XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:12 am

she picks up the pieces in a hurry and looks Nym in the eyes with no signs of nervousness but signs of apology "I'm sorry Sergeant just worrying about her health she can go to battle with broken bones and interior bleeding and that's my personal sidearm ma'am I'm sorry to have pointed it at you just a precaution you didn't seem stable there Sergeant " she looks a tad ashamed but is also looking over smalls to make sure she's okay " If there is any way I can repay you Sergeant Nym please let me know"
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby exalted » Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:24 am

Smalls lay blissfully on the mat, staring up the ceiling as she enjoyed the chemical rush of endorphins flooding her system from the exhaustion. Dimly hearing the commotion between Nym and the new girl she started to cackle madly, wiping the blood from her nose.

"What makes you think I made it back?" She sighed contently, "We're still out there, all of us, out in cold dark. None of us made it back, don't you get it? When was the last time you weren't fighting, fucking or trying to forget at the bottom of a bottle? When was the last time you were normal?"

Groaning slightly as her muscles protested, she sat up to look at the pair.

"It's a sick joke," She smiled, "We're already dead, our bodies just haven't caught up to the fact."
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:40 pm

Nym nods acknowledgingly at Flurisha as she apologizes. "Just be sure to clean it by tomorrow, then we'll be square." She explains, the anger already starting to drain from her face. When Smalls started talking about not REALLY coming back, she sighed and looked at the girl on the mat as she talked. "Never Smalls, I've never been normal. Every day I am reminded of that. But that wasn't the point of this match now was it? You should get your nose looked at, I didn't get a solid enough purchase to break anything, but she's right, propably not the best idea to try and kill each other." Assuming the fight is done, Nym puts her hand down for Smalls to take. IF she did, Nym would pull Smalls to her feet and make sure she could stand on her own. "Now what?"
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby lilgrunt1 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:46 pm

"Sergeant smalls do you mind if I escort you to the infirmary?" she stands next to her reaching in her bag for a clean rag and a bottle of water " here you go smalls you need to rest we got a big day tomorrow " she hands her the rag and bottle worried about her health hoping she's alright. flurisha looks at Nym "do you still mind if I get you a drink after she's better?"
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby cryosabre » Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:35 pm

After firing her last round, Sinaed looked through her scope at her grouping and couldn't hold back a smirk, "heh, still got it!" Sin said louder than she had meant to, making it clearly audible to Aisha as she looked up at the other women embarrassed, "uh...sorry, I kinda got lost in the moment for a second.." She said with a sheepish look on her face as she stood up and stretched her arms and legs, the constant recoil of the rifle against her shoulder making Sin stiff, though she couldn't deny the hunger that had grown in her stomach, "I don't suppose you maybe want to get some food or something? But if you wana do something else that's fine!" Sin added quickly, not wanting to look like she was forcing Aisha to go and eat with her even if she did have to admit she was enjoying Aisha's company and wouldn't mind getting to know the girl a bit more as she stood waiting for the energetic Americans response.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby MASigma » Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:43 pm

Aisha beamed at Sinaed's reactions, even clapping her hands only to giggle at her new friend's reaction,"Nothing wrong with that, I'm always lost in the moment and I function amazingly", She pointed out as she playfully stuck her tongue out... only to watched as Sinaed stretched herself out, before nodding lightly to the offered question," I could always go for something to eat, though I do hope they have good food on base, my father used to tell me horror stories of how military food tasted back in his days and I just can't stand yucky foods, they make me feel all blech and icky", Aisha noted with a shudder, only to quickly offer up another smile as she looked towards Sin once more,"But I always figured he was just telling me that stuff to make me eat my greens when I complained, so what you hungry for?", she asked as she began moving to go... only to pause,"... Um, which way was the Eating area again?", she asked, pouting at the fact she couldn't recall, having been more eager in making a new friend.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby cryosabre » Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:13 pm

"Just needa drop this rifle back in then we're all set to go eat then, I think" Sin commented as she strode up to the desk and gave back the rifle she had been using, giving the quartermaster a shy smile and thanks before she turned back to Aisha with a thoughtful look,"I, uhm, I think it's...this way, and I really don't mind, I just need to eat something soon!" Sin chuckled quietly as she did her best to recall the map she had seen on the wall of the hanger, remembering that the lounge and dining area was in the same wing as the armory. "So, ah, what exactly made you sign up for Xcom, Aisha?" Sin asked as they walked, wanting to get to know the girl who, rather oddly, Sin was feeling rather friendly with already, despite the girl pretty much being the complete polar opposite of Sin.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby spitfyre » Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:23 pm

