Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:44 pm

Hello there, folks! I'm relatively new here around the forums and I originally came here to post about my game project, Hoonters. (http://www.legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=5697) But I also took great interest in the RP community here and after skulking around and getting a few for how RPs run around here, I wanted to try a hand at making my own. I do have experience GMing Roleplays and have done so before, though it's been a while so you'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit rusty. So, what is this RP about? Well, as you might've guessed by now, it will be set in the world of the game I'm developing...Pretentious? A bit, yeah, I admit, sorry. But hey! I figured this was a good way as any to possibly call attention to my project, while simultaneously having some fun and possibly toying with some fun ideas which might get put into the game itself later on.

So! What is Hoonters about?

Hoonters is set in a Fantasy Medieval World (Orcs, Goblins, Nagas, swords, Crossbows, etc) , where the world is populated by Humans and by an immense group of creatures, commonly simply referred to as "Beasts" or "Monsters". In this world, though Beasts and Monsters FAR out number the number of humans, what with their several different types, the two are able to co-exist semi-peacefully. Beasts have special properties, directly connected to their fluids, which allow them control over magic and also boost their resistances to disease, healing, pheromones and a bunch of other things. With that in mind, the Humans organized huge Beast Hunter Guilds, with the intent of harvesting these monster's resources and using it for themselves, creating medicine, commodities and several other inventions.

With the use of Monster Fluids, humanity has flourished. Humans settlements are constantly growing and finding new ways to harvest and other domesticate monsters and use them for their own gain. With that, there came the need for there to be more hunters and more Guilds, as new patches of land started being discovered, revealing many different monster races with new and intriguing effects.

Though the game happens in a far off archipelago of islands, isolated from the rest of the world, this RP will be occurring in another region of this world, a single continent called Eopeth, which is also currently being explored and expanded on, with the Guild having already set an Outpost in the Western Side of the Continent, between the two points where the rivers connect to the sea.

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Map with Areas (Will be updated as necessary)
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Town is the Eopeth Hunter Outpost.

Forests are located in a slope of land. It is HEAVILY populated with monsters.

The Lake is another area you guys can go to, not much to see here though and since there are no available paths across it at the moment...Yeah, it's mostly just a pretty sight. This area is MILDLY populated with monsters.

The Marshes are just that, marshes, not much else to be said about them. They are filled with non-aggressive monsters such as half-sheep and other pacific monsters. This area is LIGHTLY populated with monsters.

Hills, Swamps, Cliffs and Mountains: Unexplored as of yet.

How will this RP work?

The idea for this RP is that all player characters will be hunters recently assigned to this Outpost, having just arrived on this patch of land. Though their experience varies, they'll all have the duty of going out on hunting expeditions, not only for their own entertainment but also for money and to help this outpost expand. While out hunting, you must work together (Or against) your fellow hunters as you all try to capture each bigger and badder monsters and expand the Outpost. Once the group finds a monster, they must fight it and attempt to subdue to extract fluids from them, whichever way they prefer. Likewise, however, monsters in this world are no push overs, they can and WILL fight back with not only brute strength but also smarts, and although many monsters will be satisfied with simply getting off with you and then leaving you unconscious, this is not true for all of them. Some monsters CAN be lethal if engaged unprepared and will have no mercy on your character if they manage to defeat you.

Expeditions usually last about around a week and my original plan for the Roleplay was to have everyone go in the same expedition to start off with. (Though they don't need to actually be working entirely together, as whoever brings the prize back to the Outpost is the one who gets rewarded and that is as far as the Guild Concerns itself in regards to sharing rewards) And later on, depending on how things go, we can have multiple expeditions running at once. While out on expeditions, the monster you're hunting and their own traps aren't the only thing you have to be concerned about, as there's a fair few things out in the wilds that are looking out to assault you. Worrying about basic survival needs is something that can vary, usually the guild provides Hunters with plentiful supplies for going out on expeditions, but unexpected events can happen and at that point, your character needs to be ready to put their training to test so that they can survive out away from civilization.

Character Sheet
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Gender: (No preference regarding character gender, you may make them male or female. Herms are also an option, though they're usually the result of human-monster hybrids.)

Race: (Your character can be a regular human or a hybrid between a monster and a human. Full monsters are not allowed as they far too feral to live alongside humans without having been tamed by a hunter and even then, they are then bound to that hunter from that point forward, so unless you're making a monster character that was tamed by another character, pick a human or hybrid. In regards to actual races for making hybrids, you can feel free to come up with whatever kind of fantasy race you wish, dragons, orcs, goblins, mermaids, fairies, ogres, trolls, nagas, wolves, kitsunes or whatever else comes to you. Just keep in mind that Hybrids are often considered more human than monster and have no access to magic like part of their ancestors do. On the bright side, this also means they are able to usually to get along fine with "natural" humans without much discrimination, though some is not unheard of.)

Age: (Most humans live around 50 to 60 years. Hybrids can live longer or less than that, depending on what they're hybrids with.)

Perks and skills: (What does your character do that differs them from others? Are they particularly good with swords? Are they a blacksmith? Do they have a special physical characteristic?)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks: (What does your character fail at and has trouble with? Do they have any medical conditions? Maybe they require some specific kind of medicine on a daily basis? Please try to keep the same number of positive and negative characteristics.)

Appearance: (What does your character look like? Picture preferred, but not demanded.)

(Hunters are divided in classes. This is not something featured in the actual game, but I decided to put it here to make my life a bit easier. Instead of defining your stats one by one, you must pick a class for your character and that will provide you bonuses on any task you attempt to perform, any task from that kind will be set up in a way similar to the World of Darkness Storytelling System. More on that later, let's just say your class is defined by your three choices for Mental, Social and Physical Styles. Feel free to name the class whatever you wish, but inform me of what were your choices too.)

(Pretty self explanatory. Who is your character? What did they do before becoming a hunter? Were they happy? Why did they become a hunter? Etc.)

About the System that will be used in this.

As stated in the character sheet, the system used here will be roughly based on the Storytelling System used by The World of Darkness series. There are a total of 9 Attributes, which you decide by picking what is most important for your character out of 6 tags.

The nine attributes and the six tags are organized as follows:
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Attributes Table
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To make your Class, you pick one Tag from the upper side and one tag from the left side. And all associated skills get a +1 for each time a tag related to them is picked. That means you will have four Attributes at Lv 1, four at Lv2 and one at lvl 3. When a challenge presents itself to you, I will roll a number of D6 equal to your level related on the associated Attribute. With a natural 6 resulting in an extra dice and a 1 removing one dice from the roll, if there were any left.

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As an example. Trying to just downright punch a a monster in the face would be a Strength test, trying to evade the monster and wear it down with previously set up traps would be a test of Wits and, finally, trying to resist a monster who attempts to seduce your hunter would be a test of Composure.

When rolling, difficulties tend to go as follows:
Trivial: 0 (Opening a door)
Easy: 4 (Hearing a bunch of goblins sharpening their weapons on the other side of the door.)
Medium: 12 (Kicking the door down.)
Hard: 15 (Opening the door and slipping inside without being noticed.)
Challenging: 20 (Figuring out the goblins positions on the other side of the door based on the sound of their weapons.)

To conclude, I try to be fair and just when GMing, if your character gets themselves into a pretty bad situation, I will give them opportunities to get away from that, but I won't babysit characters who often tend to do reckless things and get themselves in danger constantly.

List of Monster Fluids and their effects
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Ogre fluids provide a bonus to natural regeneration, repeated use will cause the the user to start growing taller and their bones to grow thicker. Irresponsible use can cause heart problems as the user's body begins growing too big for their own cardio to deal with. Lasts a day.

Orc fluids provide a boost to strength, but repeated use will cause an increase in appetite, especially meat. Lasts a day.

Shark fluids are used for medicinal reasons and cause buoyancy for a few hours after being ingested. Lasts 12 hours.

Goblin fluids provide a boost to wits, but repeated use will make you clear headed and aloof while not under the effects of it. Lasts 12 hours.

Pigman fluids provide a MASSIVE Strength bonus for a period of time but, sadly, for that period, the user loses all sense of friend or foe and essentially goes berserk, always just hitting whatever is nearest to them until the effect dies down. Lasts roughly 30 minutes.

Alraune fluids - ???

Alraune Seeds - If ingested, the seeds will grow inside of the host and take over control of the body, turning them into a minion, the only way to cure this is ???.

Alligator fluids - Provides a +1 to Strength AND Stamina. Extensive use can cause the user's skin to become permanently thicker, to the point where movements can become somewhat restricted.

Fairy fluids provide temporary flight to whoever ingests it, in the form of very slow hovering. Repeated use will cause the user to start growing smaller in size, extensive use causes death by hemorrhage.

