http://www.legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5716Ah~~! Eopeth! A land of opportunity! These lands were ripe with monsters and treasure, for those with the wits, the guts and the charm to acquire it. It had been a few months since the first expedition came to this place, since then, they had built up their little outpost with sweat, blood and...Well, let's stick to those two for now. The outpost was just by the western shore of the island, built between two great rivers. The outpost was currently small, but it was slowly growing, with little houses built out of mostly wood, though a few of the bigger ones possessed a little stone, to add to the structural stability. Right now, the small outpost had 5 points of interest. The docks where ships came and went to drop new inhabitants, the Guild HQ, where all matters related to the Beast Hunter guild were handled, the residential area, which was in constant expansion as new people flooded into the city, the main square, where most people met and talked,a garden had been built at the center of it, and though still small, it had a rather nice ambiance, and finally, the Market, where the few non-hunters who had tagged along to this land had set up their shops.
This outpost was just received a huge load of new inhabitants, namely, you. The wide open dirt streets, now deserted, would soon be filled with several different hunters, a few already mingling about. The guild had announced, through town cries and posters, that they wanted to gather up all of the new hunters in the town square for a great proper welcome. Supposedly, the local Guild Leader would be there, a veteran Beast Hunter, and this would also mark the actual opening of the Guild's Expeditions, which had been restricted until further notice by the Guild.
The gathering was announced to be at 9:00 AM in the town square. It is currently 5:30 AM...To bring all these different people to Eopeth, the Guild had provided ships, separating the hunters in groups of three, so they could socialize separately at first.
Bellatrix, Aria and Katya.
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It had been long two days of sea voyaging, but you were finally nearing Eopeth, the small outpost appearing in the horizon as your ship closed in to it. The voyage had been, surprisingly, rather uneventful. As you approached the docks, you were also able to see the other ship, occupied by three hunters such as yourselves. A loud voice echoed around the ship, a voice which you had, sadly, gotten familiar with in these past few days. "Oi! We're almost there, ladies!" Captain Baharl was a retired Beast Hunter a big buff body and brown hair on his face and his chest, mostly exposed as he only used a large coat and baggy pants, even keeping his feet bare, owner of the ship "The Grandmistress" though...It really lacked anything "Grand" about it, it was an old beaten up ship, which you couldn't help but wonder how it even managed to stay afloat. The fact that the whole hull was filled with holes and the fact every step caused creaks all over the ship, which, mind you, left you with many sleepless nights. Regardless, that would soon be over, as you neared the docks to Eopeth.
Octave, Tamara and Nydia
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Like the rest of your comrades, you had been put in a boat with other two hunters who were set up to start operating in the area of Eopeth, as well as you. You had been in this ship for four days...You were supposed to have arrived earlier, but you sadly had to deal with a monster attack on the way here. The ship was mostly intact, seeing as your ship was actually attacked by something a bit more...Subtle. A group of mermaids had attempted to get you all to the bottom of the sea, but through your joined efforts you had managed to survive and get "The Happy Ladd" away from that predicament...Not thanks to your captain, though. The captain, Captain Moira, was a woman probably around her late twenties, early thirties...Supposedly she was a veteran hunter, though how quickly she had fallen for the mermaid's spell made you think otherwise. Her demeanor was also rather meek, as she used fancy and scholarly clothes, which led you to think that her many years of experience in the Guild weren't actually spent on the field. Regardless, she had a boat and offered to take you guys to Eopeth...And now here you were, finally. Looking out in the distance, you spotted two things, Eopeth itself and the other ship that had actually departed after you...Supposedly because the ship still needed repairs or something, it was somewhat disheartening to see it arrive at the same time as you, to say the least.
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Smoke, in the distance. A fire place? No...Definitely not, you also hear voices, human voices. Cutting through the woods a bit longer, you proceed forward, spotting the human settlement you heard had been established around this area. Part of you didn't expect it to actually be actually so close to the remains of your home, but then again, supposedly some of your people used to come here to trade...So judging by how fast they came and went, it's not a surprise, if they were fast enough to actually have gotten too far in such a short time, they wouldn't have-
At any rate. Some sort of party or commemoration seems to be occurring, you're not sure what yet. There's big banners, lots of food and drink...Music.
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It had only been a few hours since you had left the ship, having said your goodbyes to your old colleagues. They let you off a little further down the shore but it was easy to just follow the shore line to outpost, there seemed to be some sort of party going on. Looking out into the sea you spotted two ships incoming, maybe a welcoming party, of sorts? Not much you can do other than guess from where you were. You looked up ahead at Eopeth's docks, standing there, glancing out into the blue, you spotted a man, probably a local hunter. He glances around and spots you.
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This was the place, for sure. One of your contacts had informed of you this new land called Eopeth, which would be filled with exotic monsters and hidden relics. Not only that, a friend of yours at the Guild had leaked that one of the hunters assigned to this outpost carried with them a magical artifact that could grant powers to its wielder. As for which hunter actually carried that, however, you weren't able to find out. As far as you knew, they could be talking about one of the local veterans. But there was only one way to find out, either way...You had arrived at the locale a few days earlier, having caught a ride with a cult party disguised as a immigrant ship a few days ago. On the bright side, it allowed you to get a better feel for the city already, as you already knew your way around...On the bad side, however, you were requested to help with the preparations to receive the others hunters. Namely, you had been put at the docks and told to escort the other hunters to the center of town, once they arrived. Glancing to your side, however, you spotted a lone woman, possibly a hunter, walking along the shoreline.