Barely containing her anger at Vahlen and the whole situation that she was forced into, Donna lowered her voice into a deadly tone or rage and purpose, " Practice? You want me to 'practice'? I''l show you practice." With that she focused on one of the sectoid commanders, focusing her powers to try to split the mind of the sectoid commander, causing him to writhe in pain. After sending her mental attack at one of the commanders, Donna turned back to Vahlen and said, "My mind is mine and mine alone. I will never purposefully allow myself to be joined in the mind with anyone or anything, and anything that gets in my way will suffer the consequences."
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby MASigma » Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:05 am

Aisha put away the gun he didn't even end up using, keeping close to her newfound friend a they began hunting down a place to eat, looking relieved that Sin seemed to know just where to go so they could get food. Her smile... dropped the moment that last question was aimed her way, though she managed a small smile after a moment," W-well I um... I joined because they...", she paused, it clearly being hard... only to regain a smile, though there was a clear lack of joy in it," Because those monsters took away my family... they killed my father and did things to my mother that she'll never recover from... they took everything I loved and adored and just took it because they're horrible, lustful, selfish wasts of life I intend to utterly ruin and extinguish even if it kills me", She noted... only to frown, life returning to her eyes,"... So that's why"
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby cryosabre » Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:28 pm

"I...I'm so sorry Aisha, I sh-shouldn't have asked..." Sin said in a small voice as she did her best to hold back the tears welling up inside her, knowing full well the kind of psychological torture Aisha had gone through as her own reasons for joining Xcom were practically the same, Sin not being able to help wonder if perhaps that's why her and Aisha were getting on so well already. "I lost everything I loved to them as well...my mum, dad and my little brother, that's the reason I'm here, to avenge them one dead alien at a time. But hey, uhm, we can do alot of good together right? Well teach the bastards why they shouldn't fuck with Xcom, right Aisha?" Smiling at the girl in a bid to cheer her up a bit as she awkwardly pulled the other girl into a hug, "we'll fuck 'em all up, alright?" Sin said quietly, honestly intending to do just that to every alien she came across tomorrow.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby MASigma » Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:05 pm

"It's okay though, I mean I'm fine... just fine", Aisha offered with a better smile returning to her lips, only to stare as Sin was clearly trying to hide her tears, making the pinkette smile fondly... though hearing her new friend had lost her own family in a similar way made her smile sad... nodding lightly even as she hugged her friend back good and tightly," We'll slaughter them, torture them, make them regret even coming to this planet Sinny, I swear it", she giggled, rubbing her cheek against Sin's as she found herself quite happy to find someone who could both understand her and was willing to be her friend even in such rough times.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby exalted » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:45 pm

"Now?" Smalls sighed, remembering the ending to the old parable as she regained her feet, "Now we finish the game."

Brushing off the new girl, she gathered her things and headed of down the corridors, looking for the bar and an ice pack.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:18 pm

Nym smirks. "Well newbie, looks like you get to have that drink after all, I've yet to eat today." With that, she motioned her hand for Flurisha to follow, and walked behind Smalls, unless she made a wrong turn, then she'd speak up and point the right way to mess area. "One thing better in XCOM is the free grub and free guns." She says, running a fingerless gloved hand through her light honey blonde hair. Despite her own efforts, her breasts, that didn't shrink down with her, bounced a bit more then she was used to, reminding her of how vulnerable she is without her armor. With a sigh, she brings her arms up under the jiggly funbags, and crosses her arms under them to keep them steady.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby lilgrunt1 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:24 am

she follows them but cant help but notice nyms breasts bouncing but she doesn't show that shes looking and she walks with them and sitting right next to them
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:44 pm

Having arrived a little bit later to the meeting at the front gates Michelle hears the largest portion of the talk but doesn't get much chance to see anyone she knew from before Xcom went dark. Noticing the you are here sign not far from the entrance Micki laughs out load at the ironic humour of the signs resemblance to a mall map although the only thing missing was the department listings and the little arrow saying you are here.

