Now read my sign and have fun.
Geez, I shouldn't take this so seriously

Nours Wrote:MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Does everyone but me farm for runes and troops....??
No need. You have all it takes after The Comb. 20 scout chanters do help, but it's only 2 extra damage.
I second the "kamikaze" strategy: Angel Slayer + protect/regen on 1st turn, scout/Ioshia + warcry/boost on 2nd turn, boost/warcry on 3rd turn -> pudding cooked
A single Rebounder can screw you up big time, though. In that case, having more than 3 units out might be a bad idea; Esurians kick ass at crowd control.Photovoltaic Wrote:I'm really loving the feel of this game in general. I mean, it's got sex scenes and adult stuff, but it still takes itself seriously as a turn-based strategy game, and doesn't cut corners on game mechanics with the excuse of being a sex game, either. It's a very engaging, entertaining balance. As a suggestion, it would be neat to see a high score of how many stars were earned on each stage, if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. The completionist in me would love to see a map full of gold stars on all the stages where recruiting is possible.
For the real challenge, when there'll be some record/reward for getting 4 stars on every single stage, we - will - definitely - suffer( a good way, of course)
MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Nours Wrote:MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Does everyone but me farm for runes and troops....??
No need. You have all it takes after The Comb. 20 scout chanters do help, but it's only 2 extra damage.
I second the "kamikaze" strategy: Angel Slayer + protect/regen on 1st turn, scout/Ioshia + warcry/boost on 2nd turn, boost/warcry on 3rd turn -> pudding cooked
A single Rebounder can screw you up big time, though. In that case, having more than 3 units out might be a bad idea; Esurians kick ass at crowd control.Photovoltaic Wrote:I'm really loving the feel of this game in general. I mean, it's got sex scenes and adult stuff, but it still takes itself seriously as a turn-based strategy game, and doesn't cut corners on game mechanics with the excuse of being a sex game, either. It's a very engaging, entertaining balance. As a suggestion, it would be neat to see a high score of how many stars were earned on each stage, if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. The completionist in me would love to see a map full of gold stars on all the stages where recruiting is possible.
For the real challenge, when there'll be some record/reward for getting 4 stars on every single stage, we - will - definitely - suffer( a good way, of course)
Thank you guys, I'll try that. Did you mean angel breaker?
And just where the hell does the game ever tell you what scouts are? I don't know the names of classes, other than healer, because it's obvious.
:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gorepete is streaming
Greekheart Wrote:Is there a proper link to the stream? I never see the streaming link up.
GoRepeat Wrote:Greekheart Wrote:Is there a proper link to the stream? I never see the streaming link up.
I only throw it on the page when the stream is active. I decided to end early today because I didn't want Pecunia spoilers
Colbacky Wrote:It's confirmed, GoRepeat is officially George R. R Martin in disguise.
IamMe Wrote:Colbacky Wrote:It's confirmed, GoRepeat is officially George R. R Martin in disguise.
would that make tiki = john snow since they're a fan favorite
sniff3005 Wrote:IamMe Wrote:Colbacky Wrote:It's confirmed, GoRepeat is officially George R. R Martin in disguise.
would that make tiki = john snow since they're a fan favorite
then tiki gets resurrected as Bridgette.
Flashstalker Wrote:OKAY! Strategy so far for beating Vinara!
I play as mage just FYI.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Love this Battle GP! Good use of environment to deal with her attacks! Had an easier time figuring out the clues in this fight than Vanorel's, but that may be just me lol, Keep it up!
surfertrent Wrote:So I beat the drunk chick and the next level it unlocked was Blightwall South but when I click on it nothing happens. Game doesn't freeze or anything, I can still go to other zones and what not. Already tried restarting the game, any suggestions?
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