Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:47 pm

CodeEvo Wrote:you know theres something I have been wondering and it's that what type of demon was Evaloria's Units before all this happened cause the Gogers were converted to her after her Fall to Exile Isle but all of her Sisters have/had thier own characteristic units

She didn't have a tribe or territory; just lived at the overlord's castle and seduced whoever when she needed something. Was a pretty spoiled slacker.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby someone » Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:17 pm

I can see Envy, Pride, Greed and Wrath, but why would Sloth and Gluttony have their own tribes and territory when Lust doesn't?

On the game itself: Might it be an idea to reorganise the equipment menu the same way as the rune forge? You could just have 5x3 slots for the different standard armours and an extra tab for the unique ones, instead of scrolling through the entire list of identical equipment to get to the one at the bottom.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Hecatomb » Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:59 am

powuivnpeb Wrote:
Hecatomb Wrote:Well I give up on this game, the boss in outer space makes no sense what so ever. Like you really gives you no hints also, this game would be better if you knew what you should do instead of just guessing 100 times.

You could have read what people wrote just a couple pages ago:
powuivnpeb Wrote:
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2 things are important:
1.) To survive her special attack, you need to have 2 illusions alive at that point.
2.) There are only 2 options to attack without taking a hit from Vanorel, before and after her special attack. (Though you can be hit by one of the illusions, so you need to either stay far enough away (the top one doesn't walk very far) or be invulnerable.

You cant do that cause she just teleports you in from of the shadow clones, I dont know why this boss is so hard.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Nours » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:12 am

Good work on the difficulty. I was afraid the recent additions (XP and heroes) would make the game too easy, but Death Reach proved me wrong...
Heroes are good, not OP with the new battlefields/balancing, but they will probably need a 3/4 higher level cap sooner or later.

Small recap/thoughts on the recent developments:
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Lust - Eva - Gorgers (1000 years ago: ???)
Envy - Beezy - Hive Drones - Shadow Forest
Pride - Van - Illosa - Crystal Forest
Greed - Pecunia - Mechiza - The Wastes
Gluttony - Vinara - Esurians - Death Reach
Wrath - Irania - (???-woof?) - Demon's Claw(?)
Sloth - Somna - (???-sloth giants?) - The Blight(?)

Tiki - Dream eater(?) - Home/former master unknown
Bridgy - Angel commander
The Divine - ???

I believed Eva wasn't fooled by Pecunia (iow she didn't H her for a good reason), seems I was wrong.
I thought Pecunia had plans of her owns (aiming higher than the nether regions netherealms), and that the Divine let Bridgy loose on purpose (not unrelated to Irania's reported nomination)... Might be right on these one.

Tiki's one big mistery hidden in plain sight ever since Sakyu 1...
The Heavens seem to have their own agenda. Sakyu 3 material, or will we learn more?

someone Wrote:I can see Envy, Pride, Greed and Wrath, but why would Sloth and Gluttony have their own tribes and territory when Lust doesn't?

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'Cos Lust has been kicked out home for being a brat... 1000 years ago. Plenty of time to claim an empty seat / conquer a rulerless land. Oh, and there was a civil war at some point too.

I do wish to see what kind of critters were Lust's minions, though.

GoRepeat Wrote:She didn't have a tribe or territory; just lived at the overlord's castle and seduced whoever when she needed something. Was a pretty spoiled slacker.

I'm kinda disappointed hearing this... No more Sakyubi in Sakyubasu no Tatakai? <puppy eyes>

Some typos that I previously was too lazy to actually report missed:
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"Mistress, I have been pushing the boundaries with my involvement as it is" (Bridgy warping to Hive defense, 100035/15)
"This way we can spear through their armies. Maybe even separate one of them." (Eva's strategy, 100035/23)
"Heh. Okay, we will siege the Waystation" (Eva/Pecunia, 100040/21)
"There is a lot of negative energy permeating the wound. This was definitely a planned assassination." (The butler dit it! 100060/11)
"Oh shit, you have some sort of biomesh underlay with a dick shit ton of recuperative micro-organics." (Dr Pecunia's MO, 100075/1)
"To be so humiliated! Not even the benefit of a warm partner..." (Van's shopping spree, 302301/0)
"No... we actually have a fairly significant army." (1st time in army menu, 900001/1)
"You know it is weird. I spent 1,000 years trying to get off this island" (1st time in exile menu, 900002/0)
"Rumor has it a group of Drones has been targeting groups of Gorgers" (Lucky's rumor, 300002/1)

"Death Reach" is spelled "Death's Reach" in Royal Gate, Sand Gate... Not that it matters much.

