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Re: Hoonters

Postby lilbooth » Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:39 am

Wyck slouches against the wall, flaring out her hips and bending her knees slightly. She scours over the man's image, sizing him up, admiring his caution. She steals another sip from her bottle and carefully rubs a finger around the rim. "I'm doing quite well thank you." whispered Wyck, wincing while choking another sip of rum. "I may be in need of a companion." she stated as she returned to swirling her finger round the bottle, "If that offer of yours applies to me, that is." says Wyck as she shifts a touch closer to Yasker, clearing her throat a few times.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby exalted » Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:52 am

Katya snarled viscously as she grabbed a belaying pin from the railing and charged at the boarders. She would have preferred to get bow or own gear but knew she lacked the time and had to use what was at hand, while they still had the advantage of numbers. She stormed towards the downed thresher shark, hoping to keep him out of the fight all together by cracking the pin over his head.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nobudi » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:03 am

"We have Sharkmen on the boat," Bellatrix said dryly. She had seen them trailing in the water behind the ship, and she wanted to mention them to the others on the ship, but it appears she was too late.

She looked at the trio and asked, "Anyone got a spare weapon? Or at least a stick to poke them off the ship? With their added weight, we're sinking slightly faster now."

Seeing them try to engage the monsters, she sighed and slid over to the captain.

"We still have the spare boat, don't we?" she muttered dryly to the captain. "May as well just use it and abandon ship. We won't make it at this rate."
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Lorielle » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:07 am

Aria immediately jumps back hoping to get distance between herself and the pursuers unslinging her bow and readying an arrow. Aiming it toward the hammerhead shark first as he seems to pose the bigger threat. "What is your purpose for following this ship!"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:19 am

Nydia was pleased to see the welcome that awaited them in the town square. It hardly compared to the events back home but it was simple and quaint, which was possibly the best a place like this could offer. Quite a feast had been prepared it seemed, though Nydia wasn't terribly hungry and she felt it was far too early to be drinking. She grabbed an apple for a light snack and found she greatly enjoyed the first juicy bite. Perhaps living in such a rustic location would have it's advantages after all.

Across the square she could see the woman who would likely be the guild leader. She thought it might be best to curry favor with her, but it would be rude to interrupt her conversation with Tamara to do so. It would have to wait. Presumably the beginning to the festivities would have to wait for the hunters from the second boat to arrive, so Nydia decided to simply relax and enjoy her apple until they showed up.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:20 am

"So you too heard that offer?" Now looking her way with an amused look. He tilted his hat upwards to allow her to look at his complete face, while slowly swishing the ale around in his cup. "Well... I have been known to extend offers to strangers if it ends up being worth my time." Sliding on the wall to close some of the distance between them. "Do you think you are worthy of my time?" Yasker asked in a soft voice while he rubbed the hilt of his dagger with his thumb. He still had no clue what game she was trying to play but she did have his interest and that was usually enough to keep him around for a few minutes. "It doesn't matter, I'll find out soon enough." Dismissing his own question with a chuckle. "So what could a lady like you need with a companion like me? I'm sure there are plenty of novice hunters that would love to be your companion and they'll say yes a whole lot faster than I will." His own eyes drifting over her body, taking her weapons into stock along with her beauty. "Not to mention I could end up being busy for a bit so I wouldn't be at your beck and call." Glancing in the direction of the hunters and Octave.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nicoffee » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:46 am

The Grand Mistress


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Baharl heard Bellatrix's idea and laughed it off. "Are you nuts? No! Come on, this is a great opportunity for you guys to get warmed up as hunters around here! Besides, they're sharks, pretty sure they can swim faster we can row." He proposed, a big smile on his face. "Besides, if they actually get troublesome, you need not worry, I shall deal with it myself." He stated, sounding convinced. At that moment, the woman out of shark group approached Bellatrix, baring her fangs. "...Oh you're my type." She chuckled, lunging at you.

??? Strength Roll - 5

Bellatrix Dexterity Roll - (6+, 2, 4) - 12.

And you deftly dodge to the side, leaving a foot in to trip her. (Mischievous and Pacifistic) The shark girl falls for it and trips over your foot, falling on her face and sliding on the wooden frame for a bit. She gets up, looking furious. "Why you bitch! You think I'm a joke?! I'm gonna rip you a new face!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Marley Dexterity Roll - 3

Katya Strength Roll - (4,5) - 9

Taking one of the belaying pins you quickly dash over to the fallen thresher shark and, as he was getting up, you slam him upside the head with the thick piece of wood. It makes an audible 'CLUNK' as the wood hits his head as he just goes back to the floor again. "...Why me?" He whines, his head spinning as he curls up in a ball on the deck...You get the feeling he's not gonna be much of a threat any more.