Salamander fluids are poisonous, cause paralysis.

Minotaur fluids are poisonous, they cause drowsiness and, if ingested repeatedly, the effects become less powerful but begin causing addiction.

Naga fluids are poisonous, though the result of the poison changes from species to species of naga. Some cause burning, others cause hallucinations, necrosis, etc.

Ectoplasm - Effects vary from source of ectoplasm.

Dragon fluids has a wide variety of effects, normally, they put the user in a "Ascended" state in which they essentially turn into a dragon hybrid for a short period of time, also gaining a few short-lived magical abilities which would be unachievable otherwise, usually knocks out users once the effect wears off. Lasts roughly thirty minutes to an hour. Repeated use causes hallucinations and madness, with the victim beginning to believe themselves to be a dragon, even when not under the effects of the fluids.

Mimic fluids - ???


Accepted Characters - Further registrations currently closed!




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Name: Wyck

Gender: Female

Race: Hybrid (Human+Siren)

Age: 23

Perks and skills:
Sharp Shooter: Wyck can shoot much further and much more accurately with a variety of projectile weapons than the average user.
Steady Legs: Being accustomed to unstable condition have made Wyck very stable on her feet, she is less likely to slip and fall or be knocked over.
Jury Rigging: Wyck is capable of making simple mechanical processes function with bits and bobs and otherwise junk
Regina Serpens: Wyck's time spent among the gators has fostered an interesting relationship between the two. Her repetitive breeding sessions have made her body acclimate to further reptilian interaction. (+1 manipulation to rolls for all reptilian monsters)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
Too Beautiful a Voice: Wyck's siren ancestry has left her with a terribly stunted voice, she is unable to speak at a normal volume or sing without horrific screeches ensuing. She is forced to whisper or not speak at all.
Without Water Without Soul: Wyck's love and apparent physical need for water manifests as a -1 resolve if she is away from a body of water for a few days.
Greed: Wyck is driven solely by wealth, she would bath in gold, if she didn't prefer water. She'll do damn near anything to get more, and sure as hell has a hard time letting it go.
Cold Blooded: Wyck struggles to maintain a normal mammalian body heat and somewhat frequently needs to bask in the sun, or warm herself by a fire, or what some might consider more than friendly bodily contact. Her cold-blooded nature has also manifested in a stronger blood lust than she harbored before. ( more easily damaged by cold or frost related effects, and has a 25% chance to keep fighting after an enemy surrender)

Class: Finesse+Mental Pirate, Helmsman
Dex: 4
Wits: 3
Manipulation: 2
Strength: 1
Stamina: 1
Intelligence: 2
Resolve: 2
Composure: 1
Presence: 1

Wyck was born and lived nearly her entire life at sea. Her father was one of many sailors lured to their death every year by a group of lustful and hungry sirens. Her conception, mother, and however she found passage aboard a ship after her birth were all a mystery. What wasn't a mystery was her terrible living conditions and misspent youth. Wyck was always small and quite, leaving her void of most attention onboard the multiple ships of her youth. Once Wyck had matured physically her small stature had little effect on the amount of attention and harassment she received. By this time in her life she was no stranger to hard work and very accustomed to the workings of a ship. She spoke with a few other low ranking members of the crew and eventually caused a mutiny, seizing the ship and beginning a very rich career in piracy. Wyck heard of the recent expeditions to Eopeth and sought to take advantage of ship traffic to the continent. Her first mark left the sea a touch prematurely and rode up river. Wyck decided to follow the mark up river and found herself at an interestingly fortified outpost. With what looked like plenty of wealth to go around, Wyck disembarked from her ship and waved the rest of the crew on. Whatever was going on here she wanted a piece of it.

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Name: Katya

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 19

Perks and skills:

1) The Woods are Lovely Dark and Deep: Katya is used being self sufficient and living on her own in the woods. Katya is able to craft appropriate tools and items, scavenge and track food and remain unnoticed more easily in a wooded or forested area.

2) And Miles to go, before I sleep: Katya is used to being constantly on the run and does not tire easy.

3) Performer: When unable to trade her skills or trappings Katya has been know to sing or recite verse to fill her stomach or keep warm on a cold night. Bonus to actions requiring a performance

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:

1) In the from cold: Katya has spent a lot of her life isolated from society and has grown wary of it's smiles and charms. Katya has trouble trusting others and forming close bonds.

2) Lone Wolf: Katya is used to being on her own and being self reliant. She is not used to taking orders or giving them.

3) Fell Off the Turnip Cart: While Katya is wary of 'civilized life' is uneducated in many of its dangers or civilities and is prone to making faux pass and being taken in by those who get past her guard.

Class: Ranger (Finesse + Physical)
Dex: 4
Wits: 2
Manipulation: 2
Strength: 2
Stamina: 2
Intelligence: 1
Resolve: 1
Composure: 1
Presence: 1

Katya grew up in a family with a long tradition of monster hunting. Her father looked down on the towns and estate he supported, seeing them as a corrupting harmful force on the purity of the lands he worked and chose to live apart from them. While her mother tried to impress upon the Katya the need for social graces, Katya was more concerned about spending time with her father in the woods. When she finally came of age Katya became her father's official apprentice and joined him in the business. One fateful hunt saw them unknowingly track a beast onto the estate of a local lord. When the Lord came upon them with their catch he accused them of poaching on his land, and ran her father though with his sword before he could defend himself and Katya disappeared into the woods. Over the coming months Katya crept silently away from the area with her pet wolf, avoiding the patrols that hunted her for the vain lord. She swore to one day return and claim revenge.

Having abandoned her last name to avoid the shame that now came with it, she sighed on for a hunt far away from anyone that would know her.

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Name: Octave
Gender: Herm
Race: Human/Monkey Hybrid
Age: 25

Perks and Skills:
- Calm Mind: As part of her training, Octave sets time to focus on clearing out her mind, heightening her mind and enlightening in new techniques. This also helps in helping to calm her dark desires and also to toughen herself from anyone wanting to get freaky when she isn't in the mood for it. (+1 to stats after meditating for two/thre turns, negates Shadows of the Past when active and -1 to lust attacks towards her, 1-day cooldown)
- Ballet Battler: While not practicing ballet itself, with how flexible she is, Octave can dodge and weave, kick and punch like she is performing a choreograph dance. (+1 to dexterity rolls, stacking when focusing on one target and loses bonuses when hit, misses or switches target)
- Good with All Hands: Has a natural desire to take apart things and put them together to form something new, along with being not only ambidextrous, but can use her feet to perform tasks as well. Her tail even serves as a fifth hand! (+1 dexterity when doing something involving delicate or detailed use of the fingers and tail: disarming traps, carefully placing bait, et cetera)
- Master of Multi: Carries around a weapon passed down by her monkey side, which amazingly possesses several tools of trade used to hunt monsters, all in a Bo staff. Comes with more maintenance than with any other weapons, but Octave can have quick access to the tools in her staff, including as a staff, whatever will be appropriate for the mission. (Usually defaults to scythe, +1 dexterity when using any bladed staff/polearm weapon)
- Technomagical Babbler: Octave has a strange interest in the new technology, wanting to do what she can to help improve weapons, machines and anything else to help improve the Guild for the better. Not only that, Octave takes special care in her magical aspect, getting all she can out of the various liquids, perhaps using them for her own projects. (+1 to identifying traps, technology and monster goods)
- Lightweight: As part of her training, Octave has been taught that armor tends to slow her down, and that cloth is appropriate for her particular field. Plus being raised in a more clothesless society, her options for cloth armor is limiting, but she makes do with what she can take (+1 to defense when wearing full cloth/leather armor)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
- Shadows of the Past: With a history tying to a demonic artifact that creates nightmares, Octave's mind has been warped, preventing her from dealing with normal situations with coherent thoughts without occasionally breaking down... (-1 to stats, +1 to lust attacks towards her, negates Calm Mind when in effect)
- Socially Skewered: Leading her to have the problem of not being social with other humans, even monsters and hybrids. When not going mad or driven into fear, she can be a fun and enjoyable person, but the right trigger can set her off and one of three routes can occur. (-1 to manipulation rolls)
- Irrational Treasure: Should Octave ever decide to use her artifact in battle, she loses her focus on the world and becomes a whole new beast. Some consider her to be a more dangerous threat in her insane state, but even with the heightened senses and the ability to draw out the worse in people, this does make her less focused and behave erratically. (+1 to combat stats, -2 to perception, and attacks are likely to hit less often whenever the artifact is in effect)
- Not-So-Master Tinkerer: Whenever she takes something apart, she usually attempts to create something new, usually to various degrees of hilarity or disastrous results. Follows directions perfectly, but going off on her own will usually never end in good results. (-1 to trap building and tinkering, outside of her multi-tool weapon)
- Thirsty: In the process of looking for a cure to her madness, Octave will more than likely experiment with the liquids to see if any of them will help cure her, whether for good or bad. (Must consume X amount of liquids a day, else suffer from cravings the next day, giving -1 to mental stats until Y amount is made up for)
- Exposed to the Elements: Thanks to her life in a society that is mostly in the buff, Octave is less prone to wearing clothes, even her training's preferred cloth armor, which can provide her freedom, but with her new life as a hunter, however... (+1 to dexterity, -2 to defense when not wearing armor)