Being a little pleased the place looked the same Micki picks up her bag and takes a little stroll through the place checking on the bunks but is slightly annoyed to find each section is labeled according to what squad your a part of so you sleep nearby your squad instead of some other place." Well I guess I'll have to just get drunk instead of sleeping. Not like I won't get plenty of sleep when I'm dead." Rolling her eyes Micki stops muttering and makes her way off to the bar.

Only when Micki walks into the bar she is pleasantly surprised to find atleast one squad member she had been looking for this whole time. Dropping her bag by the door Micki sprints across the room and almost tackles small when she gives her a hug with an excited smile on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks." God damn it smalls why didn't you call me or something! I thought I lost you out there." Giving her squad leader a kiss on the cheek Micki releases her and attempts to compose herself before saluting smalls." Michelle Clearwater reporting for duty ma'am."
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby exalted » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:51 am

Smalls sighed contently as she sipped her beer, alternating pressing ice and heat packs against her nose. Hearing a bag dropped at the door she felt a shiver run up her spine and realized something was wrong. Spinning slowly on her stool she was too slow and gagged on her brew as she felt someone latch onto her tightly, the bottle falling from her grasp as she tried to stay upright.

"You made me drop my beer," She said sternly, trying to ignore the public display of affection in front of Nym and new girl, "Well, sit down and a grab a drink, Donald, before you freak out the newbie."
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby Meep Meepersons » Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:15 am

Nym sits upon a stool to the left of Smalls, a bottle of Whiskey and a glass in front of her. As Micky glomps Smalls, Nym laughs heartly. "Freak out the Newbie...Haha, I though we already did that with me punching you in the face?" She inquires, a smirky expression played across he face. "Fun stuff!" She laughs a little again as she pours the bar glass to the brim and takes a casual sip. "Hey, you lot want to have a drinking contest?" She asks, waggling the large bottle of expensive whiskey.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby exalted » Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:49 am

Smalls rolled her eyes slightly at Nym's challenge, but knew she couldn't back down.

Deciding to do it properly, she reached behind the counter and pulled forth her own bottle, running her fingers around the familiar polar bear logo.

"They thought they'd be the kingdom by the sea, the jewel in Australia's crown," She said thoughtfully, cracking the seal, "They used to think that they'd made the drink that would turn the whole world upside down."

She briefly ran the bottle under her nose, inhaling the intoxicating elixir that wafted from the neck.

"For one sip, and the whole world would come, for one sip, of Bundaberg rum," She raised the bottle above her head, examining the amber goodness against the lights, "They distilled the sugar into pure molasses, they raised their glasses high above their heads. They took one sip."

She carefully took a sip from the bottle.

"They took one sip, and someone said," calmly she put down the bottle, "Holy Shit! this is liquid crack! What the fuck are you looking at? Come over here and I will beat you like a drunk! I'll introduce your face to my hand, come on lets settle this man to man, Bartender two more cans of Bundaberg rum!"

"'Cause it's canned hate, liquid venom, makes you mean as snake, makes you wanna punch women" She paused momentarily from belting out the song to glare at Nym, "It's purified sugar from a high pressure cooker, makes you skin start crawling 'till they peel you from the roof. It's caustic soda, mixed with cola. Makes your eyes go beedy, makes you go bipolar, makes you wanna wear flannel, watch sports channels..."

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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby Meep Meepersons » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:08 pm

Nym calmly watched Smalls's song and dance, and the only reaction from her was a brief eye twitch, and a swift slap across the face. It wasn't a painful slap, just light, and loud, and surprising. "Don't do that in front of me again, it's embarrassing to watch, and for me, that's saying something." She explains, implying she's done some pretty embarrassing things. "So, I drink this, you drink that, then we get a few more bottles, and the first one to spill a drink loses. You wanna do shot glasses, or normal sized glasses?" She asks, looking over to Flurisha. "Newbie! Get behind the bar and get us some glasses, you'll be the drink tender." She says with a confident grin, leaning one arm on the counter as she looks down at Smalls. "So, wanna place a wager on our little game?" She asks, a hint of deviousness sparkling in her grin.
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Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:24 pm

Raising an eyebrow Micki watches wbatnthe tall women is doing and saying before letting smalls go only for her to grab a strong bottle of rum. Rolling her eyes micki takes a step back saying." I'll pass on the drinking contest but I'll take care of smalls when she eventually blacks out. Your on your own for how to get to a bed when you black out big lady." Being well aware Jessica would be coming out to say hello micki shakes her head and parks her Ass on the stool beside her waiting for it to all be over.
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