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The Hammerhead shark chuckles, seeing you point an arrow at him. "Well, I don't need to spell it out for you, do I? We saw a beaten up old boat sailing by filled with a bunch of fresh meat...We figured we'd have some fun! You hunters come after us for sport just the same, anyways!" He suddenly lunged at you with a head butt, using his hammer shaped head.

??? Strength Roll - (3,4,3) - 10

Aria Dexterity Roll - (4,2, X - Lone Wolf Penalty) - 6

He connects, his head slamming against yours, for a moment, you feel the entire ship spinning as you get reeled backwards, the impact on your head temporarily deafens you and makes your vision blurry, though you're quick to recover, you still feel a bit dizzy, blood dripping out of your forehead, you try to focus your sight on the hammer heard shark but the entire boat is still spinning in your vision. He got a good hit on you and you're not sure you'd be able to take another one like that.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby lilbooth » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:03 am

Wyck listened intently, nodding when appropriate to do so, and took a sip of her beverage before placing it on the ground. She took another step closer to the hunter, barely have an arms reach away, and leveled her eyes to his . "I'm new at this whole 'hunting' thing and I don't feel like playing games. You're a veteran, or so you say, and I'm willing to bet you'll only take jobs that are worth while. I don't want my first hunt to turn into a wild goose chase and end up back here with nothing to show. I'm here for gold, not glory. I'm a hell of a good shot and good at taking orders. You get to boss me around, take all the fame, and slide me half the profit." Rebutted Wyck, in a cold watery whisper, mustering up as much siren as she could.
Last edited by lilbooth on Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nobudi » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:34 am

Bellatrix raised her arms defensively, saying, "You attacked first, and I'm a pacifist. What the hell do the three of you want even?"
She layered her voice with a level of hypnosis as she continued, "Why don't we work this out?"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:44 am

Yasker stayed silent the entire time she spoke, absorbing the information and thinking of his own response. Once she finished he placed his cup on the ground and took his hand off his dagger, folding his arms. "So you thought you would cozy up to a veteran to get the better jobs? I can't say I'm not flattered but as I said before I'm not a full hunter. Just a veteran affiliate." Getting closer until their chests were touching. "Will I get some good contracts? Probably, my skills at monster hunting are too good to waste. However... Not all of my jobs are purely monster-hunting. Some are about taking down more 'human' targets. Get my drift?" His voice cold and quiet as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "But something tells me you won't have a problem with that." Looking right into her eyes, as if daring her to say otherwise.

Yasker knew he didn't need her. That she'd just be another liability that could ruin his perfectly constructed reputation within the Hunter's Guild, not to mention he was already in the middle of a personal job. But that wasn't what he had told her. "Either way you can stick around, if not to keep me entertained." His voice regaining its general lightness."What's your name sweetheart?" Obviously teasing as he backed up a bit to retrieve his cup.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby exalted » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:44 am

"Mikhail! Guard." Katya barked at her wolf to secure her prize before she headed to the next.

Pausing for a moment to survey the situation she charged after the female shark next, before it bit the 'pacifist' in half and spat coward overboard. She hoped the other woman could at least hold off the last until she got there, and having a breeding pair of sharks would be a nice start to this contract.

Bounding off a crate of cargo left on the deck she jumped down upon the female shark, bringing the belaying pin down on her head just like she did with the last shark.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Gorutsuki » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:49 am

For two days, two whole days Lia had to sit back and wait for the other hunters to arrive, constantly teased with the promise and the smell of food. It was irritating her so much that she thought she was going to dig a hole in the floor from how much she was tapping her foot. "Urgh, fucking finlly, been waiting too damn long to get to you my little pretties!" As soon as anyone was allowed to get some of the food she almost pounced towards them, licking her lips with her rather long tongue, grabbing a plate and filling it up with a bit of everything. Looking to her left and right she began stalking back to her little corner, seeing that weird looking blue scaled woman talking to some of the other hunters, she debated about walking over there. But like a beast that has caught their prey after waiting for so long she was going to go back to her lair and feast happily.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Lorielle » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:57 am