Class: Monk (Mental/Finesse)
+2 Intelligence, +1 Strength, +1 Presence
+3 Wits, +3 Dexterity, +2 Manipulation
+2 Resolve, +1 Stamina, +1 Composure

Octave had a bit of a strange history growing up. With her father being a masked hunter falling for her mother, a kakuen with ties to a powerful patriarchy controlling one massive island, she barely got to know her father and instead growing up in the care of her mother's caretakers. She did had a rather well upbringing before she came across an ancient relic tied to demonic forces that, whoever carries this item, shall possess the powers to manipulate people and bring out their darkness fears out into the light. Octave figured she could use this against the tyrannical leader, hoping to allow everyone to be free from his rule...

While it did help, this had lead to some devastating consequences. Not only was she already seen as different thanks to her human half, but also possessing both sexes, which got her in situations she wish to wash away. With the new addition of these dark memories she is controlling, her people fear for the worst, even her own mother began to consider disowning her, despite feeling oddly proud for her daughter's achievement in overthrowing their leader. So Octave sought out to cleanse her mind of all the dark memories she has raised up, along with trying to purify the demonic aura surrounding herself.

That said, she seeks out taking up Monster Hunting in the hopes of finding something to help aid her in her quest to cure of the curse she has inflicted on herself, while having the chance to follow in her father's footsteps and learn a little more about who he was.

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Name: Tamara Kushnir

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 25

Perks and skills:
-Tank: Tamara's ability to take punishment physically and mentally is second-to-none. Being directly assaulted is her forté. ( Bonus to rolls for physical or mental defense when aware of an assault. )
-Capture Specialist: Tamara prefers nonlethal takedowns, any day. ( Specialty in creating traps for non-lethal purposes. )
-Armor Expert: Knowing how to wear armor is one thing. Knowing how to make and use it is another. ( Bonus to armor maintenance/creation and less penalty to rolls while wearing heavy armor. )

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
-Distaste for Weaponry: Tamara has a personal grudge against using weapons, the only weapon she knows is her own body. ( Strong penalty to weapon use. Will avoid using weapons. )
-Glutton for Punishment: Self-sacrificial to a fault. The center of attention. ( Tends to opt herself as bait or a diversion far too much. Will choose to soak up damage if it means someone else isn't taking a hit. )
-Very Submissive: While Tamara is a veritable brick wall, she has trouble fighting back against assaults of a sexual kind. ( Penalty to resisting sexual attacks, will gladly be bait of that kind too. )

Class: STALWART (Physical + Resilience)
+3 stat: Stamina
+2 stats: Strength, Dexterity, Resolve, Composure, Intelligence
+1 stats: Wits, Presence, Manipulation

Tamara was born in a tundra village to a family of farmers and smiths. Alot of her childhood was spent working on the farm, be it working the land or tending to the animals. She helped make her own first set of armor when she was just twelve, and would go on a hunt with her mother that same year. The hunt was successful, but her mother had seriously wounded herself in Tamara's defense. She managed to protect her injured mother with makeshift traps using surplus supplies and the landscape itself. Tamara's first hunt was her first taste of the lifestyle, and she knew that was what she wanted to do all her life. She took a keynote from her mother, training herself to be as tough as she could be so other people could remain safe.

Tamara is a serious-looking woman, she generally doesn't seem to smile much. As if it were a conscious deception though, she quite enjoys ironic humor and poking fun at things, and likes to make nicknames for people she meets. Tamara isn't a shy woman and is quite comfortable in sexual situations, she'd hardly find issue with a stranger grabbing her ass (though they'd be subject to an immediate onslaught of jokes at their expense...)
Tamara has a slight slavic accent from where she grew up.

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Name: Nydia Lilian

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 19

Perks and skills:

Duelist: Nydia's focus on one on one fights gives her slight combat bonuses to the opponent she chooses to focus on.

Precise Strikes: Nydia's finesse and training allow her rapier to find gaps in an opponents armor and gives a chance to disable limbs she targets.

Noble Bearing: A Lilian always gets what she wants and Nydia is no exception. Her confidence and somewhat overbearing personality give her a bonus to intimidation and bartering.

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:

Tunnel Vision: Nydia excels at dueling but has no experience in fights that aren't a one on one. She receives slight penalties versus opponents other than the one she's focusing on for the Duelist perk.

Stands Alone: Nydia disdains fighting alongside another. She suffers slight penalties for dueling an opponent who is also in combat with an ally of hers.

Pure of Heart: Nydia has lived a sheltered life and as a result is unused to attacks of a sexual nature. She becomes flustered and suffers a composure penalty.

Class: Duelist
+2 Intelligence, +3 Strength, +2 Presence
+1 Wits, +3 Dexterity, +1 Manipulation
+1 Resolve, +2 Stamina, +1 Composure


The house of Lilian is among the greatest of the noble families and Nydia is the sole heir to it's main branch. Growing up she wanted for nothing and received only the finest training and education. She could have excelled in any field she desired but the art of dueling was the one that fascinated her the most. At first it was to cover the weakness of her family as with no exceptional duelists, the Lilians lacked the ability to directly defend themselves against those who would slight their honor. But after she took up her rapier, she grew to love the thrill of battle and the elation of proving herself superior to her foe. After all, in a duel there could be no excuses. If you lost, it was because you were simply inferior to you opponent and Nydia never lost because she was always superior.

Her love of dueling was so great that she not only challenged even the slightest of dishonors against her house, but also required any man who sought her hand in marriage to defeat her in a duel first. Naturally many tried but all failed until Lucas of house Darien stood before her. Theirs was a hard fought battle but in the end Lucas prevailed and Nydia suffered her first official defeat. As a noble, she had no choice but to honor her word and be wed to Lucas. She was able to bear her defeat and deflowering on her wedding night, but when she learned that Lucas had no intentions of allowing her to participate in any more duels and would have her be a mere trophy wife she knew she could not live like this.

Nydia fled and left her honor behind, joining the Beast Hunters Guild as she knew they would ask no questions of her and she could easily hide her identity from them. Her arrogant and overbearing personality has earned her no love among her fellow hunters and her lack of experience even less, yet none could deny that her skills with a blade make her a promising addition.

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Name: Yasker
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 31
Perks and skills:
Skilled hands- Yasker knows the best way to put an enemy at a disadvantage is to either take away what makes them dangerous or prevent them from even using it. (Bonus to disarm and grapple attempts)
Hamstringer- The weapons at Yasker's command were built with lethal force and preventing escape in mind. Sometimes before killing something, it must be weakened first. (Chance of debuffing physical attributes on hits)
Empathy- Whether Yasker likes it or not, he has always found it rather easy to put himself in other people's shoes. Naturally this helps him figure out what people might plan or what motivates them or sometimes their deep desires. (Talking with people increases his Manipulation over them, building up and never fading unless something detrimental is done)
Poisoner- Yasker deals with all sorts of poisons, not all of them particularly lethal but all potent. Whether using them in a battle to gain an edge or slipping someone something to keep them from being hostile, Yasker knows his way around poisons and tonics. (Resistant to poisons and drugs. Capable of making poisons and potions that provide ill-effects.)
Multitasker: The best minds can do multiple things as once like tearing someone's trachea out while disemboweling the person next to him. (Kyle, 2nd mentor of Yasker) Little to no penalty when attacking twice while dual wielding weapons

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
The Smell of Victory- Years of success have given Yasker a lot of overconfidence that usually appears when near victory. (Debuff to Composure and Intelligence the weaker an opponent gets.)
Proud- Disrespect or being blatantly cheated are things Yasker cannot abide by, no matter who the offender is. Unless the wrong is righted or the offender is dealt a worse hand than Yasker himself, it will stay on his mind. (Debuff to all Social attributes when insulted. Lasts until the person is dead, has apologized, or the insulting act has been reciprocated back.)
Nimble- Yasker works with mostly small-arms and light armor, valuing speed over armor. Carrying only whats necessary and required to get the job done and carry the rewards afterwards. (Over-encumbered, Heavy weapons and armor debuffs are multiplied when in effect. Carrying weight is decreased)
Ambitious- Yasker is always looking to move up in the world, gain glory or something rare. This drive sometimes gets him into trouble as it makes him more willing to do things than he should, and moody when he doesn't. (Receives a temporary debuff to all mental attributes if declining (what he perceives as) a good deal and a temporary debuff to Manipulation towards the same person when accepting a deal.)
Fascination with magic- Yasker's constant search for magic and magical creatures has always made him rather susceptible to its affects (Weak against mind-control, lust-inducing magic, offensive magic)

