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Postby Nicoffee » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:29 am

OOC: http://www.legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5716

Ah~~! Eopeth! A land of opportunity! These lands were ripe with monsters and treasure, for those with the wits, the guts and the charm to acquire it. It had been a few months since the first expedition came to this place, since then, they had built up their little outpost with sweat, blood and...Well, let's stick to those two for now. The outpost was just by the western shore of the island, built between two great rivers. The outpost was currently small, but it was slowly growing, with little houses built out of mostly wood, though a few of the bigger ones possessed a little stone, to add to the structural stability. Right now, the small outpost had 5 points of interest. The docks where ships came and went to drop new inhabitants, the Guild HQ, where all matters related to the Beast Hunter guild were handled, the residential area, which was in constant expansion as new people flooded into the city, the main square, where most people met and talked,a garden had been built at the center of it, and though still small, it had a rather nice ambiance, and finally, the Market, where the few non-hunters who had tagged along to this land had set up their shops.

This outpost was just received a huge load of new inhabitants, namely, you. The wide open dirt streets, now deserted, would soon be filled with several different hunters, a few already mingling about. The guild had announced, through town cries and posters, that they wanted to gather up all of the new hunters in the town square for a great proper welcome. Supposedly, the local Guild Leader would be there, a veteran Beast Hunter, and this would also mark the actual opening of the Guild's Expeditions, which had been restricted until further notice by the Guild.

The gathering was announced to be at 9:00 AM in the town square. It is currently 5:30 AM...

To bring all these different people to Eopeth, the Guild had provided ships, separating the hunters in groups of three, so they could socialize separately at first.

Bellatrix, Aria and Katya.

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It had been long two days of sea voyaging, but you were finally nearing Eopeth, the small outpost appearing in the horizon as your ship closed in to it. The voyage had been, surprisingly, rather uneventful. As you approached the docks, you were also able to see the other ship, occupied by three hunters such as yourselves. A loud voice echoed around the ship, a voice which you had, sadly, gotten familiar with in these past few days. "Oi! We're almost there, ladies!" Captain Baharl was a retired Beast Hunter a big buff body and brown hair on his face and his chest, mostly exposed as he only used a large coat and baggy pants, even keeping his feet bare, owner of the ship "The Grandmistress" though...It really lacked anything "Grand" about it, it was an old beaten up ship, which you couldn't help but wonder how it even managed to stay afloat. The fact that the whole hull was filled with holes and the fact every step caused creaks all over the ship, which, mind you, left you with many sleepless nights. Regardless, that would soon be over, as you neared the docks to Eopeth.

Octave, Tamara and Nydia

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Like the rest of your comrades, you had been put in a boat with other two hunters who were set up to start operating in the area of Eopeth, as well as you. You had been in this ship for four days...You were supposed to have arrived earlier, but you sadly had to deal with a monster attack on the way here. The ship was mostly intact, seeing as your ship was actually attacked by something a bit more...Subtle. A group of mermaids had attempted to get you all to the bottom of the sea, but through your joined efforts you had managed to survive and get "The Happy Ladd" away from that predicament...Not thanks to your captain, though. The captain, Captain Moira, was a woman probably around her late twenties, early thirties...Supposedly she was a veteran hunter, though how quickly she had fallen for the mermaid's spell made you think otherwise. Her demeanor was also rather meek, as she used fancy and scholarly clothes, which led you to think that her many years of experience in the Guild weren't actually spent on the field. Regardless, she had a boat and offered to take you guys to Eopeth...And now here you were, finally. Looking out in the distance, you spotted two things, Eopeth itself and the other ship that had actually departed after you...Supposedly because the ship still needed repairs or something, it was somewhat disheartening to see it arrive at the same time as you, to say the least.


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Smoke, in the distance. A fire place? No...Definitely not, you also hear voices, human voices. Cutting through the woods a bit longer, you proceed forward, spotting the human settlement you heard had been established around this area. Part of you didn't expect it to actually be actually so close to the remains of your home, but then again, supposedly some of your people used to come here to trade...So judging by how fast they came and went, it's not a surprise, if they were fast enough to actually have gotten too far in such a short time, they wouldn't have-
At any rate. Some sort of party or commemoration seems to be occurring, you're not sure what yet. There's big banners, lots of food and drink...Music.


