Dungeon of the Doomed King

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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:25 pm

Kryth'sas and Callista:

The two of you wander up the great tree, taking an indirect route and gazing around. The Elven village seems quite small, but then you have no idea how many more homes may be in the branches. And, looking up, the sun is out of sight. It is probably late afternoon as the light level has not dimmed enough to be evening.

Kairon gets stuffed into the pile of food, the various flavours mixing as you tuck in!

Leil and Sheers:

Silence descends over the area, the Elf maiden keeping to herself and remaining on guard. It goes on and on, until a snap of a twig breaks through, indicating that something else is near! Tarji crouches low and prepares her bow, scanning the area for signs of movement.

Prepare for battle!!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It is a Kobold raiding party consisting of 1 slinger, a preist, and 2 warriors
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Firehead » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:53 pm

Hmming to herself Kryth' sas responds to Callista, Depends on how we use it. The skulls will be a dead give away to everyone that something has claimed the territory so that won't be much help, but we know they're kobolds. Other groups may see Wyvern bones and expect something bigger, and try to go around completely. If we do that we'll save no additional time and this side stop will have been a waste. Our best bet will be to cut into the territories enough that we save some time not going around, but never deep enough that we risk running into anything bigger than a small scouting or hunting party. Seeing nothing of interest in the town and that they have a few hours of daylight left Kryth continues more directly to the feasthall hoping the others will be joining them shortly.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby HarleyLocal605 » Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:29 am

Acknowledging Kryth'sas silently with a nod, Callista continued forward with her lizard companion on the way to the feasthall. Hopefully they would be departing for Stilt city soon, as she was personally stirring for a chance to burn something.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby MelissaB » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:01 pm

Hearing the snap of twigs and seeing the poise of the elf Liel draws her sword up into two of her hands, looking around at the sound with a cautious gaze, her lips curled into a frown as she stares on ready to charge should the threat reveal itself to her.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Kankra » Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:08 pm

Sheera had just catched her swords after juggling them around a bit, when she suddenly heard the twig snap behind her. 'Finally some action!' she thought, immediately spinning around and moving into a fighting stance with her swords pointing into the direction of the sound. "Come out you cowards! Fight honorably and still the lust of my blades for blood!" she roared out into the direction of her potential enemies.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:49 pm

Kryth'sas and Callista:

The two of you make your way up to the feasthall, passing a couple of elves who give polite nods to you both. Upon entering, you note that there is quite an impressive spread layed out consisting of foods from all across the lands. Also, Kairon is sitting at one of the tables, already tucking into to a veritable feast of food. Shortly after entering, a cry of alarm is heard from outside...

Liel and Sheera:

Bursting out of the undergrowth comes a small gaggle of short, brown-skinned draconic creatures that barely are half your size. They help, hiss and squeal, thrusting wicked-looking spears at you, wile one stands back and shouts, directing the other three. One hangs back from the other two, loading a stone into a crude slingshot. Tarji lets out a single whooping call back towards the clearing and prepares for combat, taking aim at the slinger.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Liel: The Kobold thrusts out his spear, aiming straight for your chest (3 blue - 2 success), however, you easily turn the strike aside from the runt (3 defence successes)
Sheera: The kobold is so terrified by your battleshout that his speak goes totally wide (3 blue - 0 success)
The slinger lets fly a stone at Tarji, missing completely (2 blue - 0 success)
Last edited by Gorbaz on Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Firehead » Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:45 pm

Waving to the elves nodding at her on the way Kryth makes her way to the feast hall. She takes note of Kairon before looking over the food laid out before her. Before she is able to begin filling a plate with food for herself she hears an uproar from outside. Sighing to herself she moves away from the food, and takes a look outside to see the cause of the disturbance.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby HarleyLocal605 » Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:39 am

Callista smiled to the elves, as she strolled into the feasthall, waving at Kairon as she took a seat at the feast table. Upon gathering a plate and sitting down, she heard the alarm, dropped the corn she was beginning to nibble on, as she hastily grabbed her staff. She strode out of the feast hall with Kryth'sas, smirk on her face, ready to see what was going to give her a chance to unwind.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Kankra » Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:32 pm

Sheera was a bit disappointed, seeing as the enemy were only a few kobolds, but slaughtering them was still better than standing around doing nothing. She put on a feisty grin, as the kobold aiming for her misses her completely, and then launched herself forward with her trademark battlecry (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRIWjj73YwY), her swords slashing out at the kobold's neck, attempting to chop it off cleanly.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby spitfyre » Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:13 pm

Kairon jumps at the sound of a horn blaring through the hall. Grabbing his things he had set aside to eat, he gets up out of his seat and runs over to Kryth, to who he says, "What was that? Are we under attack or something?"
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby MelissaB » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:02 pm

Steering the spear away from her body she draws her great sword back and attempt to cleave the kobold in half with the large sword, putting all her weight into the strike, her calm beautiful face contorting into a mask of anger and vengeance as she moves to slay the vile creature where it stood, towering over it and it's fellows without word, striking with cold rage.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:59 pm

Kryth'sas, Kairon and Callista:

The three of you leave the feasthall, whatever food you had managed to grab and hold on to in hand, and are in time to see the very thing you had been warned against - a band of Kobolds had brazenly attacked the Elves! It was a small warband, consisting of no more than 20 of the critters, but already they were engaged in combat with the townsfolk. Strangely, they did not seem equipped for war, but rather for moving in quickly. Perhaps this was intended as some kind of raid?