"Fuck!" Aria screams out as she drops her bow and quickly pulls her dagger since the shark had engaged her so close. Her head wouldnt stop spinning and she swung wildly in every direction making sure the hammer head wasnt going to get anywhere near her. "Kruz! Distract!" She called for her falcon hoping to get him to pack at the sharks face so she could back up and sling an arrow towards the beast
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:02 am

With the festivities going around her, Octave found herself in a little quiet spot, away from other people while munching away on her fruit. Of course she has bananas, it's pretty much a staple of her diet, but she did get other samples just to give them a try, but the time is spent munching away and watching the other hunters go about and chatting things up. She knows that she can't avoid socializing at this point, since a good portion of this deal with communication and with how she feels, getting anything straight out of her is going to end with someone getting hurt. She does hope to rectify that, but her own research is going to get in the way, which is leaving her a bit conflicted on the matter.

As she is eating and finishing up another banana, she picks up the conversation with Tamara and the woman in the blue armor. Octave barely got a lot of it, but she did manage to capture something about killing monsters and turning them into armor. Looking down at herself, it's pretty clear that Octave is in need of armor, because she's practically walking around town with nothing on but her short shorts, shoulder cape, gloves and gold body jewelry given by her mother. Plus with how tall she is and the path of fighting she has taken up, having heavy armor will wear her down. There is potentially something she can use and find that'll help her move with more sturdier and harder material, but she'll worry about it for later.

For now, seeing the wolf girl on the move, Octave takes this time to finally do some socialization and see if she can make a friend here. Bringing all of her stuff with her, the monkey hunter approaches the wolf and gives her a tap on the shoulder. "Hey, mind if I join you, miss?"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Gorutsuki » Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:11 am

Adjusting her straps with one hand, Lia was a little startled as she felt someone poking her shoulder. Turning around on the spot she was met with a rather scantily clad looking monkey girl. Giving her a look that was a mix between a glare and a look of boredum she cleared her throat. "Well, I guess it wouldn't be too bad to sit in the company of another hybrid, just don't go touching my food and we'll be fine." The monkey girl's attire made her look at her own get up. A simple black top that covered her D cup breasts, the b cups below that one and then the two simple nipples below those. The straps she was wearing that held her bag, also had a few pouches with some snacks and her other small tools, and to top it all off she was sporting some short shorts that helped show of her rather furry legs, that was way fluffier looking than the rest of her.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:23 am

Octave gave a good lookdown of the the wolfgirl, and quite literally with the massive height difference between the two of them is, and she simply nods in response. It appears she had made the wrong choice in picking a seating partner, but understandable given how they just met and they are complete and total strangers, especially with their species. "Don't worry, I got my own food to worry about," she replied, taking a bite into another banana. "Besides, I don't eat meat, so you really have nothing to worry about that."

Although looking down at the wolf's furry legs has her thinking about touching that instead. They look rather soft and she really wants to rub her hands through it. Octave shakes her head, remembering that they just met and anything like that will probably have her on the menu. So she simply goes to eating her food and tries to come up with something to talk about. "Sooooo... you're a hunter? What exactly do you do?"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nicoffee » Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:47 am

Town Square - ALL HERE

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Irina nodded yet again in agreement. "Perhaps it will! I could give you a few tips, if you'd like." The Guild Leader proposed, smirking a little bit. She examined Tamara up and down and chuckled. "We could wrestle some too, if you want. Hah!" She laughed, casually patting the girl's back before her eyes spotted something, namely, a group of twenty domesticated orcs, all carrying a massive barrel. As indicated by a symbol of a local guild tattooed on their bare chests. The guild symbol was often associated to the leader of the local Guild branch, as such, the symbol for this branch was a blue and white symbol, of a dragon spitting lightning bolts. "Ah! You finally brought the beer!" She announced happily, walking over to them. Once the orcs set the barrel down, a small goblin, bearing the same symbol, though on his clothes instead of tattooed on, came over and slammed a small faucet into the barrel. Satisfied, Irina was the first to go and sip from it, picking up flagon and filling it up.

"You guys took a while...Did something happen?" She questioned the orcs. The orcs glanced nervously at each other and then the goblin actually was the one to speak up. "Pete sprained his ankle on the way here, since we had to go up a ledge, we waited until he felt better before continuing!" Irina blinked a few times, seemingly a bit suspicious but shrugged and took her first sip from the flagon. "Oh well, it's whatever. You made it early, anyw-" She was cut off as she began coughing, hard. "...Geez...This has a lot more punch than I remember." She joked, before she continued coughing...And coughing. Covering her hand up with her mouth as she did. Blood dripped in-between her fingers. Irina stood completely still for a moment...Before she collapsed to the floor.