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It had only been a few hours since you had left the ship, having said your goodbyes to your old colleagues. They let you off a little further down the shore but it was easy to just follow the shore line to outpost, there seemed to be some sort of party going on. Looking out into the sea you spotted two ships incoming, maybe a welcoming party, of sorts? Not much you can do other than guess from where you were. You looked up ahead at Eopeth's docks, standing there, glancing out into the blue, you spotted a man, probably a local hunter. He glances around and spots you.


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This was the place, for sure. One of your contacts had informed of you this new land called Eopeth, which would be filled with exotic monsters and hidden relics. Not only that, a friend of yours at the Guild had leaked that one of the hunters assigned to this outpost carried with them a magical artifact that could grant powers to its wielder. As for which hunter actually carried that, however, you weren't able to find out. As far as you knew, they could be talking about one of the local veterans. But there was only one way to find out, either way...You had arrived at the locale a few days earlier, having caught a ride with a cult party disguised as a immigrant ship a few days ago. On the bright side, it allowed you to get a better feel for the city already, as you already knew your way around...On the bad side, however, you were requested to help with the preparations to receive the others hunters. Namely, you had been put at the docks and told to escort the other hunters to the center of town, once they arrived. Glancing to your side, however, you spotted a lone woman, possibly a hunter, walking along the shoreline.
Last edited by Nicoffee on Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:37 am

Raylia stretched for a moment on the roadside feeling the fatigue slowly set in after the long trek through the wilds. She sheathed her blade knowing it wasn't a smart idea to walk into the middle of a settlement like that. She wondered how different it would be from her own home, she had never really left to see other towns and was curious to see how different other tribes were. Though she wasn't expecting much, hers of course was the best. Hearing the music she grinned approaching and quickly smelled the food and drink. She had a few valuables left over from the village to trade, this new tribe better cut her a fair deal on the food and drink though or she was going to bust some heads. Raylia headed towards the closest source of food or drink attempting to barter or 'persuade' the owner to part with some food.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Lorielle » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:08 am

Aria rolled her eyes and whistled for her falcon Kruz feeding him a food pellet before snacking on her own rather bland ration. "Finally ya old man. Im surprised we even made it here alive given the lower section of the ship is constantly ankle deep in water." The ranger places her falcon on a nearby barrel before checking over her equipment, making sure her bow hasnt rotted over, her dagger wasnt rusty, and her arrow's feathers werent rumpled. Once all that was in order Aria moves over port side of the ship and watches the sun rise awaiting all the new hunts that await her.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby cliffracer » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:20 am

Tamara hums quietly as she leans sideways on the ship's railing, staring out at Eopeth. The voyage was definately an exciting one thanks to the little... 'scuffle' the Ladd managed to get in to, but she just couldn't help sympathize for the Captain's inexperience getting her in a spot of trouble. She certainly appreciated fate's way of making the ship live up to its name, at least.
Tamara was quite satisfied once she got a bit to study the two hunters shipped with her, as well. She always did appreciate having someone more focused on quality-of-attack, being the type of hunter she is...
"Ahh, dry land... If I have to board another ship in my lifetime, it'll be too soon..."
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nobudi » Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:12 am

Bellatrix gave the captain a slap on the ass and a wink as she came up onto the deck, and took a deep breath of fresh air. "Thanks for the reminder Capt'n," she said cheekily before leaning on the starboard railing staring at the sky change from a dark violet to a steadily brightening hue of orange. "Top of the morning to you ladies as well. Bellatrix, Tamer in training and pervert, at your service," she said with a grin on her face. "Hope to work with you all in the future~."

In her arms were she traveler's bag, which held two spares of her dress, a pair of extra shoes, a small bestiary which her father had cherished decades ago but had been gifted to her, a journal that her stepmother and half sister had placed into her hands before her journey had gone underway and most importantly, a necklace from her mother before she had disappeared in the world again.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:26 am

Playing welcome party to other hunters was a waste of time and resources for Yasker but he knew he needed the eventual paycheck from the Guild to continue his endeavors. With a heavy and slightly irritated sigh, Yasker pulled down the brim of his wide leather hat to keep the rising sun out of his eyes as he waited for hunters to arrive. The sea winds were cold enough to make him glad that he had decided to wear his clothes and leather armor to the docks as the breeze blew against him, making his cloak flutter behind him. "What a load of bullshit to put me at the docks." He half-heartily grumbled. However, current job assignment aside, Yasker was quite excited and happy about how things were going. The entry into Eopeth had been smooth and the information he had been supplied with before departing had been quite reputable and fortuitous, even if it lacked details. The idea of a magic artifact being brought here by one of the newcomers actually made his current job worthwhile as it would allow him to meet some of the Hunters and vet them for artifacts. Of course that would only be the beginning of the fun that would be tracking down the owner of the artifact, thought making him unconsciously check the weapons under his cloak. A smirk ran across his face as he fingered the edges of his double bladed chain-sickle then the curved family heirloom dagger that he was so fond of. Since he wasn't actually doing any wetwork or exploration at the moment, he had opted to leave his poison and potion kit back at his room along with his other supplies.

