Powerless [Apr. 28/17], Pet

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Powerless [Apr. 28/17], Pet

Postby scolexxx » Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:30 am

April 28th, 2017

Here is Powerless v0.1! It is only a shell of what will later be included in the game, and I have not included any tutorials so it is up to you to learn what I have included for now!

Click to Play
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Powerless v0.1.swf [ 305.03 KiB | Viewed 7486 times ]

December 21st, 2015

I have decided to name my new project Powerless, and I am releasing a demo of the character creator for this game! Here it is:

October 16th, 2015
The Pet project has been retired. After taking a month away from working on it, going back made me realize that the game had major gameplay and aesthetic issues. Many of these issues cannot be fixed without an enormous amount of work, so it will be easier and more rewarding if I start anew.

Here is the scoop:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You play as an elf who is heir to a throne captured by a neighboring race of orcs. You must explore an open world home to several races and biomes, completing missions and obtaining items which will allow you to retake what is rightfully yours. The world is full of resources you can use to craft or forge items that can be sold at shops, as well as different weapons and outfits that give you advantages in either fighting or seducing the opponents you will encounter. Each decision you make affects your purity, which is how the gods assess your behavior. For example, begging for another load of sperm as you get knocked up with an unholy half-elf half-troll monster spawn will most likely anger the gods, especially since you haven't sacrificed your body to one of their forgiveness rituals in a while.

tldr: Runescape X Violated Heroine

I have heard your complaints about Pet and took them into account from the start of the project. For example, the breasts are still big, but they are not hilariously huge anymore. The game world will be explored in blocks, since performance is a top priority. The playability and fun of exploration and combat is also a top priority. This means that it will be a very long time before a playable demo will be released.

If you have any ideas for items, clothing, quests, or even core gameplay, please let me know, since my imagination is the size of a peanut and has difficulty coming up with these kinds of things.

I hope you're excited!

You can follow along with my progress at scolexxxgames.tumblr.com

Pet v0.9:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

September 12th - Map complete, save system added (save game by clicking button while sleeping in bed), 3 animal and 1 lesbian scene, plot finished, endings finished
This is a beta release, so I will fix any bugs I hear about or other last minute things people mention, then release the game around the internets soon after! After that I will be periodically updating with new scenes, dialogues and clothes.
I would especially like to know about any performance issues.

August 31 - Map almost complete, most of the story has been implemented, a few new scenes, inventory implemented, elasticity of parts during scenes re-coded for more realistic tit jiggling, facial expressions during conversations, death outcome, some other UI stuff as well.
new NPC interaction:
When approaching NPCs, some will start shooting as soon as you get within range. You can choose to point and shoot with space and LMB, or point and seduce with space and F. The higher your horny level, the further you can be to seduce. After seducing, the NPC will no longer shoot you and is available for conversations.

Yes, the game has massive performance issues at the moment. I am working on it.

July 12 - Fixed pregnancy bugs, changed controls, added flashlight. Player is now directed by the mouse, hold A to walk, S to sprint and D to interact. This makes for much smoother exploration.

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic small town in New England shortly after a genetically engineered species of sentient fungi escapes from a top secret laboratory. Havoc ensues when the fungi discovers the wombs of human women are the best place to reproduce and a containment zone is established. Inside the containment zone, anarchy reigns and few humans are left alive.

The player takes control of a beautiful, busty blonde who wakes up six weeks after the start of the crisis. She must help Alanna, a researcher, to find the fungus' weakness by collecting hard drives with information belonging to ReSLIn Corp, the mysterious company who created the species. Using Alanna's lab as a safe house, the player must gather information and supplies out in the dangerous containment zone, often using her 'gifts' when dealing with the vicious inhabitants.

This game is a work in progress. Most of the storyline is incomplete and many features have been excluded from this release because they are not yet polished enough. I will be continuing to add clothing, sex scenes, NPCs, dialogues and features, and I will post these updates on my Tumblr as I have been doing for the past few months:

I welcome all feedback and I would love to hear what you all think of the project.
jan-29-2016 1.gif
jan-29-2016 1.gif (1.02 MiB) Viewed 13034 times
Click to Play
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Powerless Character Creator Demo v.0.1.swf [ 257.03 KiB | Viewed 14502 times ]

Click to Play
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sept-12-2015 Pet beta v0.9.swf [ 1.16 MiB | Viewed 17356 times ]

Last edited by scolexxx on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:00 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby Myuu » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:46 am

A hell of a backstory to the adventure and an interesting choice of perspective! Did you do all of this yourself? :O !!