Class: Detractor (Finesse + Physical)
+1 Intelligence, +2 Strength, +1 Presence
+2 Wits, +4 Dexterity, +2 Manipulation
+1 Resolve, +2 Stamina, +1 Composure

Treasure hunter, mercenary, and retriever of "goods" are just some of the few things Yasker could put on his resume, if he ever got around to making one. After getting into the mercenary business at the age of 14 after his father ended up in a shallow grave, Yasker worked his way through dozens of dubious and morally-ambiguous professions. Despite coming from a rather poor family with a less-than decent reputation Yasker worked hard and stoically to make a name for himself. It included taking some of the worst jobs and taking caring of dangerous monsters, oftentimes getting shortchanged on the agreed upon price. He put up with it for over a decade, building up his skills and repertoire, always hungering for more. Especially for magic of any kind. Despite it being widely known that humans cannot use magic, Yasker has never accepted that, believing perhaps there could be a way to utilize creatures' magic or even find an artifact of sorts to grant it.

Nowadays Yasker is affiliated with the Hunter Guild, although other rumored affiliations include some shadowy assassin guilds, Beast-worshiping cults, dubious bounty-hunter organizations and several infamous mercenary companies. Even though he makes plenty of money, Yasker usually blows through it on leads on legends and myths, attempting to find lost artifacts or exotic monsters. His latest lead has brought him to Eopeth, working alongside the Hunter Guild to fuel and finance his endeavors.


Samantha Lovehearth

Valkyria Antara

Clarissa Widow
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Name: Clarissa Widow

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Race: Drider/Human hybrid

Age: 22

Perks and skills:

Chitin Armor - The hard carapace protects her from slashing and piercing weapons, making her more resistance to the blows. (+2 to Slashing and piercing defense)

Heightened Senses - Due to the fuzzy hairs covering her chitin she is able to sense dangers before they appear more easily. (+2 to sensing hidden foes in her proximity)

Six Arms: Due to the amount of limbs available to her she is able to strike out twice in the time she otherwise would without them(double the attacks around otherwise able to make)

Spider Silk - Clarissa is able to spin a web to act as rope, a bed and a trap. The strong silk allows her to use it in a multitude of ways from restraining a monster for capture to getting her out of danger by making a bed in a tree so she can't be caught in her sleep.

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:

Sensory Overload - Have a higher than normal senses she is more often suffering when faced with overpowering smells or sounds. (-2 to defense when particularly heavy scents and sounds surround her)

Inflammable - The large about of hair on her carapace means she is more likely to catch on fire and suffer further damage than she otherwise would before being able to put it out. (+50% damage from fire)

Co dependent - Clarissa needs approval constantly and hates being alone. Her desire to please boarders on madness, Constantly seeking approval from those around her her lack of self worth and needing it from others makes her unlikely to resist any request made of her unless she has already earned approval in the last hour. (-2 resolve unless already being showered with approval for fulfilling a request in the last hour. -1 to Resolve and Composure when alone)

Needs to Fuck - Clarissa needs to lay eggs every day in a person, willing or not. When she hasn't laid her eggs that day she will be vulnerable to sexual advances (-1 to composure until she has been able to lay her eggs. And -1 to movement as her abdomen bloats with the excess eggs making her uncomfortable.)

Appearance: http://g.e-hentai.org/s/0e1adb712c/754274-12

Class: Knight
Stamina +2
Dexterity +2
Intelligence +2
Presence +2
Manipulation +1
Composure +1
Resolve +1
Wits +1

Clarissa grew up with her mother, a human hunter that wasn't as quick as she needed to be when dealing with a drider. After being implanted in her Clarissa was nurtured and grown in her womb until she was born. The eight limbed child was quickly adored by her mother. Growing up Clarissa found human life difficult, she felt constantly unworthy despite her obvious strength and arguable superior form. She never fought back against attackers when she was bullied, accepting their words until they almost seemed true to her.

As Clarissa got older her sexual need grew and grew as did her size and strength, constantly finding herself eyeing up men and women alike the urge to mate nearly overpowering her until she bound a girl up in a web high in the air and laid her eggs inside her fucking her for hours on end before she was finally sated. Spending the next hour cuddling the bloated girl she was much to her dismay pulled off of the egg filled girl. Scared and unsure of what she did wrong she fought back, injuring a friend in the process before she was subdued. Fortunately the eggs were never fertilized and while the girl wasn't expecting to be tied to bound up in the air she didn't press an issue over the incident. However Clarissa was removed from such a setting so it could never happen again. Taken away from the possibility of raping them and schooled by her mother. Original believing it to be a punishment for her nature and behavior around others Clarissa tried her hardest to please her mother working until she collapsed and putting her mother's happiness leagues before her own. Under her mother's tutelage Clarissa honed her body to fight and deal with threats she may face, seeking to become like her mother and hunt monsters as an outlet for her aggression and sexual need.


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Name: Patricia Driscol

Gender: Female

Race: Hybrid - Gazer

Age: 25
Perks and skills:
Trap master- Would probably be employed to oversee a dungeons defenses and make sure they were good enough. (+1 Bonus to wits when creating or upgrading traps)
Travel sized torture- She is able to create little trap modules off-site, allowing for easy set-up of them later. (Can make portable traps, allowing them to be set up quicker when needed.)
Always room for improvement- She is never quite happy enough with something to leave it alone, meaning she has gotten better at improving things. (+1 to upgrading or learning a new improvement for weapons and armour.)
I spy- What a might big eye she has. All the better to see with. (+1 to perception)
Anarchist's cook book- It may me gunpowder and not flour, or a bomb and not bread, but you may as well be a chef in some way. (+1 to learning properties and recipes of ingredients)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
Tunnel vision- When the girl has her mind on something, it can be hard to focus on anything else... (-1 to perception if engaged in something, and negate I spy)
It's a trap... Kinda- when a trap is made to be easy and quick to set up anywhere, it can sometimes come at the sacrifice of effectiveness... (portable traps get -1 to not being noticed, and -1 to working effectively)
It's in my eye!- Bigger eye, bigger target, bigger vulnerability. (-1 to avoiding attacks based on her own vision. Blinded, dazed, et cetera)
Funny looks- for some odd reason, people find someone having only one eye unsettling... (-1 to an initial presence or manipulation check)
Technology on the brain- She cant help it, she is like a moth to the flame... if the moth was more interested in how it worked. (-1 composure to resisting things involving new technology.)

Class: Tinkerer (Mental + Finesse)

+3 Intelligence, +1 Strength, +1 Presence
+3 Wits, +2 Dexterity, +2 Manipulation
+2 Resolve, +1 Stamina, +1 Composure


Kenji Ryuushin
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Kenji Ryuushin.
Gender: Male.
Race: Hybrid (Human+Oriental/Eastern Dragon)
Age: 24 (only appears 19, due to his half-dragon genetics).