At least now he could see someone approaching from the shoreline. At least it would give him someone to talk to or even investigate if the person turned out to be a hunter. He casually waved to get her attention before folding his arms after angling his hat to cast most of his face in shadows. "You wouldn't happen to be a hunter would you?" Shouting to get her attention in case she didn't see or misinterpreted his waving. "I've been assigned to help gather all the hunters new to Eopeth, regardless of experience." Giving an easy-going smile towards the woman if she decided to come closer.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby exalted » Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:19 am

Katya grumbled to herself as she was pulled from her uneasy sleep but shouting nearby. How anyone could feel cheery or sleep on these things was an amazement to her, the ground was not supposed to move or heave from side to side. Unwrapping her cloak from around her she stood up, forcing her wolf Mikhail from his slumber on her lap as she staggered from between the crates she'd used for shelter. For the duration of the trip is she had refused to go below decks of the floating death trap.

"And how do you what kind of goddamned morning it is?" She said sourly, empty stomach still rolling.

The sight of land only made her more desperate to get off the boat. Looking around the deck she saw Mikhail eyeing hungrily the oversized pigeon that belonged to the third hunter as it perched on a barrel. Creeping low his hind quarters tremored in anticipation as he readied to pounce, and she quickly hissed a warning at him to stop. Wolves were not meant for the sea.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:23 pm

The young monkey woman spent a good part of her trip taking a nap right up on the deck, spending a good time soaking in the rays and occasionally getting some training done. Normally she would be finding herself locked up in her room, meditating or working a little tinkering project to help pass her time, or more sleeping, but somehow she had the desire to spend her time out on the deck and get a view of the world around her. Along with getting to see the island where her father works is also a bonus to her, making her feel excited about getting the chance to potentially meet him after spending her whole life not knowing who this masked man was.

Although the time spent getting to the island was extended thanks to a little meet-and-greet with some of the local aquatic life, and she just watched the captain endured the whole mess with the little experience that she had. Not that she can blame them, but her appearance would have gave otherwise. Either way, as long as the cargo gets to its destination safely, she is more than grateful to the woman in charge and the crew for making it out of that situation.

Finally at the port, Octave wakes up from her nap and begins to make her way off. Her tail grabs onto her staff, pulling it close to her back before she hops up onto the railing of the boat and proceeds to walk all the way to where everyone is getting off, and sliding on down the edge before hopping onto the dock itself. That is just one thing she does admire about herself, being able to perform these kinds of acts and finding a way around without taking the more conventional methods. Octave stretches for a moment, looking up at the land around her and simply lets it all soak in for her as this is her new chance, the moment to finally get started on learning more about the world, experiment and to see if she can finally succeed in getting rid of this curse and reunite with her family.

Once she finishes her stretching, Octave decides to go on ahead just a bit, not wanting to stray too far from her group in case they need to be together, and see what is being offered around her.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Nicoffee » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:59 pm

Bellatrix, Aria and Katya

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(Dice rolls - Reminding a nat 6 awards an extra die and a 1 nulls out the next die to be thrown.)
Aria's Animalistic Lust Roll - 2 (No effects)
Bellatrix, Aria and Katya Wits Roll for ??? - (6+, 5, 5) 16, (1-, 4) 1 and (2, 1-) 3.

The ship continues to approach slowly to the shore. As Bellatrix slaps Captain Baharl's ass, he seems a bit surprised for a bit but then just laughs it off. "Glad to see I can still attract the ladies, eh?" He roared, proudly putting his fist to his chest. "...Aye. Maybe the lady would like to be the first to ride the cock boat?" He chuckled, satisfied with his own little naval flirt...Though he then quickly realized that if the girl actually knew about the names given to those things, she could interpret it as him wanting to kick her out of the ship. Baharl scratched his beard a bit. "U-Uh...I didn't mean it an offending way, by the way, I was trying to like...Nevermind." He shook his head and then just facepalmed. Monsters were just so much easier to deal with, honestly.

