by Riptide » Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:31 am
Rip wanted to verbally tear apart this idiotic barman, but refrained out of preserving the girl's safety, and for continuing the streak of narrowly avoided conflicts. Instead, he happily agrees with the Barman.
"I'm working on the town's pump tommorrow. I'll go shirtless and see if I bring any thirsty girls over. If I do, that girl is al yours. If not, I guess I'm having an extended stay to repay you. See ya around."
Rip carries the woman outside, and looks for a safe, out of sight, place to set her down. When he does, he kneels down, and starts to engage with her.
"Look, I'm going to attract a lot of attention carrying you through this town. I'll escort you back to your bus, but you're going to have to walk with me. You could hate me all you want, but your girls need you, and I'm going to see through to it that they get back their strong leader."