Perks and skills:
1- Musou Ryuuken Training: Having been born to the Ryuushin family, Kenji was trained in the potent martial art of his lineage, Musou Ryuuken ("Instinctive Dragon Fist"), since the day he could walk. This art is at its strongest when faced with a single opponent, though still sufficient when encountering multiple foes. (Bonus to Physical attributes when facing a single opponent).
2- Soyokaze ("Zephyr") Stance: One of the fundamental passive techniques of Musou Ryuuken, this stance is meant to be taken when the user is approached by superior numbers. While less offensively powerful than the Tetsu no Tsume (Iron Claw) stance used against single foes, it allows Kenji to more easily outmaneuver his enemies, preferably in a way that lets him weed out the weaker ones and challenge their strongest fighter on more equal terms. (Bonus to evasion when outnumbered).
3- Dragon's Strength: While not fully draconic in nature, Kenji did gain some additional strength from his mother's side of the family. His hands and feet show this, appearing more like a dragon's claws, and packing a comparable amount of punch in a fist-fight. Thankfully, the nails on his claws can be retracted like those on a cat, which comes in handy when he's handling more..."delicate" materials. (Strength boost when using punch/kick attacks).
4- Ryu no Ikari ("Dragon's Fury"): Being a hand-to-hand martial art, Musou Ryuuken understands that a single precise blow is not enough for some burlier foes, and thus incorporates a number of combo maneuvers into its techniques. In the hands of a sufficiently skilled practitioner, these combos can bring down even the mightiest of men and beasts. (Each successful strike increases the chance of the next hit landing. Accuracy bonuses from this skill stack with each other.)
5- Tetsu Kyoshin ("Iron Resonance"): Designed to work in tandem with Ryu no Ikari, a series of techniques teach Musou Ryuuken students how to send waves of force through their opponents' body to throw off their senses. This is actually more defensive in purpose than it sounds, as these techniques' primary function is to prevent the opponent from mounting a proper counteroffensive. (Each successful hit reduces the opponent's accuracy on their next attack. Like with Ryu no Ikari, these debuffs stack with each other as the combo count rises.)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
1- Cold Blood: While being half dragon can have plenty of perks, dragons are still reptiles, and as such have trouble in conditions their bodies aren't built for. In Kenji's case, his mother was a dragon of the skies, which means she's great in high-altitude locations...but she doesn't deal with excessive heat that well. This passed on to her son, and while he won't suffer a heat stroke on the beach, extreme heat is known to prove...troublesome. (Physical attribute penalty in high-temperature locations).
2- Man of the Fist: Musou Ryuuken is an art with a 2000-year history, and in that history, none have ever adapted it for use with heavy weapons or armor. A rare few have envisioned offshoots for the twin tonfas or nunchaku, but for the most part, the art has focused on honing one's physical body as their weapon. As a result, while he can easily wow audiences with unarmed combat, Kenji's abilities falter significantly if he must carry a hefty load. (Penalty to Dexterity if carrying weight exceeds a light load. This will stack with any over-encumber penalties the GM may already have in place.)
3- Foreign Recluse: Not only is Kenji's homeland of Nippochin, but he was also raised in a dojo, set in the secluded heights of the Hiryusho mountains. As a result, he has some noticeable trouble with certain social customs, especially those not common in Nippochin; while he will often err on the side of caution when in doubt, it doesn't exactly help him fit in at parties... (Penalty to Social attributes when local culture and/or customs are a factor in the scenario.)
4- The Enemy Unseen: While Musou Ryuuken is a formidable style in direct combat, it still retains the one weakness shared by many Nippochin martial arts: those who can strike at the user before he/she can take up a stance will find their defense far easier to pierce than usual. (Extra damage from sneak attacks/backstabs. Does not affect trap perception.)
5- Honor-Bound: Like most of its peers in Nippochin culture, Musou Ryuuken is more than just a martial art; it is a philosophy. Like many philosophies, it comes with a list of rights and wrongs, and it doesn't take an insider to guess that lies and deceit are usually counted among its "wrongs." (Debuff to social attributes when using deception.)

Class: Dragon Monk (Physical/Resilience).
+1 Intelligence, +3 Strength, +1 Presence
+1 Wits, +2 Dexterity, +1 Manipulation
+2 Resolve, +3 Stamina, +2 Composure

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Name: Dorel

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Race: Human - Hybrid/Ogre

Age: 40

Perks and skills:
Thick Skinned: Like an Ogre, Dorel has a thicker skin then humans, making her more resilient to the elements and blunt force trauma. (+2 against element and blunt based attacks.)

Regeneration: Unlike normal humans Dorel can recover from her wounds almost over night and resist all manner of poisons and venoms. With the help of strong fluids she can also restore lost body parts. Organ damage is still fatal without any healing aids. (Quick healing and +2 to rolls against poisons. Fluids can restore lost limbs and heal most ailments.)

Fluid Hunter: Dorel is an expert in extracting fluids from all kinds of monsters, given her own monster haritage she is very receptive to the fluids from other monsters. (doubles fluids extracted from monsters and all effects of consumed fluids.)

Dominating Force: Dorel's nature and personality bolster her strength when taking the dominant position both in combat and rape. (+2 to combat and rape rolls.)

Rage and Rut!: When Dorel is angry enough, horny enough, or heavily injured, her monstrous instincts kick in, throwing her into a wild frenzy of rage and lust. The increase in heart rate and the injection of adrenal fluids also increases her natural recovering. (+5 to offensive, physical and Rape rolls, quick healing stops bleeding, heals ill effects, and reduces damage by hardening her skin via tensing muscles. like goosebumps. lasts 5 turns.)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
High Protein Diet: Dorel's huge body requires a steady diet of meat and/or jizz and will suffer sever weakness and bitchiness. (24 hours without meat or cum inflicts a -2 to all stats.)

Illiteracy: Pretty self explanatory, mostly for hilarious moments and a little extra difficulty.

Hot Headed: Has a tendency to pick fights with everything and everyone over things as silly as looking at her wrong. Also kinda makes her a bitch. (-2 to non-aggressive manipulation rolls)

Hot Blooded: Due to the rapid cell activity caused by her regenerative abilities and general hugeness, her blood tends to run hot, preventing her from wearing armor or she will over heat. (Can't wear armor)

Rock Out Cock Out: Due to her over heating issues Dorel is forced to leave her cock exposed to the elements, acting as a sort of radiator for her body thanks to all the blood flowing through it regularly. This makes her cock hot, all the time. This also makes her half-mast all the time, giving her length and girth of an erection without any of the hardness. This generally makes her look like a deviant around anyone not keen to looking at naked dick in the middle of the streets.

Rage and Rut!: When frenzied Dorel has difficulty thinking before acting as well as seeing much else other then her target. The increase in her abilities also increases her metabolism, forcing a starving state when she recovers from her rage. (-4 to dexterity rolls, +2 to attacks against her. Must make a 15 difficulty roll to distinguish friends from enemies. Once the state is over, Dorel is put into a starving state as if she hadn't eaten in over 24 hours.)

Class: Brawler focusing on Physical and Resilience.
Int +1, Str +2, Pre +1
Wits +1, Dex +2, Mani +1
Res +2, Sta +3, Com +2


Waiting list:
01. CumInTiana01
02. Icaelus
03. Spriter1
04. Zender_Solarheart
05. Meep Meepersons
06. Delta Synergy
07. MelissaB
08. dragonmaster121989
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nobudi » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:24 am

Interesting. Placeholder?
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:30 am

Glad to hear you're interested. Don't worry so much about saving spots, I'll start once we have like 3-4 people but if more people want to join they can just pop in whenever and I'll find a way to mix the folks together.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nobudi » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:40 am

Magic/ Technology level? Classes of monsters able to be domesticated? Celestial/ Demonic creatures?
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:54 am

Pre-Industrial era, magic is very ritualistic in nature and pretty much exclusive to monsters, humans have little to no control over it. Any monster can technically be domesticated in theory, but it depends on how much Presence your character has (Or whatever else you use to try and control the monster). And celestial and demonic creatures in regards to appearance, sure, but as far as genetic purposes go, they're the same as any other monster.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nobudi » Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:59 am

Ok, lemme know if there's something you'd liked changed. Hope it's not OP ^^;

Name: Bellatrix/ Nymph

Gender: Female

Race: Hybrid- Succubus

Age: 19

Perks and skills: Shifter- Special constitution which allows her to shift between a human form and succubus. Hides a pair of wings and tail within her body in human form.

Charming Voice- Her voice naturally lowers wariness. She trained her voice to sometimes be mildly hypnotic.

Blind Spotting- Whether they're literal blind spots or places that simply places people don't pay attention to, she can find 'em and use 'em to her advantage.

Disadvantages and Drawbacks: Strong Libido- Definitely a part of her constitution, she does not need it, but definitely wants it.

Mischievous- It take great willpower not to take advantage of a humorous situation (for her) and she just can't bring herself not to.

Pacifistic- Hurting others actually hurts her more, physically and personally. She'd rather make friends. Or fuckbuddies.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Class: Tamer- Focusing Primarily on Social and Finesse.

Backstory: Bellatrix's human half came from a long family of Human Monster tamers. Her father had laid with a succubus he had tamed, making her sort of a bastard of the family. Her stepmother and older half sister didn't mind much, but there was strife among the other branches and the older generations. Eventually her entire branch was disowned, which none of them save Bellatrix herself cared for. She became a hunter to seek to restore her family back into the family line, but she also discovered that the art of taming to be a complex and rather fun challenge. But that was after she grew up.

Before she hit puberty, she had a prankster streak miles wide. She ran with the boys of the village she grew up in and raised hell (not literally). Once puberty began to set in, she learned of her other heritage from her biological mother, who had wanderlust and would often disappear for years to who knew where. She taught Bellatrix the details of succubae culture and trained her in the art of communication with non-humans. None outside her family knew of her other heritage, so she decided to keep it quiet. Though, she eventually grew into the habit of emulating her mother by wandering the village in the early hours of the morning without clothes. Several close calls taught her how to find blind spots and considered this naked hide and seek 'fun'.