Bellatrix 15+ Wits Success - After watching the captain fumble about with his words, you look out to the sea...That's when you realize something. Though you ARE fast approaching the shore of Eopeth, you just now realize that the ship the line of the horizon seems to be slightly shifting upwards, bit by bit. Glancing down from the railings of the ship, you spot a few bubbles coming from under the ship...This ship is slowly sinking, though you get the feeling it will still be able to actually make it to shore, though your feet might get a bit wet. That's not what nabs greater attention though, what DOES grab your attention is a group of three fins in the water behind you, quietly tailing you as your ship sinks.

Octave, Tamara, Nydia and Yasker

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As your ship disembarked a bit earlier than the other one, Moira quickly flailed her arms about as you all began disembarking. "H-Hold on a bit! Did everyone remember to grab all of their belongings?" She questioned sheepishly, fixing her clothes up a bit. She pulled out what appeared to be a small monocle from her pocket and, after scrubbing it off a bit, placed it on her eye. "Maybe we should wait for Captain's Baharl ship to land as well, no? Besides, someone from the Guild should be coming over to escort us...She looked out and spotted Yasker, waving over to the man. "Oh! That must be him! W-Wait, where did that monkey girl go?"

A little bit ahead, Octave found herself still in the docks, though a short distance away from the ship. There was a small group of wooden buildings by the shore, namely fishing shacks, mostly. On one of the walls, she spotted one of the posters previously mentioned, stating where and when the Hunters were to meet. Looking off ahead, she spotted the town square itself, only a short walk away from there. With how small the outpost was, it even seemed a bit pointless for all these bureaucracies the guild had went through. The square seemed to be filled with people as they organized the event itself, a lot of food and drink set up for the arriving hunters.

Raylia and Lia

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Speaking of the town square, you now found yourself being led right into it. From what you could gather, apparently you had been assumed to be one of the hunters who had just arrived and you were just allowed to waltz right in. In fact, you found that all of the food and drink available there was being offered up for free as a sort of welcoming gift for the hunters. So no trading on your part would even be required as they just let you browse through it all. There were fish, meat and fresh produce of all kinds, juices and alcoholic beverages alike. There was a small podium for someone to speak on, though it was currently empty at the moment and, looking past the square and towards the docks, Raylia was able to spot those incoming hunters she had just been assumed to a part of.

You also spotted another hunter, closer by, or at least, you assumed her to be one. A hunter with claws, gray fur and and a ferocious appetite as she already had gotten started on serving herself at the small buffet available there. Lia had been having to deal with the smell of all this food being cooked for about two hours now, having arrived in Eopeth a yesterday night, she hadn't been allowed to touch until the food...Well, at least until now, that the other hunters showed up.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby cliffracer » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:16 pm

"Don't worry about me, Moira." She hefts a burlap sack over her shoulder, mostly just clothes, bits of metal for quick armor patches, and a couple rags for polishing. "Worry about catching up, she's gone up ahead."
She slowly steps out on to the dock, her legs thanking her for finally being on stable terrain.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:27 pm

Octave looks on ahead at the port village, amazed to see all sorts of new life here and curious to see how they will react to her. Her heart is beating a little quickly, nervous about the aura that still clings to the monkey and how it'll affect everyone once she moves in. The lingering scent of food is inviting her in, but Octave takes some steps back to prevent running too far off from the group and wanting to let them know where she is. She has all the time in the world to explore and get an idea of what is going to be her future here, even taking this chance to learn something about where her father is, so she just made her way back to the ship to regroup with the other hunters.

This also got her remembering that she left a bag aboard the ship and could use it. Even if she can get a fresh start here, she did pack the bag for a reason and doesn't want anyone else on the ship probing around, so she proceeds to hop right back on board. Literally, as she jumps up, climbs up along the hull and hops over the railing before making her way towards the room she was staying at to retrieve the bag. It would be a mistake to leave this particular bag behind, although she does question why she brought the very thing that cursed her to begin with, but part of it does come from wanting to finally put an end and kill the entity possessing it.

