Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby napala » Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:42 am

You know, I was never really interested in strategy games, but DAMN it feels good to succeed after failing 15+ times on the Sand Gate, by only doing a small tweak in my army and strategy. It's one of those moments where one feels stupid for not having though about it before.
Pecunia fight was interesting and it felt more fun than the other two. Altough now that I think about it, all the fights end up being pretty much the same: lose a few times to learn the pattern and rules, remember the pattern, lose a few more times to discover how not to die against the insta-kill, learn how to do that, and voila. (and in my case, die one more time just because I wanted to see the dialogue for not activating Suppression Field :P Dialogue and Cutscenes gallery pretty please?).

Now, just a question, out of ignorance, how hard would it be to make some sort of system where you can import your army from older saves? Because no matter how fun the game is, it DOES get repetitive after the 5th time I have to start all over from the start.

Other than that, like I always say, keep up the good work! ;)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby F.Infinity » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:10 pm

I think I will add my opinion to the previous "mini-discussion".
Yeah, maybe the game is not very appealing to those who came here just for sexy flash action but I think that allowed it to attract another kind of auditory. I mean I am not even interested in the whole porn-flash games stuff and originally stumbled on this game by pure accident. It was a long time ago, somewhere near the time GoRepeat decided to continue working on this series, a year and a half ago I guess . But what surprised me is the depth of this game's universe development and the fact that the story is REALISTIC. While I don't have anything against porn or people who watch or draw it(really what's wrong with that?) I am here for the story and gameplay and the porn is just a pleasant bonus. And about frustration, well... go play Demon or Dark Souls those are frustrating games. This game becomes less frustrating and more funny cause now we have heroes, somewhere near The Comb battle every single one of your soldiers will be equipped with runes, and you can use four variants of buffs and you don't even have to grind lol except for a certain singer vs fans battle;), all of this gives you some sort of feeling of successful development: in the begging you had a squad of demonic pests and through the events of the game you built an unstoppable army, that's what I like about this game.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Crash23893 » Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:46 am

After beating this game for about the 5th time I'm just gonna stop here and wait for the full version. It's a little frustrating to finish it again but hey some people are gonna endure all that and I guess the bug reports and other problems are left to those who love the torture of finishing the game to view the "content".

Anyway since this thread is in that "phase" I'm going to say not everybody has to like it and playing the game and continuing it is in your power alone. If you don't like to play anymore since it's difficult or some other reason -cough-inevitablesavedeletions-cough- then by all means be on your way to your own life. You got your priorities and if you don't know them, start thinking or later if you want. Everything is complex that we can never comprehend what people really want or let alone ourselves from time to time. Even I didn't know why I didn't quit on the last save deletion (Latest Boss -spoilers-). Well that's all I got to say since it's late at night where I am.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VladimirRomanov » Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:34 am

GoRepeat Wrote:
bornsinner Wrote:Oh man that angel scene...if we could have another one of those i would be sooo happy


All of this is fairly valid criticism. I don't hide the fact that I like frustrating games and the ones I make tend to absorb those attributes. As much as I would love to be a team of people, I'm not... its just me, so there is going to be inevitable nepotism in my designs.

I actually probably could sex up the combat a little by possibly adding armor breaks or arousal without too much effort. Really its just adding armor break down graphics and tying it to the unit's health. But my only concern there would be what to do for the males? Most of them already have their dicks hanging out so what would be the point of breaking the little bottles on the Gorger Rockboomer's man-straps. I would be open to realistic ideas. Something like blowing the enemy etc is out because that would be too much cross unit animation. I don't have the time for it!

Tutorials are another valid complaint. There is figuring stuff out, then being stupidly stifled for no reason. I recognize that. Eventually I will probably add a "Tutorial" button to the main menu to go over units, squads, chanting, etc. (BTW - the 100% and 50% represent the chance that you will start with that card in your hand. Your Captain will always be in your hand (100%), then you will always get one of your two Lieutenants (50%))

Enemy abilities I like for you to figure out on your own. But I could see about adding tooltip for stuff like Judgement, Jealous Rage, Admin Rights, etc. To be honest, the only reason they don't exist now is because Leader units don't have an easy tooltip mechanic like regular units. Call me lazy! But it is a fair consideration.

Ultimately, the game is still in the works, so feel free to complain about stuff you don't like. Some of it might change, some of it might not. But it never hurts to ask.

If I had any artistic skill, or knowledge of flash, I would gladly help out. However, all I could give is advice and ideas. (Although, I am learning art while modding some AAA games)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Zatheus » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:27 am

Hi, Hi! Catching up to the lore, I encounter these glitches.

