Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 18/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:21 am

DatFlash Wrote:Thanks for replying again, the first part was just me wondering why there wasn't a forward backward button in the cage scene like everything else does, but that doesn't matter too much

Hmmmm I remember putting those in first. Perhaps they're bugged?

DatFlash Wrote:The second statement you made, makes no sense to me. I indeed had 790k points when I saved Mario, but no Bowser scene ever unlocked or anything.

You have to get a black screen (DID YOU COLLECT 500000 POINTS)? Then you press SPACE (or click in the pink button) and you should see the Bowser scene!

DatFlash Wrote:There were the endings which I posted that I got which was SMB1-3 and the one where they sit on the star, but that was it.

If I remember correctly, ALL ENDINGS should appear (SMB1, SMB2, SMB3 and SMRPG, the one with the star).

DatFlash Wrote:Also I cannot save Mario again with the same save after I used continue playing so I can't even quickly try it again

EDIT: Please test it again! (ReconLegend, could you too?)

World 7 BOSS doesnt exist yet.
World 8 doesnt exist yet.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 18/15)

Postby DatFlash » Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:38 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Playshapes made this scene more than 4 years ago without that button. I improved all other scenes, but I might have forgotten to include a button on this one.
Its not hard to do it. I'll think about it.

No problem it's not important I was just confused.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:If I remember correctly, ALL ENDINGS should appear (SMB1, SMB2, SMB3 and SMRPG, the one with the star).

DatFlash Wrote:Also I cannot save Mario again with the same save after I used continue playing so I can't even quickly try it again

Due to the airships? Yes, I am working with it now.

I think you might be confused. when I saved Mario the first time I had all 4 endings if that is all there was. However following that when I continued playing and selected Gallery, there is an Ending tab unlocked, yet when I opened it all 6 were locked.

Here is a list of what the endings and hints given are from top left to right then next row down:

1. Nothing. No hint, no idea what it is.
2. Do you know how Super Mario RPG really ended?
3. Do you know how SMB3 really ended?
4. Was your virginity intact but not yet fucked Mario?
5. Do you know how SMB2 really ended?
6. Is you a...NYMPH?

Now I had all 4 endings, so I should qualify for 2,3, and 5 at least yet they are not unlocked for me. 6 I am unsure of because while the Fire Peach I used has 'The Dirty Nymphomaniac of the Kingdom' I did not use the options to change her personality to 'Always a Nymph' so perhaps that is how you intended it.

Now for the 500k part, to the right of the empty Bowser Jr. tab which I have no idea how to unlock as well, there is a locked tab with the hint 'Did you get 500,000 points?' which I clearly did having 790,000+ when I saved Mario. Assuming this could even be unlocked earlier I should have had it. You mentioned something about a Special Bowser scene, but I have not come across that yet with 800K+ points right now after I continued playing, so if this Special Bowser scene is around I have no idea where it could be, because I had died enough times for Fire Peach to become a Koopa Slave even past 500,000 points, which is where I would assume the Special Bowser scene takes place. If possible elaborate on how I'm supposed to get it to work.

As for the Airships part, that is not necessarily the case. I can immediately go to World 7, and instead of taking the stairs the door is unlocked taking me to the Nimbus Area where Mario is. However, when I try to click on him again nothing happens, just like how it was in the previous version only this time it's after I completed the game with the character I'm trying this on. I am not sure if this is supposed to be intentional.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 18/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:50 am

DatFlash Wrote:No problem it's not important I was just confused.

I updated my comments, as the buttons ARE THERE (in the code) but not appearing in the game. I'll check it.

DatFlash Wrote:I think you might be confused. when I saved Mario the first time I had all 4 endings if that is all there was. However following that when I continued playing and selected Gallery, there is an Ending tab unlocked, yet when I opened it all 6 were locked.

You should be able to see the 4 MARIO SCENES unlocked, as you were seeing them all in that screen.
Probably Fixed Now! Needs more tests!

DatFlash Wrote:1. Nothing. No hint, no idea what it is.


DatFlash Wrote:Now for the 500k part, to the right of the empty Bowser Jr. tab which I have no idea how to unlock as well, there is a locked tab with the hint 'Did you get 500,000 points?' which I clearly did having 790,000+ when I saved Mario. Assuming this could even be unlocked earlier I should have had it.

So it isnt unlocking with more than 500k? This MUST happen with or without Special Bowser scene being around earlier in the prison or not. Got the points? It MUST show after the endings. That's a BUG, FIXING IT.
BOWSER JR not made yet!

DatFlash Wrote:However, when I try to click on him again nothing happens, just like how it was in the previous version only this time it's after I completed the game with the character I'm trying this on. I am not sure if this is supposed to be intentional.