Once she got her bag, Octave makes her way back out of the ship and hops right in the group, hoisting the duffel bag over her shoulder. "Sorry about that, I forgot I even have this," she explained, smiling widely. "Anyway, I'll just go on ahead. I would like to explore~" The monkey waves the group off and heads on back down the path to the square, curious as to what she can eat at this port.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:48 pm

Normally 4 days on a vessel such as the "The Happy Ladd" would be unacceptable to Nydia, however she could not afford to be choosy anymore and she was honestly just glad the Guild had accepted her. That they had chosen to send her to such a remote location was also a blessing in disguise. Eopeth didn't look like much, but she supposed it was home now and no one from her family would think to find her here certainly. Now that they had finally arrived, Nydia took one last look at her rapier to ensure it remained unblemished after their encounter at sea. It was of superb craftsmanship so naturally it was unscathed but one could never be too careful.

Satisfied with it's condition, Nydia sheathed her sword before disembarking. She was coming here with only her blade and the clothes on her back, though she did have a nightgown and a spare outfit folded into the satchel at her side, so she merely regarded Captain Moira with a disdainful glance as she asked if they had forgotten anything. Nydia had been less than impressed with the woman during their skirmish with the mermaids and could only hope that she was the exception rather than the rul when it came to hunters. "Yes, let's get moving shall we?" She said echoing the sentiments of the other women she had been travelling with. She didn't want to go off on her own though so she waited for their guild escort to show them the way.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Lorielle » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:58 pm

Aria shook her head in disgust as the captain roared loudly. "Who would ever want to lay with a pig like you is out of their mind, captain. Though i am nonetheless grateful for passage. Come Kruz, Fly." Aria issues her usual command her companion to scout ahead toward the outpost then come back once its found anything of note.

Looking around the ranger spots another woman with a pet wolf approaching her. "Greetings huntress thats quite the wolf you have. Have you known him long?"
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:22 pm

"Captain Moira! I hope the winds were fair during your journey?" Yelling back to her as he watched each person come off the boat. He had heard of her through the hunter grapevine but had never met her. A veteran hunter like himself except she didn't specialize in field work like he did. "Will you be joining us at the outpost or are you just dropping off hunters?" Making casual talk as he tilted his hat up to show his face to the disembarkers, as well as watch them. He counted at least two, both females, neither showing any obvious signs of magical influence so his work would be cut out for him. "Greetings! I am Yasker, a veteran affiliate of the Hunter's Guild. I was asked to collect all the newly arrived hunters and bring them to the center of the town." Giving a small bow and a tip of the hat after his introductions. "If you are weary after your trip I do not mind carrying your bags." Of course he didn't plan on searching them immediately but he had heard of some artifacts that emitted waves of energy. If they could be felt then it would drastically slim down the whereabouts of the artifact.

No, there were three of them apparently.... Revising his earlier mental statement as he watched with great interest, a monkey-girl leap back onto the ship just to grab a single bag before jumping back onto the docks. She even landed near him before beginning to run off again, peculiar... "Wait!" He yelled after her. "I have orders to bring everyone to the center immediately! Probably to sort out living arrangements and such. It might be in your best interests to hold off on exploring for a little bit!" He didn't want one of his possible leads running off when he could keep an eye on all of them from right here. He wasn't going to physically stop her from running off, since he could always track her down later but he did need to make a fuss to at least seem like he cared about his job. "Otherwise we can leave right now for the square." He said with a smile as he scanned the two in front of him. One had no weapons to speak of and the other carried a sword of sorts, interesting indeed.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby cliffracer » Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:57 pm

"A good morning to you too. I'm Tamara." She gives a happy hum, appreciating his offer to carry. "I can handle my bag, though. I WILL allow you to lead me to the town center at your leisure. It seems like a pace that will allow me to sightsee before business begins. Mmh, as long as my bed isn't on the sea again, I don't think I'll mind where I end up too badly..."
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:41 pm

Octave didin't get any further than she did when she first took off to explore around the docks, stopping when she heard the man calling out to her, and she proceeds to step back to rejoin the group once again. She never intended to wander off any further and will gladly join the group into town, but the desire to explore is getting to the better of her, along with the scent of food making her stomach growl and she wants to get something to eat.

