PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:57 am

beny662 Wrote:good game you got here, looking forward to more

Wish I could say that we'll have some more soon but it'll be about halfway through August, at minimum, before we release the next chapter. Until then we'll be concentrating on art, sprites and story planning.

I haven't added them to the list yet but I finished Arbok, Jigglypuff and Koffing. Also finished some trainer art and special artwork but the latter probably won't be added until they're relevant. 26 more pokemorphs and just as many trainers to go for chapter 2.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby NoblesseOblige » Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:39 pm

If you wanted to do quick pixel edits, you can find the rough dimensions of the sprites for the battle screen, resize them, clean them up, posterize them to the color limits of the gameboy game you are micking, then just go over them with the colors while sticking to their dithering/outline conventions.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Chan » Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:34 pm

Some bugs which im not sure if you know about but.

If you re-enter the Spearow (Injured Cave) at the beginning right after the explosion you cant leave.
Game stops if you try to enter Sylph Co before the explosion.

and you cant use the Clipboard to open a save data. Or when i try to do it, even with Copy and Paste without any edits. You just get a black screen and can open your menu and have the Pokemon, Save, Load and Options.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Chaotos » Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:53 am

I love this game and honestly wish hummingbird would have continued his.

With both games in mind I've got an idea or two.

1) Please make fan art a purchasable item. They were so rare and hard to find in Humming's. Could have an unlockable vendor in each city.

2) More bay-on-pokemon scenes. Could have more specials like pikachu and some generics that happen sometimes when camping at night with pokemon that depend on region. (Frisky butterfree in forest, curious Starmie in water region, etc.)

3) Evolution, if you can.

Thanks for all the work so far!!!
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:37 pm

Firstly, he is HumBird0, not hummingbird. Second, he has not discontinued his game, merely taken a break from it, and he and several others are still working on the next update.

Fan art is not intended to be a purchaseable item, but I believe we do intend (or at least, I do) to have more available than humbird placed in his game. Fan art is really a bit of a cheat, as are the attack abilities lick and charm, because they are guaranteed to work and therefore provide a guaranteed catch/win in only three moves. Fan art is intended to be for finishing only, but if it can be bought it can be used a lot more than it was intended to. We've already been discussing how to evolve pokemon in our game and have come up with several possibilities, but no coding thus far. I'm not a fan of humbird's built-in evolution system which is guaranteed to happen on level-up at level 10 regardless the type of pokemon played, and I'd like a system which allows for more flexibility, as well as letting the player choose to evolve. His system also doesn't work well with multiple evolutions, and as you'll see we do include all three stages for at least certain pokemon. So, yeah, we're playing with ideas for how we'll make it work. As for bay-on-pokemon scenes, we hope to include at least one, perhaps more, with every chapter we release.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Chaotos » Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:59 am

My bad on name mix up and I honestly wasn't sure if they were continuing it.

Could have it where if it is purchasable it has only a 50% success rate. Combined with the fact that if your charge as much for fan art as a pokeball, it makes it a really risky investment but pays off well. Another could be having someone who can convert special event pictures you take into fan art (Limit 1 per scene). Then they are still 'limited' but if you are a special event sleuth you get more of them.

There is kind of a cop out for evolution if you want to try it. Have a 'Trade' function on the poke-swap computer. You can 'trade' your higher level base pokemon for a lower level evolved pokemon. You only get the trade available at certain levels and all trades are final. Doesn't have the wow factor of actual evolution but has the same effect and can be a stand in until you get the bugs of actual evolution worked out.

Again, thanks for the hard work!
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby ValturNaa » Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:15 pm

Good thoughts. Unfortunately the fan art function is hard-coded in humbird's editor (which we're using) and unless I can find a way to make changes to it, it's out of my reach. Same with the coding for the storage computers. But I'll consider your ideas and see what I can do.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Chaotos » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:31 am

Odd question, some moves have 'The girls love it." or some similar text in it. Will it actually make some pokemon horny or is it just flavor?
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Buttons551 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:39 am

I've encountered some bugs early on in the game, them being that when you re-enter the cave the injured Spearow was in, you're stuck in there and can't get out. Also the first trainer you can battle on Route 1, when you try to battle him, the game freezes, also when you try entering the Silph Co. building before entering the Pokemon Center in Vermillion City, the game freezes.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Buttons551 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:04 am

