Photovoltaic Wrote:So, GoRepeat, on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with the fact that this thread is full of people talking about "getting Lucky"?
By the way, I'm loving the new special mechanics. It always felt like a handicap that my special never did anything to aid in combat, and the recruitment on AOE damage is saving me many minutes of planning my moves like a chess match to avoid killing more than one unit at a time. I really like how you made it depend on Eva's class, too. Makes it feel more meaningful than it being only relevant for the boss fight.
GoRepeat Wrote:Jurassic Wrote:Are the Sex Scenes for the Hero's implemented yet ? Or did i just missed something ?
Not in yet, they are just placeholder icons. I am going to be doing a bunch of spriting and the next week or so, then will start putting stuff in. Haven't decided if I want unique animations for the hero units or just swap them into the regular animations.
kobold Wrote:So Ioshi how did you prevent the 100% white screen error when trying to get Lucky?
Onimaster8 Wrote:I have not been able to scrath this boss. I found a pattern with Scout, Warrior and Mage, But they just dont have enough health -_- And on top of that gravity Does damage even when I use there defensive. It leaves me with 3-4 gravity hits to finish the fight and U cant do that.
powuivnpeb Wrote:Here's the boss fight in "detail" (no chanting bonuses):
Scout:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Tank:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Fighter:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Lucky777 Wrote:GoRepeat Wrote:Not a coincidence!
Cameos make me happier than they should.
linkolek Wrote:7. I think being able to click commanders to see their powers would help a bit too. when you get to play as Lucky first time you have to use skills without knowing what it does. It's the same for opponent commander.
Venom Wrote:I have a question to GoRepeat or anyone who manage to 'beat' the game in its current state:
Is it possible to unlock the whole gallery? I noticed that there are many locked blank fields (I'm assuming they are not yet finished) however those locked but with an image are they unlockable or are they just a premade thumbnail?
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