Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Crash23893 » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:57 pm

No my Save!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:09 pm

sigdelequa Wrote:So a big problem I am facing right now is the saving. I can never save, close the page, open back up and load the game. Is that normal or is there something I am doing wrong...?

The game saves its data in a web cookie. So if you are private browsing or have cookies turned off for the site, it won't remember the last time you played. I do also occasionally have to wipe saves when I have an update that would conflict with the current data. Hopefully, though, there shouldn't be too much more of that.

Aestral Wrote:Goddamnit Gore, finish the game already. I'm not playing it now, so i don't spoil this masterpiece for myself, but it's getting harder and harder to keep it up :cry:

We are probably past the 75% point, so not much longer now...

General 'To Do' List (in semi-order):
- Finish Hero Units
- Add Hero Animations
- Add Missions mechanic to pub
- Create Phasmos Sprites
- Animate Phasmos Sprites
- Add Phasmos Events
- Add the Blight Map
- Add Blight Combat Levels
- Add Somna Battle
- Animate Bovos Sprites
- Add Bovos Events
- Add Demon's Claw Map
- Add Demon's Claw Combat Levels
- Final Battle
- Any tuning / cleanup

There will probably be other things here and there, like better inventory management and some other reasonable requests that people have made; but I consider that stuff ad hoc to my main objectives.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:57 am

Is there a tutorial anywhere in the game that explains how the army/equipment/etc. screen works? I know, I know... "Read the comments!" But it would be awfully handy if there were a quick-link somewhere on the first page that could help jump you to "Useful Stuff in the Comments" (like command lists, etc.)

This game is awesome, much like the first, and Dusty's Castle, et al. But there's a pretty dang steep learning curve, and it's hard to find explanations of things like runes. Which I still have no idea about.

Now I gotta go fall down somewhere, because I stayed up until almost 5:00 playing this damnable game instead of sleeping while working a music festival in Seattle. Gotta get some sleep, then play more. Or maybe play more, then sleep? Hmmm...

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Katarina » Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:38 am

The thing I'm still confused about is the sorting system in the army section. I have been trying to figure out whether it's a stat or something, but I can't really seem to understand what it's sorting it by. Corruption, maybe?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:31 am

I *think* it sorts by toughness, race, class, and... something?

Finally figured out how to use runes.

Is there going to be an integrated tutorial that shows you how to use this stuff? Because I haven't been following the project from the beginning, I feel like there's a lot of things that I'm just plain missing. It's exceedingly difficult to get through to the first boss fight without modifying your army--and I had no idea how to change classes, or what that even did. The whole first run-through was trial and error: "Oh! I *can* move, if I click just right! Oh! I get the living snot beat out of me if I don't parry every round!" I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but it's really disheartening when you have to actually search for a huge part of the game mechanics, and when you find 'em, they aren't even explained to you.

Also, I'm having a hard time finding any info in the comments because I am specifically trying *not* to get any hints on how to beat bosses, etc. I just wanna know how to play the game! :P


p.s. Dammit, I'm still awake!? Gaahhhhh...
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby SirDrMrCoolGuy » Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:11 pm

Hey GoRepeat, I like the new hero. I find that the battle is too easy though. All I need to do is just put my heroes in and I win the match in 3 turns. could you somehow not make us able to not use the heroes in that event? i think it'll be more fun that way. Also, I would really like a way to battle the bosses again since it's fun battling them and I don't want to lose all my progress just to fight them again.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby F.Infinity » Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:46 pm

GoRepeat Wrote:- The Mask Spirits have reviewed Lucky's power and deemed it to good

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Shot » Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:04 pm

Did all the saves just break?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Pedrossis » Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:51 pm

@Shot: Each time GoRepeat touches the heros/units, the saves become obsolete.
The last time it was about the reset of the units' corruption level, if I remember well.
So year, the saves are DED (no big soup rice).

From "com.gorepete.snt2v31.sol" to "com.gorepete.snt2v32.sol"
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:16 pm

Katarina Wrote:The thing I'm still confused about is the sorting system in the army section. I have been trying to figure out whether it's a stat or something, but I can't really seem to understand what it's sorting it by. Corruption, maybe?

