Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby FaHo » Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:47 am

Looking good, Nuke, but try to keep the lines black and a bit thicker maybe. Just a tip, use PaintTool SAI, the program I use for my coloring, it's free and easy to work with ;)

Now, Bubba
I never actually said that these are yours or mine, these are pictures I just finish by redrawing and coloring..
Some changes are needed to be done, to stick to the character and evolution, like the bald bulbasaur and wartortle needs bigger boobs. Other slight changes happen, when I think they might look more attractive with or just by lazyness (copy-pasting the charizard head).
I'm really sorry for the charizard pic, here's the charmander family you wanted:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

charmander evolutionv2.png

Oh.. and the Jenny Vermillion scene (if you mean the scene where she sits on ash's face) is not mine/ was not colored by me
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby VintageBass » Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:56 pm

Seeing the Charmander family reminds me to get to work on my story. I got a very sweet little scene involving the little girl coming up and I need to get this Gym battle and this "filler" chapter out of the way (partly calling it that since I have no clue on what to do at this point)
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Nuke » Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:39 pm

Pu-Pu-Pu Puff it up!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

horny_full[1].png (87.16 KiB) Viewed 1633 times

Alright, I have a good system for outlining and coloring now, so I re-outlined Jolteon and am happy with the results.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

front_full color[2] redo.png
back_full color.png
horny_full[1].png (138.62 KiB) Viewed 1633 times
horny_full[2].png (140.8 KiB) Viewed 1633 times
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Nuke » Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:35 pm

Here's a design for
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I can see a few things to change, but what do you all think?
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Double the touch, double the fun

Postby humbird0 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:26 am

ValturNaa Wrote:I don't know of an *easy* way to do it but yes it can be done. While you're in database mode, another drop-down menu (database) will appear along the top. Open that and click "copy database xml." That will save a copy of the database's text roots to your clipboard. Then, in the main game folder, find database.xml, open it in any text editor, select all, paste over, save and close. It's a rather clunky system, probably because humbird was not intending the database to be changed by everyone who was mildly interested in the editor. But it does work.

edit: and it doesn't matter in the slightest which level you open in order to reach the database editor. The database applies to the entire game, no exceptions.

The database data is actually in XML format, and it's already stored in the game's folder as "database.xml", so it's generally possible to auto-indent the XML into a more readable form in a program like Sublime Text. (the indenting won't work prefectly since the XML I use isn't technically 100% valid)

If you want to copy the touch data from one pokemon to another:
Make sure the level editor is closed (or at least not viewing any database data)
Make a backup copy of "database.xml" Then open the original file.
Search for a pokemon's name
Look for both the start and end tags that use that pokemon's name, such as <charmander> and </charmander>
Then between those tags, look for the <touch> and </touch> tags.
Copy everything in between these two <touch> tags.
Then search for the pokemon you want to copy the touch data to, such as <charmeleon>, and look for that pokemon's <touch> tags.
Replace the contents between <touch> and </touch> with what you copied in the clipboard.
Save this modified file.
Open the level editor and edit the database.
Both pokemon should have the same set of touch-spots and effects.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Apparently, they live up to their name

Postby humbird0 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:35 am

FaHo Wrote:Oh.. and the Jenny Vermillion scene (if you mean the scene where she sits on ash's face) is not mine/ was not colored by me

I managed to track down the post according the the file's modify-date.
That particular version was created by Anonymouse.
Original Post
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Invasion of the Hypnotic Alien Babes from Mars... the sequel

Postby humbird0 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:16 am

Nuke Wrote:Here's a design for
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I can see a few things to change, but what do you all think?

Um, well... it's an interesting design.
I kind of like that circle pattern on her butt in the back view. Something about that amuses me.
I also like those cute "stocking" markings on her legs.
The face on the horny pose appears to have a sort of mask, which sort of reminds me of some of the aliens you see in old 1950's sci-fi movies.
(Wigglytuff being an alien is technically canon if you watch the Anime)
Actually, the first image also kind of has the personality of a 1950's sci-fi alien who hypnotizes and abducts people. That's actually a really neat idea now that I think about it.