First, a common one, a unit using an occupied grid.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


And this is weird, my units are getting weak/different in every match, examples provided in the spoiler, is very annoying because well a 1/6 tank is not useful at all.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Those for now, keep up the good work, and nice streaming today :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:47 pm

Wow that is really weird. Your base tank health is decreased in combat even though on the menu it is the proper amount? Do you remember what you were doing when you first noticed the combat stats went wrong? And is it just your tanks? No other classes?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby randomcouchpotato » Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:58 pm

Zatheus Wrote:And this is weird, my units are getting weak/different in every match, examples provided in the spoiler, is very annoying because well a 1/6 tank is not useful at all.

Hi, I've actually seen this same bug (forgot to mention it in my earlier post). I think it might have something to do with the squad assignment? When I noticed it, I looked at my squad arrangement and saw the same unit with correct health in the unit list, but decreased health in the squad. Sorry I don't have a screenshot, but I fixed it by removing the unit from the squad then re-adding it. For me it also happened to be with the exact same unit, the Hive Vanguard, that's probably not a coincidence.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby thatoneguy14 » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:02 pm

So I assume after you beat Pecunia that's the end of the update?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby MajorMajorMajorMajor » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:33 pm

Crash23893 Wrote:No my Save!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby bornsinner » Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:45 am

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby surfertrent » Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:15 am

Any tips for what to do about the Dager in the Dark on the Pecunia fight when you are playing as the red class ( Rouge I think?). I've played the fight a few dozen times and can't figure out how to not get one shot by that attack
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:31 am

I found a bug: if you've just summoned a unit, and it's waiting for you to pick a target for a special ability, you can click "flee" instead of choosing. It'll give you the running-away dialogue, but the display stays locked on the "choose target" screen, and I had to close the game.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Space Cat » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:45 am

Aestral Wrote:
The reason why we love Gore's games is that unlike most of the porn games, they actually MAKE SENSE. You're fighting a war, your main priority is to defeat the enemy squad so you can advance. IF you manage to turn some of the enemy soldiers into hostages, you can force them into fighting for you. This is a strategy that would be possible even in our world (well, you'd force the soldiers with bribery, tortures or something else, not with sex). Having every attack as a sex attack is just plain stupid, "Huh, so i just knocked down this chick, i guess i'll bang her hoping that other enemy soldiers won't slit my throat while i'll be banging her". And arousal is all about teasing at first, earning it. You have to be really shallow to prefer to just mindlessly fap to some nameless people fucking for no reason at all, without any backstory.

Not surprisingly, you missed my point entirely. Never said the RPG end didn't make sense. Only the idea of adding fap animations to a war game with this level of game play/difficulty. Sex animations in a game are pointless unless, said animations are easily enough accessible that it's fun (fappable?). It'd make more sense as a game, if the sexual pats where implied or in text. The problem with games like this is, they draw you in with a sexual tease but never deliver enough to justify your time/frustration. This makes the game feel like it's just being a dick to the player. Teasing only works if there's a payoff before so much time goes by you loose all arousal. If I wanted this much grinding for porn, I'd watch super lesbo scissors sisters (battle at mega cunt island). Speaking of fictitious pornos. We all loved "gag". The 2 hour porno with 110 minutes of back story. Oh, that's right, we didn't. Hey but this is better, we can't even skip to the sexy parts, if we don't feel like spending a week playing a hard RPG. Did I not mention frustratingly hard/time consuming tasks aren't arousing? Oh wait I did. If it was only an RPG, I couldn't fault it. The challenges are good. However without balance between time/difficulty and sexual payoff, you get a game that fails at at least one of the 2 things it's trying to be.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Space Cat » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:53 am

Lucky777 Wrote:
All of this is true, but the reason some of GP's games completely fail to be good "pure sex games" is that they're not intended to be such from the beginning.
In that respect and for that target audience they're defective by design.
But as that phrase includes, it's "by design", and as you mentioned, it is a well crafted and pretty badass semi-strategy game/turn-based RPG.
The whole "inscrutable riddle what my own fucking abilities even do" aspect Throbby mentioned is a completely different thing, and one has to assume there'll be tooltips and explanations (and maybe even optional in-game tutorials) forthcoming later. Hopefully.

With that being said, the gallery does provide for the sexual element of the game.

Of course, though, nothing so far even approaches the first Sakyu's angel-corruption scene.
Good dialogue can help to an astonishing degree.
I'm ACTUALLY still surprised to this very day.

