Name – Bellona Stromonov
Age – 23
Nationality – Russian
Appearance -
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Class – Support
Rank – 1
• Aim 4
• Will 2
• Toughness 0
• Strength (-1)
Medic - You're skilled in saving the lives of your fellow team members with emergency medical techniques and have a rudimentary knowledge of medicine. In addition to other items, you receive a Meld Medikit rather than a standard Medikit. Unlike a normal medikit, it has unlimited uses. The entire Meld Medikit can be expended to completely remove all negative conditions from one soldier. In addition, you receive a +5 on all rolls to identify alien poisons and toxins
Special Weapons - You're trained and classified in the many reverse engineered XCOM utility items. In addition to the choice of frag grenade, medikit, S.C.O.P.E., combat stims, or nano-fiber vest, you receive a second item slot that must be used for one of the following advanced items: ghost grenade (provides temporary cloaking for squad), flash bang (temporarily blinds enemy, needle grenade (does significantly more damage than frag grenade, but does not penetrate cover; must hit exposed enemies), or mind shield (provides a +4 to your Will against psychic attacks
Born in the urban streets of Russia, Bellona is used to harsh conditions, soul numbing cold, and Get rough with the boys. Being raised by her loving uncle after the death of her parents by street thugs Bellona grew up to be better than those around always remembering the words of her Uncle Peter “Do not fall to the temptation of evil young one, those who play with the devil’s toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword.”
Genetic Enhancements
Secondary Heart - You've had a second, super-powered, heart transplanted into your body, giving you an unparalleled cardiovascular system and endurance. You are immune to all toxins and poisons, and are immune to bleeding out
Pro/Con – She is furiously loyal to her comrades and will do anything to help or save them, even if it puts herself into a terrible position
Pro/Con – She has a very clear and unshakable sense of right and wrong and will stand by it
Pro/Con – While normally loyal to her commander she will never obey an order that will leave her fellow soldiers stranded, wounded, etc.
Con – She has a problem about keeping her mouth shut
Pro - She is pretty open and like to know the people in her squad personally
Assault Rifle