ValturNaa Wrote:I don't know of an *easy* way to do it but yes it can be done. While you're in database mode, another drop-down menu (database) will appear along the top. Open that and click "copy database xml." That will save a copy of the database's text roots to your clipboard. Then, in the main game folder, find database.xml, open it in any text editor, select all, paste over, save and close. It's a rather clunky system, probably because humbird was not intending the database to be changed by everyone who was mildly interested in the editor. But it does work.
edit: and it doesn't matter in the slightest which level you open in order to reach the database editor. The database applies to the entire game, no exceptions.
The database data is actually in XML format, and it's already stored in the game's folder as "database.xml", so it's generally possible to auto-indent the XML into a more readable form in a program like Sublime Text. (the indenting won't work prefectly since the XML I use isn't technically 100% valid)
If you want to copy the touch data from one pokemon to another:
Make sure the level editor is closed (or at least not viewing any database data)
Make a backup copy of "database.xml" Then open the original file.
Search for a pokemon's name
Look for both the start and end tags that use that pokemon's name, such as <charmander> and </charmander>
Then between those tags, look for the <touch> and </touch> tags.
Copy everything in between these two <touch> tags.
Then search for the pokemon you want to copy the touch data to, such as <charmeleon>, and look for that pokemon's <touch> tags.
Replace the contents between <touch> and </touch> with what you copied in the clipboard.
Save this modified file.
Open the level editor and edit the database.
Both pokemon should have the same set of touch-spots and effects.