Eva-mode, some way to repeat bosses would be nice, since I'd like to try to beat all of the bosses with all of the classes (which also adds some replayability).

Anyway that's all I can think of for now. Once again though, these are tiny mostly QoL things in one of the best strategy games I've played in a long while, so thank you, either way.
Last edited by Desolution on Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby XaldonAjide » Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:12 am

VintageBass Wrote:And the long road to get to myself shall begin! XD No asking for saves for me!

Just saying this now. Your boss is probably the most annoying, cheating B**** I've come across in the game. You only get 6 units to face off against her and she gets a veritable hoard of units to attack your hero units, and I swear if any more of the hero's get nerfed the fight will be impossible.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VintageBass » Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:18 am

XaldonAjide Wrote:
VintageBass Wrote:And the long road to get to myself shall begin! XD No asking for saves for me!

Just saying this now. Your boss is probably the most annoying, cheating B**** I've come across in the game. You only get 6 units to face off against her and she gets a veritable hoard of units to attack your hero units, and I swear if any more of the hero's get nerfed the fight will be impossible.

On the one hand I do want to see what I am in the game outside of what I gave to Gore (the most basic of suggestions for a base image) and then letting him do his magic and just watch how difficult things get, but I don't want to jump there so easily. I want to make it worth it!

And that sounds a little too much like me... :twisted: This is going to be good~
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:38 am

wow, i really love Vintabass dress and staff, so beauti, good job master GR (by the way, is she futa? her skill is combine of two water run @@)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby piolif » Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:25 am

I really like this game. The hard levels can be annoying sometimes, but they are all beatable after a few tries. I only wish there was an option to convert souls into Corruption level. I have so many leftover souls in endgame and changing my current squad settup to contain Bovos is irritating, since they aren't any stronger than my current units.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Dumai » Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:28 pm

Finally managed to complete all the content so far (getting 4+ Bovos captured in the eye was brutal). I can't decide which stage was harder, the hand, or the eye (I think I spent more time on the hand...finally managed to beat it with a lucky Photovol sleep). I think the Bovos might be a tad too difficult now. Unless my strategies just suck, it seems to require way too much luck to get through those last two stages. I'm looking forward to the end, but hoping our saves aren't broken with the final updates. Fighting through these last battles again might kill me XD.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:52 pm

Dumai Wrote:Finally managed to complete all the content so far (getting 4+ Bovos captured in the eye was brutal). I can't decide which stage was harder, the hand, or the eye (I think I spent more time on the hand...finally managed to beat it with a lucky Photovol sleep). I think the Bovos might be a tad too difficult now. Unless my strategies just suck, it seems to require way too much luck to get through those last two stages. I'm looking forward to the end, but hoping our saves aren't broken with the final updates. Fighting through these last battles again might kill me XD.

u can copy cache and paste somewhere else, for safe :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:56 pm

Dumai Wrote:but hoping our saves aren't broken with the final update.

They will be. There is always a final save murder. I actually should have killed your saves when I did the last update since I changed the Bovos stats, but I decided since we are so close to the end there was no need.
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