With the lack of core features, It's hard for me to really gauge certain aspects of the game. Would it be too much to ask for a still shot of the missing features, even if they are in development?
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby zagato427 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:53 pm

all honesty..... Im in love it even tho its like the very very very very early version i enjoy every bit of it already so huge Kudos from me :3
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby bstunt10190 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:02 pm

The game fades to black and stays that way. I have noticed it after having sex with the guys in the gym. While walking around the basketball gym, the game gradually fades to black, and if i press the p key, the menu comes up but when i quit the menu, the game is still black. Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby zagato427 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:17 pm

bstunt10190 Wrote:The game fades to black and stays that way. I have noticed it after having sex with the guys in the gym. While walking around the basketball gym, the game gradually fades to black, and if i press the p key, the menu comes up but when i quit the menu, the game is still black. Am I doing something wrong?

might be that it was slowly becoming night time?
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby Kyn » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:20 pm

Move mouse for sex scenes is a little counter intuitive, and the controls are a little confusing.
You move her like a tank, rather then W just be Up and etc.
A little buggy

Other these issues, you did a very good job!
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby Gizmo1206 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:51 pm

liking the game so far,but is there or will there be a flashlight because currently at night it is impossible to see and when in the clothing customization when clicking on the hair changing its color changes the color of her top
Also i agree with Kyn on the controls
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby scolexxx » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:47 pm

Myuu Wrote:A hell of a backstory to the adventure and an interesting choice of perspective! Did you do all of this yourself? :O !!

With the lack of core features, It's hard for me to really gauge certain aspects of the game. Would it be too much to ask for a still shot of the missing features, even if they are in development?

I built most of the workings of the game from piecing together other games I've been messing around with. For right now though, my main focus is improving the mechanics of the sex scenes.
First up on my to do list once that has been finished is to finish the weapons system. As of right now, the player can shoot but has nothing to shoot at. I want to have a choice of weapons, each giving a different advantage. I haven't worked out how I'm going to implement enemies, partially because AI could very quickly bog down Flash.
Driving has already been designed from another game I started to make, but the artwork and customization options for the player's car have not been started yet. Also, the driving engine works but has not been perfected and I don't want to include it until it's fun and complete.
An inventory system will also eventually be added to include food, water, medications, drugs and other effects.
I also wish to add sound to the sex scenes. I need someone to direct me to a place/person who can make me many moaning sounds so that they can be played back in random order to simulate somewhat realistic sex sounds LOL.

All updates will be previewed on my Tumblr unless they are intended to be a surprise :D

Gizmo1206 Wrote:liking the game so far,but is there or will there be a flashlight because currently at night it is impossible to see and when in the clothing customization when clicking on the hair changing its color changes the color of her top
Also i agree with Kyn on the controls

Thanks! I intended the night to be difficult and dangerous but I'm currently figuring out a way to make a flashlight with limited battery thanks to your suggestion! The hair color cannot be changed. The sliders are for changing the color of a hat, which has not yet been added.
The controls on the sex scenes are still a work in progress. The mouse control has been a recent addition, since I found using arrow keys did not feel as smooth as I would have liked. The elasticity of attached parts ie. tits are also not very smooth, so if anyone has any suggestions on a good way to do that, I'm all ears!

Thanks for all the words of encouragement everyone!
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby BlueVixen » Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:00 pm

I can't seem to get out of the first room...
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby loshi1505 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:42 pm

hmm.... well first things first the controls need to be fixed... as someone mentioned earlier having the movement of a tank is far from being human like in any way shape or form. >_> (priority number 1 for sure)

other than that I'd personally like to a least choose my characters bust size... >_> N sized breasts are a fairly large turn off for me personally. -_-

took me awhile to figure out how to interact with stuff considering as the game is currently you need to bump into stuff repetitively while mashing the "I" button in order to interact with anything.... >_>

sex scenes look good (controls for then need improving a tad like say diagonal movement) and maybe an auto mode for helping the player being hands free. :oops:

night and day changes are good (except for not being able to see shat during night. >_< def need a flash light or something) also when I finished reading the back story dialogue it started the game at night because of that.... -_-

other than those points I say your off to a darn good start. ;) and prego and birthing is a plus. :P

story is excellent, though I do suggest adding default character backgrounds to each profession to select from. ;)

hmm random idea but I'd think post apocalypse ppls don't particularly need a bed in order to sleep.... might I suggest assigning a button to do that and a bed being the preferential and most beneficial thing to sleep on? also might open up some ideas for night visits while sleeping outdoors or in the doorway. :lol:

also there seems to be a bug with the stomach deflating after birth.... like it shows your character as deflated again after birth when in the MRI like machine but overview doesn't change until a sex scene.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby musical74 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:42 am

It took me awhile to get used to the controls - one I did it wasn't so bad!

