critiques on my work

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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:00 pm

Hi guys! I'm not dead, just wanted to tell you! :mrgreen:

It's been an horrible month... I had a lot to do for the A.I. of the enemies, and still have some issue to debug.
But things are going on nevertheless!

I'm showing up to reply to your kind posts!

About Terrantor!!! Thanks for taking my side with that face " controversy" and stating your point: you're right about the nose bridge by the way! Next female character in the game will probably have more delicate face traits... probably, yeah! :D

About Lucky777, thanks for pointing that out! I like the boldness with which you speak, pretty straightforward :lol:
Well... I was referring to just the last uploads, which means both the TeasingFullDoneReSized and the Pre-EjectDoneSmaller animations.
I know that I'm not that fast, but I'd like to point out that those scenes aren't exactly scenes of 20 seconds each.

As a matter of fact, you have to consider them 4 times longer.
You see, every character has its own " layer", which means I had to go through 20 seconds 1 time for the girl, 1 time for the dick, another 1 for the enemy and 1 last time for the semen itself!
So you should consider that scene like 80 seconds of work ( more or less)[ which are a decent amount for just 1 dude in traditional animation].

Now, again, I know that 700 hours are still a lot for 80 seconds of animation, but they surely are easier justifiable compared to just 20 seconds.

Anyway, yeah, we'll all be dead of old age before I'm halfway finished ( my son will be able to publish this shit just before dying of old age himself!) :mrgreen:

But seriously... I'm aware too that this thing is taking way too much time for every single little progress... it's hard to keep it going 'cause, y'know, while it progress I kinda grow old and shit.
Fact is, I'm still a lone-wolf on this, and probably going to be so until the end.
These long long times between small updates are the price we have to pay for this shit to be done... so please, bear with me while I keep it going :P

I'll keep you up to date if I make any significant progress! ( that is: A.I. able to avoid obstacles and find path without using A* algorithm, mini games working as expected and procedural generated level without bugs)
Meanwhile, have a nice day!
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Ocfos » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:53 am

I've gone through the thread and they're pretty nice, quite digging the style too. Keep at it, and good luck with the thing.
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:33 pm

Hi Ocfos! :D thanks a lot for jumping in and for taking some time to both watch the progress and comment, I really appreciate!

I've been programming hard shit for the last 5 weeks and half but I'm finally through the stuff about enemy's AI, which is a good thing!

Can't wait to tell you more! :mrgreen:

By the way, I'm trying to write the code in a simple way, so everyone daredevil enough will be able to peek at it and further develop from that... it'd be nice to have mods!
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:45 pm

I love you work. You have inspired me to attempt my own drawn frame by frame animation; instead of using flash tweens. What's the secrete to a good walk cycle? Advise?

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4 Frame
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6 Frame
Tina1.gif (60.46 KiB) Viewed 1638 times

Look forward to seeing your sex animation, I think it would be amusing with the huge penis. Keep it big and make it fit :D

If your open to the idea of mods, I might try doing a little sex scene with your character.
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:31 pm

Hi dude! Well done! You also added shades, that's crazy stuff to work with! :D
Thanks a lot for sharing and for your enthusiasm, it's awesome to know my modest works can inspire others to do the same!

Well, since you kindly asked I'll tell you what I believe are the things that make good a walk cycle, at least imho ( handle with care :mrgreen: )

I'd first suggest to identify yourself with your character, in a similar way that a good writer does; you don't have to just imagine how that character would walk, you also have to feel that walk and experience how you'd feel walking like that.
When you get into the character and his/her/its walk, then your hand will have a clear idea of what to draw and how to draw it... which is a good starting point!

Then, while you sketch it, you should be concerned about the head and the arms... generally, it's a good idea to have 2 different heights for the head: one that you'll use during the pass position, and one for the contacts.
The frames where your character's feet are on the ground ( contacts) should be followed by a bunch ( number is at your discretion) of frames where you show the mass those feet are supporting.
There's no rule, as far as I know, concerning whether the head in pass position should be higher than the others or not.
About the arms... those depends on your character, but they are a powerful tool to convey the feeling of your walk and shouldn't be stiff unless there's a specific reason for them to be like that; and this is true also for the torso!

