VintageBass Wrote:First off, the innocent look is definitely a nice touch from her more sultry look, even if I like that version as well. After all, Pokemon do have different natures and there are some that could reflect her more... naughtier side, with "Naughty" actually being a nature (although that's more of it being a trouble-maker than the sexual kind). Also, mole. On the one hand I don't mind it, but I like Mew where she was without it...
Oh God, these pics are just too damn good! D: I'm so conflicted! I just want to pull her from my screen and do her right now! She's so amazing! O_O <3
Avian07 Wrote:My first concept was "playful" but I somehow cant decide how I can I portray it with a "horny" or "sexual" theme. I was off my game i guess so went safe instead. Well like a said i might add more later.
Avian07 Wrote:Well as promised
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
I may add one or two more "Horny" image. Just in-case. Wrote:Screw the fact that it's legendary, I'm catching Mew just for dat ass.
フランク Wrote:hi, just here to say hello ...
I keep an eye on this forum for quite some time now.
I played this game some months ago and I think it's great.
And to get to the point ...
I made a little fanart based on the ".../porygon/ideas/horny pose"-file within the game-files (03/18/2014)
ValturNaa Wrote:I think your proportions might need a little tweaking, bigger issue her face and hair makes her look like a witch, but I do love the pose. With a bit more work and some shading I think it might be good battle art.
VintageBass Wrote:Screw the fact that it's legendary, I'm catching Mew just for dat ass.
Why just dat ass? I want it all, I want it all, and I want it NOW!
I'm a man with a one track mind, so much to do in one lifetime...
Wait, what? Wrote:True, but the ass is what you'll be enjoying when she's in your party, you generally don't have a good view of the boobs when a pokemorph is on your side.
ValturNaa Wrote:Well, the ending arts will be on a canvas of 300x360, but I've seen images with over 1k pixel dimensions on a side. The onix that Bubba drew (which I managed to reconstruct with all cracks and scratches, but never figured out shading for the lower half of) was 1080 pixels tall.
And yeah, I tend to collect party pokemon for 1) their back art, and 2) the hotness of whatever pictures I'm able to get (for when I'm calling them in). Thus, though I've always tried to catch porygon, I never make her a part of my party unless I'm leveling her just to keep her up with the rest. Sandshrew, however, has been one of my favorites because her back art is awesome, her horny pose is even better, and her moves are at least okay.
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