The Road: 2nd Gear

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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:04 am

Rebecca gasped in pleasure and began panting like a wild animal as she was brought closer and closer to a climax only for the Crazy to pull out at the last second and begin using her rear. The pleasure was not nearly as great using that method so she was forced to endure being teased to near climax while he rutted in her back hole. Finally she felt him pull out again and fill up her pussy giving her the last bolt of pleasure she needed to cum herself. She dropped into the dirt exhausted from the abuse. She gather her thoughts up just as the other crazy stepped forward again. She tried to pull her cum stained shirt back down and turn to kick the crazy having no intention of being used again if she could help it.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:18 am

Rip turns around, and tries to sound as friendly to the bartender as possible. He was going to try to bluff his way out of this.
"Trust me, you don't want her. I fucked her last night, and my dick is feeling the wrath of something now. It's not a pretty sight. The bitch is sick, I'm going to put her back to where I found her. I'll keep an eye out for someone else good though. I'll swing back by later when I get a my dick fixed. Is there a good doctor around here?"
He puts down a twenty on the bar.
"This is for any inconveniences, and possible STDs I may have almost caused. I'll try to buy a few drinks later. Maybe even bring you some ass. You seem like a nice enough guy."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:34 am

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As exhausted and sore as you are, you fling your leg at the right time and catch the War Boy square in the balls again. Already bruised, he crumples quickly, coughing and whimpering as he cradles his junk. The older Crazy starts to laugh again, viciously grabbing a your head by the hair and drawing a knife from his belt.

"Gonna have to teach you to play nice, Sheila" He cackles.

You hear a sudden sharp click and hiss and feel something wet sprayed against your face and chest again as the Crazy suddenly goes limp and crashes to the ground. Behind him you see the wounded man crawling from the crops, smoking gun in hand.

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The Barman comes storming over, bat in hand, but doesn't start swinging yet. He glares and looks you up and down before doing so with the girl as he makes up his mind. He doesn't seem to recognize the girl across you shoulder's isn't one of his in the dim light of the main room. He quickly reaches up and yanks down the girl's panties, splaying her pussy lips apart and peering up inside her uncertainly. You feel the girl tense up as he does so, a soft whimper gurgling from her throat as she contemplates just how bad a turn the night has taken for her.

"Filthy Beast," the Barman grunts, jabbing you in the chest with his finger, "You did this, all my girls are clean, everyone know that. Get her the fuck outta hear, but you better get me a clean girl to replace her or else."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:31 am

Rip wanted to verbally tear apart this idiotic barman, but refrained out of preserving the girl's safety, and for continuing the streak of narrowly avoided conflicts. Instead, he happily agrees with the Barman.

"I'm working on the town's pump tommorrow. I'll go shirtless and see if I bring any thirsty girls over. If I do, that girl is al yours. If not, I guess I'm having an extended stay to repay you. See ya around."

Rip carries the woman outside, and looks for a safe, out of sight, place to set her down. When he does, he kneels down, and starts to engage with her.
"Look, I'm going to attract a lot of attention carrying you through this town. I'll escort you back to your bus, but you're going to have to walk with me. You could hate me all you want, but your girls need you, and I'm going to see through to it that they get back their strong leader."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:19 am

Rebecca struggled for a moment before expecting the blade to drag across her face. She felt blood splatter but looked down and saw the knife had dropped away and the crazy fall to the side. She let out a sigh of relief only stopping a brief moment to find the pants they had stolen from her and slip them back on without bothering to find a new set of panties. After that she tried to find her shotgun and then looked to the injured man. "Thanks I guess... not really good and patching people up but I can try." She offered if he didn't point that thing at her again.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:47 am

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Scanning around in the dark gloom you find no trace of where the Crazies tossed your jeans though you find your shotgun neatly with the wounded man. Seeing a first aid kit on his pouch you try to figure out what to do but don't even know where to begin in dark and have to settle with packing his chest with gauze and strapping it as best you can.

You hear screams and moans coming from the next field over where the truck ploughed into, the frightened faces of the girl's you saw running briefly flashes in your mind. Considering your recent experience you are pretty sure what is going past that row of crops and that the crazies there will be occupied for a while. Behind you, you see the injured War Boy trying to stand, hands still cradling his aching balls.

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"You disgusting, degenerate pig!" The woman deals you a stinging slap to the cheek as you put her down.

