CYOA Tales of Lona

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Stay in Stansengate
Total votes : 49

Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Albireo » Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:44 am

hmm, we are getting a lot of folks who want to stay in Stansengate trickling in. I certainly understand because we do need to be here for our primary goal but I though the promise of alchemical potions and possibly alternate solutions to other problems was a good draw. and its right next door for petes sake.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby coyoteredmoon » Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:54 pm

→ Ask Heikya if she has any goblin friends that may want a rich husband.

> Not completely sure on whether or not she wants to be a mother, Mana runs off to her home away from home to ask Mana if she may have any friends that would want to take this metaphorical ‘arrow to the knee.’
She explains to the goblin woman the exact situation in hushed tones.
“Is ‘at tha case then? Hmm. Well… I may know one of ‘em that would take the job, but she would want to move in wit her friends… and she wouldn’t share gold, no ma’am. She may put in a good word for you though!”
Mana takes note, but isn’t super happy about losing a bunch of gold. “Can I maybe talk to this woman?”
Heikya nods and gives Mana the general whereabouts of her friend. “She’ll be easy ta find, just look fer other Goblins.”

friends.jpg (32.56 KiB) Viewed 1464 times

→ Ask Ano about potions.

>Mana teaming with questions about potions heads over to Ano’s tower.
She finds him up in his normal office, Sipping a mug of something and munching bread; Ellie sitting on a pile of books next to him.
First on her agenda: Ogre catnip. She asks Ano and he very dryly replies “Cannabis… like an entire block of the stuff.”
Mana nods, surprised at how succinct he was with his answer. She decides to move on to the less ‘clean’ of her potion questions. “So Ano… is there such a thing as a potion that makes pregnancy faster?”
“Uh oh! Haven’t made a mistake have we?”
Mana shakes her head, lying and saying that she had got a letter from one of her sisters concerning a mistake.
Ano seems to believe her, nodding. “I hate to dismiss it by saying accidents happen, but they do. As for your question: Unfortunately no there is not for most creatures. Bodies take time to form, and the only race that can really expedite that process is Goblin.”
Mana nods. She deems the band-aid approach for this next question and blurts out: “What about a potion that makes a woman lactate when she orgasms.”
Ano had been mid drink with that question and coats the scroll he had been writing on with a thin coat of what appears to be coffee. “WHa Waht?!”
Ellie falls of her seat of books, cackling maniacally, after recovering from her little fall she replies. “Sorry hun, Ano here is a little vanilla~” She gives the confused wizard a little pat on the head. “What you’re asking for is something that occurs naturally for Holostauri; and you’ll need 2 potions to make it work. Tha first is a primer for the mammary tissue to get the girls ready and working. You’ll need goat milk, salt from minotaur tears, and orb cap mushroom; you’ll need to take it a couple days before whatever you’re planning though. The other will need shaved bull horn, catfish whiskers, and the tricky one: Holostaurus semen.” (Lactate Potion added, 'The Spray' potion added)
Ano sits there completely befuddled by what’s happening.

shushushushush.jpg (38.44 KiB) Viewed 1464 times

>Ellie pets the confused conjurer once again. “There there, it’ll be fine Ano. Just a warning, Mana: after you have the milk flowing, you’ll have to leave them alone for a few days for them to get back to normal. Tried it out once when I was inventing the mixture, food bill nearly tripled that month!” She says with a chuckle.

→ Go and ask Frog about the invisibility spell they used.

>She decides to head out to the farm where Flog and Frog now work to ask about the invisibility spell they had been using. She finds the two relocating cows from one pen to another.
She asks Frog what it takes to cast the spell.
Frog seems happy to explain how he got it working, explaining at length the magical formulas and arguments required to perform the task.
This information mostly just bounces off of Mana, but she pretends to understand every word being thrown at her.
Frog concludes his tirade with a “To be honest, I’m surprised that flog was able to do it.”
In an defensive tone, flog replies with a “I learned it by watching you!”
Mana returns to town, heading to the Fiendish Flagon to sleep off the befuddlement from the two-headed ogre.