I hope I wasn't a bother :oops:

Ok, time to go through the game again and get Beezy's fanservice scene :lol:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby nartxela1337 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:40 am

Bug Report: I'm fighting at Blind Gate with a naked army and Master Ioshia won't show up. I've tried removing all my units from chanting, finishing a battle then returning to try again, and also finishing the blind gate normally. I managed to get her to show up before the save wipe, did something change with Ioshia's code?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Crash23893 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:44 pm

nartxela1337 Wrote:Bug Report: I'm fighting at Blind Gate with a naked army and Master Ioshia won't show up. I've tried removing all my units from chanting, finishing a battle then returning to try again, and also finishing the blind gate normally. I managed to get her to show up before the save wipe, did something change with Ioshia's code?

Seconded, tried various mixtures of units even removing the runes on each unit. This could either mean an update that requires no save deletion or needs a save deletion unfortunately.

Possibly during the fix for the unit ranks the code for Iosha somehow got affected or requirement to make her appear have changed. We'll just have to wait and see.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby lostaccount » Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:38 pm

Hecatomb Wrote:
powuivnpeb Wrote:
Hecatomb Wrote:Well I give up on this game, the boss in outer space makes no sense what so ever. Like you really gives you no hints also, this game would be better if you knew what you should do instead of just guessing 100 times.

You could have read what people wrote just a couple pages ago:
powuivnpeb Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

2 things are important:
1.) To survive her special attack, you need to have 2 illusions alive at that point.
2.) There are only 2 options to attack without taking a hit from Vanorel, before and after her special attack. (Though you can be hit by one of the illusions, so you need to either stay far enough away (the top one doesn't walk very far) or be invulnerable.

You cant do that cause she just teleports you in from of the shadow clones, I dont know why this boss is so hard.

I finally beat this on my own by cheesing the Block ability with the Shield/Defender class for Eva, with +50 health from Chanting bonuses.
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I did not to kill any of the illusions, and tried when possible not to end a turn where Vanorel would kill them with a lazer. Get used to her pattern(as far as I could tell she'd do 2 lazers, then a special, 1 lazer, then a special, 2 lazers, then a special, repeat..) and when she summons more illusions. Block all the lazers you can, and use that slam jump attack for 20 damage(more if you have more chanters per class than I did I assume) after she uses her special/before she summons more illusions. You'll still get teleported in front of an illusion from her one special but their damage is pretty minimal if you've been blocking lazers and specials. Block only protects for the first hit of a round so her special gets blocked, but you take full damage from whatever illusion you're put in front of. If you're feeling confident in the patterns you can face tank a lazer or 2 and attack/slam while taking 50 damage that round, but I'd play it safe.
Just try that a few times until you get used to it. I tried with healer and twin swords and died really fast, but abusing block/defender got me there eventually. I'm apparently too dumb to figure out how to do this with another class.
Remember to save your special for your killing blow, or else she regenerates health. Good luck, it was annoying as hell.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby loshi1505 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:48 am

lostaccount Wrote:I finally beat this on my own by cheesing the Block ability with the Shield/Defender class for Eva, with +50 health from Chanting bonuses.
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I did not to kill any of the illusions, and tried when possible not to end a turn where Vanorel would kill them with a lazer. Get used to her pattern(as far as I could tell she'd do 2 lazers, then a special, 1 lazer, then a special, 2 lazers, then a special, repeat..) and when she summons more illusions. Block all the lazers you can, and use that slam jump attack for 20 damage(more if you have more chanters per class than I did I assume) after she uses her special/before she summons more illusions. You'll still get teleported in front of an illusion from her one special but their damage is pretty minimal if you've been blocking lazers and specials. Block only protects for the first hit of a round so her special gets blocked, but you take full damage from whatever illusion you're put in front of. If you're feeling confident in the patterns you can face tank a lazer or 2 and attack/slam while taking 50 damage that round, but I'd play it safe.
Just try that a few times until you get used to it. I tried with healer and twin swords and died really fast, but abusing block/defender got me there eventually. I'm apparently too dumb to figure out how to do this with another class.
Remember to save your special for your killing blow, or else she regenerates health. Good luck, it was annoying as hell.