She stands there, hands on hips, dressed only in a soil lace bra and continues to berate you. Tucked away in the alleyway behind the bar, concealed by a few dumpsters she lets forth her verbal tirade, blaming you for everything that has gone wrong, however, as her speech continues you notice her words start to slur. Slowly, she seems to star to lose her balance and her rant less coherent, until she sits down to stop her self from falling and asks what you were talking about again.

You quickly remember the alcohol the man stuffed down her throat and realize just what a cheap date this woman might be. This momentary lapse in concentration is the all the woman needs as her hands quickly open your fly and grab your cock, still slick from your earlier exploits. Your cock rapidly hardens under her drunken strokes and she giggles as it stands achingly hard attention.

"Wanna make a deposit to seed bank?" She snickers drunkenly.

Your body is in torment as it remembers how long it's been since someone else, but you remain enough in control for now to make your decision.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:19 pm

As much as Rip wanted to get some, with his throbbing cock and stinging cheek, he knew it wasn't right to use this woman while she was in this state. He put his dick away and zipped up his fly, fighting his urges, and rubs the girl's back in an attempt to calm her down.

"What would your girls think if they say you like this? You have to focus on sobering up for them. I'll help you fight through it, but now is not the time for a deposit. Please, stay strong."
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:47 am

Rebeca holsters her shotgun and grabs the first aid kit and applies what poor treatment she could. Outside she hears the crazies going to town on their victims then she snaps her attention back to the crazy that got up and aims her weapon at him. "Give me your pants and I might not shoot you..." She threatened wishing she still had her own jeans but preferring anything to running around half nude.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:05 am

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Your words do little the sober up the inebriated woman who pouts and sulks like a child robbed of her favourite toy. Lifting her to her feet you help her along back to bus, using the back alleys that are empty this time you make the journey unseen and without incident, though the woman repeatedly tries to sneak her hands back to your cock as you walk.

When you make the Bus the girls seem relieved to see their leader again, but most give you dirty looks when they see the state she is in.

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The War Glares angrily at you, but slowly starts to kick off his black cargo pants, until he is standing in only his boots cradling his aching balls. Reaching down he picks up the discarded garment and hurls them hard over your head so they land somewhere in the crops behind you.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:30 am

Rip struggles to get the woman on to the bus, and finds a comfortable place to put her before confronting the rest of the ladies.
"She's drunk right now. Get her some water, give her some space, and she'll be herself in a few hours."
He looks around the bus trying to get a gauge of their feelings towards him.
"I should probably get going."
He checks one more time to see if the drunk woman is still conscious.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:16 am

Rebeca glares at the war boy as he tosses the pants far over her head and she has to resist the urge to pull the trigger on him then and there. "Alright asshole have it your way." She said aiming low and firing on one of his kneecaps. "Enjoy hobbling for the rest of your life..." She grabbed her new ally, the wounded man who had saved her, and began dragging him back towards where she had parked her bike. She'd have to scavenge up a new pair of pants at some point because she was not going anywhere near those fields right now if she could help it.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:22 am

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The War Boy collapses in agony as his left knee disappears in a red mist. The wounded man, with your aid, stumbles to his feet allowing the two of you make a staggering run around the fields back towards your bike.

Roused by the gunfire, the truck that had ploughed into the other field suddenly screams to life again and roars out, churning and spitting earth with it's tires. It's search light streaks out over head, covering the tall dirt burm separating you from your bike. The light tracks back and forth down the length of the burm as it searches for you, but tucked down behind the height of the crops you are safe for now.

Looking back you notice a few more girls have been added to the trophy racks on the front of the truck, while another Crazy has jumped off to check on the men you've downed.

You could try to sneak over the burm to your waiting bike, but if you miss you timing with the search light you would be left out in the open.

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The women seem none to thrilled with you or the state you brought their leader back in but they quickly fall in to look after the woman. You are politely, though curtly, asked to leave when you start to linger.

The door of the bus screeches shut behind you when you step off and the girls inside seem to pay you no further attention for the time being. You realize it is now getting quite late in the night.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:05 am

Rip is about to go off to find a place to stay, when he remembers all the possible trouble he may have caused for himself with knocking out the two guys in the bar and "stealing" away a woman from the bar owner. He realizes that the bus may be his only true place of safety for the night. As soon as he is locked out of the bus, he turns around to knock on it's doors.
"I may be in actual danger of being brutally slaughtered tonight thanks to my 'daring' rescue of your leader. Could I at least hide out in here for the night? I promise I won't do anything funny, I caused enough trouble for myself as it is."
No matter what happens, he silently pulls out his "Terminator 2" novelization, and begins to read, whether it be on one of the bus seats, or against the side of the bus outside. He needed to decompress after the shit show he was just through, and it didn't seem like he was going to get anything good out of it.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:56 am