"Sorry, but I kinda want to check out the town," she replied, huffing as she adjusts the straps on her bag. "Anyway, I'm here, so is there anything you want me to know about where I'm gonna be staying at? Just as long as it's not flammable or I can get myself a basement to do some work down in, I should be all right." Octave takes a leg of hers and scratches an itch behind the other, dealing with it as she looks back at the town and waits to get going.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:55 pm

"A cold morning too, Tamara! I've been out here for two hours so I am quite eager to go back to my own bed later!" Chuckling lightly as he began to walk away from the docks. "I don't know if the Hunter's Guild will provide you with room and board or just enough coin to rent space but if you require a place to sleep or leave your belongings, I do have a place on the outskirts of the outpost. Those places tend to be cheaper since they're far from the docks and closer to the untamed areas so to speak." Finding a safehouse had been his first priority when reaching Eopeth. A place where his things could remain untouched and unfounded, where interrogations would go unheard. He hoped the Guild wouldn't try to move him into different boarding since they didn't know about the place and as far as they knew, Yasker was sleeping on the streets. A few people knowing wouldn't hurt since they would never know where it was unless he specifically led them there for some reason.

The monkey-girl had come back, as antsy as ever. Yasker stopped and stared at her for a few seconds, trying to look her in the eyes before continuing on away from the docks. "And your name would be?" A hybrid seemed more likely to be carrying an artifact, perhaps one of it's ancestors. But that didn't mean he could rule the others out, her behavior just made her most suspect of them all so far. "Would you like me to carry that bag for you?" Asking about the particular one she had jumped back aboard to grab while reaching out to casually grab it. He suspected she would say no like the rest but the devil was in the details of how forceful or with what emotion she would try to justify it with. His smile never left his face, the helpful facade the most aspect of his investigation. They couldn't know his plans or even suspect them otherwise things could go terribly wrong.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby VintageBass » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:09 pm

Octave takes notice of the man in charge of this little group and she simply looks at him with a little disgust, throwing up an eyebrow in curiosity. She did manage to catch where they might be ending up, which has her wondering about the conditions of the home. It didn't answer her question exactly, but at least there is a place she might go unless something comes up along the way and she takes that opportunity.

What is really getting her off is him asking for her bag, which has her stepping away from him and her tail uncurling her staff. Octave quickly grabs a hold of her weapon and snaps it around, letting it spin around her body before stopping it short of the man's hand, politely poking it away from her. "Sorry, but I can handle this on my own," she replied, narrowing her gaze on him. "You can see that I am capable of carrying this, so why exactly do you want to carry this? My stuff is personal, you don't need to go digging around other people's junk. Pervert."

She scoffs him off, returning her staff to its rightful place and tail curling it up to keep it tight to her body. However she does loosen up upon seeing the other girls. "And it's Octave, it's a pleasure meeting you girls," she said, waving to the others.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby FragranceofMtDew » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:32 pm

Nydia stood by silently as their escort greeted them and the others introduced themselves. "Octave, Tamara and... Yasker was it? A pleasure." She finally said when it came to be her turn, though her tone didn't really indicate that it was a pleasure at all. "I am.... You may call me Nydia." She hesitated somewhat at her introduction, taking care not to use her full name. She had taken great pride in her family and so that would be a particularly difficult habit to break.

Octave and Yasker seemed to be having a bit of a spat over carrying bags or some such. Nydia cared not for their affairs but she did want to move things along. "If you two are quite done, I believe you said you were to be bringing us to the square. Please Yasker, by all means lead the way." Nydia said, putting on her most charming smile in hopes that it would help the situation.
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Re: Hoonters

Postby Reaver » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:54 pm

"I assure you, I have no ill intentions towards you. I would think, even a simple 'monkey' could tell I'm just trying to be helpful, nothing more." Returning the insult to his character with one of his own, to comfort his pride. Yasker’s smile never left his face during the confrontation, nor did his hands leave his side, with his weapons inches away from his fingers. "Of course Nydia, apologies for the hold up. It is also a pleasure to meet you as well." Glancing her way to give her a small smile. She seemed like a no nonsense girl, his type. Perhaps she could be of use later on.

Gross overreaction to a simple request, followed by an attempt to raise a barrier against any future interactions. That was a good sign that she might be his person, then again maybe she was just distrustful of full humans. Regardless, it at least confirmed part of his suspicions that the rude hybrid called Octave seemed likely to be holding the artifact, probably in that very bag. At least he knew things would get rather interesting when he would eventually get the information out of her. He almost wanted to pull one of his own weapons out to show that he was a threat as well, but knew nothing would be gained and in fact there was a chance he would lose the trust of the others. "There wasn't a need to make a scene. A simple no would have sufficed, just remember we're all in a foreign land, we'll need to stick together." Turning away from her to continue to walk.
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