Type, Class, Rune, Squad; hitting it twice reverses order

Type will sort it Gorger, Mechiza, Phasmos, Drone, Illosia, Esurian, Bovos, Hero (Hero units are considered their own type for.. reasons..)
Class will sort it Tank, Fighter, Scout, Healer, Mage, None
Rune will sort it Earth, something something I forget, but you get the idea
Squad will sort it Captain, Lieutenant, Member, Not in Squad

So if you want to see your nekkid units quickly, just double tap "C" and it will sort it by class reverse order. Etc, etc
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby thatoneguy14 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:40 am

Maybe this isn't possible, but I played this game for like 4 hours and it was pretty tedious, good.. but tedious none the less. Is it somehow possible for gorepeat to upload an already finished version of the current game? Or atleast make progress quicker in the game.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby sniff3005 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:43 am

thatoneguy14 Wrote:Maybe this isn't possible, but I played this game for like 4 hours and it was pretty tedious, good.. but tedious none the less. Is it somehow possible for gorepeat to upload an already finished version of the current game? Or atleast make progress quicker in the game.

dick move dude, let GoRepeat work. it will be great just gotta have patience.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Space Cat » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:32 am

Gave this a fair try. Shortly after the angel character was killed off, I decided to cease wasting my time.

I'm guessing I'm going to be a minority voice here but, you want honesty, here you go.

Sexual arousal is at odds with difficult, time consuming, intricate tasks. This is the plain physics of psychology and the human body.

So, is this a good turn based RPG? I would say it is.
A good fap/sexy game? oh no. No it is not.

This game could save it's sex appeal, if, ALL THE ATTACKS WERE SEXUAL ACTS, instead of straight up warfare but I would shat bricks if such a huge change were ever made this late. Maybe in another game entirely.

I'm guessing at least one h@rdk0re gaymOr will flame how quickly “easily” they beat this. Testimony to how little life they have outside of games. Game skills=practice=time. Most people don't have time for that. They don't need games to fill the void. They save their problem solving abilities for IRL. We just want to relax at the end of the day.

So, another well crafted, yet frustrating, anti-intuitive “sexy game” is added to the Internet. Appealing only to a niche, who enjoy being teased. Highly time consuming for too little sex. Like so many, it has EXCELLENT potential for sex appeal but clings to apposing concepts.

With this game so difficult/involved, you could drop the sex scenes/nudity and make a good straight up turn based RPG flash game and sell it for monies. That is, if you aren't using any (c) materials.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby thatoneguy14 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:40 am

sniff3005 Wrote:
thatoneguy14 Wrote:Maybe this isn't possible, but I played this game for like 4 hours and it was pretty tedious, good.. but tedious none the less. Is it somehow possible for gorepeat to upload an already finished version of the current game? Or atleast make progress quicker in the game.

dick move dude, let GoRepeat work. it will be great just gotta have patience.

I guess my wording could have been better. I meant like a complete save of the current version. So I don't have to play through it all over again to see the new content.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby randomcouchpotato » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:49 pm

Finally made an account here just to comment on this game. I appreciate the game/H-content ratio. Even though it can feel difficult or tedious sometimes, it makes things more interesting and gives it more replay value as opposed to just being a one time, unlock-scenes-and-forget-it type game.

My only complaint would be that even after figuring out a bosses pattern it's very repetitive to beat them. I feel like after figuring out the puzzle, repeating the steps 8+ times is a bit much., but maybe there are more efficient methods i just haven't figured out yet. I finally managed to beat Pecunia by using the tank mode and timing Last Stand to counter Dagger in the Dark, but basically I could only get in 1 attack every 5 turns about, so very slow.

I did encounter a couple bugs:
- The gravity attack by Vanorel can cause the screen to fade black and never come back. From what I can tell this only happens if I'm already standing on the square that the gravity would have pulled me to. (For me it happened consistently if I was standing on the bottom-right most tile with the clone in front of me).

- Somehow Master Ioshia's Kai Chi Doe got unequipped from her. It happened right after the special battle at "The Comb". I can't reequip it, since I can't edit the equips of hero units, but even though it now says she has no special skill, in fights she still applies the kill poison. I also tried equipping the item to another unit, which I can, but it didn't actually give them her power in fights.

- Not really a bug, but a feature request/annoyance. If I ever want to bring back or look at the units I have chanting, scrolling the whole list is annoying and gets laggy if enough units are in there. A sort like you have for the Army page, or maybe breaking it down into separate lists for each class would make things a lot smoother for managing them.[/indent]

Thank you so much for this awesome game! I look forward to seeing it completed!