wait... you won without killing ANY shadows?!?!? HOW??? I mean
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leaving 2 shadows alive is a standard but not killing the 3rd?!? :shock:

that... is actually impressive... you deserve a cookie... all the cookies.... GP give him them... he's earned it...
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Nours » Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:55 am

lostaccount Wrote:I did not to kill any of the illusions, and tried when possible not to end a turn where Vanorel would kill them with a lazer.

Congratulation! that's a major achievement! :shock:

I finally managed to beat Van with all 5 classes and no chanters (except for scout, didn't bother removing my usual 20 chanters).
Thought it was only possible with Fighter class... Dumb.

Here's what I/we missed (spoiler tag not for show):
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My Healer Eva found out the illusions actually shield her from Van's lazer, when in front of her. Turned out she was previously wasting one critical turn/mana point one turn out of 5.

I'm glad I made it before the next upcoming brainstorm - Gluttony!
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby blackcore11 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:39 am

The boss fight at blightwall gate keeps freezing on me. Did Gorepeat add it yet?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:30 am

Man you all still think Vanorel is hard? You are going to hate Vinara.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby lostaccount » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:37 am

loshi1505 Wrote:
lostaccount Wrote:I finally beat this on my own by cheesing the Block ability with the Shield/Defender class for Eva, with +50 health from Chanting bonuses.
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I did not to kill any of the illusions, and tried when possible not to end a turn where Vanorel would kill them with a lazer. Get used to her pattern(as far as I could tell she'd do 2 lazers, then a special, 1 lazer, then a special, 2 lazers, then a special, repeat..) and when she summons more illusions. Block all the lazers you can, and use that slam jump attack for 20 damage(more if you have more chanters per class than I did I assume) after she uses her special/before she summons more illusions. You'll still get teleported in front of an illusion from her one special but their damage is pretty minimal if you've been blocking lazers and specials. Block only protects for the first hit of a round so her special gets blocked, but you take full damage from whatever illusion you're put in front of. If you're feeling confident in the patterns you can face tank a lazer or 2 and attack/slam while taking 50 damage that round, but I'd play it safe.
Just try that a few times until you get used to it. I tried with healer and twin swords and died really fast, but abusing block/defender got me there eventually. I'm apparently too dumb to figure out how to do this with another class.
Remember to save your special for your killing blow, or else she regenerates health. Good luck, it was annoying as hell.

wait... you won without killing ANY shadows?!?!? HOW??? I mean
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leaving 2 shadows alive is a standard but not killing the 3rd?!? :shock:

that... is actually impressive... you deserve a cookie... all the cookies.... GP give him them... he's earned it...

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To be clear, I didn't attack any of the shadows. What I did was start the game, and move to the top row and forward. When I got within the top shadow's striking distance(where they'd run a square or two, then attack) I'd activate block. Next turn I'd move down a row and then forward. I'm pretty sure the result of this was the middle shadow reaching my side of the board, then teleporting back to Vanorel's side but not being able to move/attack that turn. Vanorel would then lazer me on the middle row, but the middle shadow would take the shot.
After that is when I'd try "when possible"(i.e. not always) not to let Vanorel's lazer hit one of them. I'd move up and down the rows to let the shadows pass me, either using block to guard against lazer or specials, if it was time for her to use summon the shadows back I'd use slam on another unoccupied row where the AoE wouldn't hit a shadow but hit her home colomn for 20 damage.
When her second special would put me in front of a shadow I'd block the specials primary damage, but have to take the shadow's hit on the chin. I just hoped it'd put me in front of the weakest hitting one. From there I'd navigate safely, using block, back to her home column and repeat the process. Sometimes the turns would have worked out where she lazered a shadow, I imagine. But I never hit one myself, no. I think I was a bit unclear.
I was emulating a turtle, honestly. I probably went through like 7 sets of specials by the time I won since I was learning as I played. Not knowing her pattern changed (2 lazers, special, 1 lazer, special, repeat) messed me up for a bit so I got super cautious. I might be mixing this up a bit since my memory is pretty crap. I did take some specials, lazers and shadows to the face when I got greedy or made mistakes. I beat her when I had like 30hp left or something.