→ Ask Ano about ‘races’ specifically

>The next morning, Mana returns to Ano’s tower to do a little research.
She enters fully expecting to have an awkward introduction, but Ano greets her in the same cheery manner he usually does. She goes ahead and apologizes for the day previous, but is confused when Ano responds.
“You were here yesterday? I don’t recall that!”
Ellie hops over to Mana and whispers to her “He’s reallllly good at repressing memories.”
Mana asks Ano very specifically about the creatures considered races in Lona.
Ano nods “ Races are the groups of creatures that have specifically formed themselves into civilization in some capacity. As of now the races of Lona are Humans, Elves, Equaros, Nekomatas, Lapinette, Goblins, Knolls, Minotaurs, Holostauri, Ovans, Naga, Merpeople, Sahuagin Dragons, Illithids, and on a rare occasion demons are considered civilized!”
Mana nods, realizing the she may have given an unnecessary blowjob.

→ What does she do?
> Accept the job at the training yard (input plan (keep in mind Mana is basically an untrained thief-type))
> Accept the deal with the cursed man.
>Go talk to the Goblin that may take the cursed man’s offer
> Go talk to Ano.
> Go talk to Hiekya.
> Go buy something from the shops (specify).
> Head out of Stansengate to the poll selected city (poll will continue)
> Other (Input Action).
Starting to post stuff here :D and here When I have time to make stuff, that is!
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby bestusernameEVER » Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:54 am

There is no such thing as an unnecessary blowjob. And Ano DID list Ovans as race...
Come to think of it, what species is Ano? Should we ask him? Would that be impolite? Should we ask Mana?

Either way, find that goblin woman, maybe it's possible to make a deal.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:51 am

Think the unnecessary BJ is that first one with the heavy drake dose.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Crawford » Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:50 pm

>Go talk to the Goblin that may take the cursed man’s offer

We're not getting all the gold for the job, but maybe we can talk to the Goblin lady, in other hand..i would love to see the Goblin pregnant, as for the list of race. Since Goblins and Elves are on this list, maybe we could have some "fun" with the cursed man and the goblin, of course not taking the risk to be impregnated as well but eh, that's multitasking in a way (doing the quest and completing our little list) :mrgreen:
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby flai53 » Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:31 pm

Do the Job with the potions
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby m3rchant » Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:58 am

Personally, I'd rather hold off on getting the goblin gal in on the job until all other viable options are expended, but that's just me.

First, buy a writing utensil and something to write onto. Tell Ano that we've found a man willing to teach us an amazing new spell, but whenever he tries explaining it the words go right over our heads. Ask him if he knows this particular spell and if he does, would he mind showing us? If he doesn't, then would he mind coming with us or translating a few words when we get back?

Also, something I've been thinking about. Tell Hiekya that we need to make a potion that requires goblin blood, but don't worry, hers wouldn't work anyway because she's not a man. Does she know some that we could talk into bleeding a little for us? We May want a few empty bottles first, though. (The idea here is Mana knows that goblins are supposed to be dumb, so if she can find a few dumb horny male Goblins, perhaps rather than having to offer them gold to get them to open their veins, we can instead offer them hand-jobs!)
If it exists, I have it for sale! If it doesn't exist, I probably have it for sale!
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:33 pm

Disclaimer: This is meant to be a tight working summary of Mana's situation at this moment. Some of my info isn't official and I put a * before everything theoretical or unconfirmed.

Mana's goal involves having one of every 'race' cum inside her. Don't know if that means they have to release within or just have it land in the interior. Both mouths seem to count so Problem:Pregnancy can be avoided. If none of her sockets need to be mated Problem:Size is negated we just need to find sizable partners for Dragon+Equiros+Holostaurus+Minotaur less picky than Hegelt+Hegelt Jr.

