www.porncritique.lol Wrote:Seems there's a problem then... When I make Seadra's horny picture 900 wide (I'll make it dividable by 3) it's almost 1400 tall. Is it not the right size to be in the game?
To go straight into the game, no. However, Humbird likes his battle arts to be a lot higher res when he's shading, and then he scales them to fit. I remember he loved it when I passed along the vector sketches I'd made, because he could size them as big as he wanted to shade. I personally take pride in creating something already the right size and positioned right, but I don't think sketches 1400 pixels tall are going to present a problem for anyone.
Which reminds me, I don't remember if I actually posted that Onix I colored. I think I might have been waiting to figure out how to shade it and then haven't looked at it since.