I doubt it was the optimal way to beat the boss but as I said, I sucked with all the other classes apparently. I still have no idea how to make it work without block. I had no Power bonuses from Chanting though, just HP bonuses(for each class of chanter), so maybe it becomes much easier with higher attack damage. OCD made me get all Chant classes to 10 each before moving onto 20, etc.
Nours Wrote:
lostaccount Wrote:I did not to kill any of the illusions, and tried when possible not to end a turn where Vanorel would kill them with a lazer.

Congratulation! that's a major achievement! :shock:

I finally managed to beat Van with all 5 classes and no chanters (except for scout, didn't bother removing my usual 20 chanters).
Thought it was only possible with Fighter class... Dumb.

Here's what I/we missed (spoiler tag not for show):
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My Healer Eva found out the illusions actually shield her from Van's lazer, when in front of her. Turned out she was previously wasting one critical turn/mana point one turn out of 5.

I'm glad I made it before the next upcoming brainstorm - Gluttony!

I'm confused about this being an achievement. :lol:
Why does it seem weird to not attack any of the shadows? They're pretty weak when you have 150hp to start, and they can save your ass. It seems like a bad idea to not keep them alive. Especially if you're playing a class without enough Move range to duck behind one if you ever need to; the more the merrier imo. Again, I was only able to beat her with the Block/guardian class. Maybe they're less scary when you have Block to absorb their damage when you're expecting it.

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The shielding I understood pretty early on, but I still don't know how to make it work with any of the other classes. You can't attack THEN move, so if they're in front of you, you have to kill them in order to damage Vanorel next turn. But if you kill them or attack Vanorel without one in front of you afterwards, hello face lazer. Is the only option to let her lazers hit the shadows, and try to rush in and attack the turn before her special? But then you take face damage when she uses lazer 2 times every other 'round(round being the moves up to her special)', making her special hit you for full(1 shadow on board = no special block)..

This boss makes me feel very, very dumb. I've got to be missing something obvious. :oops:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Photovoltaic » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:26 am

GoRepeat Wrote:Man you all still think Vanorel is hard? You are going to hate Vinara.

When I first fought her, she was a menace. I spent hours on trial and error trying to beat her, and sometimes even relying on luck with where I ended up after gravity. She really was a challenging boss.

Of course, nowadays I beat her in 8 turns without breaking a sweat or needing any chant bonuses, so I'm definitely looking forward to the next nightmare you have to throw at us. :D

I'm really loving the feel of this game in general. I mean, it's got sex scenes and adult stuff, but it still takes itself seriously as a turn-based strategy game, and doesn't cut corners on game mechanics with the excuse of being a sex game, either. It's a very engaging, entertaining balance. As a suggestion, it would be neat to see a high score of how many stars were earned on each stage, if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. The completionist in me would love to see a map full of gold stars on all the stages where recruiting is possible.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Crash23893 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:35 pm

GoRepeat Wrote:Man you all still think Vanorel is hard? You are going to hate Vinara.

Even though there's a difference between your current game and the previous one, the difficulty is that of Dark Souls in my opinion. Those who haven't played your previous game wouldn't be much tolerant of the difficulty of the game. It's rather uplifting once you beat a certain opponent. I'm still having precious memories of fighting the Mask, the Brood mother and Beezelba. Oh the memories :D
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby chaosmagic6 » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:25 am

Valorel isn't hard lol. I have beaten Val with every class but the mage class.
One more thing: Don't wipe saves PLEASEEEE XD
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:48 am

lostaccount Wrote:
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The shielding I understood pretty early on, but I still don't know how to make it work with any of the other classes. You can't attack THEN move, so if they're in front of you, you have to kill them in order to damage Vanorel next turn. But if you kill them or attack Vanorel without one in front of you afterwards, hello face lazer. Is the only option to let her lazers hit the shadows, and try to rush in and attack the turn before her special? But then you take face damage when she uses lazer 2 times every other 'round(round being the moves up to her special)', making her special hit you for full(1 shadow on board = no special block)..