Problem:Wealth 61 Gold+270 gold in drake skins. Wealth is Mana's primary means of avoiding a game over, surviving over time. and getting most of the mundane materials for her quest. Aside from a 10 gp daily activity cleaning for Ano's offer there is a 40 gp slime quest the 700 gold military training quest and the 1000 gold curse removal quest available 300gp for helping Hegelt. *It has been discussed to be the case that huge sums of money can achieve permanent magical effects weather these are needed or just for fun is covered later. *It is unknown if cash can be used to hire others to get the things Mana wants quickly and without her own effort. *It is unknown if Mana can hire professional lovers of her needed races that might otherwise be reluctant.

Problem:SIze This may be a non issue going from something that needs to be solved to a barrier to fun. *Dragons, *Demons, *Holostaurs *Minotaurs, Equiros(confirmed) and *Knolls may all be too big for our Neko's kitty. Why is this a problem? I used to think Mana had to take a shot to the womb to add to her tally, currently this means she'll be doing more giving than receiving when it comes to reaching her goal and certain opportunities are beyond her reach(Hegelt jr Job). The answers we've come on so far are Magic:Transformation and Magic:Alchemy Side effects. costs, rare materials put either of these answers at 2 or more months of rl turns out for what may just be a single use answer to this problem.

Problem:Pregnancy As much as Hercules is strong. As much as Dexter is a boy genius Mana is that fertile. There is an incredibly high chance that she already is knocked up. Even if she isn't the chance she won't be moving into the future is incredibly small. How knocked up? Dads are sneaky and seductive, take big sis who might already be big daddy as an example pumping who knows how much baby batter into her pre-heated oven. Contraception is pricey(50 per hard to remember to take it when your partner pulls surprises or she is wrapped around their finger), childcare more so(20 a day). The good news is for a month or two after the event Mana can move and 'play' without that consequence. Technically she can 'play' throughout the pregnancy.In summary preg may be inevitable. A: She gets seduced. B. Partners can 'trade up' the act or it could last beyond the duration of a contraception/round 2 in the morning. C. Problem:Heat. D. Mana is Clumsy. E. There are a number of players who get a twitch at Mana playing the dice or going from maiden to matron, a bit of extra bounce and milf shake, reacting to the changes and maternal instincts to go with. Answers? Magic:Alchemy there is research underway for methods to regulate Mana's fertility and heats Raunchy Research Magic:Transformation can also offer various solutions.

Problem:Heat Sexy choices are made. It's like the sexy filter to Mana's vision of the world that I would turn on all the time. I may not see it as a problem but its quite consequential, see above. It provides a nice good girl excuse for being naughty. Raunchy Research will be a hilarious opportunity to have poor Ano take notes on Mana while she's having her tail pulled. Magic Offers potential solutions to the issue of heat in the possibility of triggering(think resetting a timer) or suppressing them.

Magic It has been said that there is a possibility for permanent magic effects or changes to Mana aside from the direct transformations and temporary alchemical effects. We don't know how they would work,or what form they would take or how much or what resources we need to aim for. The price is said to be immensely expensive but the possibilities of controlling fertility, heat or being able to take any sort of partner at will and without a transformation is appealing.This is a list of the magical effects we have seen.

Illusion:invisibility: Flog+Frog. Too difficult currently for Mana. Unknown if transcribing/memorizing or practice will enable her to learn it at any point.

Shapeshifting. Possible Racial attribute? Cast by pointy eared human with a hiss, Seamstress and agent of the guard Sibin. Have not tried to learn.

Location masking, Masks an entrance from casual/untrained observation used in the Rich slave keepers mansion on a bookcase and on a staircase int he Wyvern tower by the Red lady who offered Mana the Dark deal. Have not tried to learn.

Project image. Used to paint visual representations/record messages/sound. Used by Ano in the initial letter to Mana as well as during his lectures to illustrate point. Have not tried to learn.