This SHOULD happen. There ISNT any code that makes this button get disabled. We are able to talk to Mario over and over again, repeating the game over and over again.
There isnt a 'Button: do this only for the first time' code. I can check this one, but I cant promise I'll be fixing it tonight.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 18/15)

Postby DatFlash » Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:05 am

Awesome, thanks for clearing those things up for me. My biggest worry is always I'm doing something totally wrong.

One unrelated thing, does the clothing customization save across all the saves? If so it's a bit of a hassle changing between characters.

Another thing is I've started a Rosalina virginity run, but after doing World 1 Stage 5 I got the big coin, finished the bonus mission, and right after it gave me a Bowser prison scene. I don't understand how that works since I didn't end up dying though I did finish with x0 lives left. Since it was quick I reloaded, tried it again and same thing. Did it a third time this time without the toad house coin and I didn't get the Bowser scene.

Life Mushrooms also don't seem to give life when bought from that guy in Mushroom Town.

Oh and how are you supposed to beat Larry without an attack ability? I don't think you can jump on his head or at least I couldn't. Fire Dress was easy though, he just stood still.

World 2 Stage 3's bonus Toad House has the same problem. Bowser scene will show up afterwards. Guess I'm skipping all big coins on this run.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 18/15)

Postby BlueCherry » Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:02 am

Hello, I got an earlier version of this game before, and just been directed to here. The problem is that why after world 1-6 cannot continue, said in progress? I got world 2 in my earlier version, sadly I deleted that version so don't know the version number exactly
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:14 pm

DatFlash Wrote:Awesome, thanks for clearing those things up for me. My biggest worry is always I'm doing something totally wrong.

Nevermind, we are here to maintain a bug-free game (the most we can). You are helping me a ton, like other great friends here! Bugs persist because when I add new features, a given code that turns deprecated can break a given place in the game. Its only a matter to be more careful. This will occur far less in the AS3 version of the game. At every change, I am already updating the AS3 version which is still in 'conversion' phase.

DatFlash Wrote:One unrelated thing, does the clothing customization save across all the saves? If so it's a bit of a hassle changing between characters.

The customization of items like heels, stockings, earrings, etc, are unicque per save.
BUT the customization of POWERUPS are global. This can be changed, if more people prefers unicque clothings per powerup in each save slot.

DatFlash Wrote:Another thing is I've started a Rosalina virginity run, but after doing World 1 Stage 5 I got the big coin, finished the bonus mission, and right after it gave me a Bowser prison scene. I don't understand how that works since I didn't end up dying though I did finish with x0 lives left. Since it was quick I reloaded, tried it again and same thing. Did it a third time this time without the toad house coin and I didn't get the Bowser scene.

Hmmmmmmmm thats REALLY strange. Peach SHOULD NOT go to the prison (game over) if she has 0 lives then go to those levels. FIXING IT.

DatFlash Wrote:Life Mushrooms also don't seem to give life when bought from that guy in Mushroom Town.

This is still being FIXED, I wrote this yesterday in the last page.

DatFlash Wrote:Oh and how are you supposed to beat Larry without an attack ability? I don't think you can jump on his head or at least I couldn't. Fire Dress was easy though, he just stood still.

If the current princess is slim enough (you know, no large boobs, no slow powerups...) yes, you can jump on him. Please verify that.
Movements like ATTACK, DEFEND, JUMP for Koopalings still to be done.

BlueCherry Wrote:Hello, I got an earlier version of this game before, and just been directed to here. The problem is that why after world 1-6 cannot continue, said in progress? I got world 2 in my earlier version, sadly I deleted that version so don't know the version number exactly

Please verify if you are playing the 2.4.8 version. We are already in World 7 (I am still making 7-6).

Again, sorry about all the bugs.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:44 pm

I am checking the situation of 'not going to airships anymore after finishing a game', and I noticed thats how it should happen after you select CONTINUE GAME in the endings.
I've put the bosses back, so you can replay the levels after continuing the game, BUT THIS ACTUALLY SHOULD NOT HAPPEN THIS WAY, because the Koopalings are already dead!

- Rule Change: The princess now can play the airship levels again after finishing the game (CONGRATULATIONS SCREEN), then clicking CONTINUE GAME after the endings. Some people said: "After finishing the game once, I tried going back to world 2's castle but no airship as usual, which is a bit sad since replaying without the bosses is not as fulfilling for those like me who didn't stick with one path.". But its supposed the airships are destroyed, right?

So I plan removing the rule above, or I wait for better ideas.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Train1305 » Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:47 pm

Can anyone help me with the mysterious dick of the prison part??
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby DatFlash » Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:08 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
DatFlash Wrote:Awesome, thanks for clearing those things up for me. My biggest worry is always I'm doing something totally wrong.