Last thing I can think of, but not least, is to experiment and try things impossible in real life... that's not a rule to follow every time of course but, generally speaking, traditional animation seems a media that demand a certain degree of impossible physics ( or cartoon magic, if you prefer) to show its best!
Disney and Warner Bros., along many many other american studios and independent artists, experimented with things like smoothness and slapstick distortions, but that's not the only way to do it.
As a matter of fact, as long as you like it and the people who watch it are capable of understanding it, the only limits to the kind of tweaks you can do are the ones you limit yourself to ( bad english maybe, but I hope it's clear).

Again, I'm no guru, these are just my opinions/advice.
Someone with more experience than me could mentor you better: if you like, you should get your hands on a copy of The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams... that's the only book ( half of it at least) I've ever read about this subject, and it really taught me well ( it still does)! :D
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:39 pm

Thanks man. Now that I look at the animation I see. I made her walk like male pimp, not a sexy lady. :oops:
I think I put to much emphasis on rotation, and extension, and not enough on femininity. I'll try to give it a little more thought next time.

Thanks again for all the advice. I'll definitely give the book a look.
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:56 pm

No problems, glad I could be of help! PM me if you'd like to, I don't mind, and keep up the good work! :D

It's been a while but I guess this is not a surprise ( being slow it's one of my trademarks)!
Oh, by the way, I usually take so long between 1 post and another because I feel somewhat guilty of not progressing fast enough and I always delay to the point where I'm sure I've got something meaningful to show... which takes some time :lol:

As I'm de-bugging and de-glitching all the wrongs that stacked up so far, I wanted to record a simplistic video about one of the test scenes in the current build: the Shooting Range.
So, I guess one could say " hey chuck, that's cheap shit!"... well, arguably it's still bare of wow factor, but I don't mind because it's working nicely so far!
Lemme elaborate the video a bit...

You can see the enemy is not really chasing her in the second attempt ( with orthographic view): I never told him to do so, that's why! ;)
The austerity of those backgrounds sucks? True, but it's needed because it helps me check gizmos in the editor' scene view, which I masked in this video ( real boring stuff).
One may ask why the enemy starts bouncing all of a sudden, well, that's the " stunned" animation - since I'm lacking one, I've quickly built that placeholder which should represent unquestionably that something's wrong with the enemy: he is stunned!
About the animations, right now there's no minigame involved so no one is handling them.
This means that the state machine will jump from one state to the next, until all are played.
I won't leave them as that :mrgreen:

I felt the urge to share this with you, so you could feed me with your considerations! :D
I'd like to know what you think about the camera... I think it's too near when shooting, my idea is to Slerp it accordingly to ones needs ( expand while aiming, move forward to where you're moving when you're moving and zoom in while sex is triggered); it should be easy.
What about the camera's viewing volume? Do you prefer Perspective or Orthographic? The former adds depth to the scene which is cool while playing, but needs handling with technical stuff ( which I could take care of if it's preferred), while the latter makes the game look really retro ( which isn't inherently bad) and solves most of the problems by itself.
I think it's a " gut-decision" in the end, and I'm really curious to know!

I'd love to keep on rambling but maybe you had enough :lol:
I'll leave you to the .mov then, and wait for your response.
P.S.: About Sounds... I'm ignorant! If you've got some experiences with them and other goodies related I'd be glad to hear... though I'm looking to implement them later, I'd like to have an alpha with a few sounds in it nevertheless!

[ Play Quicktime file ] [ 8.97 MiB | Viewed 1564 times ]

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Re: critiques on my work

Postby cryosabre » Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:32 pm

Just out of interest, is this dead?, just wondering as there hasn't been anything new in a month :O. Really hope it's not, after looking through the thread im in love with the animations, some of the best quality i'v seen in ages!

