GoRepeat Wrote:You bring up some very valid points; however, this isn't chess because I don't have an AI that can be constructed from decades of work on a game with hundreds of years of developed strategy. In a game like this the AI will only ever get so decent, and will never truly be able to compete with a human mind - so, yeah, you have to overcome this limitation by letting the computer cheat to a certain extent. It still has rules - there are unit and deck caps, equipment and gear limitations - they are just different than the limitations that the player has to overcome. It isn't supposed to be a fair fight, it is supposed to be a series of gimmicky challenges. There is a bit of nepotism in it because those are the games that I like to play, so it naturally comes out in the games I design. It might turn some off, but while each encounter might only have one or two solutions, the game as a whole has multiple challenges and designs - if I were to perfect an AI that didn't need the gimmicks, you would just be playing the same level over and over with different graphics. Gimmick isn't a dirty word!
And despite my general attitude, I do appreciate how much thought you put into that post.
Well thank you for the reply, and considering my response. I understand that you are restricted under a number of things that would restrain a really good AI. I also understand that you enjoy those types of games, and that you build what you enjoy. However, perhaps, you could implement more planned-gimmicks, that have multiple ways of beating it. Like the second boss fight, has multiple ways to supposedly beat it, but there is only one real way for it to work, and that is following the pattern of your opponent. Once you know the pattern, it is unbelievably easy, same with the first fight. As such, if you want more challenge, perhaps you should make the patterns less strict, less punishing for breaking them, but at the same time add more of a confusing element to them.
One thing that I've noticed, is that Eva's abilities are practically pointless, as all you need to beat any of the bosses so far, are your mobility-block and your ultimate. Perhaps instead of having just a singular pattern thrown in, you could have the bosses *actually* fight themselves, and have a less-strict pattern as a second phase, and a final phase of fighting the boss again. Which reminds me, players will often feel really quite annoyed in your game from one specific event in general. Unless you read the forums, you will lose to the boss, even if you beat her, simply due to not using Eva's special to keep them from healing. That isn't difficulty, that is simply tedium, and it makes players feel *really* annoyed/cheated.
If there were more strategies to the game, rather than dumb luck, then I would say it is perfectly fine, even if it is difficult. However in *many* cases, if not *most* cases, you're winning explicitly by luck.