Regeneration/Revival. Native to the Rookery/Wyvern nest tower. Restores those near dead/dead?/unconscious with time. Haven't done research into the effect.

Combat magic: Seen during the rookery raid. Unknown if practical for Mana, cast by adventurers.

Curse: Used by the witch on the noble. Victim claims it is because of how he was brief with her the morning after "The curse shall break, when you have bed with a single woman till she is laden with milk." Exact effects of the curse beyond repressing the victims' ability to climax and allowing libido to build ("Size of apples") are unknown.

Magic:Alchemy Potent potables. There is no potion store. There is no ingredient store. Some of the effects are temporary some of the ingredients we have no idea of where to find them. Because of these things putting together any potion can take a month or more of game turns. This is a list of all the potions we know of, their known ingredients and location/suggested method of acquisition.
"Lactation potion." Goat Milk+Salt from Mino tears+Orb cap mushroom(Purchasable? Forage-able?) Takes 2 days to take effect
"Impact potion" Slime tissue(slime quest, Nicki?), Shark Liver (Fresh, rumored lakes to west or ice wagon shipment), Sticky goop (semen, slobber), Rubber (None available in Stensgate)
"Spray potion" Shaved Bull horn, Catfish whiskers, Holostaurus semen
"Equiros Potion" A long tail hair, Burst cap mushroom (deep in dangerous forest North of Poplar, hire mercs?) Goblin blood (brewery goblins, Hellevi).
Futanari Potion: Used By Sis during a certain steamy night. Unknown ingredients or cost. *Potential alternative to 'receiving' some of the races for the conqueror's seal?
Heat Trigger potion: In research via Raunchy Research unknown ingredients. Theory being to trigger the heat before a long journey or venture out of town.
Heat Suppression potion: unknown ingredients. Theory being to suppress a sudden heat during a key or dangerous time such as on the road or while in dungeon/jail

Magic:Transformation Turning into something not Neko to do things Neko finds hard or impossible. We know of a Equiros transformation which could make us a better mate for Hegelt Jr+Hegelt and other bigger playmates. Unfortunately the chance of ending up a broodmare if Mana strikes heat and the difficulties that center around learning/acting in a new body are all serious threats. Lots of potential and theoretical transformations out there which are all a pain in the ass or unwanted in one way or another like gookitty(Put it in a catsuit), *succukitty(FooCubi may not exist in Lona), Elvenkitty(Nekomimi?), Merkitty(Catfish?), *dragonkitty(AdROARable)

Military Domination The plan has four elements.
First, gather information. Is there anything challenging but safe that the guard could be blooded on in the area? Is there anything like a massive boulder in a farmer's field or a flood control project as a physical labor public works activity. Is the food good? Do they have spouses, children who could support them with visits or cooking? Are there any talents among the members of the army or warriors guild who would be willing to teach/lead demonstrations in exotic weapons or unique techniques? is there a good path through the town for a foot race, or feats of strength?Are there enough different bars, inns, perhaps even the castle or warrior's guild with squares suitable to host brawling, wrestling, sparring events that would be open to the public?

Second, Ask for help, knowing that most will say no.(Don't hesitate to ask those Mana has helped before, the farmer, *eroy Jenkins or the investigators who helped with the slaver incident) This plan, as much as possible, uses borrowed venues, volunteer participation and permission to work. Training, putting on martial displays and sparring in public places; aiding the public with projects, hunting, physical challenges and contests, even a tournament. This is all to create a sense of connection. A collection of external pressures and drives, to bind family and public life with military service, to give them a chance to compete a chance to show off in front of members of the opposite sex.

Third. Competition/cooperation: A published scoreboard to grade performance and effort, praise effort, acknowledge results. Have the good be the keepers of the not so good. Keep those teams for team activities and grade them. For the PT variety can have a greater emphasis on sparring and individual combat drills over group drills. A grueling hike to a nice spot to bathe. A foot race though town. Sparring in front of the warrior's guild. Mud wrestling in front of the flagon. Knife throwing drinking game at the end of the week. The goal is exposure to the community, a stimulating variety of physical activities and experiences.