This boss makes me feel very, very dumb. I've got to be missing something obvious. :oops:

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When an illusion is in front of you, just go to the side and block. You will always have 1 turn to attack, which is the special attack turn.

Maybe its clearer with the walkthrough I gave for fighter

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Move to top lane |Parry when needed until teleported | Move to top lane and Parry | Strike | Move 2 fields back - Whirlwind |
Repeat for the win. Don't forget to use your special before the finishing blow.

Hecatomb Wrote:
powuivnpeb Wrote:
Hecatomb Wrote:Well I give up on this game, the boss in outer space makes no sense what so ever. Like you really gives you no hints also, this game would be better if you knew what you should do instead of just guessing 100 times.

You could have read what people wrote just a couple pages ago:
powuivnpeb Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

2 things are important:
1.) To survive her special attack, you need to have 2 illusions alive at that point.
2.) There are only 2 options to attack without taking a hit from Vanorel, before and after her special attack. (Though you can be hit by one of the illusions, so you need to either stay far enough away (the top one doesn't walk very far) or be invulnerable.

You cant do that cause she just teleports you in front of the shadow clones, I dont know why this boss is so hard.

I don't think you quite understood what I meant. At this point, it may be easier to follow a walkthrough to understand the concept of the bossfight, if the frustration is too much for you. spoilers as usual:
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Stay in 1 lane and cartwheel until Vanorel did her special attack, then Blitz. Repeat for the win. Don't forget to use your special before the finishing blow.
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Move to top lane | Block when needed until teleported | Move to top lane and block | Slam into top right field | Move 2 fields back - Deflection |
Repeat for the win. Don't forget to use your special before the finishing blow.
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Move to top lane |Parry when needed until teleported | Move to top lane and Parry | Strike | Move 2 fields back - Whirlwind |
Repeat for the win. Don't forget to use your special before the finishing blow.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:50 am

Crash23893 Wrote:
GoRepeat Wrote:Man you all still think Vanorel is hard? You are going to hate Vinara.

Even though there's a difference between your current game and the previous one, the difficulty is that of Dark Souls in my opinion. Those who haven't played your previous game wouldn't be much tolerant of the difficulty of the game. It's rather uplifting once you beat a certain opponent. I'm still having precious memories of fighting the Mask, the Brood mother and Beezelba. Oh the memories :D

I quite like the comparison to Dark Souls. It is difficult at first, until you get the hang of the mechanics and the intricacies of how all of it works together. But once you have the knowledge, its a walk in the park mostly.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Flashstalker » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:36 am

OKAY! Strategy so far for beating Vinara!

I play as mage just FYI.

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She has three attacks, Wine(Purple/blue), Liquor(orange), and Hangover(White)

She summons barrels that will drench you in that color/drink, and the only way to avoid damage from her attacks is to be coated in the same drink as her attack so you have to let them hit you. There are three colors you can be: Purple, orange, and green. Green only happens if you get hit by both a blue and orange barrel. The red barrels will remove the color from you, but will cause 50 damage if you don't block when it hits you.

So far, her pattern is
Summon Barrels x2
Wine attack: block by being covered/drunk in/on wine(blue barrel)
Liquor attack: block with liqour(orange barrel)
Hangover: block with green!!
liqour attack:^ see above
Wine Attack

I don't know if she repeats this pattern after the second hangover, since I won before she could! She also seems to summon barrels every turn unless she is attacking. When she attacks, there are no barrels on the attack, and none on the turn following.

I havenotbeaten her yet, merely gotten past her first special, so I don't know the full set of attacks, but it seems you can just wale on her so long as you have the correct defense....


Love this Battle GP! Good use of environment to deal with her attacks! Had an easier time figuring out the clues in this fight than Vanorel's, but that may be just me lol, Keep it up!
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby blackcore11 » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:13 am

I beat Vinara, took about a half an hour. But i beat her.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Hi i am Shen » Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:50 am

I can't beat Vanorel, can someone help me?I played as tank and i blocked all of her damage but i can't damage her, if i do that i tookmore damage than i done and i died.Can someone help me?
Last edited by Hi i am Shen on Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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