P.S. if this is dead and i'm necroing this like a champion....i apologize q.q
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby BitterBase » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:28 am

it's been a long while since i've seen animation done like this, keep up the great work! (Inspiring someone who doesn't know animation for hell like me to get into it lmao)
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Shawky the Shark Wolf » Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:31 pm


Your art style is really comedy-like and humorous, I think I've a new favourite among animator artists, mostly because I've never seen anything like this(Well, the most resemblance I can see is in Russian cartoons, but that's about it.), keep up the good work though~
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:14 pm

Hey there!
cryosabre Wrote:Just out of interest, is this dead?, just wondering as there hasn't been anything new in a month :O. Really hope it's not, after looking through the thread im in love with the animations, some of the best quality i'v seen in ages!

Hehehe no it's not and it never will, as long as I breath that is :D
It's just my social-life coupled with major coding problems... these things have been bogging me down more than usual lately.
Example: -The day after Easter's day-
I open up Unity to check if everything's ok and go on coding the enemies' attack pattern BUT THINGS SUDDENLY GO SOUTH: I find a big bug in the A* algorithm I coded and that seemed so cocky ( 1200 lines of crappy code)!
The bug eventually got squashed but it took me a considerable amount of time to chop the code down to 250 lines, getting rid of useless things and optimising it ( now it's " stable" as far as I know).
Once finished, to avoid other major failures in the future, I took some time to re-write other suspicious chunks of code... one can never be too sure I guess :mrgreen:
Thanks a lot for the interest and sweet compliments!

BitterBase Wrote:it's been a long while since i've seen animation done like this, keep up the great work! (Inspiring someone who doesn't know animation for hell like me to get into it lmao)

Thanks a lot! I always try to do my very best and never give up until 100% is reached, at least! :D Glad my stuff can inspire people to be creative!

Shawky the Shark Wolf Wrote:Your art style is really comedy-like and humorous, I think I've a new favourite among animator artists, mostly because I've never seen anything like this(Well, the most resemblance I can see is in Russian cartoons, but that's about it.), keep up the good work though~

Many thanks for the love and the nice comparison with our Russians fellows, they have some crazy stuff in their repertoire that I like a lot!
I'll certainly go all out for the best, hope to keep it up :mrgreen:

As you might have guessed, I've been coding almost full time ( whenever I could) lately so I still have no animated goodies to show :o
Well, it shouldn't come as a surprise that much I guess :lol:

However, since I'd like to finish with code and get back to my beloved pencil, I have to ask for your preferences so that my wish can come true sooner.
Talking about the Graphic User Interface... this is not a game that needs a lot of GUI shit, but the bare minimum is still necessary!
Which one do you prefer? ( I got mine too, but I'm really curious!)




P.S.: What about that font? I spent some hours building it! It should be the final font for the game :D
P.P.S.: In the end I went for the Ortho camera, it's blockier but it's also more reliable! ( shame on you if you don't like the font, you make me sad :( )
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Mon May 11, 2015 10:33 pm

This is a Test. WATCH OUT: this video has some sounds in it!

It's how the camera and UI will behave in the end, but without 100% features done :mrgreen:

I've implemented dynamic alpha channels but I'm looking forward to change them and improve them a bit, because as you can see in the video they don't always fade as one would like!
That's true also about the UI itself, which I programmed to fade but then commented that chunk of code before recording... I think that during sex UI will be important but since I'm still unsure about how exactly the minigame should be played I don't know what feedbacks the interface must show, so I left it as it is.

Now, all of this still doesn't mean the game is playable or " fun", but it will be eventually ( I hope it will be both of the things! :D )

What's disappointing so far is AI behaviour, which lacks everything but pathfinding.
I think that will be the last difficult task before summertime and its scheduled hiatus...

Although I tend to not stick to particular plans, this is how it should go: programming duties end somewhere in June ( code-hiatus), then maybe ugly demo, then animation duties from somewhere in June to date unknown.
Let's just hope for the best, and drop me a few lines if you'd like to say your opinion!

