cyberlover Wrote:okay here the bug i found, when i am using lucky to swap hp, my gorger rockboom (cohort succubi,pearl stud,lesser dark rune,20 chant for magician) swap its atk and hp ( 6 atk and 1 hp due to battle in blightwall north descreasing the atk to 1) and it stuck at 6 atk and 1 hp even in the next fight. however i manage to return the stat back to normal(5 atk 6 hp) by removing it from squad and put him on squad again. I dont know whether this information would help or not but still i will report if something happend again in the game.
Hmmm this actually helps a great deal. I redid the way the mechanic works and it would explain why people are seeing decrease on tanks as they are common targets for Voodoo due to their high HP. Will check it out - thanks!
Nours Wrote:I couldn't, for the life of me, experience/reproduce this bug even once. How can I get to trigger it?
I think it has to do with 3-move units trying to pass occupied squares and getting "stuck" on the unit they are passing through. Currently investigating.