I don't know if something is wrong with the game I downloaded or I did something to mess it up, but for some reason on Route 1, when I try to battle any trainers, the game freezes on me.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Buttons551 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:29 am

I just checked the trainers in the game using game editor, and I found out the trainers on Route 1 were made as regular rpgsprites and not normal trainers, that's why they're not working at all when I try to battle them.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:33 am

Just letting everyone know that we're still here, just taking a brief hiatus. We're still expecting to have another release or two in August.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:51 pm

Buttons551 Wrote:I just checked the trainers in the game using game editor, and I found out the trainers on Route 1 were made as regular rpgsprites and not normal trainers, that's why they're not working at all when I try to battle them.

That was done deliberately, but I've never seen any complaints about the codes not working. Simple explanation: I hate the built-in codes. I wanted something more flexible and more in depth, so that's why I made custom codes. Unfortunately I've been gradually coming to the conclusion that there is nothing we can do to fix the many many issues I have with the engine, and I shouldn't even try.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby MirceaKitsune » Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:59 pm

I was sad when I reached the end of Pokemon Hentai. Now I found this and am excited to play it as well! Humbug had a great idea with his engine. I'll post more of my opinion after I finish the game :)

[EDIT] No longer the case actually, since there isn't much to say yet. The game is very short currently, and I reached the last dialogue in less than an hour. From what I can say, the idea and direction seem to be good.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Dapper Gent » Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:10 pm

We're slowly but steadily getting back to work. Val is currently editing chapter one and prepping it to transition smoothly into chapter two. Artwork is coming just as slowly these days but here's some previews of pokemon coming in the next chapter.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ckuhsa4s9yku ... F.png?dl=0

Nidoran F
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkgp9vqfkw7dj ... F.png?dl=0

Nidoran M
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bi2dc6evc392o ... F.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/e987vl4eszkhh ... F.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/frllgx0dp1fit ... F.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kj5zsfgz8vq82 ... F.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/shq7vb6n7dqa1 ... F.png?dl=0

Lapras (Early Preview)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z613yjivf4jok ... F.png?dl=0

Additionally, I edited the anticipated pokemorph list on the main page to reflect the ones coming in chapter 2. I also added the completed Koffing, Jigglypuff and the redone Arbok to the list.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby hpfan123 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:12 pm

i like the pics and am looking forward to the update. i am curious if you made the heads for the midorans, oddish, and squirtle disproportionately big on purpose or if it is just me that things that those pokemon have larger heads than they should. also i am curious if the male nidoran is going to be a futanaria and have both genitals or if it is going to be a shemale and have male downstairs and the breasts upstairs? because the little lines under the opening could be balls or pussy lips
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Dapper Gent » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:15 am

I did that intentionally. I thought it'd be more appropriate to go for a lollicon look for pokemon with 3 stages, stage 1 obviously being the youngest. As for the NidoranM, I'm not sure yet if I want to make them officially futa or shemale. I might set up a poll for it later. Feel free to check out the Nido king on the main page as well and share your thoughts for one way or the other.

Edit: Here's a couple more pictures.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ijjzu8p12qsxc ... F.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnseduwiecjwt ... F.png?dl=0
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby hpfan123 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:52 pm

to me, the larger heads look odd, but i understand your reasoning and like the idea of the pokemorphs getting older as they evolve. personally i would have made their breasts smaller or non existent instead of making them have big heads if i was trying t go for a lolicon look.
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:40 am

I agree though the smaller breasts and smaller heads looked more awkward, at least to me. Right now they at least look good enough to showcase which is my main concern right now. I can always go back and redo the artwork in between chapters, much like I did before with the revamped pokemorphs in chapter 1.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/11h8u350ff65o ... F.png?dl=0
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Re: Pokemon: Pink Version [Update 5/25]

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:29 pm

As I understand it, lolicon is about the appearance of pre-teen or early teen girls (whether actually that age or under-developed). Small breasts and hips, thin bodies, round faces. Head size is somewhat larger than adults because children's heads are actually bigger, and in cartooning this is exaggerated even more to make them cuter.

That said, the head and breast size for your loli both seem a little too big to me, and I think the hip curves should be very slight. But it's not a game killer for me; I'll happily go with your artistic taste. It does at least say lolicon, in a cartoonish way.
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