She eventually grew up and announced to her family she wished to become a Hunter, to restore her family's legacy back to them.
Last edited by Nobudi on Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Hazard1325 » Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:49 am

Name: Raylia

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 27

Perks and skills: Slayers strike - Raylia has been hunting monsters as long as she can remember, she's made an art of bringing down even the largest of foes once she's whittled them down a bit. (Chance to Kill lesser monsters outright, can finish off greater one's more easily)

Second wind - Raylia is eager to throw herself into a battle and always seems to find that extra push to stay toe to toe with a foe. (Can recover once from a physical knockout/death, no effect on loss via seduction/lust)

Alpha - Being the daughter of her tribes chief she is used to being obeyed and typically takes the role of leader by force if necessary. (Bonus die to intimidation using presence)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks: Rage! - Raylia has never been patient, she's very impulsive especially in the midst of combat. ( Penalty to wits and composure when injured or taunted)

Lusty - Raylia is used to picking whichever male of the tribe she wished, even the occasional monster to satisfy her urges. Its not uncommon for others to take advantage of her, probably tricking her into thinking it was her idea in the first place! (Submits more easily to sexual encounters that are not blatantly rape.)

Cocky - She's aggressive, bold, and rarely declines challenges. If she fails its usually a blow to her ego. (Cannot refuse a fair challenge, if she does, she looses the Alpha perk for a day and takes a penalty to resolve)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Class: Slayer (Power+Physical)
Intelligence 2 Strength 3 Presence 2
Wits 1 Dexterity 2 Manipulation 1
Resolve 1 Stamina 2 Composure 1

Born the daughter of a village chieftain Raylia had it easy for most of her life. She received the best training, equipment, and knowledge her tribe could provide. She quickly bested all of the villages braves in combat quickly developing a very aggressive and cocky attitude. Once she was convinced none of her villages warriors could challenge her she moved onto hunting monsters on the outskirts of town and in the lesser wilds. She often returned to camp having slain them or pacified them through other means... either way she quickly supplied her village with plenty of monster fluid and goods to trade.

However all of her slaying eventually attracted a greater monster, a tyrannosaurus from the jungles nearby wiped out her entire village in a single night. She was lucky(or unlucky) to have been inside and buried under a pile of rubble rather than face the creature that would have surely killed her. In the morning she emerged badly bruised and bloody but alive. Seeing her village was wiped out she had no choice but to wander until finding another human settlement intent on training herself to slay even the greatest of monsters until she could return and kill the monster that had destroyed her home.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:58 am

@Nobudi - Seems good, you're definitely good to go, just one thing I'm gonna ask you to adjust though. On your class, you picked two Upper Tags. The idea was for you to only pick a single upper and one side tag for your skills. I'm guessing that didn't end up that clear on my first post, sorry! Here's an example, I'm gonna put that in the main post too so hopefully no one else gets confused.

Edit: I just realized I had typed up something wrong on the Class slot in the character sheet, that's what probably confused you. Sorry again! I fixed it now though.

Example.png (8.29 KiB) Viewed 4094 times

@Hazard - That looks great! You're in, friend. I especially like how her perks and flaws interact with each other!
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Reaver » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:04 am

I have to say this looks like a very well put together rp. I will plan on making a CS soon. :)
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nobudi » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:18 am

Finished edit :p
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Gorutsuki » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:44 am

This does indeed seem interesting. I might make a CS eventually.

Edit: here is CS

Name: Lia Ashok

Gender: Herm

Race: Hybrid (Human/Wolf)

Age: 29

Perks and skills:
Hello? Yes, this is Lia: Due to her rather doglike nature and how dogs are seen as man's best friend. Lia has a way of getting people to let their guard around her sometimes or to open up to her.
My Wolfy Senses are Tingling: Due to her monster side's heightened sense of smell and hearing she can track things a lot easier than others, however she is not colourblind which she enjoys greatly.
All Natural Advantage: Due to her rather beast like hands, whenever she doesn't have her weapon out, Lia can resort to using the claws she has, while not as powerful it can be used to rip apart her enemies, or to conviniently slice some bread.

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
That's a weird smell: Due to her heightened senses, any bad ordor or nearby loud noises can overwhelm Lia and sometimes stun or make her dazed for a bit.
It's that time again: Sometimes there are times when Lia's more basic urges get the better of her, these tend to come around near the full moon.
That's the Spot: The back of her ears are her weakness. If anyone scratches behind her ears she will either become putty in your hands or want to sex you up, depeds on how she views the person who does it

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


The Outlaster(Physical, Resilience): Preferring to usually wait things out and take their time in hunting their prey. The Outlasters tend to either enjoy stalking their prey for a while or a good and long fight with their prey
+1 Intelligence, 21 Strength, +1 Presence
+1 Wits, +2 Dexterity, +1 Manipulation
+2 Resolve, +3 Stamina, +2 Composure

Lia was alone for most of her life, raised by a single father after her mother had passed away. Her father was a tamer and her mother was his wolf, it was pretty obvious what happened between them but Lia loved her father very much. Things were a bit difficult growing up for her, being able to smell where the fart in the group had come from, being able to hear when peple were calling everyone for supper wasn't something a normal kid could do. Thinking it would be wise to teach his daughter how to hunt monsters for when he wasn't around he showed her what he knew, however he didn't want her to be a tamer like he was. Instead Lia discovered an immense interest in the hunt and the final brawl with her prey, enjoying each second greatly.
Last edited by Gorutsuki on Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:24 am

Name: Aria Rouille (Roy-yee)

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 28
Perks and skills: Beast Tamer(A long time hunter Aria has known how capture and even tame many weaker beasts, knowing how they act and react to human contact makes her a natural tamer. +1 Bonus to Manipulation when trying to get beasts to do what she wants)

Trapper( A master at trap making as well setting up these devious devices, she knows how to hunt prey and lead them into ambushes to subdue them rather than killing them. +1 Bonus to wits when setting up ambushes or traps)

Falconer, A close companion of Aria her trusty falcon, Kurz, assists her in combating multiple small enemies as well scouting the wilds.

Disadvantages and Drawbacks: Lone Wolf, Save for her falcon Aria is very much a solo hunter disliking the company of others who may hinder her hunts. (When in groups she suffers a penalty to her stats as she is distracted by her party members. -1 to all Finesse and Physical stats when within 100 yards of a person)

Animalistic lust, Growing up in the wilds Aria is an animal in more ways than one sometimes succumbing to her own heat and the overwhelming need to breed with any sort of animal or beast. (At the start of each week Aria rolls a d6 unmodified to determine if she goes into heat, on a 5 or 6 she goes into heat and for every week she does not, the roll gets a plus one until she has sated her sexual desires. When in heat she suffers -3 to composure and has mental changes as that of someone drunk on lust.)

Honorable, Aria refuses to fight an unfair fight or participate in "easy" hunts seeing senseless killing as useless and wasteful. As a result more crafty or sly monsters and humans have taken advantage of this and have an easier time getting the drop on her especially when they feign weakness or mercy.(-2 to wits when sensing unseen danger from targets that have submitted or do not pose an immediate threat.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Class: Ranger Finesse+Physical
+1 intelligence +2 strength +1 presence
+2 Wits +3 Dexterity +2 Manipulation
+1 Resolve +2 Stamina +1 Composure

A hunter all her life Aria grow up in a world where hunting was all that was known. From since she was born she was taught how to handle the bow easily become a master at her craft. Her people were nomads of the dense forests and as a result have relied on falcons to be their eyes about the canopies. Living this symbiotic life with nature it was second nature for Aria to join the Hunters guild and make a name for herself after she had left her tribe for a life beyond the woods. Joining at the spiritedly age of 16 Aria has learned the joys of the hunt reveling in a good capture rather than a clean kill, though she prefers captures as they provided more money as well as...fun.. for the woman's growing desires. Now a lot older Aria is one of the more experienced hunters and when hearing that a new hunting ground had been established she had to be one of the first to see what new beasts lay ahead for her.
Last edited by Lorielle on Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:21 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby cliffracer » Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:34 am

I'm very interested in joining, and I'm making this post to hopefully reserve a spot and make myself remember to make my sheet tomorrow.
Common Character: Hunter [x]. If we're in an RP/want to discuss an RP, I have a discord for casual contact. PM me about it.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Reaver » Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:25 am