I think the biggest issue right now is being out at night... I can't see much of anything because it's so dark out!
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby saviliana » Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:52 am

Can we have a arrow of where we are heading/facing? I have hard times just to find out where I am facing towards.
Maybe opening phone page can be having a radius of light, like what pipboy does in fallout. But will drain battery, and willl have to recharge by items or upgrade when in later updates.
I don't know how to look myself, or what interact key does(or am I have the options on investage/interact with items), maybe it can be putting up a help massage page in phone page.
Dialog box of talking should be less transparency , can't really see the text.
In some case people avater had been place over the close button on scanner, should be under.
Last edited by saviliana on Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby RandomGuy2599 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:19 am

It's a jumbled mess, I think the flash is corrupt or something. I got past the intro and it's just a bunch of random shapes thrown together. Then it started to get dimmer and I couldn't see at all.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby saviliana » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:31 am

RandomGuy2599 Wrote:It's a jumbled mess, I think the flash is corrupt or something. I got past the intro and it's just a bunch of random shapes thrown together. Then it started to get dimmer and I couldn't see at all.

I assume you had never play any flash engined top down shooters on any web host?
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby RandomGuy2599 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:34 am

No, I've played plenty. I figured it out after awhile. It was just visually jarring and hard to see anything, controls were confusing. It's got potential for sure though, just need a flashlight, control re-design, and less confusing in-doors.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby Footman99999 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:10 am

Directions on where to find a scene or progress in the story would be nice.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby kvier » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:18 am

There's not much story yet. Scenes can be found most times you interact with another human (which look kinda like the protagonist, but without as much cleavage) or encounter a slime (which is a green circle).

I haven't managed to find any of the hard drives you're supposedly looking for, though.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby RandomGuy2599 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:39 pm

There's other people?

I walked around for like 30 minutes. I found slime, entered every building, never found otheers...
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby Spartacus » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:48 pm

here's my feedback :)

The good
* amazing backstory
* great attention to detail. The way your avatar in the world changes based on your choices in the wardrobe, awesome :o . I also like the detail that your hair gets messed up after sex :)
* nice and fluid sex animations
* nice art style on the world

the medium
* As mentioned before, I could do with a different movement control scheme. You get used to it after a while, but a first person control scheme applied to a third person view is unusual.
* the night is VERY dark. It use a bit more light. Even with brightness and contrast turned all the way up I can't make out anything, even outdoors. Indoors can be pitch black as that feels thematically right, but outside should be some light.
* I personally am not a fan of the super large boobs, but it is your game so go ahead.
* the minimalist art style does make it easy to miss items. You might want to consider some form of highlighting when near or something. I did not notice the guy in the gas station or the single guy in the flat until my fifth or so visit in search of hard drives :)
* I could also use a mute button on the music. It is very nice, dark and thematical but after an hour you want to hear something else :)

the bad
* nothing here

the bugs
* belly remains large after birth. Scanner and conversation avatar have flat midriff, but world avatar remains pregnant
* Sometimes the character gets locked after a human birth and can no longer move. I first assumed it had something to do with pushing the close button instead of waiting for the screen to go dark, but in my latest test run this alone was not enough to trigger it. I now think it has something to getting pregnant of fungus and humans at the same time. It happened three times now, always on human birth, always with multiple pregnancies.
* multiple pregnancies confuse the scanner :) It resets the scanner to the non pregnant model, but nothing new grows until you give birth. I assume this will be fixed once multiple pregnancies are disabled :)

All in all great work, I will be following this closely.
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Re: Pet - An Open World Game

Postby kvier » Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:45 pm

RandomGuy2599 Wrote:There's other people?
There's four people in the gym that's immediately southwest of your starting building:
people-in-gym.png (7.86 KiB) Viewed 19973 times

There's also a person hiding in the gas station:
person-in-gas-station.png (5.95 KiB) Viewed 19973 times

There may be more, but those are the ones I found.

Unrelatedly, wishlist things:
- if you'd get out of bed when you're fully rested ... or when you start taking damage from starvation/dehydration ... or at sunrise, if you become fully rested while it's still pitch black
- if there was enough artificial light in the starting room to be able to get navigate from the bed to the food reserves while it's pitch black
- Moonlight so that some nights are manageable and not simply pitch black
- some way to pause
- some change such that dialog text stayed legible even when the protagonist is wearing all white
- Maybe the option to customize appearance before game play starts? since you lose hydration/energy/sleep while fiddling in the clothes menu.
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