Nevermind, we are here to maintain a bug-free game (the most we can). You are helping me a ton, like other great friends here! Bugs persist because when I add new features, a given code that turns deprecated can break a given place in the game. Its only a matter to be more careful. This will occur far less in the AS3 version of the game. At every change, I am already updating the AS3 version which is still in 'conversion' phase.

What's the AS3 version and how does it differ from the current versions?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Aaryan Rey » Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:10 pm

Hey just wanted to ask, which local flash player should I use.... as standalone doesnt work
Aaryan Rey
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:50 pm

Aaryan Rey Wrote:Hey just wanted to ask, which local flash player should I use.... as standalone doesnt work

I use the 'Flash Player Projector' (its a standalone flash player from Adobe). I also use Irfanview (yes! The image editor!) with Flash SWF plugin.

DatFlash Wrote:What's the AS3 version and how does it differ from the current versions?

Its the same game, but using a modern engine of Flash. The 'AS3' one WONT differ from AS2, actually AS3 version will REPLACE the AS2 version. The game will be the same, you wont notice anything inside the game other than better performance and less bugs.

Train1305 Wrote:Can anyone help me with the mysterious dick of the prison part??

Its just a matter of clicking on it, then execute the scene until the end (the buttons were updated yesterday night because they were buggy), then the door will be unlocked.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby DatFlash » Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:36 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
DatFlash Wrote:What's the AS3 version and how does it differ from the current versions?

Its the same game, but using a modern engine of Flash. The 'AS3' onde WONT differ from AS2, actually AS3 version will REPLACE the AS2 version. The game will be the same, you wont notice anything inside the game other than better performance and less bugs.

Does this mean Flash Projector will work just fine? We don't need to grab anything right? Just an under the hood upgrade?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Bluey5 » Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:47 pm

Does anyone else have trouble running this game? It always ran really slow for me, and I can no longer put up with it. It runs like 50%fps at all times, and only lightens up in certain areas like in World1-2.

I know AS3 is supposed to give it better performance, but it doesn't for me, and I know Flash is a horrible platform performance wise as well. I have the specs for it, 2.0ghz dual core. Yet it still runs choppy.

(Lag occurs mostly when the screen moves, and frame skipping is a horrible feature to try to compensate for this)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:39 pm

Bluey5 Wrote:Does anyone else have trouble running this game? It always ran really slow for me, and I can no longer put up with it. It runs like 50%fps at all times, and only lightens up in certain areas like in World1-2.

You have to check your system. I am playing the latest version now (2.4.8, Sep 20/15), here is my FPS benchmark (you can activate it in the options).

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

screen1.jpg (46.87 KiB) Viewed 2239 times

screen2.jpg (74.07 KiB) Viewed 2240 times

screen3.jpg (42.27 KiB) Viewed 2240 times

My Worst was 82%, in a REALLY full area!
I use a Core i7 (I already said that this game is heavy for users with less than a Core i5 or an AMD that has similar performance to I5). More info in PAGE 1.
The game IS NOT IN AS3 yet. It will take weeks to months yet!
I always recommend playing from Google Chrome or better yet, from the aforementioned FLASH PLAYER PROJECTOR (Standalone Flash Player).

DatFlash Wrote:Does this mean Flash Projector will work just fine? We don't need to grab anything right? Just an under the hood upgrade?

Thats it! The same Flash player can be used (as well as any Browser which supports Flash)!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby overlord5 » Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:42 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Bluey5 Wrote:Does anyone else have trouble running this game? It always ran really slow for me, and I can no longer put up with it. It runs like 50%fps at all times, and only lightens up in certain areas like in World1-2.

You have to check your system. I am playing the latest version now (2.4.8, Sep 20/15), here is my FPS benchmark (you can activate it in the options).

Spoiler (click to show/hide):




My Worst was 82%, in a REALLY full area!
I use a Core i7 (I already said that this game is heavy for users with less than a Core i5 or an AMD that has similar performance to I5). More info in PAGE 1.
The game IS NOT IN AS3 yet. It will take weeks to months yet!
I always recommend playing from Google Chrome or better yet, from the aforementioned FLASH PLAYER PROJECTOR (Standalone Flash Player).

DatFlash Wrote:Does this mean Flash Projector will work just fine? We don't need to grab anything right? Just an under the hood upgrade?