Name: Yasker
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 31
Perks and skills: Skilled hands- Yasker knows the best way to put an enemy at a disadvantage is to either take away what makes them dangerous or prevent them from even using it. (Bonus to disarm and grapple attempts)
Hamstringer- The weapons at Yasker's command were built with lethal force and preventing escape in mind. Sometimes before killing something, it must be weakened first. (Chance of debuffing physical attributes on hits)
Empathy- Whether Yasker likes it or not, he has always found it rather easy to put himself in other people's shoes. Naturally this helps him figure out what people might plan or what motivates them or sometimes their deep desires. (Talking with people increases his Manipulation over them, building up and never fading unless something detrimental is done)
Poisoner- Yasker deals with all sorts of poisons, not all of them particularly lethal but all potent. Whether using them in a battle to gain an edge or slipping someone something to keep them from being hostile, Yasker knows his way around poisons and tonics. (Resistant to poisons and drugs. Capable of making poisons and potions that provide ill-effects.)
Forceful Misdirection- The best way to keep an enemy from landing a hit is to hit them first- Yasker's father. (Landing a hit first decreases opponent's chance of successfully landing their own hit)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks: The Smell of Victory- Years of success have given Yasker a lot of overconfidence that usually appears when near victory. (Debuff to Composure and Intelligence the weaker an opponent gets.)
Proud- Disrespect or being blatantly cheated are things Yasker cannot abide by, no matter who the offender is. Unless the wrong is righted or the offender is dealt a worse hand than Yasker himself, it will stay on his mind. (Debuff to all Social attributes when insulted. Lasts until the person is dead, has apologized, or the insulting act has been reciprocated back.)
Nimble- Yasker works with mostly small-arms and light armor, valuing speed over armor. Carrying only whats necessary and required to get the job done and carry the rewards afterwards. (Over-encumbered, Heavy weapons and armor debuffs are multiplied when in effect. Carrying weight is decreased)
Ambitious- Yasker is always looking to move up in the world, gain glory or something rare. This drive sometimes gets him into trouble as it makes him more willing to do things than he should, and moody when he doesn't. (Receives a temporary debuff to all mental attributes if declining (what he perceives as) a good deal and a temporary debuff to Manipulation towards the same person when accepting a deal.)
Fascination with magic- Yasker's constant search for magic and magical creatures has always made him rather susceptible to its affects (Weak against mind-control, lust-inducing magic, offensive magic)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Class: Detractor (Finesse + Physical)
+1 Intelligence, +2 Strength, +1 Presence
+2 Wits, +3 Dexterity, +2 Manipulation
+1 Resolve, +2 Stamina, +1 Composure

Treasure hunter, mercenary, and retriever of "goods" are just some of the few things Yasker could put on his resume, if he ever got around to making one. After getting into the mercenary business at the age of 14 after his father ended up in a shallow grave, Yasker worked his way through dozens of dubious and morally-ambiguous professions. Despite coming from a rather poor family with a less-than decent reputation Yasker worked hard and stoically to make a name for himself. It included taking some of the worst jobs and taking caring of dangerous monsters, oftentimes getting shortchanged on the agreed upon price. He put up with it for over a decade, building up his skills and repertoire, always hungering for more. Especially for magic of any kind. Despite it being widely known that humans cannot use magic, Yasker has never accepted that, believing perhaps there could be a way to utilize creatures' magic or even find an artifact of sorts to grant it.

Nowadays Yasker is affiliated with the Hunter Guild, although other rumored affiliations include some shadowy assassin guilds, Beast-worshiping cults, dubious bounty-hunter organizations and several infamous mercenary companies. Even though he makes plenty of money, Yasker usually blows through it on leads on legends and myths, attempting to find lost artifacts or exotic monsters. His latest lead has brought him to Eopeth, working alongside the Hunter Guild to fuel and finance his endeavors.
Last edited by Reaver on Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby lilbooth » Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:50 am

Name: Wyck

Gender: Female

Race: Hybrid (Human+Siren)

Age: 23

Perks and skills: Sharp Shooter: Wyck can shoot much further and much more accurately with a variety of projectile weapons than the average user.
Steady Legs: Being accustomed to unstable condition have made Wyck very stable on her feet, she is less likely to slip and fall or be knocked over.
Jury Rigging: Wyck is capable of making simple mechanical processes function with bits and bobs and otherwise junk

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:Too Beautiful a Voice: Wyck's siren ancestry has left her with a terribly stunted voice, she is unable to speak at a normal volume or sing without horrific screeches ensuing. She is forced to whisper or not speak at all.
Without Water Without Soul: Wyck's love and apparent physical need for water manifests as a -1 resolve if she is away from a body of water for a few days.
Greed: Wyck is driven solely by wealth, she would bath in gold, if she didn't prefer water. She'll do damn near anything to get more, and sure as hell has a hard time letting it go.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Image just ignore the flint lock pistol

Class: Finesse+Mental Pirate, Helmsman, something else? not really sure about the name

Wyck was born and lived nearly her entire life at sea. Her father was one of many sailors lured to their death every year by a group of lustful and hungry sirens. Her conception, mother, and however she found passage aboard a ship after her birth were all a mystery. What wasn't a mystery was her terrible living conditions and misspent youth. Wyck was always small and quite, leaving her void of most attention onboard the multiple ships of her youth. Once Wyck had matured physically her small stature had little effect on the amount of attention and harassment she received. By this time in her life she was no stranger to hard work and very accustomed to the workings of a ship. She spoke with a few other low ranking members of the crew and eventually caused a mutiny, seizing the ship and beginning a very rich career in piracy. Wyck heard of the recent expeditions to Eopeth and sought to take advantage of ship traffic to the continent. Her first mark left the sea a touch prematurely and rode up river. Wyck decided to follow the mark up river and found herself at an interestingly fortified outpost. With what looked like plenty of wealth to go around, Wyck disembarked from her ship and waved the rest of the crew on. Whatever was going on here she wanted a piece of it.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby exalted » Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:54 am

Name: Katya

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 19

Perks and skills:

1) The Woods are Lovely Dark and Deep: Katya is used being self sufficient and living on her own in the woods. Katya is able to craft appropriate tools and items, scavenge and track food and remain unnoticed more easily in a wooded or forested area.

2) And Miles to go, before I sleep: Katya is used to being constantly on the run and does not tire easy.

3) Performer: When unable to trade her skills or trappings Katya has been know to sing or recite verse to fill her stomach or keep warm on a cold night. Bonus to actions requiring a performance

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:

1) In the from cold: Katya has spent a lot of her life isolated from society and has grown wary of it's smiles and charms. Katya has trouble trusting others and forming close bonds.

2) Lone Wolf: Katya is used to being on her own and being self reliant. She is not used to taking orders or giving them.

3) Fell Off the Turnip Cart: While Katya is wary of 'civilized life', she is uneducated in many of its dangers or civilities and is prone to making faux pass and being taken in by those who get past her guard.

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Class: Ranger (Finesse + Physical)
Dex: 4
Wits: 2
Manipulation: 2
Strength: 2
Stamina: 2
Intelligence: 1
Resolve: 1
Composure: 1
Presence: 1

Katya grew up in a family with a long tradition of monster hunting. Her father looked down on the towns and estate he supported, seeing them as a corrupting harmful force on the purity of the lands he worked and chose to live apart from them. While her mother tried to impress upon the Katya the need for social graces, Katya was more concerned about spending time with her father in the woods. When she finally came of age Katya became her father's official apprentice and joined him in the business. One fateful hunt saw them unknowingly track a beast onto the estate of a local lord. When the Lord came upon them with their catch he accused them of poaching on his land, and ran her father though with his sword before he could defend himself and Katya disappeared into the woods. Over the coming months Katya crept silently away from the area with her pet wolf, avoiding the patrols that hunted her for the vain lord. She swore to one day toreturn and claim revenge.

Having abandoned her last name to avoid the shame that now came with it, she sighed on for a hunt far away from anyone that would know her.
Last edited by exalted on Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby VintageBass » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:00 pm

I'll just leave this here for the time being...