EDIT: Added a couple screenshots of the Ioshia Bug
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Aestral » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:07 pm

Space Cat Wrote:Gave this a fair try. Shortly after the angel character was killed off, I decided to cease wasting my time.

I'm guessing I'm going to be a minority voice here but, you want honesty, here you go.

Sexual arousal is at odds with difficult, time consuming, intricate tasks. This is the plain physics of psychology and the human body.

So, is this a good turn based RPG? I would say it is.
A good fap/sexy game? oh no. No it is not.

This game could save it's sex appeal, if, ALL THE ATTACKS WERE SEXUAL ACTS, instead of straight up warfare but I would shat bricks if such a huge change were ever made this late. Maybe in another game entirely.

I'm guessing at least one h@rdk0re gaymOr will flame how quickly “easily” they beat this. Testimony to how little life they have outside of games. Game skills=practice=time. Most people don't have time for that. They don't need games to fill the void. They save their problem solving abilities for IRL. We just want to relax at the end of the day.

So, another well crafted, yet frustrating, anti-intuitive “sexy game” is added to the Internet. Appealing only to a niche, who enjoy being teased. Highly time consuming for too little sex. Like so many, it has EXCELLENT potential for sex appeal but clings to apposing concepts.

With this game so difficult/involved, you could drop the sex scenes/nudity and make a good straight up turn based RPG flash game and sell it for monies. That is, if you aren't using any (c) materials.

The reason why we love Gore's games is that unlike most of the porn games, they actually MAKE SENSE. You're fighting a war, your main priority is to defeat the enemy squad so you can advance. IF you manage to turn some of the enemy soldiers into hostages, you can force them into fighting for you. This is a strategy that would be possible even in our world (well, you'd force the soldiers with bribery, tortures or something else, not with sex). Having every attack as a sex attack is just plain stupid, "Huh, so i just knocked down this chick, i guess i'll bang her hoping that other enemy soldiers won't slit my throat while i'll be banging her". And arousal is all about teasing at first, earning it. You have to be really shallow to prefer to just mindlessly fap to some nameless people fucking for no reason at all, without any backstory.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:38 pm

Aestral Wrote:The reason why we love Gore's games is that unlike most of the porn games, they actually MAKE SENSE. You're fighting a war, your main priority is to defeat the enemy squad so you can advance. IF you manage to turn some of the enemy soldiers into hostages, you can force them into fighting for you. This is a strategy that would be possible even in our world (well, you'd force the soldiers with bribery, tortures or something else, not with sex). Having every attack as a sex attack is just plain stupid, "Huh, so i just knocked down this chick, i guess i'll bang her hoping that other enemy soldiers won't slit my throat while i'll be banging her". And arousal is all about teasing at first, earning it. You have to be really shallow to prefer to just mindlessly fap to some nameless people fucking for no reason at all, without any backstory.

Hmmm... Yessss, but. Sakyu The First was frustrating, difficult, but ultimately beatable. The fights took a few minutes, and when you figured out how to beat somebody, it was pretty rewarding to then go hump them with a fairy-cum-futadildo. :P

This game is different. It takes MUCH longer to win a battle, and the frustration factor is much higher. (See above posts pleading for some kind of tutorial). When you spend two hours trying to figure out what the hell "Suppression Field" does and getting your ass kicked by an enemy with a special attack that takes forty seconds of animation, you're really not all that interested in the half-minute little sex clicky that comes after.

I'm a fan, don't get me wrong. I love the art style, the story is engrossing, the battle mechanics (once you figure them out) are... well, sort of balanced--but very solidly entertaining. Gorepete's games are difficult, and that's sort of like a trademark. But in this case, the sex animations are much less fulfilling than the ones in the first game (especially the four-star ones. I don't need a close-up of gorger dick sliding into a fairy; I'd much rather get a nice view of all the action, and have longer ones--the scene where you convert the angel in the first Sakyubasu is pretty much straight-up awesome). And (totally flogging a dead horse here) there is literally *no* direction given a new player for how to play the game. What is "suppression field?" How do you make guys chant? What the heck does that do for you? How do you build your army? You can figure some of this stuff out by exploring and clicking everything, but there's no direction. Why would I assume that I can build my army only by clicking on the world map? I still have no clue what "squads" really are, or that "50%" thing up there by the top of your army selection screen in the second tier.