There was a moment of deadly silence that seethed in the square for a short bit. One of the women serving the food ran over to Irina, setting the plate of food down to see if she was okay, she was instantly knocked out, as one of the goblins suddenly charged over and punched her in the face. The rest orcs, in synchronization, tossed the massive barrel of beer to the floor, shattering it to pieces and quickly revealing its contents to be not only beer, but also the barrel had been filled with a variety of clubs and tribal axes. Each of the orcs took one and suddenly charged for the people of the outpost! Meanwhile, the goblin grabbed Irina, who was clearly still alive, though immobilized and repeatedly coughing, by her feet and started dragging her away, past the crowd of raging orcs, who were now just charging at anyone who they saw, though they seemed to be actually trying to defend the goblin as he pulled the knocked out Guild Leader away.

The Grand Mistress

Bellatrix and Katya

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Tiger Shark Composure Roll (5) - 5

Bellatrix Manipulation Roll (2, 6+, 6+, 5, 5) - 24 ((Damn son.))

The Tiger Shark blinked a few times and seemingly pacified almost immediately. "...All right...Yeah...We don't need to fight..." She stated, in a bit of a trance, lowering her guard.

Tiger Shark Dexterity Roll (X) - Pacified by Bellatrix

Katya Strength Roll (5,2) - 7

Katya then bonked the tiger shark upside the head, just like she had done to the last one, except this time, the pin just broke as it smacked against her head. The tiger shark slowly turned around. "...That's...Cheating." Before slowly falling to the side and slamming against the floor, unconscious.


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Aria Dexterity Roll (3, 6+,X,6+,3 - 3rd Dice canceled due to disorientation) - 18

Hammerhead Shark Dexterity Roll (4,2) - 6

As the Hammerhead shark was about to charge at you again, you flailed your dagger about wildly and you felt it cut on something rather soft, you saw a squirt of blood flying off as the Shark then held his face in terror. "FUCK! MY EYE!" He whined, only to then begin being pecked at by Kruz. He was occupied with the bird for a bit and the pain of now only having a single eye as he flailed his arms about, not even noticing you going for your bow. The shark glanced around again and saw both of his comrades knocked out. He frowned and dashed off to the railing, aiming to jump off. Before he jumped though, you managed to take a shot with your bow.

Aria Dexterity Roll (3, 4, X - 3rd Dice canceled due to disorientation) - 7

Hammerhead Shark Dexterity Roll (6, 2, 1) - 9

But you missed, the arrow barely wheezing past his side before he jumped off into the water and began swimming away as fast as he could.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Lorielle » Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:53 am

Aria quickly scrambles to the edge of ship drawing her bow again searching for the hammerhead shark, but takes a couple deep breathes remembering her oaths of honor and goes to check on her fellow hunters as well as the two other shark beasts. "So you two managed to do fairly well."
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Re: Hoonters

Postby cliffracer » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:01 am

Tamara's eyes go wide seeing Irina's violent reaction to drinking that beer, but she was about to leave that be and let the serving girl make sure she's alright. Of course, the plan didn't really go that well once the goblin stepped in to start the raid. She stamps a solid foot on the ground as she stands, unable to keep a low voice.
"AAAAALRIGHT, MAGGOTS. Who's first?! Who's the one who came up with that idiotic idea?!"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:04 am

Yasker hadn't been paying attention towards the square for a while. He had gotten some of the ale beforehand so the Orcs bringing in a bunch of beer seemed unimportant to him. That was until he heard the crash of the barrels and saw what was truly happening. "Why don't you tell me your name after this...." Tossing his cup to the side as he pulled out his curved dagger from under his cloak. Yasker was a strong believer in not revealing all of your trade secrets unless you were being paid to and Yasker was not being paid to save Irina as far as he knew so he wasn't going to bite off more than he could chew or use his chain-sickle. And that thought brought in another interesting notion, getting paid for rescuing Irina. He pulled down his hat as he prepared to put his plan into action.

He was fairly decent from the center of the square, not to mention most of the hunters were going to immediately engage the Orcs head-on, meaning there would be very Orcs that would even manage to reach him before he left. Having been at the outpost for a few days, Yasker already knew some of the alleyways and side-streets, knowledge he put to the test as he watched which way the goblin went before running out of the square to attempt cutting him off through shortcuts and speed. "Sometimes you are just too clever, Yasker." Complimenting himself for his plan to earn coin and glory.
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