As for the quality of the drawings, well... they could be better.
Anatomically speaking, it somehow seems strange to see the crotch located more than halfway down the body in the "front" picture (even though that's technically realistic)
Part of the strangeness might come from the overall proportions. The overall body is 5 head-height's tall. A realistic human's body is closer to 6 or 6½ head-heights. But then again, Sonic characters have proportions ranging anywhere between 2 to 4 head-heights, so that alone isn't necessarily a problem.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Maybe the actual problem is that the upper legs seem too short compared to the rest of the body.
The back view seems odd because the line at the center of the back is in the center of the image even though the body looks like it should be at an angle. Also the head would be leaning further forward due to how the neck is actually an extension of the spine curving along the upper back. And the arm on the right side should appear in front of the body instead of behind, again due to the angle of the body.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Re: Invasion of the Hypnotic Alien Babes from Mars... the se

Postby Nuke » Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:27 am

humbird0 Wrote:Um, well... it's an interesting design.
I kind of like that circle pattern on her butt in the back view. Something about that amuses me.
I also like those cute "stocking" markings on her legs.

As for the quality of the drawings, well... they could be better...
...The back view seems odd because the line at the center of the back is in the center of the image even though the body looks like it should be at an angle. Also the head would be leaning further forward due to how the neck is actually an extension of the spine curving along the upper back. And the arm on the right side should appear in front of the body instead of behind, again due to the angle of the body.

Thanks! I didn't expect word of god to come down for those. :shock:
I figured the player should have something interesting to look at for the back view, I'm glad your amused.
Wigglytuff has always seemed like a pretty confident go getter kind of Pokemon, so that's what ran with for her personality and design.

I noticed just how bad the front proportions looked after I uploaded it, so I did some editing to fix it; but I couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with the back until you said something, hope it's up to par now, if not then I'm just going to redraw that pose.
Thanks for all the helpful pointers. :D
As a reward here's "Invasion of the Hypnotic Alien Babes from Mars... the sequel 2.0" In Technicolor!
Regular Stiffs
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Front color.png
Back color.png
Horny color.png

In Sockies!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Front[2] color.png
Back[2] color.png
Horny[2] color.png

I like both these versions, so I'll leave it up to whomever cares to decide which is up for a shot at in game play.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Nuke » Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:41 am

Oh yea, and I looked around a bit for some info on Wigglytuff, she could be a pretty hilarious encounter. She's got super soft fur that people don't want to stop touching when they feel it, moves like frisk and charm, as well as her singing abilities. I also came across a hilarious fanmade Pokedex entry on her-
"When facing a tough enemy, instead of using powerful or effective attacks, Wigglytuff will go out of it's way to SING it's opponent to sleep and POUND it over and over."
food(kinda) for thought.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Theomen12 » Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:36 pm

Humbird101 i have asked this question before, but i am really really looking forward to an update to this game. this game has got to be my all time favourite game on this board. is there anyway a date could be contemplated so people like me know when we could look forward to a new update.

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Fly88xx » Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:55 am

Theomen12 Wrote:Humbird101 i have asked this question before, but i am really really looking forward to an update to this game. this game has got to be my all time favourite game on this board. is there anyway a date could be contemplated so people like me know when we could look forward to a new update.


You've asked this question before and you'll get the same answer as before: It is done when it's done. Giving out a date for an update would put everbody working on this game under pressure, they don't want to be pressured or pushed, so they don't set dates
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby flamecid » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:20 pm

i think the wigglytuff with "sockies" is much better also
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby VintageBass » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:34 pm

flamecid Wrote:i think the wigglytuff with "sockies" is much better also

Hmmm... that's a new one. I'll put it next to my socks/stockings fetish.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:45 pm

flamecid Wrote:i think the wigglytuff with "sockies" is much better also

I don't know, it looks kind of droopy to me.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:47 pm

Wow, a lot can happen in 2 weeks. Sorry for the dissapperance, I left on a trip but wan't able to tell anybody I would be gone from the site. It's hard to comment on everything, but I'll say that the starter trio are looking good! I'm sure they'll be amazing when they get shaded.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby bubba91 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:53 pm

Did my versions for Jenny's appearances in...

...Viridian: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkqy2dbmy2ocd ... y.jpg?dl=0

...and Pewter: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ru6ckxqkm9h6r ... f.jpg?dl=0
We work as hard as we can in the next update, but please, stop asking when it will come. And YES, the version on the first post is the newest version.
WANT TO HELP: Help us coloring.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby tantaluss » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:58 pm

Great job Bubba. You've done some really good work with those scenes.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Jim1991 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:36 pm

whwn did full game woll be relesed can you plz tell meee
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby VintageBass » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:40 pm

Jim1991 Wrote:whwn did full game woll be relesed can you plz tell meee

It'll be released...

Once it is done.

Don't ask me when that'll be or anyone else for that matter besides humbird. And even then we don't know when the next update is, but hen it's done, you and everyone else can enjoy it!
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Smx31 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:22 am

I found a bug.

-if I use the camera item instead of the option, it doesn't let me do anything.
(Music is fine, but just the GUI breaks.)
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