Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VintageBass » Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:05 am

alex1988 Wrote:What each of the main character abilities do? (like gem boost /shield etc in each battle)

Isn't there a tab in the Army section that allows you to pick which of the five classes what each class's particular style does in a little blurb and the name of it?

alex1988 Wrote:Why sometime u cant add units into empty space on the team?

You can have two minions of the same race with the same class in your squad. You can have multiple of the same minion and classes, just 2 race/class at max. Like I can have 4 bee girls, but I can't have 4 healer bees. Instead, I can have 2 bees and 2 illosas to be my healers.

alex1988 Wrote:How do u get unique items? (that don't have mana add on)

Like the runes and stuff? You get them from winning battles...

alex1988 Wrote:Non of that is even remotely explained in the game!

I'm pretty sure it's in the game, it's just needs a little more paying attention for you to see it, or you're just too frustrated with the difficulty of things.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:10 am

there are another way can catch prisoner without eva's skill?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VintageBass » Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:24 pm

toanly1986 Wrote:@VintageBass
there are another way can catch prisoner without eva's skill?

Not that I'm aware of at this point. I'm stuck at the Break, so me knowing other methods of capture is unknown until I get either lucky or continue the grind...
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby alex1988 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:24 pm

VintageBass Wrote:
alex1988 Wrote:What each of the main character abilities do? (like gem boost /shield etc in each battle)

Isn't there a tab in the Army section that allows you to pick which of the five classes what each class's particular style does in a little blurb and the name of it?

Thanks man ^_^ the super powers that I meant was boss powers.When they use some aoe immunity buff (for an instance)with side effects(about which I didn't found any info at at all) then the units add their's skill and it just mesh because status bar doesn't exist so i just loose because I don't get some specifics
Like first solo boss has insta kill if u killed the ghosts?The rest all have some power with side effect too.
If the boss summoned units with runes and used his buff skill u just dunno what buff belonged to who.
So Its extremely frustrating when there isn't any boss skill list with minimal info at least.
With immunity it can be timed it can take lets say 4 units of dmg per turn or it can be magic/phisical imunity atc...
And if boss cast it u just keep guessing wrong and loosing because of that.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Agumon9000 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:34 pm

How do I beat the first boss I'm stuck I keep getting intsa killed? (total scrub here)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby daishi » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:41 pm

As of today, I the game won't load for me. I just click on the box and it white screens. Never happened before. Anyone having the same issue?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:55 pm

VintageBass Wrote:
toanly1986 Wrote:@VintageBass
there are another way can catch prisoner without eva's skill?

Not that I'm aware of at this point. I'm stuck at the Break, so me knowing other methods of capture is unknown until I get either lucky or continue the grind...

i really dont know what U say but i think it's mean not, tks bro ^^
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Desolution » Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:37 pm

I never thought I'd say this about a Gorepete (GoRepeat?) game, but The Mouth seems a bit too easy. I was able to clear it first attempt with eleven (!) cards left (Screencap) without even needing to use the special ability. At this stage in the game, taking out a 20hp unit really isn't that hard, especially if that unit can't take out a 6-8HP assassin cleanly.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:34 pm

Desolution Wrote:I never thought I'd say this about a Gorepete (GoRepeat?) game, but The Mouth seems a bit too easy. I was able to clear it first attempt with =))eleven (!) cards left (Screencap) without even needing to use the special ability. At this stage in the game, taking out a 20hp unit really isn't that hard, especially if that unit can't take out a 6-8HP assassin cleanly.

why won't U think in other way, like "now i'm pro player" or more, when GR make the game, i think he know how it is, so just wait for new challenge, new hero and sure, new screen =))
p/s: i defeat it just in 2 turn :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:48 am

Desolution Wrote:I never thought I'd say this about a Gorepete (GoRepeat?) game, but The Mouth seems a bit too easy. I was able to clear it first attempt with eleven (!) cards left (Screencap) without even needing to use the special ability. At this stage in the game, taking out a 20hp unit really isn't that hard, especially if that unit can't take out a 6-8HP assassin cleanly.

Yeah I need to buff Bovos' attack power

toanly1986 Wrote:@VintageBass
there are another way can catch prisoner without eva's skill?


alex1988 Wrote:Did someone mention a status bar for units?If 2 effects are active"(or more) u can see only 1 of them.Status bar would be serious improvement.

Eh? You can see the status effects on a unit both visually and in the heads up when you click the unit - not sure I follow
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VladimirRomanov » Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:21 am

I half expect a random final boss to pop out and be Krystal. Knowing Krystal's internet reputation, a slut off would then ensue.

And then, knowing GoRepeat, she'll have 200,000 health, and only be defeated by beating IBM's Watson in a game of 3 dimensional chess.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:19 am

VladimirRomanov Wrote:And then, knowing GoRepeat, she'll have 200,000 health, and only be defeated by beating IBM's Watson in a game of 3 dimensional chess.

Ah if only....
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:45 am

GoRepeat Wrote:
VladimirRomanov Wrote:And then, knowing GoRepeat, she'll have 200,000 health, and only be defeated by beating IBM's Watson in a game of 3 dimensional chess.

Ah if only....

DO NOT listen to him master, i give up :x
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:59 am

toanly1986 Wrote:@VintageBass
there are another way can catch prisoner without eva's skill?

so we need to wait to The Eye battle huh?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:16 am

You know, an easy way to un-nerf the Bovos would be to simply assign Eva's "lieutenants" their armies, much like you did for Bridgette in her battle. After all, why would Eva use her personal guard to fight for her sisters instead of keepin' 'em close? :)
Last edited by Throbby on Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby blackcore11 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:01 pm

how are people having trouble beating the bovos? they are way easier to beat than those fucking wolves that just come in an d kill your guys buy just looking at them. "so fucking annoying"
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:07 pm

Un-nerf! I meant un-nerf. Anti-nerf. Toughen. Toughen the bovos by assigning armies to the sisters. Derp.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby napala » Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:20 pm

Throbby Wrote:Un-nerf! I meant un-nerf. Anti-nerf. Toughen. Toughen the bovos by assigning armies to the sisters. Derp.

Buff, you are looking for the word buff.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:48 pm

blackcore11 Wrote:how are people having trouble beating the bovos? they are way easier to beat than those fucking wolves that just come in an d kill your guys buy just looking at them. "so fucking annoying"

there are no people that having trouble with bovos, if you read more carefully, you will see they want to buff them, one more, just first wolf is hard, other is easy.
i registered an account here because i want to play game in LoK, not somewhere else, especially is FG :lol:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Oct 23, 2015 1:52 am

Throbby Wrote:You know, an easy way to un-nerf the Bovos would be to simply assign Eva's "lieutenants" their armies, much like you did for Bridgette in her battle. After all, why would Eva use her personal guard to fight for her sisters instead of keepin' 'em close? :)

I didn't do that yet by design ;)
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