Name: Octave
Gender: Herm
Race: Human/Monkey Hybrid
Age: 25
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Perks and Skills:
- Calm Mind: As part of her training, Octave sets time to focus on clearing out her mind, heightening her mind and enlightening in new techniques. This also helps in helping to calm her dark desires and also to toughen herself from anyone wanting to get freaky when she isn't in the mood for it. (+1 to stats after meditating for two/thre turns, negates Shadows of the Past when active and -1 to lust attacks towards her, 1-day cooldown)
- Ballet Battler: While not practicing ballet itself, with how flexible she is, Octave can dodge and weave, kick and punch like she is performing a choreograph dance. (+1 to dexterity rolls, stacking when focusing on one target and loses bonuses when hit, misses or switches target)
- Good with All Hands: Has a natural desire to take apart things and put them together to form something new, along with being not only ambidextrous, but can use her feet to perform tasks as well. Her tail even serves as a fifth hand! (+1 dexterity when doing something involving delicate or detailed use of the fingers and tail: disarming traps, carefully placing bait, et cetera)
- Master of Multi: Carries around a weapon passed down by her monkey side, which amazingly possesses several tools of trade used to hunt monsters, all in a Bo staff. Comes with more maintenance than with any other weapons, but Octave can have quick access to the tools in her staff, including as a staff, whatever will be appropriate for the mission. (Usually defaults to scythe, +1 dexterity when using any bladed staff/polearm weapon)
- Technomagical Babbler: Octave has a strange interest in the new technology, wanting to do what she can to help improve weapons, machines and anything else to help improve the Guild for the better. Not only that, Octave takes special care in her magical aspect, getting all she can out of the various liquids, perhaps using them for her own projects. (+1 to identifying traps, technology and monster goods)
- Lightweight: As part of her training, Octave has been taught that armor tends to slow her down, and that cloth is appropriate for her particular field. Plus being raised in a more clothesless society, her options for cloth armor is limiting, but she makes do with what she can take (+1 to defense when wearing full cloth/leather armor)

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
- Shadows of the Past: With a history tying to a demonic artifact that creates nightmares, Octave's mind has been warped, preventing her from dealing with normal situations with coherent thoughts without occasionally breaking down... (-1 to stats, +1 to lust attacks towards her, negates Calm Mind when in effect)
- Socially Skewered: Leading her to have the problem of not being social with other humans, even monsters and hybrids. When not going mad or driven into fear, she can be a fun and enjoyable person, but the right trigger can set her off and one of three routes can occur. (-1 to manipulation rolls)
- Irrational Treasure: Should Octave ever decide to use her artifact in battle, she loses her focus on the world and becomes a whole new beast. Some consider her to be a more dangerous threat in her insane state, but even with the heightened senses and the ability to draw out the worse in people, this does make her less focused and behave erratically. (+1 to combat stats, -2 to perception, and attacks are likely to hit less often whenever the artifact is in effect)
- Not-So-Master Tinkerer: Whenever she takes something apart, she usually attempts to create something new, usually to various degrees of hilarity or disastrous results. Follows directions perfectly, but going off on her own will usually never end in good results. (-1 to trap building and tinkering, outside of her multi-tool weapon)
- Thirsty: In the process of looking for a cure to her madness, Octave will more than likely experiment with the liquids to see if any of them will help cure her, whether for good or bad. (Must consume X amount of liquids a day, else suffer from cravings the next day, giving -1 to mental stats until Y amount is made up for)
- Exposed to the Elements: Thanks to her life in a society that is mostly in the buff, Octave is less prone to wearing clothes, even her training's preferred cloth armor, which can provide her freedom, but with her new life as a hunter, however... (+1 to dexterity, -2 to defense when not wearing armor)

Class: Monk (Mental/Finesse)
+2 Intelligence, +1 Strength, +1 Presence
+3 Wits, +2 Dexterity, +2 Manipulation
+2 Resolve, +1 Stamina, +1 Composure

Octave had a bit of a strange history growing up. With her father being a masked hunter falling for her mother, a kakuen with ties to a powerful patriarchy controlling one massive island, she barely got to know her father and instead growing up in the care of her mother's caretakers. She did had a rather well upbringing before she came across an ancient relic tied to demonic forces that, whoever carries this item, shall possess the powers to manipulate people and bring out their darkness fears out into the light. Octave figured she could use this against the tyrannical leader, hoping to allow everyone to be free from his rule...

While it did help, this had lead to some devestating consequences. Not only was she already seen as different thanks to her human half, but also possessing both sexes, which got her in situations she wish to wash away. With the new addition of these dark memories she is controlling, her people fear for the worst, even her own mother began to consider disowning her, despite feeling oddly proud for her daughter's achievement in overthrowing their leader. So Octave sought out to cleanse her mind of all the dark memories she has raised up, along with trying to purify the demonic aura surrounding herself.

That said, she seeks out taking up Monster Hunting in the hopes of finding something to help aid her in her quest to cure of the curse she has inflicted on herself, while having the chance to follow in her father's footsteps and learn a little more about who he was.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Nicoffee » Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:45 pm

Holy- I didn't expect so many profiles to show up while I was asleep.

@Nobudi - All right, neat, I'll put you in the list when I get home later.

@Lorielle - Sorry but I'm not gonna be able to accept that character. The character herself looks pretty interesting but, as I stated a few posts above, magic is exclusive to full monsters and I said on the sheet that I'm not allowing full monsters to join unless as another hunter's domesticated pet. Also, magic is, as I mentioned, very ritualistic in nature and Aria seems more like a spell slinger type, where she just casts spells on the fly instead of setting them up previously and stuff like that. If you still want to get into the RP with a magical character maybe we can work something out under some specific changes, PM me.

@Cliffracer - Take your time, I'm probably gonna give it until tommorow from this post and then make the opening post.

@Reaver - Looking good so far! You get to pick whatever weapon you wish to start with, mechanically, they're all going to just use your base attributes to work the same so you're pretty free to fight with whatever you please.

@lilbooth - Nice. You're in. I'm actually thinking, your background could be a good cue for a subplot further into the RP, regarding the members of the crew from the ship Wyck mutineered from. Would you be okay with that?

@Exalted - Really cool character! You're also in. But uh...Your appearance picture is broken for me, strangely enough. Might be the computer I'm in though. Once I get home, I'll edit this post to confirm if I can see it or not.

@VintageBass - All right, pretty good, you're in too, friend. Do you have any particular ideas for that demonic artifact in the future? If there's anywhere specific you want to go with that, let me know via PM and we can cook some cool stuff up.

@All - Right then. I'd say we already have more than enough people to get started, I'm probably gonna give it a bit more time until tommorow, to see if people want to fiddle with anything or ask me any questions (Feel free to PM me about it too, if you'd rather) and I'll open up the RP proper tommorow first thing when I get online. I'm currently not at home, so I'll reply to any questions or PMs once I get there.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:21 pm

Oh no I totally get it I just now saw your rules on Magic. So I'll remake my character soon.
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Re: Hoonters (Recruitment and OOC)

Postby cliffracer » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:37 pm

Name: Tamara Kushnir

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 25

Perks and skills:
-Tank: Tamara's ability to take punishment physically and mentally is second-to-none. Being directly assaulted is her forté. ( Bonus to rolls for physical or mental defense when aware of an assault. )
-Capture Specialist: Tamara prefers nonlethal takedowns, any day. ( Specialty in creating traps for non-lethal purposes. )
-Armor Expert: Knowing how to wear armor is one thing. Knowing how to make and use it is another. ( Bonus to armor maintenance/creation and less penalty to rolls while wearing heavy armor. )

Disadvantages and Drawbacks:
-Distaste for Weaponry: Tamara has a personal grudge against using weapons, the only weapon she knows is her own body. ( Strong penalty to weapon use. Will avoid using weapons. )
-Glutton for Punishment: Self-sacrificial to a fault. The center of attention. ( Tends to opt herself as bait or a diversion far too much. Will choose to soak up damage if it means someone else isn't taking a hit. )
-Very Submissive: While Tamara is a veritable brick wall, she has trouble fighting back against assaults of a sexual kind. ( Penalty to resisting sexual attacks, will gladly be bait of that kind too. )

Appearance: Armor Reference, Face/Hair Reference, Bodytype ref (just subtract some hip)

Class: STALWART (Physical + Resilience)
+3 stat: Stamina
+2 stats: Strength, Dexterity, Resolve, Composure
+1 stats: Intelligence, Wits, Presence, Manipulation

Tamara was born in a tundra village to a family of farmers and smiths. Alot of her childhood was spent working on the farm, be it working the land or tending to the animals. She helped make her own first set of armor when she was just twelve, and would go on a hunt with her mother that same year. The hunt was successful, but her mother had seriously wounded herself in Tamara's defense. She managed to protect her injured mother with makeshift traps using surplus supplies and the landscape itself. Tamara's first hunt was her first taste of the lifestyle, and she knew that was what she wanted to do all her life. She took a keynote from her mother, training herself to be as tough as she could be so other people could remain safe.

Tamara is a serious-looking woman, she generally doesn't seem to smile much. As if it were a conscious deception though, she quite enjoys ironic humor and poking fun at things, and likes to make nicknames for people she meets. Tamara isn't a shy woman and is quite comfortable in sexual situations, she'd hardly find issue with a stranger grabbing her ass (though they'd be subject to an immediate onslaught of jokes at their expense...)
Tamara has a slight slavic accent from where she grew up.
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