Liel and Sheera:

Screeching at the little creatures, Sheera wades forward and slashes out with her twin swords. The kobold, so paralised with terror, is unable to stop it's head leaving it's body, shortly followed by a spurt of dark blood. Similarly, the one facing off against Liel pulls back and raises its spear to black the greadsword... but both the wold wood, flesh, and bone come apart in a display of gore, it's sides falling away and insides quickly spilling out into the open as it was cleaved in twain. The kobold with the sling is similarly pit down with a well-placed arrow through it's face. However, the final kobold waved his staff and spits on the ground before turning its gaze on Sheera. Firey bolts blast out and wash over the barbarian, leaving small scorches across her armour, and slightly burned skin!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Liel: Attack 6. Gouger: Defence 0 - Damage dealt - 2
Sheera: Attack 4. Gouger: Defence 0 - Damage dealt - 1
Glimmerdusk Ranger: Attack 4. Flinger: Defence 0 - Damage dealt - 1
Kobold Dragon Priest: Magic: 4 Sheera: Magic Defence: 1 - Damage dealt - 1
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Firehead » Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:46 pm

Not even looking toward Kairon Kryth' sas responds, "Kobolds." They were not equipped for war but for assault. The first thought crossed her mind of a raid, but the number of raiders irked her. How big is the settlement and how many defenders does it have? Suspecting the possibility of a diversionary force instead she looked for areas far away from the battle; looking for anything that looks important where the guards may have left their post to meet the attack. Perhaps she is being paranoid, but a brief consideration shouldn't be too costly.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby spitfyre » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:17 pm

"Kobolds? They hardly look like a war band. Oh well. Killing kobolds is my specialty." Kairon said with a grin. " and maybe If we kill them all the village will give us a nice reward." He grinned even wider before shaking his head vigorously tryIng the shake the always preset lustful thoughts out. He grabbed his bow off his shoulder and moved cautiously to a point near the battle to where he could rain deadly arrows on the kobolds.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby HarleyLocal605 » Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:00 am

"Well, guess we'll get to see what these things are made of before possibly meeting them on the trail," Callista said, hefting her staff as she began to chant in repetition, trying to spot if there was identifying any particular Kobold as a raid leader. She would end up swinging the end of the staff downward at either the one leading the raid if she was even successful in doing so from her current spot, or at any of the Kobolds trying to fight from range if not, attempting to freeze it.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Kankra » Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:21 pm

If there was any indication on how much Sheera enjoyed the moment, it would be the bloodlust grin on her face as she beheaded the kobold, drawing the first blood of the day. She let out a mad laugh, just as the fire bolts flamed over her skin, scorching a bit of her leather bra. Within split seconds, her face went from happily mad to feral mad and she let out an angry snort, almost blowing steam out of her nose. With another long screech of hers, she launched herself forward towards the kobold priest, attempting to behead him first and then clench him in two.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:43 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Attack 3 vs Defence 1. Hit! Massive damage! 2 wounds caused.

Your blades slash out as you bound at the kobold priest, the diminutive creature trying to defend itself, but it is no good. Your strike smashes through its staff, flesh, muscle and bone, releasing it's noggin from the body. The return strikes down dig deep, lodging hard in the ribcage of the creature but shattering several ribs on the way down. It's a fair bet that with all the ichor spilling out on the ground, and the thud of a solid object on the ground, the priest is probably dead.

Kryth'sas, Kyron, Callista
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

A careful examination of the forces arrayed below reveals that the kobold force appears to be a raiding party. None of them are particularly heavily equipped, and the fact that they have not yet overwhelmed the defenders is telling that they were not expecting much in the way of resistance. It's probably that they either didn't know who was here, or they were spooked into action. The townsfolk appear to be holding their own, but they could probably appreciate the help.

There were a pair of kobolds wearing simple robes and wielding staves topped with skulls. Most of the kobolds in combat were wielding spears or knives, but these were striking out with crude magic. Around them was a group of five with slings. All the others were dispersed and in combat with the elves.

Kairon's shot: Attack 2 - hits a priest. Defence 1. Hit scored!
Callista's spell: Attack 4 - aimed at a priest. Defence 1. Hit scored!

The two priests shout encouragements in their own draconic tongue to their troops, but the swiftly turn to shrieks as an arrow tears through the robe of one, biting into his flesh. The other looks over, then up at the source of the shot, just in time to get a blast of ice to the face, flash-freezing it on the spot! The slingers nearby are visibly shaken from the very unexpected strike on their leaders. The wounded priest clumsily sends a magical bolt back up Kryth'sas (Attack 1), but is easily brushed aside (Defence 3)
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby MelissaB » Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:20 pm

Liel glances at the dead Kobolds and the elven defender with a grim smile. Clearly this paladin while trained and suited up for battle would not care if today was the last time she fought. Sighing she looks over the dead once more before looking at Sheera before flapping her wings and floating towards her. "Blessed those that fight for a just cause." She murmurs in prayer before placing a hand over the burns as she attempts to heal her companion. Finished with her ally Liel turns to the elven woman. "We should see if anymore are currently being attacked and assist. If they aren't bring wounded that your own healers are too busy for to me." With that said the angelic woman takes off into the air to search for further battle and bring death on feathery wings to those that would cause it.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby HarleyLocal605 » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:42 pm

Seeing the fear in the kobold slingers eyes, Callista grinned, and spun her staff above her head as shechanted, pointimg at one of the slingers attempting to launch a fire ball.
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Re: Dungeon of the Doomed King

Postby Firehead » Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:45 pm

Seeing the Kobolds as simple raiders Kryth decided to get started. Seeing the nearby Kobolds she expected little trouble from the slingers who were so easily intimidated; she took out a Javelin and threw it at the remaining priest with a mighty roar.
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