Fourth: Leadership: Dominant (Here's the chance to show Queen Mana), affectionate, sharp, strict, seductive(Innuendo, dress and distracting movements), honest, calm. Rather than being lenient during punishment if the one receiving cannot endure allow the soldiers to share each others burden if they wish. For those who are defiant and disrespectful and who don't fear punishment use humiliation, have it be a burden to the group. Share when you profits with them and rejoice in their victories. Eat meals with them speak of them possessively and pridefully. Express sadness rather than resentment at their failures. Make this fair, intense and a bit of fun here and there.

Input->My vote is for accepting the Military domination job and doing more research on the curse. Could he get away with sleeping next to a Holostaurus? Reach out to this witch. Ah! Let's also ask Ellie about dragons and Ano about what types of demons are out there and count as civilized.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby bestusernameEVER » Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:41 pm

Great writeup, Omni!

I think we should pursue the raunchy research path more.... mostly because there's sex down the line and if we can control Mana's heat, even better. We can also decide what to do long-term while this is going on.
Personally, I'd prefer if Mana stays the way she is... maybe we can ask Sis if there's some kind of... elasticity(?) potion that would allow Mana to take on bigger partners?

I do think Omni's plan for military domination sounds good; we do have to get into the world conquering business eventually. If I end up being the casting vote in a tie, I say go with Omni's plan. I don't want to work out all the details, though :D
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:36 am

bestusernameEVER Wrote:I think we should pursue the raunchy research path more.... mostly because there's sex down the line and if we can control Mana's heat, even better. We can also decide what to do long-term while this is going on.
Personally, I'd prefer if Mana stays the way she is... maybe we can ask Sis if there's some kind of... elasticity(?) potion that would allow Mana to take on bigger partners?

I didn't really say what they did >< but the impact potion (Shark livers/rubber=leaving town) will enable Mana to take on at least Equiros size partners comfortably. As for how many doses or if its permanent. I don't believe it is permanent and don't know how many rides Mana will be able to get when its put together. IIRC Raunchy Research involves Ano studying Mana in heat during coitus. Could wait around learning/cleaning until the next heat strikes if Mana has a volunteer but I'm more in favor of helping people rather than skipping time, though there is plenty of learning Mana needs to do.

Other theoretical alternatives alongside the stretchy vag include learning a growth spell to make Mana as a whole bigger "ineck chock" or a shrink spell to do the opposite for her partner.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby bestusernameEVER » Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:21 pm

Omnimek Wrote:
bestusernameEVER Wrote:I think we should pursue the raunchy research path more.... mostly because there's sex down the line and if we can control Mana's heat, even better. We can also decide what to do long-term while this is going on.
Personally, I'd prefer if Mana stays the way she is... maybe we can ask Sis if there's some kind of... elasticity(?) potion that would allow Mana to take on bigger partners?

I didn't really say what they did >< but the impact potion (Shark livers/rubber=leaving town) will enable Mana to take on at least Equiros size partners comfortably. As for how many doses or if its permanent. I don't believe it is permanent and don't know how many rides Mana will be able to get when its put together. IIRC Raunchy Research involves Ano studying Mana in heat during coitus. Could wait around learning/cleaning until the next heat strikes if Mana has a volunteer but I'm more in favor of helping people rather than skipping time, though there is plenty of learning Mana needs to do.

Other theoretical alternatives alongside the stretchy vag include learning a growth spell to make Mana as a whole bigger "ineck chock" or a shrink spell to do the opposite for her partner.

I'm in favor of elasticity, but that's just personal taste.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby coyoteredmoon » Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:52 pm

Heya guys, sorry to call it in this week: but work's got me doing some studying up on some new equipment.