About that, this is what I'd like to know:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sounds... which sounds do you like the most? I can't dub the girl because I'm a manly man and so are most of my friends ( while girls I know have meh-voices so I won't ask them); what about choosing a mid-known pornstar and ripping a few of her audio performances? Is that legal? I dunno!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

what about the Sex Minigame? How should it be? I've got more than a couple of ideas but I'm still trying to find the perfect mix of " push this" " check that" " choose which/when" features... If you'd like to know more, you can find some of my speech in the previous pages!

And last but not least
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I've been jerking with game design theories a lot in the past months/years, but practice is something different! I'd like to know if you feel something's missing... that is: given these premises, trying to imagine an hypothetical finished prototype, what would that software lack? Basically I'm asking if I should be mainly concerned about visual feedback and ambient/environment, lack of gameplay mechanics ( we got Run, Shoot, Ambush, a bit of Resource Managing and a sex minigame... a sort of QtE), or something else :D

Here's the thing, cya soon!

[ Play Quicktime file ] TestUI110515.mp4 [ 28.71 MiB | Viewed 1336 times ]

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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Zeus Kabob » Tue May 12, 2015 12:12 am

If it's not a commercial work, I believe using audio from another source can be protected under fair use.

If it's a commercial work, then that defense is harder to pull off.
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Wed May 13, 2015 9:14 am

Hi Zeus! Thanks for pointing that out, I just tried to look up some facts around the web and found out this, among others.

But a more encouraging and explicit take on the argument is the licence that sites like Soundsnap have.
They give one full permission to mix, tweak and redistribute their sounds in different medias, so not music CDs but videos and games, both commercially or not, which is a nice degree of freedom! If I find out other interesting things I'll post them :D
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Thu May 14, 2015 12:24 am

Looking good. I'd make the Stamina and Ammo GUI a bit smaller, and move it to a corner of the screen. I like the stamina bar, I don't think I've seen it down with just the words before. Ammo Clip is interesting too.
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Thu May 14, 2015 3:55 pm

Digitally-Deviant Wrote:Looking good. I'd make the Stamina and Ammo GUI a bit smaller, and move it to a corner of the screen. I like the stamina bar, I don't think I've seen it down with just the words before. Ammo Clip is interesting too.

Thanks! I'll start thinking about a different layout for the UI to match your suggestion, it'd be nice to have multiple GUIs to choose, like centered/cornered and maybe even tweak their alpha channel... I'll keep this in mind!
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Wed May 20, 2015 12:46 am

Hey there!

I've recorded another video just because!
I've been working with " under the hood" stuff as always but this time the results are more visible... I think you'll agree ;)

In this video I play against the unfinished AI... it's a complicated subject but it's also cool when you manage to get the job done! I'd like to expand it a bit more with a couple of extra attack plans' oddities before this week's over... we'll see :mrgreen:

The next thing I'm going to " frame" is the Oh-So-Important-Sex-Minigame!
It's something I've been procrastinating until nowadays because, to be honest, I still have no clue about how it should play out :o

No really, it's something of the utmost importance and I never managed to like my initial idea about its design... Well, if you don't mind to type in some suggestions I'd really like to hear them :D

This time I haven't recorded the audio because it's the same of the previous video, no need to spam it I suppose!
P.S.: I suspect the framerate in the video is crappy... when I play it on my screen it doesn't " lag" :lol:

[ Play Quicktime file ] AgainstUnfinishedAI.mp4 [ 21.51 MiB | Viewed 1242 times ]

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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Off Topic » Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:40 pm

Hi there! Just bumping in because I wanted to say that the demo is almost ready! I'm happy!

I had to study for months to get things done with the code, and finally the job is almost done!
Before sharing, I'll run some tests with my Pc ( Mac/Windows) and my friends one, to see if everything plays out like in the editor... anyway, this is the bit of news so far!

Cya soon!
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:25 pm

I'm looking forward to seeing it. :D
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Re: critiques on my work

Postby Peneciraptor » Sun Jul 19, 2015 5:07 pm

amazing style!
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