Thats it! The same Flash player can be used (as well as any Browser which supports Flash)!

the game currently requires around 3.2Ghz to run somewhat smoothly. there are multiple reasons for this, one is the code another is the use of vector graphics which takes up little space but are heavy on the cpu.
Ivan is in the process of converting to AS3 which is faster, special when classes have been implemented.
we could make it even faster if we were to convert it to C# using unity, which would even allow us to run it on mobile devices, but this would cost money for the plugin needed to use vector graphics and everything except the vector graphics would have to be remade, including code and animations. but time is money so it would require more funds, which is why i have suggested Ivan setting up a patreon.
so it comes down to what Ivan wanna do and what people are willing to pay for
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby BlueCherry » Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:24 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
BlueCherry Wrote:Hello, I got an earlier version of this game before, and just been directed to here. The problem is that why after world 1-6 cannot continue, said in progress? I got world 2 in my earlier version, sadly I deleted that version so don't know the version number exactly

Please verify if you are playing the 2.4.8 version. We are already in World 7 (I am still making 7-6).

Again, sorry about all the bugs.

I'm sure I download the game from this post and it said version 2.4.8 in topic screen. I just opened game here and looked at world map, still see in progress.

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Bluey5 » Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:00 am

I see :(

So I guess with the specs I have, I can't run it correctly. I guess I have to count on AS3 and if that doesn't work out...I guess I just gotta get a new computer.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:20 am

overlord5 Wrote:The game currently requires around 3.2Ghz to run somewhat smoothly. there are multiple reasons for this, one is the code another is the use of vector graphics which takes up little space but are heavy on the cpu.

Correct! Vector graphics are 'the girl's iris' of quality games, but they are...a bit hungry for resources :/ Adobe is STILL promising about Flash being MULTITHREADED or TRULY accelerated by GPU.

overlord5 Wrote:Ivan is in the process of converting to AS3 which is faster, special when classes have been implemented. We could make it even faster if we were to convert it to C# using unity, which would even allow us to run it on mobile devices, but this would cost money for the plugin needed to use vector graphics and everything except the vector graphics would have to be remade

Thats it! Thats why the idea is great, BUT I prefer to go to the 'AS3 mountain' first, then create classes for it, then finish the game, then think about it in the future, who knows ;)
Patreon is on the plans, I just havent created one because I am so full of duties that I prefer to focus in the game when I am free. For sure I would love to do wonders with a better game engine, people will be even more satisfied.

BlueCherry Wrote:I'm sure I download the game from this post and it said version 2.4.8 in topic screen. I just opened game here and looked at world map, still see in progress.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh, THAT THING! You can ignore it. It would be a place for a new level, thats all.
When you finish 1-6, a toad should appear telling you that the airship IS IN PEACH'S CASTLE! So you have to beat it to progress!

Bluey5 Wrote:I see :( So I guess with the specs I have, I can't run it correctly. I guess I have to count on AS3 and if that doesn't work out...I guess I just gotta get a new computer.

You can use Flash Player, then play with the quality settings. You dont need to rush with the FRAMESKIP. I dont like it as well hehe, but its there for people who prefer it (and I know many who prefer to set it to, say, 22!).
So you can try QUALITY: MEDIUM ou LOW. Then you can try changing your entire screen resolution (say, FULL HD to HD, or 1333x764, or even less, or 1024x758), then you can open up Flash Player AND you can RESIZE the window. The smaller the window, the faster the game.

As for people who are sending me PMs, I am sorry, I promiss I'll find time to answer them.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby BlueCherry » Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:36 am

I was stuck on the daisy's palace (world 2 boss) too. Simply it seems unable to jump over the first gap and must die.
Finally I found a solution, play 1-3 again to get the raccoon dress, fly over and proceeded, but is it the only way to complete daisy's palace?
Also wonder if it's able to keep virginity here in raccoon form, it seems no way other than being fxxked.
( I remembered when I play older version, I can jump over the ship, so I can be in a flower form here and simply destroy the boss. However I think it's impossible to get here unless raccoon form, so what?)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.8 (Sep 20/15)

Postby DatFlash » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:36 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:DatFlash:
I am checking the situation of 'not going to airships anymore after finishing a game', and I noticed thats how it should happen after you select CONTINUE GAME in the endings.
I've put the bosses back, so you can replay the levels after continuing the game, BUT THIS ACTUALLY SHOULD NOT HAPPEN THIS WAY, because the Koopalings are already dead!

- Rule Change: The princess now can play the airship levels again after finishing the game (CONGRATULATIONS SCREEN), then clicking CONTINUE GAME after the endings. Some people said: "After finishing the game once, I tried going back to world 2's castle but no airship as usual, which is a bit sad since replaying without the bosses is not as fulfilling for those like me who didn't stick with one path.". But its supposed the airships are destroyed, right?

So I plan removing the rule above, or I wait for better ideas.

I wouldn't even mind the airships/bosses being non-replayable so long as the gallery can be unlocked for each of them. Are the Koopalings = Bowser Jr in the gallery? If so I can't even click it for a hint.
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