SOoooooo Pinup week! you guys know the rules!

Sorry again! Hopefully next week will return to regular programing.
Starting to post stuff here :D and here When I have time to make stuff, that is!
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby bestusernameEVER » Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:20 pm

coyoteredmoon Wrote:Heya guys, sorry to call it in this week: but work's got me doing some studying up on some new equipment.

SOoooooo Pinup week! you guys know the rules!

Sorry again! Hopefully next week will return to regular programing.

Since we already had Heikya with her dildo...
I was about to suggest Mana taking the drake doggy style this time, but I went back and saw I asked for that already :D

Hm. Either Mana earning some money under a table of Heikya's pub, or a picture of her taking the Equiros job... (I believe it was Equiros. I think there was some horse guy who needed... relief?)
(Well, maybe not the same guy, in case we decide to actually do that later. So maybe just AN Equiros. Or horse.)
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby VintageBass » Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:21 pm


How does Ellie like her "carrots," if you know what I mean?
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:27 am

I know what you mean, Best. My creativity was drained by the last epic pinups and our unlucky black cat has had soo many different hot shots from her adventures and the pinups so far. I'll do what I normally do when my creativity is lacking and make a list, won't include scat/gore.

As I said the last pinup won so hard that I was having trouble figuring out what I want to see. So here is a list I made as an exercise to try and figure out what I wanted and to help others who may be trying to figure out what they want to see. I decided I want to see kissing, Mana, Heikya, Hellevi whomever the heroine happens to be or whatever else in the situation I'd like to see a kiss or the moment just before/after.

Sex acts we haven't seen. Kissing, anal play, titty sex, threesome, cunnilingus,

Fetish shots we haven't seen. Vagina spread, fisting, Pole dancing/stripping, fetish outfits like nurse/maid, Exhibitionism/public play, Gloryhole, Intercrural, Nursing, Pregnant, Milking, Piercings, shibari/leather harnesses, latex, orgy/ many vs 1 and bukakke/cum bath, prostitution

Genre specific we haven't seen: Doppelganger scene Mana X mana. Heikya X Heikya and other fun double trouble situations. Tentacle or plant person play, magic/unseen servant group action, underwater/merperson play, slime play, mind control

Outside the Genre: Modern/sci fi outfits like Business suit/skirt or space jumpsuit/ t shirt with meme, jeans, modern laboratory/hospital or bathroom/jail/shower background, car/motorcycle washing or pose. syringe, electrodes, TV, cameras, one way mirrors, subway/train. club.

Unrealistic/improbable we haven't seen: Inflation, body mutation, multiple holes, prehensile poles. Pussy or mouth for nipples , pussy tongue.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Scottyboy » Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:19 am

I'm going to ask for Mana getting fertilized.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby coyoteredmoon » Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:27 pm

Smut Delivery! Come get your smut!

inpropercarrotusage.jpg (29.66 KiB) Viewed 1303 times

First is Ellie purposely demonstrating the improper use of carrots (Ironically, her favorite was to use them though... I wonder why.)

notfootsies.jpg (47.52 KiB) Viewed 1303 times

Mana making some cash under the tables at Heikya's establishment. The Libido meter would have to be running pretty high for her to do this at this point.
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby VintageBass » Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:54 pm

Well I wasn't thinking of the literal carrots, that's more than enough to satisfied me! Even if that's improper use, she does know her way around a carrot and it's oh so good! Plus the potential health benefits to come from this, too! ;)
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby bestusernameEVER » Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:02 pm

I wouldn't go under the table in the actual story, but... that's what this is for, right? :)
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Re: CYOA Tales of Lona

Postby Omnimek » Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:21 pm

Ellie does look seductive with the wink and her hair, makes that bottom carrot look savory as well. Love the angle on Mana in mesh and leather as she goes deep. Will have to remember that she is still somewhat innocent and that higher libido=unusual behavior.
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