I like H-games, I've enjoyed all of Gorepete's that I've played to date, and I like playing new games on the hardest difficulty setting the first time around. This one, though... I tell you, if I found this game floating around randomly, I would probably play it for an hour and then delete it. It's simply too hard to figure out how to use the game's commands, and the reward feels vanishingly small. Just my 2¢ as a new player.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:38 pm

Space Cat Wrote:Gave this a fair try. Shortly after the angel character was killed off, I decided to cease wasting my time.

I'm guessing I'm going to be a minority voice here but, you want honesty, here you go.

Sexual arousal is at odds with difficult, time consuming, intricate tasks. This is the plain physics of psychology and the human body.

So, is this a good turn based RPG? I would say it is.
A good fap/sexy game? oh no. No it is not.

This game could save it's sex appeal, if, ALL THE ATTACKS WERE SEXUAL ACTS, instead of straight up warfare but I would shat bricks if such a huge change were ever made this late. Maybe in another game entirely.

I'm guessing at least one h@rdk0re gaymOr will flame how quickly “easily” they beat this. Testimony to how little life they have outside of games. Game skills=practice=time. Most people don't have time for that. They don't need games to fill the void. They save their problem solving abilities for IRL. We just want to relax at the end of the day.

So, another well crafted, yet frustrating, anti-intuitive “sexy game” is added to the Internet. Appealing only to a niche, who enjoy being teased. Highly time consuming for too little sex. Like so many, it has EXCELLENT potential for sex appeal but clings to apposing concepts.

With this game so difficult/involved, you could drop the sex scenes/nudity and make a good straight up turn based RPG flash game and sell it for monies. That is, if you aren't using any (c) materials.

All of this is true, but the reason some of GP's games completely fail to be good "pure sex games" is that they're not intended to be such from the beginning.
In that respect and for that target audience they're defective by design.
But as that phrase includes, it's "by design", and as you mentioned, it is a well crafted and pretty badass semi-strategy game/turn-based RPG.
The whole "inscrutable riddle what my own fucking abilities even do" aspect Throbby mentioned is a completely different thing, and one has to assume there'll be tooltips and explanations (and maybe even optional in-game tutorials) forthcoming later. Hopefully.

With that being said, the gallery does provide for the sexual element of the game.

Of course, though, nothing so far even approaches the first Sakyu's angel-corruption scene.
Good dialogue can help to an astonishing degree.
I'm ACTUALLY still surprised to this very day.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby bornsinner » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:49 pm

Oh man that angel scene...if we could have another one of those i would be sooo happy
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:43 am

bornsinner Wrote:Oh man that angel scene...if we could have another one of those i would be sooo happy


All of this is fairly valid criticism. I don't hide the fact that I like frustrating games and the ones I make tend to absorb those attributes. As much as I would love to be a team of people, I'm not... its just me, so there is going to be inevitable nepotism in my designs.

I actually probably could sex up the combat a little by possibly adding armor breaks or arousal without too much effort. Really its just adding armor break down graphics and tying it to the unit's health. But my only concern there would be what to do for the males? Most of them already have their dicks hanging out so what would be the point of breaking the little bottles on the Gorger Rockboomer's man-straps. I would be open to realistic ideas. Something like blowing the enemy etc is out because that would be too much cross unit animation. I don't have the time for it!

Tutorials are another valid complaint. There is figuring stuff out, then being stupidly stifled for no reason. I recognize that. Eventually I will probably add a "Tutorial" button to the main menu to go over units, squads, chanting, etc. (BTW - the 100% and 50% represent the chance that you will start with that card in your hand. Your Captain will always be in your hand (100%), then you will always get one of your two Lieutenants (50%))

Enemy abilities I like for you to figure out on your own. But I could see about adding tooltip for stuff like Judgement, Jealous Rage, Admin Rights, etc. To be honest, the only reason they don't exist now is because Leader units don't have an easy tooltip mechanic like regular units. Call me lazy! But it is a fair consideration.

Ultimately, the game is still in the works, so feel free to complain about stuff you don't like. Some of it might change, some of it might not. But it never hurts to ask.
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