Rebeca crouched down and began wandering outside when she saw the search light prowling the area and stopped behind some cover to consider her options. On the one hand that Crazy is going to find his dead or wounded comrades pretty quick and she would be stuck there probably having to kill a few more. On the other hand jumping into the middle of bright rays of light was a fast way to get spotted if she didn't time things correctly. She hefted the injured man on her back and decided she really didn't have the luxury of staying put. She moved forward as the light began darting away and tried to sneak her way over to her bike to get the hell out of here.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:23 am

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The girls in the bus have a quick discussion about your offer, until one starts shouting until she gets her way and group breaks apart to go to their own bunks inside the bus. One of the girls does toss you a blanket before she locks her window though. The rest of the night passes without incident and gradually the sun begins to rise again, signalling the start of a new day. As you wake you do not hear any movement from inside the bus, it appears you have awoken before all the girls.

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Hoisting the man across your shoulder you try to dash over the dirt burm, but the cloying mud sticks to your feet, slowing and stumbling your progress and leaving you in the open. Half way up the burm, you quickly check to see where the light is only to see the brilliant white dot slowly fizzle to yellow and then a dull orange before finally going out. You hear cursing behind you as a crazy madly attempts to replace to burnt out bulb.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Riptide » Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:24 pm

Rip shoots a friendly smirk towards the girl that gives him a blanket. He tries his best to get comfortable on the cold hard ground, but manages to eventually drift off in to a slumber.

He dreams of what could have been, if he had ended up fucking that woman when he had the chance before. He wakes up with a bad case of morning wood, and has the probably not so bright idea of whipping his dick out, and masturbating right there, on the side of the bus, with the weird hopes that one of the girls will see and help him out.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:30 pm

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If you choose to look in the bus, you find it empty of the girls. Everything is still in place and there are no signs of distress or violence but there is no sight of girls until you peak to the back. The cult leader is still there, sprawled naked atop of her sheets, fitfully sleeping off her hangover. Curled up on her side, her pale skin seems to glow in the early morning light as you take in her whole body. It's not until you hear a soft moan escaping her lips that you notice one of her hands pressed between her thighs, slowly stroking her slit that glistens with her juices.

Outside the bus you notice a heavy trail of footprints leading from the bus door further into town.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:45 am

Rebeca stumbles and lets out a curse as her progress is halted for a moment. She's lucky the spotlight dies and makes a break for it under the cover of darkness praying she doesn't trip again. She can already feel her luck running out after so many close calls today but cant abandon her new companion in good faith after he saved her from those psychos. She just hopes she can make it to the bike in time. Then maybe she can get away from these freaks.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby exalted » Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:43 am

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Scrambling up the rest of mound you find the downward journey significantly easier and that your bike is still waiting exactly where you left it at the bottom. The man groans slightly as you wrestle him onto the back of the bike, but it doesn't look like his injuries get any worse. You panic for moment as fire the engine and exhaust belches out it's bass note, but it doesn't look like the noise echoes too far.

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Started out, just drinkin' beer
I didn't know how or why
Or what I was doin' there
Just a couple more
Made me feel a little better
Believe me when I tell you
It was nothin' to do with the letter

I ran right out of beer
I took a look into the larder
No bones, nothin'
I'd better go and get somethin' harder
Back in a flash
I started on a dash of Jamaica rum
Me and Pat Malone
Drinking on our ow-ow-ow-own

Woh-hoh-oh, the nips are gettin' bigger
Woh-yeah, the nips are gettin' bigger
Wo-hoh-oh, the nips are gettin' bigger
Yeah-eah-eah, mmm they're gettin' bigger

It was still dark when the alarm radio goes off next to you. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you stagger about readying yourself to continue on. You may not have spent a lot of time on road in the wastes but you know that getting caught still and sleeping when the lights up is a bad idea. Rumbling your rig back onto the road, the gloom in front pierced by your headlights the miles start to tick by when you notice a light reflection in the distance up ahead. As you get closer you see the silhouette of another vehicle parked up on the side of the road, several bodies appear to sleeping on the ground nearby.
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Re: The Road: 2nd Gear

Postby ZeroParadox » Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:08 pm

Chance brings the Humvee to a stop a short distance away after turning the vehicle enough to focus his headlights on the group. Being new to this wasteland he chooses caution over boldness so decides to survey the group from a distance; flipping on the high beams if necessary and using his binoculars if a closer look should be required.
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