This game would have served it's self much better as a straight up RPG, with a sexy theme but no actual animations. If you're going to make porn, make porn and do it well. If you aren't, then don't get people engrossed in a complicated game promising sex. Aren't people sick enough of that sort of thing happening in real life with relationships? lol. It wouldn't take much to turn this into a straight RPG and yeah, more in game explanations to how things work, would help relieve some player frustration.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby loshi1505 » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:18 am

Space Cat Wrote:If you're going to make porn, make porn and do it well. If you aren't, then don't get people engrossed in a complicated game promising sex. Aren't people sick enough of that sort of thing happening in real life with relationships? lol. It wouldn't take much to turn this into a straight RPG and yeah, more in game explanations to how things work, would help relieve some player frustration.

hmm... well... you do under stand that porn is only one word in the term porn game right... >_<

on the other hand I do think that GP needs to integrate some more tool tip/strategy suggestion like things in the game itself to make it easier for first timers to GP's porn game style. especially the boss fights... >_>

personally I find the level of difficulty to be fair-ish... or at least GP makes it more fair after enough bawing from us. :P
anyway porn game mean there is a level of difficulty involved. >_> games usually involve a chance of losing.... well... unless it's candy land... but candy land is a more of an activity than a game. :?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:53 pm

Space Cat Wrote:This game would have served it's self much better as a straight up RPG, with a sexy theme but no actual animations. If you're going to make porn, make porn and do it well. If you aren't, then don't get people engrossed in a complicated game promising sex. Aren't people sick enough of that sort of thing happening in real life with relationships? lol. It wouldn't take much to turn this into a straight RPG and yeah, more in game explanations to how things work, would help relieve some player frustration.


Well, I'm all for focus in my games, and as far as I'm concerned, an H-heavy and H-Centric game that is done well will be superior to any other kind done equally well.

This game is neither H-centric nor H-heavy; it's more of a strategy+random chance game with some H-content as a bonus.
Well, it is what it is.
I don't see that this game would be better without its animations at all.

See, if one is looking for the animations only, at the end of the day there'll be a way to get that, whether by using a password, or just by using someone else's save.

And if one is looking for a strategy+random chance game, then the presence of the H-content as a bonus doesn't actually take anything away.

To take your IRL example and apply it; there's no reason to waste time with a bunch of irrelevant emotional bullshit when you can just pay a hooker.
But that doesn't mean that the presence of sex takes anything away from the emotional relationships that people can get themselves engrossed in if they so choose.
Well, the analogy leaves out the presence of diseases, but leaving out that factor is fine anyway, since this game won't give you a computer virus.

At the end of the day, the bottom line is this: if you say "a game would be better without any sex in it at all" I'm unlikely to agree, because me likey me porn.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Sarah-Visari-Nafage » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:25 pm

Oi! My save. I suppose it's for the better.

Perhaps some Future ideas for the story would be an assasination attempt from Irania to attack Eva at The Hive. Just an idea

Had to restart my game, already beat van and approaching the death of bridgy
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby cyberlover » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:58 pm

okay here the bug i found, when i am using lucky to swap hp, my gorger rockboom (cohort succubi,pearl stud,lesser dark rune,20 chant for magician) swap its atk and hp ( 6 atk and 1 hp due to battle in blightwall north descreasing the atk to 1) and it stuck at 6 atk and 1 hp even in the next fight. however i manage to return the stat back to normal(5 atk 6 hp) by removing it from squad and put him on squad again. I dont know whether this information would help or not but still i will report if something happend again in the game.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby cyberlover » Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:11 pm

oh and it not only happend to one unit all unit get the same effect and need to be removed and put back to party to return the hp and atk to normal value
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Nours » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:54 pm


Wow! Congrats :) All I saw was a thigh and a kneesock there :/

Bug reporters Wrote:Enemy units stacking in 2nd column

I couldn't, for the life of me, experience/reproduce this bug even once. How can I get to trigger it?

Partial answer to Space Cat, since most points were already replied accurately:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Space Cat Wrote:We all loved "gag".

No. I don't know, and don't wish to know, what you're referring to. Some of us are not porn addicts, and actually play porn games for the "game" - which is the relevant noun here.
Since your 2nd and 3rd post do not add anyhing new to your 1st one, I suggest the community to treat you as a troll - ie ignore - if your further messages remain so agressive and unconstructive.
I've looked into your post history, I can tell what you're looking for in what you refer to as a "sexy game", and you can safely ignore GP's work on your side. You'll gain time and won't waste ours.

I suggest you read the above replies, which are very civil and respecful. I hope mine is as well - if anything, it is honest.
According to your remarks, you're either looking for fap material - indulge your fetishes, nobody needs to know - or for a proper BF (battle-fuck) based game. What are you even doing here?
PM me if you need suggestions, and if you were genuinely looking for advice. I won't mind. If not, you're helping neither the community nor yourself posting useless follow-throughs.

Please do not criticize people working for free, if it's not constructive; they escape the creation-killing marketing loops, they try and create something new AND have the balls to submit their work for the world to see. So, pretty please, just go play something else if yer not interested, or fail to understand the concept, and go post somewhere else - what this thread needs is bug reports and constructive criticism. I highly value honesty, but only when it's genuine - which is seldom so.

Space Cat Wrote:Sexual arousal is at odds with difficult, time consuming, intricate tasks. This is the plain physics of psychology and the human body.

All animals' mating rituals, including humans', are "time-consuming, intricate tasks", with their own set of rules. There's a reason for this, and I sincerely hope you come to understand it IRL. It's easier to grasp in games...
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