Town Square - ALL HERESpoiler (click to show/hide):
Irina nodded yet again in agreement. "Perhaps it will! I could give you a few tips, if you'd like." The Guild Leader proposed, smirking a little bit. She examined Tamara up and down and chuckled. "We could wrestle some too, if you want. Hah!" She laughed, casually patting the girl's back before her eyes spotted something, namely, a group of twenty domesticated orcs, all carrying a massive barrel. As indicated by a symbol of a local guild tattooed on their bare chests. The guild symbol was often associated to the leader of the local Guild branch, as such, the symbol for this branch was a blue and white symbol, of a dragon spitting lightning bolts. "Ah! You finally brought the beer!" She announced happily, walking over to them. Once the orcs set the barrel down, a small goblin, bearing the same symbol, though on his clothes instead of tattooed on, came over and slammed a small faucet into the barrel. Satisfied, Irina was the first to go and sip from it, picking up flagon and filling it up.
"You guys took a while...Did something happen?" She questioned the orcs. The orcs glanced nervously at each other and then the goblin actually was the one to speak up. "Pete sprained his ankle on the way here, since we had to go up a ledge, we waited until he felt better before continuing!" Irina blinked a few times, seemingly a bit suspicious but shrugged and took her first sip from the flagon. "Oh well, it's whatever. You made it early, anyw-" She was cut off as she began coughing, hard. "...Geez...This has a lot more punch than I remember." She joked, before she continued coughing...And coughing. Covering her hand up with her mouth as she did. Blood dripped in-between her fingers. Irina stood completely still for a moment...Before she collapsed to the floor.
There was a moment of deadly silence that seethed in the square for a short bit. One of the women serving the food ran over to Irina, setting the plate of food down to see if she was okay, she was instantly knocked out, as one of the goblins suddenly charged over and punched her in the face. The rest orcs, in synchronization, tossed the massive barrel of beer to the floor, shattering it to pieces and quickly revealing its contents to be not only beer, but also the barrel had been filled with a variety of clubs and tribal axes. Each of the orcs took one and suddenly charged for the people of the outpost! Meanwhile, the goblin grabbed Irina, who was clearly still alive, though immobilized and repeatedly coughing, by her feet and started dragging her away, past the crowd of raging orcs, who were now just charging at anyone who they saw, though they seemed to be actually trying to defend the goblin as he pulled the knocked out Guild Leader away.
The Grand MistressBellatrix and KatyaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Tiger Shark Composure Roll (5) - 5
Bellatrix Manipulation Roll (2, 6+, 6+, 5, 5) - 24 ((Damn son.))
The Tiger Shark blinked a few times and seemingly pacified almost immediately. "...All right...Yeah...We don't need to fight..." She stated, in a bit of a trance, lowering her guard.
Tiger Shark Dexterity Roll (X) - Pacified by Bellatrix
Katya Strength Roll (5,2) - 7
Katya then bonked the tiger shark upside the head, just like she had done to the last one, except this time, the pin just broke as it smacked against her head. The tiger shark slowly turned around. "...That's...Cheating." Before slowly falling to the side and slamming against the floor, unconscious.
AriaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Aria Dexterity Roll (3, 6+,X,6+,3 - 3rd Dice canceled due to disorientation) - 18
Hammerhead Shark Dexterity Roll (4,2) - 6
As the Hammerhead shark was about to charge at you again, you flailed your dagger about wildly and you felt it cut on something rather soft, you saw a squirt of blood flying off as the Shark then held his face in terror. "FUCK! MY EYE!" He whined, only to then begin being pecked at by Kruz. He was occupied with the bird for a bit and the pain of now only having a single eye as he flailed his arms about, not even noticing you going for your bow. The shark glanced around again and saw both of his comrades knocked out. He frowned and dashed off to the railing, aiming to jump off. Before he jumped though, you managed to take a shot with your bow.
Aria Dexterity Roll (3, 4, X - 3rd Dice canceled due to disorientation) - 7
Hammerhead Shark Dexterity Roll (6, 2, 1) - 9
But you missed, the arrow barely wheezing past his side before he jumped off into the water and began swimming away as fast as he could.